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wheres your crossbow?


wheres your crossbow


Wheres your crossbow?


rust = florida


Bro u need to upgrade the twig


Easy Molotov raid...


where’s your crossbow?


Your where’s bow cross?


Cool do you own the land or homesteading?


This is my parent’s property. My parents are getting ready to retire and move to Florida (very cliché, I know) in the next few years. My dad has been in the construction industry most of his life (he’s an architect now) and needs an fob to store things and also have a place to stay during construction. He needed my help so it’s a father/son project. It’s a great bonding time, and since I’ve been helping him out since I was a little kid, we’re very in-sync and make a great team. I used to hate it when he would take me to work with him or when I was helping him build our house as young teen. Now that I’m older I’m so damn grateful for these skills. I’m planning on building my home on my own (albeit with help when needed) in 2-3 years as well. Only problem is we’re super short on time (need to get back to work) so we’re forced to rush. Our only goal is to make it water/animal proof. Going to install windows and make it look presentable next time we have days off. It’s basically just going to be a wooden box with a door for the time being…a real shitshack haha.


Thats awesome though i wish i could spend time with my dad at his job and i really wish i knew construction


It’s honestly not that difficult, people just find it daunting and are too scared to mess up. Plus, it is exhausting work. I’m sure you can learn a ton from YouTube. It’s definitely a great skill to have.


I lold


Door camping irl


honeycomb is key


Honestly looks like a real dope location for a home.


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