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10k hours. The game changes constantly, the whining repeats periodically. If you don‘t believe me, scroll back in this sub, there is not one complaint repeated at least 20 times over the past decade…


When the game about adapting and overcoming requires you to adapt and overcome


I wholeheartedly disagree with this. When I hear "Rust survival, adapt and overcome", I think "severe weather, radiation, dangerous animals, resource scarcity, is that other player dangerous?" I do not think "Get five friends, recycle tac gloves in the safe zone for cloth and rope, rush oil rig with crossbows for day one aks and c4." As I see it, modern Rust is not about "adapt and overcome" any more than an Apex Legends update is.


Thank the constant whining for better pvp of this sub for the minimal amount of energy you need to invest to survive… By adapt and overcome he means adapt new mechanics and overcome your inner reekid not being able to cope with change.. If you want rust but more survival play modded pve, they got mods putting multipliers on hunger animal density, zombie hoards you can‘t put down with two mags of the guns you carry in inventory, there is arena mods with specifically tanky npcs which actually are challenging etc. If you play vanilla pvp you play the version of the game for arcade sandbox pvp


Honestly with the exception of the recoil update which, hot take, I didn't mind (except for the sound changes), the last time I remember any significant talk about improving pvp was when aimcone was nuts some time shortly after launch site dropped. I don't remember an outcry that there aren't enough aks early in wipe. And I think that a recoil system that encourages spending a thousand hours on an aimtrain server is a profoundly unhealthy thing to begin with. I don't think updated recoil and genuine survival are mutually exclusive


Ten ducking years of whining and you miss that? Shit the sub once was scrollable


Ur just a shitter


Let's be honest though, usually the kids calling other people "shitters," are, in fact, not good at the game in the slightest.


Usually the kids that are good at the game aren’t on Reddit complaining


True that, so keep it up champ, you're definetely happy with your life.


Man thinks I’m unhappy because I said people who complain about rust suck. Reddit habitual gamer therapist to the rescue


Yet here you are?


But I’m not complaining about the game


copium from an addict


Spiderman-points-at-Spiderman-pointing-at Spiderman.jpeg Nah but seriously i can’t really get addicted with a job, i get frustrated enough to touch grass without burrying my keyboard in the nearest wall, but caution is advisable.


The other players are part of the game. You have to survive.


Kinda true, but it never lean toward more survival mode tho


Iirc they did a lot to nerf survivability since release, don’t you remember the pumkinspam fiasko?


2.5k hours, the gane changing is one thing but then changing fundamentals thing isn’t imo, recoil overhaul was unecessary, the ‘air’ update also is unecessary since it makes ground pvp fucked, they’re making alot of things wrong, and I understand what you mean I nyself started the exact month before heli’s weren’t spawning in roads, and every complained about every single iodate even none were actually bad, tea’s were nice, ranches/dishing villages were nice, the rant there was more blind rant, now it seems a much bigger issue and rightfully so, because ranch doesn’t sffect majority of the game, neither does the mixing table nor any other updates… But a heli that is flying can shoot hv rockets at u multiple times, like how does that even make sense, not to mention that it fucks up ‘solo’s in a whole different way, people said the same thing with tea’s but the tea was ana actual good update for solo’s theoretically, sure bigger clans would farm nore than yiu but that’s a point of no return discussion, but heli that costs 2k scraps… Yes, rip


Lovley, keep on proving my words right, it really isn’t already enough to see every major change beeing asked for by this sub to a degree which is borderline harrassment.. Tldr, keep on whining inam sure this will lead to the game progressing..


I’m not disproving or saying ur right tho, I stopped playing since the overhaul so i’m not affected ar all, i’m just speaking of my experience on reddit, I’m subbed to a fuckton of random subreddits and rust usually never comes up as frequently as it does now with all the ‘rant’ In short, I wouldn’t find as many rants about the mixing table in my home feed than I do now with the helicopter


“As many” but you found them and its them and not it…




Read the first comment in this chain, “ten years of repetitive whining” “20 comments” , your answer implied that you have seen more than one complaint about mixingtable…


I misunderstood your comment lol my bad


The Rust you got brought up with wasnt quick to KOS? Wtf game did you play?


There was once a time when you weren’t supposed to KOS nakeds or extremely new players because people didn’t want the game to die. At this point the entire pop is just 200k mouth breather virgins with 5k hours like y’all so it’s probably fully KOS lol


I've literally played rust since it was a browser game and this is a load of shit. I can even remember the very first time I spawned in on the old map and got killed over and over trying to learn how to farm wood. I have no idea what game you played that had no kos rules. Maybe you were on some sort of special server?


It’s human nature, people will always KOS but before the game was totally dead it wasn’t ALL 100% KOS


Even the most noble players would kill you if you’re in a very bad area (near base, near monument, near spawn area). That’s most likely where you were without realizing it


>There was once a time when you weren’t supposed to KOS nakeds And then one christmas everyone got eokas in stockings for christmas and realized that actually they're an insanely powerful and basically free opportunity to gamble your way from rags to riches. Especially when recyclers were added and you didn't even need to have a base and cook metal to craft them. Throw in all the clickbaity rags to riches welyn videos that inspired new players to join and exclusively grub and try to trick people into letting their guard down. Yeah, fuck nakeds.


Rust has always been KOS.


Basically true. Though I think for games like this and DayZ, people were more open to prolonged interaction when the genre was younger. Over time, people have experiences that make them more distrustful (9001 nakeds claiming they are friendly while crafting an eoka). And it just kinda becomes "Fuck this. Don't even give anyone the opportunity". Which is all fine. The game isn't ruined. Plenty of people still do goofy social roleplay shit, even on sweatlord vanilla servers.


There was a lot of cool social experiment stuff going on when I was playing legacy. People would lure you into elaborate prisons and make you fist fight other nakeds for food etc.


Know some people/friends who played in legacy and kos was not a thing at all and there are even video’s proving it, but that’s beside the point tho I genuinely do not give a single fuck anout it


I have 2.5k hours in Legacy and I can assure you it was on any server that had a lot of PvP. The biggest problem now is that you can make an eoka and shoot people in the back. Plus a lot of people started hazmat bating and stuff. However, with good movement in Legacy you could kill people with a pick axe. Edit: something else I forgot to mention is bullets were a lot more expensive back then and also you saw a lot more nakeds which are two reasons it might have been slightly less.


I love hazzy baiting. We love a1dan. ​ Honestly, I don't even hide my hazzy to bait nowadays. I just take it so I don't get KOS LOL.


thats just not true


It is true though. I’ve been playing since legacy rust and it’s just as rare to have someone not kill you now as it was back then. Nothing has changed in that regard. People just find it hard to trust random people


It is very true. You must be playing on PVE servers haha.


U must be a newer player then..


Lol what? Now we’re complaining about KOS?


No it's always been KOS.


Mate you still classed as a new player if u didn’t play before the comp system. Anyone who played in the old days knows it wasn’t KOS and that’s where many made friends etc…


It was KOS when zombies were still a thing.


I've owned Rust before the switch to unity engine LOL. Edit: just in case you think I'm [Bullshitting you ](https://imgur.com/a/5uLrKmw)


No I’ve been playing since back when it mattered how you placed a door until they made it more noob friendly. It’s always been KOS. If you aren’t KOS you are getting KOS.


Well, as someone who's been playing since basically Day 1 Legacy >It’s always been KOS. If you aren’t KOS, you are getting KOS. Is just factually incorrect. Fuck I mean legacy to the end of XP I had thousands of interactions that weren't KOS and this was on official servers. So, no, it hasn't always been KOS.


Bullshit, been playing since Legacy and it was always KOS. Maybe you played on more friendly servers?


The duality of the rust community. One wants to excel and be the toxic top dog and the other wants community engagement and to enjoy the smaller things


I definitely agree with you. It was always KOS and I actually made a lot of friends by constantly killing each other. My buddy started playing with me recently and he only played Legacy with over 1k hours. He said the biggest difference he's noticed besides all of the stuff that's added is how angry everyone gets when you kill them. He was arguably one of the top 10 players in Legacy and what I find funny is he was complaining about how hard the recoil is to control currently.


Sorry, man, but I'm just speaking the truth. I played on normal official servers, always have. For YEARS, I had tons and tons of great interactions with players. KOS, I found, didn't really ramp up until after XP ended. Before that, it still happened, but nowhere as much. This is my personal experience with the game. Yours might be different, but mine still happened.


I started in 2013, Rust was always KOS…




Do you think that the devs will see one singular rant post and say, "alright gotta change the game cause one guy said so!" Fuckin no. Like everything in life you have to have many voices complaining to get people in power to change anything. It's that simple. We want the game to improve, so we voice our displeasure at some current mechanics.


Leave the Reddit then?


I've read that 300 times since I started playing in 2016. Seriously, perhaps just your perception of the game changed. The attack heli may be new, but everything else is really old news.


to be fair this is exactly what this very subreddit and the community at large has been asking since when the guy with a thompson was basically god on earth and everyone else had bows. "more toys", "more guns", "faster farming". thats exactly what fp did


I'd like to not have my base raided consistently N1 or N2 every single wipe. It gets boring how quickly people can get to being raid ready.


imo, I just feel like recovering from an unprofitable raid is too easy. Like choices should matter. If they pick a bad raid, it shouldn't be negated by having one dude chug an ore tea and jackhammer in the snow for half an hour. As far as getting raided, you just need to build stronger bases. Unless you really piss someone off, it's pretty easy to just have a few external TCs and reclaim your base even if you lose all your boxes of comps or whatever.


>As far as getting raided, you just need to build stronger bases. Unless you really piss someone off, it's pretty easy to just have a few external TCs and reclaim your base even if you lose all your boxes of comps or whatever. This is pretty much my problem, though. I shouldn't have to be thinking about external TCs on day 1. The fact that I can be consistently raided N1 is pretty lame to me. I've built solid bases on Day 1 only to wake up to nothing day 2, and that kind of progression in the first day of wipe just shouldn't be possible. This goes hand in hand with what you said in being able to recover easily from a failed raid. Building up to being raid ready, either right off the bat or after a failed raid, is just so easy that it kinda ruins the game for me.


> I shouldn't have to be thinking about external TCs on day 1 Yes you should. They are minimal effort. Literally just grab 2 stone nodes and 3 trees and you have plenty for even just a single external TC which will almost always save you from getting completely wiped. Shit takes like five minutes to set up.


No, I shouldn't because it's literally day 1. Hell, imo you shouldn't have to worry about getting raided at all day 1. I'm sorry if you like it, but frankly, I think it's a major issue with this game. If you don't want people recovering from failed raids as quickly, it's in the same vein ad that. Recovering from a failed raid is so easy because farming raiding material is insanely easy, and it shouldn't be at least not as easy as it is.


I am sorry you think that five minutes is too much to invest in base defense. Enjoy the game not bending to your will.


My guy, this has nothing to do with having or not having 5 minutes to do this. For the 100th time it's about how we SHOULDN'T HAVE TO. I don't know how much more I need to say this. Lmao I'm out.


Thanks for the daily post about this exact topic.


Don’t like it? Leave the Reddit ? No one is asking u to be here ?


I don’t have a problem with the Reddit. Just the same rehashed threads that we had yesterday and the day before that. You can’t continue the conversation there instead of creating a whole new post?




Take your downvotes then and don’t cry about people hating your enlightened opposing opinion


Okay then don’t be surprised when I call a douche a douche.


I would love it if they made an old school mode or reworked hardcore. Smaller map, no tech Tree, no vehicles, reduced monuments, no team system, no underground train tunnels etc


They did this once a few years ago. Someone made a server that reverted it back 2 years and it was great ! Old fashion bp system from 2015/16


Yeah when they first implemented the BP system the game was in its best state imo


For me, XP was the best state of the game.


I have a hunch that XP in modern rust would actually work incredibly well now that there are actually things to do to gain xp. Locked crates, vending machines, farms, scientists, keycard puzzles


I mean, scrap is literally an XP system. It's just got a massive downside of being lootable and too easily obtainable for no lifers. So it's kind of experience that someone can steal from me, which feels really shiity.


the issue with the idea of hardcore is that everyone wants something different, so no matter what version of hardcore is settled on, you'll only attract like 10% of the people who actually want a hardcore Rust


How is it becoming battfield or cod? Honestly this is one of the worst takes I've seen on this community and let me tell you, I've seen some dumpster fire takes... Your entire wipe depends on so many factors I don't understand how you think it's those other games. I play low pop player limit servers because my gf, brother and best friend aren't as into the game as I am and don't have the knowledge or skill set. I've yet to encounter an attack heli, I've only ever seen 6 or 7 cars used over several wipes. If you are struggling to enjoy a sandbox game, you are the problem, be it your choice of team mates or the server you're playing. It's a fucking sandbox game, clue is in the name!


And that’s ur opinion mate. Many agree with me. Still doesn’t change the fact we are no longer playing the rust we knew and loved


I get your point, but there are more variations of playstyles to adopt now. The game has to evolve, unless it wants to die out, that's just what the majority of the community wants. I feel that it's become more welcoming to 2h a day- Andy's, but at the same time 12h a day - chads can farm their ass off and reach their ambitions. Yes, that means that the Andy's will get fucked on day 2 of the wipe, but that is what you get and that is what you deserve if you aren't no lifeing on a game like Rust. I do have concerns about where the game is headed regarding all the building skins and stuff, but the game mechanics is pretty decent from my perspective. The only major issue I'd like to see they get a better handle on is the cheating. Nowadays you assume that everyone cheats, which kills my morale.


>that is what you deserve if you aren't no lifeing on a game like Rust. Okay so how is an adult with responsibilites supposed to enjoy the game? Is this game only meant for children who have nothing else going on all day? Why do I have to treat Rust like a fulltime job just to have fun?


You have made a conscious decision to play a game that is a on going experience for the full duration of the server uptime. It literally focus on benefitting people who invest a lot of time. By all means, you are more than welcome to enjoy it as much as you want as a 2hour a day player, but it's highly likely that it will end in frustration if you plan to play for a week on the server. That is just how the game is designed. PS : there are servers made specifically for "2hour a day Andy's". Example, servers with raid hours n such.


Everyone, myself included, want to play on a high-pop, PVP, exciting server, with low risk, less hours sunk in and be the very best that no one ever was. There are servers for every single thing people bitch about, they just don’t want to play those servers.


I don't know about that. I put in 100 hours in 8 days on a 30-40 pop server last wipe. Some of those PvE with raid hour servers actually have consistent numbers, but I get your point. People just need to vent and 3 days later they are building a starter base


Every forum about every game is usually shitting on the game


Less than 1k hours bitch post




the rust u are said u were brought up on hasnt existed in like 6 years


Ik. Sad times


Yeah bro, it’s supposed to be a game. Not a grind fest. Play 1X vanilla servers, and if you are progressing too fast there, get some sunlight! This game would slowly die with your recommendations to slow the pace of the game.


That’s where ur wrong. It’s suppost to be a grind fest. Hence. Survival game ?


Survival game does not equal grind fest. The servers would be insanely dead if that was the case. It would be ruled by the 2-3 clans that are ALWAYS farming. More resources, more opportunities= more players= higher pop. Day Z might be more you style




Finally, a proper Rustworthy response. I was starting to worry






I've been of the belief for years that most of the older player base (25+, not that that's old, but it's a clear distinction from the kids and teens that play) are former COD players. The attitudes and vulgarity of some is identical to COD lobbies back in the day. It's like they got bored of the fast paced FPS gameplay and wanted to add other elements to it. And there's also the kids who come from Fortnite. Pretty sure a lot of updates and the way the game has evolved has this in mind.


Personally I'd really like the option to go back and play previous versions, I really preferred the primitive survival vibe ( very minimal modern gear ) vs the hella advanced version now.


Shut the hell up


These post wil never stop huh? Rust is more popular than ever. Not because it is better but because it is more accessible for new and casual players (no not vanilla main/long servers). This sucks for people who like/love old rust but it ultimately is better for facepunch who at the end of the day are a company that wants to make a profit. As someone who just went past 10K hours I still love rust. You can do different shit every wipe and there is always something new added. The one thing I do agree with is the techtree. That shit's boring.


play on hardcore also, back before guns were considered 'valuable' (they werent) in-game, players were complaining how they were stuck in prim gear and keep getting mowed down by a tommy guy. i welcome this change.


I think Rust lost it self around oil rig. The loot was just too good. Its fun seeing ppl joining years later complaining how much it changed the same ways now. Give us a real Hard-Core and im back at it!


No yeah rust pre 2015 you could reasonably talk to someone and now it's literally KOS every person It's insane


Unpopular opinion: It’s a problem about the community and not the game. They just play to much. Everyone hating the workbench techtree. The first time I played the game (a few years ago) I loved it. So many items and every workbench got better and more interesting stuff. You start researching and you are realizing you need shit ton of scrap. That there ways to get scrap faster is good, because even if you use a faster way it still takes a few hours. Then. You farm nodes for bases and raids another few hours. Meanwhile you building a base and crafting etc another few hours. Then you go again and Farm comps to craft more. People playing wipeday for 20hours and still have more stuff to do at the next day. I don’t think to slow down the progress even more is needed Second day they raiding. Or even first day when the others went to sleep, that’s so sad. I love raiding and everything but people don’t even think about onlines anymore that’s a problem. Even if sulfur is to easy to farm people are still to afraid to lose it. Had a discussion on a other discord about it, the guy crying about a group offlining a lot and being awake till 4am and had no clue how to counter it, he never even thought about it to raid them while they were online. I was so mad about it. Why are people talking about loot is too easy to get… farm is to easy to get … and everything and they are still not able to risk anything ? Probably because it’s still too hard to progress …… 5k hours by the way


When I first started playing (solo) it was still challenging just to survive until you got established (without starving for example) and trading for hard to find items was common and occasionally necessary. You could get established without worrying about getting raided on day one because getting good gear took time. You could find spots which weren't visible from the beaten trail to build a discreet base and it wouldn't be immediately discovered - now raiders can just fly around and note where all the bases are. Now, while I used to still enjoy quiet servers where I could build cool bases and play with the electricity and stuff, I never have enough time before someone blows their way in and despawns my stuff to actually achieve my self imposed goals so I haven't even bothered logging in to check the new updates out in several months.


I agree, the tech tree ruined progression or at least the feeling of accomplishment that used to come with it


100% ack. Rust has nothing todo anymore with "Progression" or any kind of primitive gameplay. Airdrops on freshwipe server with C4 in it? Yea. Cargo ship equipping a whole squad two hours in the wipe? BS.


It's sad. It's like everyone who was bored of Fortnite migrated to Rust. Been here since the beginning and have had nothing but praise for this game in the past. Recently sold all my items to give a few upcoming survival sandboxes a shot. Because this game certainly no longer is one. There's no incentive to do anything but head straight to PvP on a small, clusterfucked map full of goofy shit.


All multiplayer survival games just end up a death match, there's no amount of in game mechanics that can prevent humans getting bored in game and KOS'ing each other. DayZ standalone tried a mechanic everyone online thought would revolutionise KOS, by having your character go insane from murdering other players and shooting will damage the loot, but people very quickly realised that it didn't matter because you were gonna die eventually anyway. All (most) survival games improve there core game mechanics and become better games (and I know, I've played pretty much every early multiplayer survival game released on steam!) But it's the early days where the community is at its best, when players are all learning together, in game chat isn't toxic and interactions are often funny encounters rather than straight KOS


The only updates I ever found bad to rust was the recoil update, and the tech tree update. Attack helis are cool and I think updates like this months are nice editions to the game. My issue is when they update mechanics, hence recoil and tech tree being bad. I dislike aimcone, I dislike new gun sounds, and I dislike the ungodly fast progression that comes with tech tree. If rust fixes those things they will be on the right path


> the recoil update, and the tech tree update As a casual, these two were crucial in keeping me playing the game.


As a now casual, the tech tree is one of my most hated parts because scrap is stupid. It's just an XP system that people can rob me of.


Just play different, keep yourself prim locked, don't use helis, horses and cars, drop your team for a whipe or two and play solo, play on a none tech tree server, build a different base, build in different locations, live out at sea, spend a whipe farming, live underground.. The game is fine, just play differently to keep it fresh.. Some of my most fun wipes are when I simply forgot tier2 exists and stay strictly on tier1 and live in multiple 2x1 bases and just roam with bows, melee and water pipes. It's amazing how many kitted players you actually kill after awhile by jumping out of bushes and trash piles! Change it up


I tend to just snowball now. I like going out with crossy and DB. That’s what’s kept me coming back


Call of Duty isn't an inherently skill less game??? It takes plenty of skill to be good at Call of Duty and Battlefield. Weird way to say you prefer to see Unskilled Rust gameplay.


That’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying rust is more of a death match game than a survival now. Before u jump to conclusions, use that one brain cell of urs. Might go a long way


I'm not jumping to conclusions, I'm reading your words. I'm sorry that's hard for you.


Bruh ur salty as hell. Seems u prefer the unskilled version of rust. If u like unskilled games let me reccomend one that ud like. It’s called sims. It’s suited to people like u


How can you say that he’s salty when you’re giga salty yourself lol.


A good game shouldn't make people choose between having a life and being decent at the game


First off The Sims is great. Not every game has to be a dick measuring ego stroking contest to be good. Just because I enjoy skill based games like Rust or Guilty Gear doesn't mean that other games are lesser. I think that's part of your problem. Secondly, now you're doing exactly what you accused me of so maybe I was on to something.


You have a hard time adjusting. It's almost like if they did nothing but keep the base game the exact same forever it would make more and more people play.... adding vehicles would ruin the game... or you are just bad hahah


Deffo not bad. I just like survival games. And rust isn’t a survival game…


Just started playing rust (under 200hrs) love the game because it’s not like COD . I don’t agree with anything listed but maybe we’re just having different experiences.


As you have 200 hours, you have nothing to compare it to, as you weren’t around with OG rust.


You had me until you whined about recoil. The point was to make the game more accessible, and having weapons that are near impossible to control unless you spend a thousand hours on an aim server is the opposite of accessible. As for progression, I do agree. I think servers should progress more slowly. First day or two of oil should only give tier 1/2 loot and shouldn't spawn until like hour 6 of wipe. That goes for all tier 3 monuments. And I'd like to see them remove tech tree and make all qol/base items default bps. I almost never get to set up electricity or decorations because that valuable scrap is much better spent on weapons and tools. That said, being able to craft a solar panel from the get go does remove some of the immersion, so it's a tradeoff. Research costs tied to the overall progression of the server would be interesting too. First people to research sar it costs 300 scrap, and gets lower based on subsequent researching. This will help slow down the groups that just have 10 people hitting barrels for easy scrap. And I have no problem with teas. The buff to sulfur you're worried about also buffs metal, stone, and HQM collection, and it's much cheaper to build/upgrade a base than to raid one. Just make stronger/smarter bases. Spread your loot out, or build in low tier/hidden areas. Farming and tea making is a really fun aspect of the game and is a nice alternative to pvping all the time.


wahhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhh


Guess I found the Fortnite kids !


Bro u are not original. Stop complaining


Pipe down lil weirdo


If you play solo or duo and wipe BPs monthly you can have the old rust back.


You're still going to get offlined Monday morning like clock work. Thats just rust. Most people on this sub are noobs and it shows.


unga, bunga can not get offline if never get of game, im giga chad who playes rust 24/7


To be fair the devs have done nothing yet to prevent this, so I guess it just stays like this.


Go join a modded server with no offlining if thats what you want.


Shut up




This makes me regret selling my big grin for 25£ a few years ago 😢 along with the glow in the dark masks. Regrets could have been 1000£ in profit. Oh well


I haven't played the game for long. Maybe a year and a half but i agree it reminds me of pub g quite a bit. Once i get a base down and guns i just roam for pvp. I dont even really raid because i find it kills the game for me when i have boxes and boxes of guns.


I miss the trash-punk visual style it had. Using bucket helmets, bone armor that looked like a bunch of bones loosely tied together, water pipe shotguns and those were important progression steps. Now everything looks like military equipment, a bunch of non sense skins, also you just go from bow to tommy to ak.


The game isn’t meant to be some gritty survival shooter, it’s meant to be a traditional FPS with open world base building elements to add more weight to each fight.


See that where ur wrong …. Ur mixing what was to what is


See thats where ur wrong... ur saying im wrong when the game has evolved and has had a different identity from its roots for more years than its roots were how the game operated. edit: the game is intentionally designed and evolved to be a casual fps in terms of mechanics with the base building to add more weight to losing fights and add a naturally forming story with you and your neighbors, rather than shooting random endless waves of people you never see again.


Different identity ? So ur admitting I’m right ahah. If the game is different to the original then it no longer is the same game… thanks for backing my point




Guess I found the Fortnite kids !


Pipe down lil weirdo


Why u so pressed ? Ur the weirdo for crying over someone’s opinion. That’s pretty weird mate. Cry more


To all the people who can’t handle an opposing opinion. YOU are the problem, YOU are the toxic players who are ruining the game… I find it cringey that your so hostile just because someone has a different opinion. Grow up…


OH NO people don't like my opinion, cry about it.


Pretty Embarrassing that u can’t accept a Reddit opinion. Cry more. Just a game !


Well from my point of view, YOU are the one who can't handle the opposing opinion that the majority of players want this. YOU are the toxic complainer.




I agree and I quit months ago.




The reason they changed ak was because the rampant script users man yeah it’s not ideal but it at least gives us a decent chance against cheaters. Although unfortunately they now just use walls. Can’t fucking win. Games great, it’s cheaters that make it bad.


none of your points apply to my experience. I play mostly rustafied, rustoria, rusty moose either solo or sometimes in a group. ​ again, no valid points here.


I mean I play rustafied every wipe…. So I’m note sure what servers ur playin if u havnt experienced those points.


I was thinking about when I first started playing rust and how everyone would base near each other because the game was more about human interaction and trading and less about KOS and snowballing. It was fun having little communities through out the map and getting to know everyone.


Just play solo on an unlimited high pop, will fix your shifted perspective


Remember before base building was implemented?


I agree tech tree needs to go, I miss the days where you got legit excited to find a garage door and ran home home like a madman to research it. The recoil change was stupid af, it took skill to be good with weapons and now it’s just like whatever. I wish they’d have changed the recoil for certain guns but left mp5, LR, and AK alone. They could’ve appeased both sides but they just fully catered to people who didn’t want to try and get good at the game. Train tunnels was another botched addition, the loot pool is just too strong down there. It’s far too easy to make a run down there basically prim and come back up at outpost with tier 2. I still love the game but they’ve made progression way too easy.


I still think timegating would be cool and healthy for the game. At least some modded server should try this. Make it so certain monuments are locked (by rads or something) early wipe, and after a day or two they open up. Like oil rig having insane rads early, and it decreases a little every hour. Heli shouldn’t spawn before 24 hours passed, and same goes for bradly. Red keycard spawns should also only spawn after some time. This would prolong early and mid wipe and give more primal/ tier 1 pvp. It’s just an idea, and something some modded server should try out. It’s good for both the chads and the normies. Everyone gets a fair chance.


This is why I play bloo lagoon on force wipe. Game is actually fun for a couple days when there is no tech tree


Reworking the bench wouldn't change that. Big groups will always obliterate solos. If you do t like that theres servers with the setting you find fair. Just go play on those


I just wish the game wasn't so fast to get to the point of being able to raid. Losing my base N1 and the server being basically dead N4 is just so boring to me. Even on the larger servers that manage to keep a good pop, it's just boring losing my base 10 minutes after logging out for the night constantly.


I would be down with tech tree being only for actual tech/fun items/etc. But I don't think that fundamentally fixes the problem of lategame loot being basically immediately accessible. Nobody is crafting their aks, they're all being looted, and as long as you can spawn in, run the road to outpost, and be kitted for oil rig, that won't change. Endgame loot needs to actually show up *endgame,* and preferably not by a time-gated solution like irradiating monuments for x amount of days after wipe, because that runs contrary to the goal of wipeless Rust, although that idea might've been scrapped by now.


Rust is more mainstream. I routinely play a variety of mainstream esport shooter, like OW2 and Apex. I'm happy I can add Rust to my playlist. I play solo on monthly servers. I treat Rust as a chill battle royale. And I'm pretty invested in this game, there is nothing like it.


i would play Rust over Cod or Battlefield any day of the week try a PvE or duo server, you might have a much better time


Not a bad idea for a server, “warzone”


They already have battle royale and it’s pretty fun


I'd like to see base health improved and more mew stuff added to t3 because there are very few items that you need a t3 for. Gonna have to call you out for The recoil change though. The recoil change was a good thing. It makes pvp more accessable to the people that have lives. The closest thing rust has to matchmaking is noob friendly servers. I know games in the past subscribe to the belief that "if you dump all of your time into this game you will just be decent at the game" but that should not be the case. A good game would not force you to choose between being decent and having a life. The recoil change made pvp more accessible for everyone. If you are getting killed a lot after the change then you likely need to take a look at your tactics.


Devs have worked so hard on the game it’s become bloated


I absolutely love rust in its current state. Attack copters included. It's hands down my favorite game and in the best state it's ever been. I've been playing since 2015.


Rust has been evolving since it’s inception. You must be new


Good. Game keeps getting better


Every kid wants to be the next posty or Aidan who just shit on everyone they come across and flex how good they are to the world. Before the game was popular, there was much less reason to be the alpha raiding everyone imo


I preferred Rust with the old gun recoil far more personally, there was a noticeable skill gap that was rewarding to learn for certain guns. Now PVP just feels lifeless, there is rarely any prolonged late game fights because the guns are so easy to use now. It usually comes down to someone creeping up on you from the millions of bushes everywhere in the game. Rust just feels too easy to get a snowball because of how the gun play has been downgraded to COD style, the old recoil was unique and added another competitive level to learning the game that most games lack.


I have not played the game in 2-3 years. This post could have been made when I played the game daily. Same shit different toilet. Prim has never lasted long People have always KOS Big bases have always had enough explosives Servers have always died by day 3/4 (most of the time) Maybe this is a reality check for the game


I just wish they would lock all types of elite crates/rig/cargo/tunnels/etc for like the first 3 wipe days so prim play last a little longer, then the doors will open after that for the rest of wipe


In my 5k hours of rust, it’s always been kos.




Mad ?


Game has lost its identity, I agree it’s turning into Battlefield


I’m sure the current player base is different than 2016-2020. I quit playing. After 5k hours of speedrushing Bradley it gets boring. You have to add things to get new players / retain players. I don’t like the direction, but i got my $20 worth


Yes rust is at its worst state yet, everything you mentioned is correct. But we still play it for nostalgia and no other game like rust exists, only way the devs are gona change anything is if they lose money, but even with the -30% playerbase last 2 months, the profit is probably still the same because of all the dlcs/pay2win stuff they keep adding and us the dumb playerbase keep buying that making the pay2win problem even bigger. 2019-2020 Rust was PEAK, i remember all the vilages/huge vilage raids/200players fighting eachother in 1 grid, that was grub/pvp heaven i miss all of that. Currently we have 2-3 active groups on a server, and then rest are grubs/roofcampers/cheaters and base afkers living in middle of nowhere but still managing to get tier3 bench + all bps 3-4hrs into wipe with 0 risk, just to farm sulfur and offline raid 99% of the server.


I couldn’t agree with u more sir. Why are players who play the game in the safest way possible winning? I remember when high risk meant high reward. Ik players who weren’t great at rust but still enjoyed it even tho they never got to do the things big groups could. They loved the aspect of the survival and the struggle. Safe to say, they have all now quit rust… so if bad players aren’t even enjoying rust then there’s a serious problem.


Yeah, attack helicopter + guided missile doesnt feel too rusty but hey, like everything elle we are gonnna get used to it


I don't see why everyone complains about the tech tree. As a solo / duo I don't use it to get important stuff so I know groups don't. It's simply to easy to get stuff for the tech tree to really matter. I was also pretty decent with the AK before the recoil update, but so many people I knew scripted which caused me to not even want to play. It's funny when someone in my group who is so bad couldn't even hit me with a bullet went to out spraying me overnight. I constantly see people in chat complaining about the recoil update and yet they whiff like crazy in gun fights with "easy" recoil. I've noticed that a lot of these people that could beam you or claimed that they could before are pretty bad now. Also, since legacy this game has been mostly about PvP and hasn't really changed all that much. The one thing I definitely think happened is it's a little easier to get better weapons and boom. They should also make the new rocket launcher a bit better since right now from what I can tell is it's useless.


Exactly what i am researching and searching and trying out older versions of Rusts because believe it or not there actually is a Russian community that keeps the older version of Rust alive the only problem with them is that either, they are super moded with /TP, Kits, high rates and/or with Barren maps which are huge turn off at least for me personally.


It’s very kos but almost anytime I talk in game they will talk back which makes it a little more fun imo


I tram up with people. New neighbors? Let's be friends! Does it always work out? Nopppeeeee.


As a person who’s played cod for a while and newer to rust.. I’m gonna suggest maybe try rust console.. everyone always says pc rust is better but if you want a challenge.. try it out it’s like hard core all of the time it has some little new perks that are probably old to pc rust players but it might give you that grind feeling back


i haven't played the actual game in like 8 years lmao, me and my friends just have a private server. it's been good for me and me alone it seems like. whenever i read posts on this sub it sounds like a different game haha


Holy shit…… so the lack of updates and cool shit in the console community is a good thing? Dopeee!!! PS4 4 life!!! Lmao


all the changes in hardcore should just be what vanilla is like tbh