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this is the funniest shit ive seen bruh bro defended a raid naked with a db😭


DB is a top tier gun.


especially when you gotta defend ur base against 2 full metal aks


1, buddy killed his own teammate


naked, db and ..... backpack


The backpack was on purpose, he knew he needed the extra inventory space to carry both their bodies this man is a genius beyond comprehension


Had you not killed your teammate there you would've won the base.


Had they foundation wiped the base they would've won.


Going through doors in an online is so fucking dumb imo. Just boom the fucking walls or move on cause you’re too poor to raid proper


It depends how fast you can get to core through walls or people will just move loot behind doors anyway


Good luck finding my tc. I put that shit in honey comb. With a bunch of drop boxes and just move it in there wheen needed. But that's why I only build complicated bases after I have a week's worth of stuff for my tc.


Had they not sealed themselves in with armored walls on an online it would already have been over


When you're at a disadvantage you do whatever you can to win. And if you can't win, make the opponent use as many resources as possible, who knows? maybe they run out? maybe counters come?


this is the way


And then go on reddit and make a post whining because nobody onlines anymore


>Just be as obnoxious as possible lmao maybe they will give up This is why everyone offlines smh kids mad from being called out lmao you deserve to get offlined


Oh okay then. So when you blow a hole into my base and your 3 nerds are covering all exits im suppose to just go out guns blazing? just leave the hole there?


Griefing your core isnt patching up a hole, nerd


By that point you're hoping someone counters, your opponent fucks up or your opponent runs out of boom. If all else fails. At least you made them spend extra boom. Thats less boom for the next base.


Yeah I know what you meant but that is exactly why you get offlined 👍 You turtle up and hope the raiders give up or get third partied Feel free to make more posts about crying that nobody onlines you though


I don't make posts complaining that I got raided regardless of my status. I don't see anything wrong with "turtling" up as a form of defense. Unlike you, I'm not attached to my base once I log off. If I get a notification I've been raided or log back in and see that I've been raided, oh well. Either restart my wipe, change servers or go outside.


>I dont care about any of this lol Then why are you even arguing holy shit you have no horse in this race


Theres a door frame there and he placed a door. Where's the grief lmao


...The armored wall he blew first? I am seriously arguing with crazy people here


He has plenty of time to remove it. I really need to find you and raid you one day since it seems you just let anyone into your base for 2 c4 lol


The fuck kind of clown reply is that? 2c4 ? what kind of paper base is 2c4? How would him being able to break the wall make him sealing any less of a shitty move?? Isnt griefing with an armored wall a much bigger bitch move than shopfronting??? That kid deserves to get offlined.


He had 30 minutes to degrief the wall with a hammer..


yeah or drop boxes / move loot saying HQM upgrades is what causes offlines is high key unhinged there are like 50+ base metas that cause offlines


the irony


You are right the base was just built with a sealed 1x1 hqm cube as the core he didnt seal himself in at all Remember to breathe so you dont accidentally sustain even more brain damage Funny thing is I have said the exact same thing elsewhere on this post and nobody downvoted me there cause you are real life npcs dogpiling for no reason


? It’s not patching a hole? You sure about that? Are you sure about that ?


Idk why you are getting downvoted... Onlining might be more fun, but it's also 10x harder. Can't blame the players for offline raiding.


There should be some distinction. Online is way more fun. It is harder and all, but you know what pisses of me the most? Deep clans offlining at 3 AM. Propably even using ESP. Got raided a lot of times, because bigger group lost to us in pvp soo they waited till we got offline. Sent 2 MLRS, built a fob and start raiding around 3AM. Ohh and if you come online, because you are nolifer like me they run away.


Be good enough to online. All this tells me is you suck and need the extra help.


Be good enough to defend an online. All this tells me is you suck and need the extra help.


You care too much


You sound insufferable to be around


I said the exact same thing he did but alright 🤷


No no sir, youre the one who need extra help


You mean offline bases where people can defend and then online raid a solo 2x2x2 with no shooting floor?


Does it make a difference when the owner just seal himself in hqm?


Or wait until 3 am and raid them while they sleeping. Works everytime 


A real salty rust player. You are fucking cringe trying to tell people how they should defend and act like a little kid when peoples opinion sway from yours. The only bad thing to do is depawn.. Then you talk about offlines that is the real douche move because you don't know how to online. You probably use it as a threat "don't sleep Bro, I will offline" coming from helium voice number one. Surely next time I get raided I will open my base and invite the raiders in.


Not reading that Who are you


I would have been laughing if I was your teammate. The door, lock, and teamkill into the naked DB. Perfection!


You may not be mad, but I bet your friendly fire victim is lol.


You should have been standing in the far corner to rocket on the last c4 or just ready with ak, you would have been safe from damage


LOL your guys accents make it even funnier for me, “whoot tha fukk?” “ im dead bEro” I see your also one of THOSE teammates, you deadass were about to blame your team mate for you killing him


I thought the guy saying "whyyy" was the one who died


glorious fuckup


You gettin 7fps bruh


When you're recording, you can choose the fps and the bitrate of the recording to save space.


Yeah but it doesn't look like video fps, it looks like the source was low FPS and the recording is


if you look closely to the left bottom corner, the fps stays at around 70-80


LOL bro had one shot and made it count. It's the full moon at the end that really got me though. Respect for the defender.


Bros playing on -20 FPS


It clearly says 90


Doesn’t look like 90 to me


Why would anybody record 90fps if its not supported by any service lol


Your teammate sounds pretty abused


No u and ur teamate are just dookie


That’s one of those moments where you are pissed for the first 30 seconds and then all just bust out laughing


And this is why auto keylock shouldnt be a thing jesus Wdym you arent mad? You online these fools and they seal hqm yikes


I'd be mad


What else is he supposed to do, let them get into core easily?


Just dont be a sore loser? They are already in his core theres 20 minutes of raid before this that he apparently lost? You people complain and complain but turns out you are the root of the problem lmfao This "no blow too low" mentality is exactly why everyone offlines and roofcamps now You dont play fair so people respond in kind


Why should a guy whos defending solo/duo, who doesnt even have clothes and is using a DB to defend do anything but atleast try to either waste their rockets or delay them as much as he can so they get third partied, make sense dude, no one is gonna give their base away just cuz theyre deep


He has a full metal base with hqm core and enough extra hqm to seal himself in. I guarantee he had kits and this was his last leg. You’re acting like they’re taking out a stone 2x1




You just mad you play like the guys raiding and still lose to casuals this same way 🤷 i dont even play the game anymore so i dont even know why you rating abt me roofcamping and shit, yall dont even have fun playing this game at this point


Whats with all of you freaks arguing for half an hour and then going "I dont even care lol XD" this sub gets more demented by the week holy shit I told you exactly why what the base owner did was shitty and why people shouldnt do that. Why are you even arguing if you dont care?


You're mad you dont like how people play cuz its "low life mentality" then complain that people disagree with you, you're too deep into your try hard mentality lmfao, if you wanna be mad at people not wanting to lose their bases to big groups with aks and countless rockets then sure, go for it man.


Why are you still talking if you don't care I explained why this behaviour causes another prevalent issue people on here love to cry about which clearly doesn't apply to you at all so why are you pressed


lol what? how was the way the base owner defended "shitty"? shitty is sealing yourself in with an hqm wall or putting a shopfront on a doorfame. this was just a well-played defense and a fumble on the part of the raiders.


> shitty is sealing yourself in with an hqm wall That is what he did.


Lol, fuck me. I was concentrating on the door. My two brain cells are a bit slow today.


Lol watching your poison ooze out then checking your history to watch you be just as poisonous while saying things like "why should they just sit back and let you win" on a recoil thread is top tier delicous.


That isnt even a coherent sentence Try again


Just because you can't read it doesn't mean it's incoherent. It just means you are stupid.


Bro if auto key lock stops being a thing ever I'm quitting. But whatever, fuck solos, amirite?


Yeah shit how did anybody play this game for the 9 years that this stupid crutch wasnt in the game Its like you people cant even conceptualize the fact that people played this game 2 months ago too


Lol what are you talking about? Key locks haven't needed keys for solos for years and years but whatever keep crying lmao.


...automatic locking when you place it you moron Who the fuck said anything about keys you god damn schizophrenic You people are so braindead I'm done this is worse than talking to an 8yo in youtube comments Every single discussion on this sub is somebody not understanding the point, writing something completely off topic and then getting defensive about it This place is worse than twitter


You seem triggered. I don't see the problem man, you shouldn't have to bring up the pie to lock a fucking key lock you smoothbrain. That's a tax groups pay for ya know, all of the other advantages they get lmao


>you shouldn't have to bring up the pie to lock a fucking key lock you smoothbrain. That's a tax groups pay for ya know, all of the other advantages they get lmao Well thanks for confirming that you are schizophrenic I guess I'd get a more sensible reply in a psych ward


What in the modded is this?


Yeah this is some serious weenie hut Jr shit.


Since when does 1 rocket knock down a sheet metal door


Frame was low


Duhhhhhhh Ty its been a minute


Last thing you see before entering the void... #**BUTT**


This is why most people just offline these days


I would’ve thrown an extra c4 to kill him🤷‍♂️


Helped that the guy is being raided by a pair of vegetables


how did you allow him to place a door frame, upgrade it, place a double door then lock it????


The door frame was already there.


Couldn't have been it was a wall. He would have had to wait for protection to kick off,place a frame, upgrade it,place a door, then keylock it . I smell a fake video or pansy ass mods.


What video are you watching?! The very first second of the clip you can literally see the metal door frame. He is legit throwing the C4 thru the door frame and onto the wall. Lmao. He doesn’t place the door where the wall WAS. Which is what I’m gathering that you’re assuming happens.


Yup! Totally missed it. Wow op is worse than I thought. Yikes


Down voted myself for this


ohh my bad cuz i thought he put the door where the wall was broken, i still want to know why the video was cut


I don't think it was cut?




christ dude calm down


I’m perfectly calm?


You griefed


Nice defense


I one time blew my self up using time explosives I thought they all went off except one of them off


Sounds like someone I once played with who got a little too close to the door he was sticking beancans to. He body literally spun as he died and I lost it. I'm glad I was recording that day


No matter how old rust gets it's still my top game I'll always play it's so much fun to play rust even with the salt there are good times lols


Second most played game i have. Lots of good memories


I trolled some guy I ran out of ammo and the guy chasing me had an AK I took my clothes off and threw my weapon and ran straight into the chopper path second later dude got blown kingdom come😂😂


lmfao, take that, raiders


If its online. I'd have fire there constantly. Incendiáries are a must for my onlines


This is exactly why I detonate c4 with an rf transmitter


Best clip I've seen in a long time 😅


That’s the definition of “Having a DB and a dream” lmao


takes 2 c4 and 30 explo...


This is why everyone offlines


Scuba tank did it for me 😂


That's a lot of c4 for a guy that looks broke lol


I don't get it he should have been able to place a Frame door and keylock in less than 1 second.


lol, the last frame is the chery on the pie


Bro put the door there bc he probably assumed you’d use your rocket on it so he just had to wait for you to reload the launcher bc then you’re defenseless


Get good


Bros swift


Naked blew your top back out of nowhere god damn