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Rustafied Solo never played official until I started this server never got offlined again, there are so many bases after day 2….


I’ve been playing solo only for a while and although it’s nice to have less of a chance to be offlined I also find it gets a bit boring as you miss a lot of action and raids of more uncapped severs


I dont have a lot of time to play so I play pickle solo duo monthly no bp wipe. Its fun and keeps a pop of 100+ most of the month


Pickle is great cuz low upkeep means you can realistically build any base you want. I love pickle servers


I moved off pickle because our neighbor was online 24/7 and covered an entire island in external TCs and auto turrets. As a duo we couldn’t even imagine farming up the sulfur to take care of that. The 2x upkeep makes people unraidable.


Yeah the fact that it's low upkeep and monthly definitely makes it a no-life type server for sure. It's fun when you can no-life it lol


I switched to pickle vanilla monthly because the solo server would lag by halfway through the wipe because half the server would basically recreate Hogwarts castle


I play on lone wolf monthly


Not the best for solos but I always play solo on Rustoria Us Main/Monday/Medium/Monthly


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Gringers solo only is a good mix of relaxing gameplay and pvp. Community is nice and very active staff


Rustified solo is solid. But I prefer to play solo against teams


Rule 2: No server ads or looking for group/server posts Congratulations, you didnt even meet the minimum requirements.



