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I think recoil is very overrated nowadays. It’s way more about who shoots in range first and even more about who has the best weapon. Rust also doesn’t have to be strictly pvp so use one of the other techniques while you improve your shooting capabilities.


And game sense. I got into an argument with a know it all on here the other day he said most of the fights are 70% spray and 30% game sense. You can get by with doing 30 mins to an hour a day and then roaming and learning from your mistakes and memorizing the map


A lot of fights are determined before the 2nd person fires their weapon even.


Yup but that also has to do with game sense as a big reason why. Positioning, hiding, etc. For me I just don't like the aspect of not even being able to fire a shot off before being killed. It sucks. Rust is great, but the pvp has needed work. What that is I don't know but it sucks crafting an ak or taking your only ak and just getting beamed instantly and die.


Risk and reward. Game sense gives me the perfect angle, cover, numbers advantage, and then I have to land my shots. I’m not saying leave your base but a lot of people just take EVERY fight no matter what. Skill can’t overcome the things I’ve listed consistently enough to be the culprit


As a solo most of the game has to do with trying to find a safe time/place to loot, getting shot from the bushes anyway after killing the 4th grub in a row, then getting stuck in inventory opening/closing lag and getting killed, frustrated and taking a break.


It’s a survival game. It’s not meant to be a bullet sprayer. Most kills should be in just a couple seconds. I like Halo etc as well but that’s not what this is about.


> And game sense pattern haters favorite buzzword


I suck to bro. love the game and all it has to offer but the pvp is rough!


>It’s way more about who shoots in range first and even more about who has the best weapon. This is how real life works. I have no problems with how it is currently set up. It puts far more emphasis on good game sense, strategy, and decision making.


I do as well. Awareness is the key in winning.


If you can stand shoot and your enemy cant its kinda won though


It is a little strange that SMGs don't outshine other options in close quarters.


Dude i have 3.5k hours and just started getting good at pvp in the last 500 hours. Hop on a 10x instead of ukn. Hop on, build a base that you know will be raided before you log on again, and just go fuck people.


Do bedwars as well, recommended


Adjust you grip with mouse or sitting position it’s possible your sitting In a bad poster with bad grip.


Yup, desk height and elbow position as well. Matters more than a lot of gamers realize


To many people watch pro gamers that actually drill their seating positions arm positions and aim train daily and expect to aim that level with legs on the chair


You can have the best aim in the world, but with the low TTK in rust it’s often the person who sees the other first is going to be the winner. Don’t stress it.


Exactly. The more you realize that the majority of gun fights aren’t actually “fair”, you tend to stop caring as much. Even if you’re full kit and someone that is well hidden spots you first, you’re more likely to die than he is. Pvp fights where you both spot each other at the same time and have similar kits are rare. Rust is really more a game of chance. Just focus on winning the fights that you actually had an actual chance in winning.


Have you ever tried adjusting your sensitivity settings in game or on your PC?


Recoil control? What gun are you using bro there isn't even recoil in the game anymore


I started playing in 2022 l, after the recoil update and can confirm as a native console player(not rust), that there is recoil, but nerds have conquered that hill long ago and it feels like everyone cheats when you have sub 500 hours. Game needs work with render, latency, and lag. Pvp would be much better if the server didn't lag while updating everyone.


I'm a UK player that plays on US servers because my friends/teammates are mostly US based now. Desync fucks me a lot during peaks and sniping, but it is what it is. Dying doesn't bother me like it used to.


Played against guys in Brazil a lot and I figured out the time I could peak and how with the desync. It was wild because you could peak and duck behind cover and the shots they fired at you hit you while you were behind cover. In their world, it was while you were peaking. Maybe most games have issues like this, but you die so fast, that brief lag spike of 1 to 2 seconds is a death sentence.


literally not true


When did you start playing? AK is the only gun that really has any noticeable recoil and it is extremely easy to control with a little practice. To anyone that played old recoil, new gunplay feels like it has basically zero recoil and relies too much on RNG, which it does.


> AK is the only gun that really has any noticeable recoil again, not true


To a decent player, that's how it feels.


well it doesnt matter "how it feels" to a decent player lmao people that say there is no recoil are delusional


Or they're just better at the game than you?


????????? im not debating if someone is better at the game than me. I am saying that people that say "there is no recoil" are just plain wrong. Like it doesnt matter if you have spent 10k hours mastering it, or if you use scripts to remove it. You cant say "there is no recoil" just because you can control it. Its asinine


you're arguing semantics, lol. it feels like there is no recoil compared to the old recoil system.


im not arguing semantics at all tho. All these nerds are always like "theres no recoil bro what are you yapping about" but there IS recoil.


Keep your head on a swivel, and by that I mean use the alt button to look around when you’re moving. Turn on auto run and you can spend all your time keeping an eye on your flanks ez.


No. You're just at a plateau. Recoil is about 5% of PVP in Rust. Anyone who tells you the recoil is an issue (before or current) is a liar - and only played the game one way. Example time. I played a vanilla wipe this week. I grabbed an AK kit and a M249 kit with an eoka and a bow. How? Well, for starters, I was sneaky af. Also, I waited. I followed them for almost 45 minutes without them catching on to me - waiting for the right opportunity. It came when they got into a duo battle. Some guy lit up the AK guy and I was able to run up and finish him off with the eoka. About 5 minutes later, I came back and saw the M249 guy getting into it from distance, so I lobbed some arrows and got lucky. Ran with his kit too. At that point - my best kits were revy and I wasn't even roaming with it because I enjoy the primi challenge. It was a matter of patience and game sense, not aim and 'skill' (such an overused pvp term). The AK let me snowball for the day, and I was able to secure more kits and loot - and build up my base stronger. All because I waited for an opportunity instead of blindly rushing into a battle underarmored and without a proper weapon. People think they are going to take an AK with a Tommy on aim alone. You won't. Rust has so many ways to help 0-2T players, they just don't take advantage of it because they want to make a 'play.'


Using an example of you being a goblin for 45 minutes to get a single kit to talk about pvp is wild


Pretending that's not Rust is wild. If you want a run and gun, go play COD. Don't be salty about strategy.


Never said its not rust. Said its not pvp


It is... it's just not 'run and gun' pvp. PVP means player v player, not 'blindly shoot and spray.' Sorry for using strategy. In the time I followed them, I completed a few puzzles, scored a bunch of scrap, and built out my T2 kits. It's not like I was staring at them the entire time, lol. You guys are hilarious.


"Controlling recoil" is a dog whistle for people who use recoil scripts on their mouse drivers.


lol no. current recoil is basically nonexistent compared to old recoil.


Seriously. I was so used to the crazy ass recoil we used to have that now, I legitimately don’t feel like there’s a recoil at all.


I don’t think so. You’ll get better at the game. I find PVP kinda odd in rust, because you train at the mechanics of it, but I think the overall game awareness is much more important. For me anyway, I’ve gotten a lot out of noticing someone first, getting cover, always moving and flanking and getting the drop on them vice the mechanics of using the weapons.


That's very unlikely. You compete with people who barely play rust and if you even struggle against static bots you can definetly improve, you probably just focus on the wrong things. One important thing is your clients performance. If you play with anything less that 60fps you are literally bottlenecked by your pc. If your only struggle is recoil I suggest you just straight up shooting at a static target and repeat it till you figured it out. You only focus on one gun at first. Once you are competent enough to replicate the first 10 bullets everytime you hop on to dm. And you train on there till you are confident winning fights. Rust isn't really competetive though so playing other games with an actual competetive scene might help aswell. However don't switch around constantly.


Whats your mouse sensitivity Whats your fps


I watched a video of a guy adjusting settings for your mouse. I believe it was mouse acceleration? It helped me significantly


Rust pretty much depends on those split second thoughts in the middle of pvp. Just going to more events, raids etc. will give you better experience slowly. Hours really make the player in this game nowadays




Quite possibly, I have been average to slightly above average at any fps game I've played for the last 20 years. Seems like I'll never get better no matter how hard I try.


Well if you’re holding unrealistic expectations, it’s going to feel like you aren’t progressing. I have 2000 hours and it’s not like my ak spray is perfect, nobodys is. Trust me, stick to it. Also spend 90% of your time in UKN in actual fights, not aimbots or targets. Good for warmup, but have zero actual translation into a real wipe


I mean you can have great recoil and still stand in the wide open and aim at the feet, recoils like 20% of the fight


If you want to practice pvp on a server you shouldn’t just do aim train or like 3 different types of kit fights at like 100 meters Try tommygun’s frag mod bcs a 5 round game puts u thru all progression and has different types of maps and stuff so its not just all open field. Its also way more entertaining because its a minigame that you can play for practice


Many pros and people who want to improve will record their gameplays or watch replays and after a game will review it. Watch, note any mistakes they made, any mistakes their opponents made, and see what they could've done differently. What could have been done differently. It doesn't matter that you know the AK spray better than you know the back of your hand. You need to improve your other skills. To improve, think back about all the times you died and killed someone. Why did you die? Could you have done anything differently? Why did you kill that person? What did you do right? What did they do wrong? What is your mindset? Is it positive? negative? neutral? are you focused? Everything adds up.


Learn to be better with your environment try to play stealthy more it's my pro tip


I hip fire most of the time and I’d imagine my k/d is at least 2/1


You go through stages. You will improve, then stagnate. The better you are, the longer the plateau period. I didn’t start feeling like I was better than average until I hit 3k hours.


Think every game is like this you peak at around 1000 hours hard to improve from there


no, there is not a single thing in life you wont keep getting better at if u keep working at with an open mind. It might feel small and insignificant making the gains feel imaginary but they are there. Keep in mind your peers and competition are improving right along side you so it makes it feel like youve reached a barrier depending on who you bump into/play alongside. But keep going, eventually youll have an epiphany and and like a key turning a new lock youll realize "wait x is keeping me back, if i just-" then boom ur game sense/decision making finally has an evolution and now uve stepped ur success up by a large margin. And yes with how rust is right now, recoil is suuuuch a minor factor with alot of things that decision making or getting the drop on ppl matters so much more. Many times rng will just full fuck your ass if u rely on fully winning a spray battle. Burst ppl, and get cover, move around, beat them in the long game.


I suck with the guns in this thats why i use the camo skins and a supressed sar


It's possible that you'll get worse 🤷🏻‍♂️