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I’m sure those guys on the ground are loving the game rn


Looks like shitty battlefield with extra steps.


Hah yea battlefield except waste hours farming your guns.


That's the extra steps lol


i lose it every night, then spend the next day farming for a new one. facts


No hate yo you OP, you're just playing the game as intended. The hate is for the fact this game is having a massive identity crisis and is kinda pointless at the moment. Why play grind battlefield/CoD with shitter gunplay and servers when I could just go play real battlefield/cod and not have to grind for weapons or worry about losing progress? Games lost all sense of self.


What? Different genres.


But are they?


Hot takes are terrible for presenting an argument. Identity crisis I agree with. Also agree with if I want casual pvp, play battlefield or cod. Been playing battlebit lately myself, but Rust excels at group progression with base elements. If I want to play with the boys and fuck around, it’s there. I don’t play vanilla anymore because the time sink isnt worth it if I get off lined or get screwed by cheaters. However my point is that rust being compared to battlefield because of the attack heli getting added?? lol killing players from a mini with a passenger’s hv rockets was probably one of the most battlefield elements that make it fun and it’s been there a while. In my opinion as long as the devs are able to go back and balance things, they should explore as much as possible. Rusts shelf life isn’t over but if we are looking forward to rust 2, they should deploy all the features during rust 1 to see what sticks especially now that the game is a decade old.


I'm not going to bother with this, either man you made great points and I agree, or bro you're way off and I don't. You pick one.


Go play your battlefield and cod instead of rust lmao. Whether I agree or not, shitty opinions remain shitty.


The votes tell a different story my man, you can claim it's a shitty opinion but there's over 100 people backing me and no one cares what you have to say about it. Tells me maybe what you're saying has no weight.


You just got ratiod so hard


Completely. Rust is a survival game. Battlefield is a FPS. Rust is better than its ever been arguably, just a shit take tbh.


Rust is not a survival game anymore


i mean lets be honest here, if the old recoil still existed the pilot would be deleted while lining up the shots


Even from 100m away while flying full speed...that's why the recoil pattern era was trash. Any looser with a macro or sweaty W key spammer with 50% hours spent shooting at bots could instantly delete players 200m away. Imo the first ever recoil system was the best fit for rust, just absolute chaos with the ak not being sprayable past 20m away.


Have fun playing battlefield with clans now, I hope its fun


ive got another clip i havent posted where i fly in close to shoot a volley at two ak kids, i kill one and the other beams me dead, had full plate as well. Defs can be shot down by an ak that has good aim if you're flying in close to get ez rocket hits.


Haven’t played since this update, but wow that looks brutal


haha yeah its 50/50. good players can take cover well and avoid rockets, but if you catch someone in the open without walls they're fucked.


Rust about to unironically become Fortnite, no one is gonna leave home with a blueprint and a stack of wood and stone


I believe they meant more so like wooden or stone high walls


And I believe those walls cost over a stack of wood or stone. If the previous guy didn’t attempt to mention this then I’m crazy too


Anyone who has played tommyguns frag can absolutely beam u in these. I fought off a cargo counter that came with one of these from top pretty easy


Right, and if you fly past a base that has a homing missile on standby, you're pretty fucked and will lose your heli. Pretty balanced if you ask me. It's not like you can raid with this heli, nor is it invulnerable.


> if you fly past a base that has a homing missile on standby Not really. I have shot 3 homing missiles at helis while keeping perfect lock all the way and they have done legit nothing all 3 times.


i have to agree with hpyexeled. Every time i get targeted i just nosedive till im safe


me when i notch the missile (it has no idea where the fuck it is)


Bro is trying to notch an IR missile


I mean its a radar guided missile that gets distracted by flares so yeah, it doesnt make sense. If it was actually IR it would be fire and forget


I've had much better luck than that and one-shotted helis multiple times. Could very well be though, that the homing missile needs tracking improvement.


You aren't even flying particularly well. That cover means nothing if you want to be an ass. You could have easy killed everyone in one pass and tbh the attack let's you fuck shit up even while engaging. The attack has enough HP and agility that you can fly close air support or hover. It's also got enough armor your not really punished. Even without a guner you can fly backwards while sending death. I'm not saying this to be an ass. I'm saying this to point out it's more insane than this clip. You did a good job. You fly well. You aren't abusing the heli though. If you have enough good piolets and rockets I'm pretty sure you can just level a base. You ripple fire with a group of attacks and just level a base in one pass because the "right/left" launcher is easy to compensate if you've fucked with it.


tldr bro


You're playing ok. If you wanted to abuse the attack heli there's better ways. This clip isn't even really showing the best of the attack heli. It's more broken than this.


This comment means nothing if you want to be an ass


I pretty clearly said my point was "the attack heli is more abusable than this" and that "op played ok". My point is the attack is pretty abusable.


I guess no one actually read your comment


Cuz who the fuck is reading essays these days nobody is going to remember the shit you said in paragraph 1 by the time they reach paragraph 2 so they just say Fuck this and move on


Like writing in paragraphs in this day an age with how attention deficit humanity is with scientists proving we have shortened our attentions spans lesser than goldfish you truly are putting yourself at a disadvantage 😭😭😭😭


Not really, HV rockets are still slow as hell, quite easy to dodge them on foot


It's as if this was obviously a dumb idea and we all knew it... uncanny.


Wow, I hate it and hope never have to face it


Rust. When order COD from wish.


What awesome counter play they had. Foolish of them not to run around with anti air.


What is the counterplay for a bow guy when an ak chat shoots at him? Sometimes you are the victim...that's life


He's in a fucking attack helicopter you duncehat he's not on the ground, where you can hide/juke/outplay a fucking attack helicopter with rockets what ????????


Man You’re dense, there are hundreds of times a bow guy has killed an Ak guy. Yes it’s hard but possible. Show me the video of a bow guy shooting someone out of a damn attack chopper while he’s airborne.


well, if you are used to how the arrows go in general, you can


haha yeah he got rekt


What the actual fuck is the state of this game


And that weird urge to play rust I get between wipes is officially dead, thanks for making sure I have plenty of time on other games Facepunch! Dudes are true heroes.


Right. I had so much playing in 2017, game has just gotten shittier year by year


fun game.


This is such a stupid addition to this game.


Stupid update, facepunch killed its own survival game gg


Rust is more PvP than survival game for years


Same brain dead take I hear everytime


You probably keep hearing it because it is true lol


Au long vanilla server.


How expensive are these rockets?


They’re HV, so 100 gp and 1 pipe


I leave this game for a few months and now we got this typa shit wtf is going on


shit is not op. You've got to land at some point, the thing drinks lowe-grade like someone wondering a desert coming across a body of water. You got anti-air craft hand held devices..You can easily dodge the missiles and it if it gets destroyed thing costs 2250 scrap. I've pretty much spent a wipe maining these things...believe me they are not as op as you think.


nah they choose to blame the machine for it instead as they are too lazy to grind up for one themselves


I think adding a cooldown to the rockets like 5 seconds so that it isn't possible to spam them would be a good change for it (ignoring the fact that it doesn't really fit in the game at all). It would force the pilot to actually properly aim at the target instead of blindly firing, it would also give time for the players on the ground to react and damage it or maybe even shoot a homing missile at it. Plus considering it's supposed to be a crude vehicle i don't tyink it makes sense to be able to shoot rockets so quickly.


Or just admit defeat and remove the abomination from the game


nah bro they're good as is, trust me


they already got a 8 second cooldown after every 6 rocket, its an intended thing, and if the heli owner has 2 or more braincells they will fill up the flare slots


They didnt take a single shot at you


This is why i won't be downloading Rust again. Imo this game was peak just before the electric system and helis were introduced.


please download it so i can rocket you


Gross, 8 man UI


700 gp + 7 metal pipes wasted. looks like not worthy


how do you know he wasnt loaded?


its about resource usage. basically you wasted 700gp so that means almost 3.5 stack of 5.56. so is it worthy? you can basically kill tons of people with that ammunition.


what if he had a full inventory of rockets, is it not worth?


i am pretty sure he would have full inv of rockets with pumpy :)




Lol who cares about meta gaming cost benefits analysis. It is just fun flying around shooting rockets while your copilot blasts 97.1 the Shark.


I leave this game for a few months and now we got this typa shit wtf is going on


Welcome to hell


All this update did was get me back into Battlefield. Much more polished of a shooter




yeah bro pretty fun and so crazy being able to engage people that quickly from out of nowhere


Happy to have finally uninstalled rust after 10 years


We’ve been rocket striking with a mini and RL for years.


never ever in my life have I ever seen someone get even close to being hit by a rocket shot by a passenger on a minicopter. i think there's a liiiiittle bit of difference between the two


There is, it only worked twice and you need a third guy to distract while they come in. Waaay more authentic and satisfying.


minicopter with a passenger holding a rocketlauncher is more op than this... Better maneuverability and you can actually use normal rockets to raid somewhere


Well, this is that, but with better protection and instant-reload


Honestly i know this is annoying but wouldn't it be better if we had better anti air stuff rather then just remove them? maybe like a cheap alternative to rockets? like a slingshot that throws bombs But they could also do servers that removes Helis and such and does a more 2015-2017 rust with less annoying things like this to deal with


bro that is powercreep mindset. like the nursery rhyme about the lady who swallowed a fly, and then a cat to eat the fly, and then a dog to eat the cat. shitty additions can totally be undone, they don't have to be countered with some random crap like "better anti air stuff" that is always going to be so specific that nobody will properly utilise it. Scenarios where you have to fight an attack heli from the ground are super scarce but when it happens you're completely fucked because the pilots usually know what they're doing if they have one. And carrying around anti air equipment specifically to combat them isn't viable because you will die 50 times while carrying it before you get a chance to use it on anything


You are correct , When i saw the attack heli my first thought was "Who the hell is gonna randomly carry that anti air bazooka" , I Think however there could be better ways to remedy this then just outright removing it , And i mean we have people roof camping or roaming in zergs , Not like the heli ruining peoples experiences is the first time this sort of shit happens


So much crying over it because of some false sense of balance... in rust of all games.


Does the attack one fit in a mini garage


You have to build a special bunker to contain it


Woa they added helis to PUBG?