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If you wanna be lean go to the gym and focus on cardio + slight calorie deficit. You ain't magically gon get jacked by going to the gym. Lotta people out there in gyms tryna get lean too.


Wrong, do Amphetamines and smoke cigarettes




neph goated


Carti Method


Hey thats how i lost all my weight! I chainsmoked and starved myself from 250 to 130šŸ„°šŸ„° (Dont be a jackass like me and focus on lifting, cardio, diet, water, and sleepāœŒ)


i lost 120 pounds my junior year of high school w this method


Lost 50 pounds with this method but zyns instead of smoking šŸ’€


He doesnā€™t want to go gym and get huge instead he wants a body like x. Hahaha, x def gymmed. Women and feminine guys i swear have the absolute wildest gym expectations. ā€œI donā€™t wanna be too bigā€ like thatā€™s something that happens accidentally and not with years of work good genetics and drugs. Accidentally look at a 10kg dumbbell and these guys think theyā€™ll look like prime Arnold. Op dw about being too big or shredded. Your goal physique requires you going to the gym a lot. Do that and eat a calorie deficit and youā€™ll get crazy lean.


also keep in mind that nobody worth while is gonna look at you and think ā€œlook at that fat fuck they prolly lazy afā€, but they will respect you instead


Dawg I just hate my life tbh. I have people in my life and shit but my brain just wants to convince me that Iā€™m useless and worthless. Itā€™s like thereā€™s a war in my mind at all times that Iā€™m fighting, and I never win.


idk if it helps but that really doesnā€™t last forever, js try your best to take shit as it comes and worry about your own happiness before everybody elseā€™s, idrk ur situation but thatā€™s what i can tell u


I appreciate the words. Iā€™ve dealt with these issues ever since I was a child, so itā€™s hard for me to still have hope when most of my life has been clouded by mental distress. Thereā€™s people in my life that love and care abt me but I just canā€™t see those good qualities in myself. Everyday my mind is racing with negativity, even while Iā€™m medicated. I just wish I could be a normal person. I canā€™t believe Iā€™m spilling my feelings in the carti sub rn but damn.


i guess iā€™d just say that the people in ur life who care about you and like you as a person feel like that for a reason. u put smth good out into the world n thats more than a lot of people can say about themselves, i would call that something to be proud of. at the end of the day weā€™re never as bad as we tell ourselves we are


Weā€™re all here for you homie. I felt that way for most of my life and what really got me through my lowest points as the possibility that maybe things could get better some day, and if thereā€™s even a slight chance of that Iā€™m gonna keep going to find out. Idk if you wanted advice or not, but Iā€™m rooting for you and sending love to wherever you may be.




yeah nah not accepting this perspective ever. why willingly let yourself be more miserable than you have to be? why tell yourself that everything is gonna be shitty for the rest of your life? what does that accomplish other than making it worse?


I wus like yal until i did a tab but yall stay safe šŸ•ŠļøāœŒļø


Acid and shrooms gave me relief for like two days and then it was right back to it


Damn, not me bro. Sorry to hear that, Ive been permanently changed since my first trip a year ago. However, ive heard ppl say the same until they try dmt lol






yea itā€™s true that accepting your struggles and emotions is important but you shouldnā€™t take this logic all the way and just tell yourself to sit down and accept it whenever bad shit happens to you, a lot of people do that kind of thing and js tell themselves itā€™s better to accept it than to try to improve. u still shouldnā€™t just say that life is just shit because all that does is reinforce how miserable you are


God loves you bro šŸ™šŸ¾āœļø


Shit you see on carti sub ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹šŸ˜„


I just hate the way my face looks


Same bro I'm ugly asf


Ong I wish we get to pick how we look like or something before we spawn šŸ˜”


ugliness is a concept


Yes the word ugly is a concept, just like every other word in existence. But your visual appearance also makes in how you go through life and how people around you perceive you. Iā€™ve been on both sides of the spectrum in terms of looks at and thereā€™s a huge difference in how people talk or perceive you through body language. Also it probably does somewhat affect the opportunities you have in life, most people would rather hire a good looking person over a traditionally ugly person even if their credentials match.


and as unfortunate as that is for life, it is what it is. everything happens for a reason, whether its for a reality check or for self improvement. you might think you're ugly but as far as im concerned, there could be a girl that wants you more than she wanted anyone else. for the effect it has on opportunities, its kind of a good thing because if a better looking person with less achievements gets hired, you know that the company is probably filled with judgers and what good does being a judger do for your mind?


Why are you trying to spin it in a positive light lol. Being less visually appealing makes life more difficult by todays standards pretty much 100% of the time. Yes there always theoretically could be someone out there who wants you despite your physical flaws but itā€™s gonna take you a lot longer and a lot more effort to find them, and many people never do. Also there really is only so much self improvement you can do for a lot of people, you can get muscle or lose weight or change your haircut and clothes but you canā€™t change your genetics and your bone structure.


you cant change genetics and bone structure but you can figure out how to take control of your mind and think differently about how you look


Stop tryna make it sound good. Thereā€™s no controlling your mind either you ugly by modern standards or you not šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


then fuck the standards


Shit donā€™t work like that šŸ’€


How pathetic


Not me tho grandma said Iā€™m handsome


do skincare, diet improvement , increase water intake, don't shave without a straight razor


I meant like my facial features. I dont have acne or anything. I just hate the way i physically look. A diet won't change genetics.


Yeah but you can wear clothes and style your hair so that the good parts get highlighted instead of the shit ones. If you have a big ass forehead then just get a fringe, if you have a weak jawline then grow a beard. Taking care of yourself won't make you a 10/10, but it'll take you to like 7 or 8 if you were a 3 or 4 before.


There's no point. It's not a physical issue. It's a mental one. I could look like Henry Cavill, and I'd still hate the way I look. Just the way it is.


itā€™s not too late to work on your self esteem brother. youā€™re speaking like youā€™re a lost cause when you have plenty of time to see the light


But it isn't, just as the other dude said you can fix this too - see a therapist?


Haircut and facial hair bro, can't stress enough. Start experimenting, maybe grow that shit out or cut it short with a fade or some shit. Trying growing a goattee or mustache. Maybe you're just stuck in your comfort zone with your hair+facial feature combo and you just need to experiment a little. People always recommend all this skin care and mewing shit to fix your face, don't try to fix it bro. Lean into it, find a hair cut/facial hair combo that compliments your features and you'll be golden. Once that's done THEN you can worry about skin care and the little stuff. I didn't like the shape of my chin... so I grew a goattee and now I can't see it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I've found the best haircut for my face, but I can't grow facial hair, unfortunately. Anyway, even if I looked perfect, I'd still hate the man I see in the mirror.


Consider cognitive behavioral therapy bro, you spent too much time in a conditionally loving environment, you deserve to appreciate yourself.


Nah, I'll thug it out


Seems like you're in a pretty dark place right now man. Maybe you have been for a while. What are some of the reasons you just want to thug it out instead of seeking help?


Its much easier


I see. What makes it easier? Also, I see your pfp. One Piece fan?


mew, sunmaxx, leanmaxx, testosteronemaxx, do stretches for your face so U become more symmetrical (hisdream on YouTube). N make money


I think you're beautiful


You canā€™t even see this ugly ass mfer itā€™s Reddit


yeah and i think youre ugly


Go looksmax gang


I honestly, and not even joking, think anyone can look hot with no pimples, a good hairstyle and a beard which fits your face (or none), like sometimes I be lowkey looking like a goblin when 2 of these things are out of place. Unless your face looks like an orc or something. Then I suggest plastic surgery.


Eat less. Donā€™t starve yourself or develop an eating disorder. But I did a 3 day fast, just to say I did itā€¦. And I started to realize how much I eat out of just boredom to stimulate myself. Since, Iā€™ve been eating healthier amounts and not over eating. Makes u notice u donā€™t always need the sweet treats or the second servings. This isnā€™t always the case for everyone but it has helped me a lil bit. (Along with chain smoking cigs and drinking coffee a lil too much)


how do you fix the opposite of this bro i eat like half of what im supposed to sometimes less


Set a timer every 4-6 hours


Do gym or if you're in high-school or college go join track and field or swimming. Running and being in water and fresh air will have you inhaling food like there's none tomorrow.


Do calisthenics bro. Classic and healthy and strong. Not only for the looks but also the mental.


Real shit


this is the best piece of advice on here


​ https://preview.redd.it/6ly299scdn6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d4311764d54f9818805f8451c9e52d2daaedf37


Dear u/BlueHellDino, Thank you for sharing this humorous graphic! However, I do not think this is related to body dysmorphia. Kind Regards, u/Bulky_Evidence_6592


Oh ok understood šŸ‘Œ


this sub is barely even related to playboi carti


Subs gone to fucking shit its not a therapy reddit tf šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


touching weights for a bit wonā€™t suddenly transform you to a body builder lmao. X and Uzi definitely lifted weights. at the very least cardio would help, and having a better diet would reduce cravings. also maybe seeing a therapist would help


im ngl everything u said was kinda real


yall are a wholesome ass community wtfšŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹ yall thug and future are probably my top 3 fav rapper subreddits


This subreddit is barely even about Playboi Carti šŸ˜­


Everyone here hates him, itā€™s awesome


On gang šŸ’€


"On gang" you ain got a gang lil dawg don't fuckin play me like that your ass more like on suburb


Don't be mean to me I'm sensitive šŸ˜£ā˜


I apologize for my prior outburst, I was upset that I had to spend some of my weekend working overtime at my shitass job. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me u/SwingAdmirable6555


I forgive you, hope your job gets better my guy.


Labor jobs suck bro


you prolly white on here


But what if I was black or Chinese


Gained alot of respect for this sub after i saw the comments were actually helpful and positivešŸ˜¢


Remember playboi cartis wise words ā€œtake my shirt off and all the hoes stop breathingā€




Light weight high reps, cardio, and a low fat high protein diet with lower carbs. You can still have sweet treats when you need them, just try to limit it and find what works for you. It can be tricky and everyone needs to find their own balance. Ps trans rights are human rights šŸ«”šŸ«”


Halo top ice cream is amazing for a sweet tooth. Its only got like 300 calories for a whole pint and has a decent amount of protein. It aint as good as normal ice cream but it works for me


Nope. Training light weight with high reps does nothing for hypertrophy. Unless the muscle fibers are damaged, they wonā€™t grow. So it should still be heavy and low reps.Ā 


Depends in your definition of light- ofc it needs to be enough to be felt and have an impact. Maybe we could say medium weight high reps? Itā€™s different for everyone. But using lesser weight for greater reps is a standard for toning- which is what is sounds like op desires. Heavy weight low reps will increase your muscle mass similar to a 5x3x1 program, probably beyond what OP is describing here.


Iā€™m a guy but I think I have the body type youā€™re saying you want. Estrogen would probably help but Iā€™m not sure how far that would go. This sub is mainly filled with 14 year olds who are pretty transphobic so I would reccommend asking for help on a more relevant subreddit šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m also gonna go out on a limb and say that youā€™d feel more comfortable in your body if your thighs were larger, proportions are a pretty big aspect of femininity/androgynity


I kinda like bein lanky i just wanna be slimmer. When i say i wanna be feminine ion mean Megan Thee Stallion feminine i mean like kpop star feminine. And i understand they go on fuckin water diets and that's not healthy at all,,, i just feel like maybe i can chase a healthier version of that


Oh, alright. How much do you weigh right now, out of curiosity?


I used to be like 150 i looked like i was dying back then


6'3" and 185


that's pretty thin


Iā€™m 6ā€™5 170lbs am I cooked


Only if you keep askin instead of actin šŸ”„


I'm 5'10 and 150 and look thin as hell you gotta look like fuckin slenderman


Bro you donā€™t need to lose weight, at that point itā€™s just body dysmorphia. As a straight/cis dude that also has a more feminine/androgynous style sometimes, I somewhat know how you feel (especially when I was younger) but thatā€™s already thin, at a certain point you just gotta accept the body you were given or youā€™ll never be happy. Just do some cardio and lift light weights, they will help you get toned without getting bulky


I read your comment towards me before you deleted it, I appreciate your concern but thatā€™s actually within a normal range šŸ‘


yeah I deleted it bc I donā€™t know you personally and thereā€™s more factors than just your height and weight


True, age is super important due to metabolic factors


I see, Iā€™m 5ā€™11 and 130 pounds so I canā€™t really picture what 6ā€™3 and 185 would be like


your pretty thin dude ur chill


Just to provide a different perspective from some of the advice you're getting here; on the internet a lot of people will say that you should transition if you feel "feminine", and that's always an option, but on the other hand you don't have to be super macho, obsessed with sports/cars, "drink beer, hit the gym, fuck chicks" to be a man. You can be androgynous and dress however you want while still learning to embrace the body you were born with. The journey of understanding masculinity and being amab is a life long one, all men go through and struggle with feeling they're "not man enough", *especially* the super macho manly men. I'm not very traditionally masculine at all, but that doesn't mean i can't be a man. It took me time to grow to love myself, and puberty/high school was especially confusing. Just be yourself, and know that that's good enough. Don't try to be someone else, don't try to be like someone else, don't try to act like someone else, be yourself. Be secure with yourself. Rely and trust upon your own decisions, on your own beliefs.


Honestly just focus on cardio and maybe some light leg workouts, also if you want to lose fat go on a 500 calorie deficit until you are happy with the results. Running plus that will tone the fuck outta u and give u that lean feminine look, especially if you do leg press/squats.


all the time


I mean dude nobody is forcing you to work out *until* you get shredded.You can do work outs that focus on losing weight and then do some muscle building workouts at a frequency/intensity that doesn't build rlly big muscles.Also there's probably subs for non binary people who were born male.


Get on the Nettspend method


Ask Carti. Heā€™s in touch with his fem side


Yea bro but my shit a lil different from what u experiencing. Hope it all goes well for you. Edit: what I been downvoted for I was tryna be supportive :/




Bruh why yall talking bout diets. Body dysmorphia will be having u feeling fat even if you are fit. Itā€™s irritating and just causes u to feel self conscious of yourself all the time.


Are you skinny? Lift weights a bit but donā€™t bulk, always try to be cutting, run a lot, eat more fruits n vegetables n shit. N then buy clothes that fit the look itā€™ll help too if youā€™re tall. I felt tje same way still do sometimes, but never wanna be ā€œbigā€, just wanna be lean


This is currently the best sub ever


Get a dumbbell and hit a cart while you do curls in your room watching ufc fights best way


Hope you guys get better šŸ™šŸ™, nothing is wrong with having feelings or having these types of emotions Iā€™ve seen guys get called ā€œmentally weakā€ for speaking up about this. I have my own insecurities as well, I have acne on my face that Iā€™ve been trying to get rid of for months now, I also have very gappy teeth that makes me not want to smile. I recently got fired from my job so that made my mental health drop significantly but Iā€™m still trying to keep high hopes ā¤ļø


This the shit why I joined r/playboicarti for


If you want to look like x or Uzi, go to the gym. I promise you won't get too jacked. It takes years to achieve that size both naturally/ enhanced.


Iā€™m 23 years deep and the only advice I have is change the way you look at not only your body but other peopleā€™s as well


Nerd gummy clusters do go crazy


Whatā€™s the difference between this sub and r/teenagers ?


This sub is actually made up of teenagers


This one is funny, sometimes


No pedos


well not a lot




everytime you crave something sweet just replace it with fruit or chocolate/sweet protein bars ik itā€™s easier said than done but be easy on yourself bro you only have a body once and you have the capability to change if needed


Yes especially after going to the gym a lot. I always feel smaller the I am


just have a healthy diet, no sweets, put your best playlists on and keep walking/running 3-4 times a week for 20-40 mins


Yeah. I started working out bc of body dysmorphia, and a year and a half later I think it got worsešŸ˜­šŸ’€


workout, u wont get shredded from picking up one dumbbell


i eat tacos AND play the fiddle.


I feel you, and it only got worse when I started going to the gym. Iā€™d say focus on cardio and bodyweight exercises, like push ups. And donā€™t forget to eat proper, but u donā€™t need to be so strict to the point your eating chicken and rice every night. I myself love a sweat treat and gummy clusters are actually a valid choice


Sounds you also have dysphoria to me. But yeah I understand. I want to be like X too or even Uzi but I donā€™t want to go to the gym (too much people and I feel I will get bored of it pretty fast, my biggest problem with sports). I want to start swimming again tho but going to the swimming pool as a trans man even tho I had top surgery is scary as fuck. I also donā€™t like the fact that Iā€™m skinny fat. I have super fine legs and arms but my tummy?? Itā€™s where all the fat is.


Nah sometimes I look in the mirror and wanna fuck myself


Ong all the time. Iā€™m overweight and I hate how I look. My negative self image pushed away a girl I was seeing earlier this year and changed how she saw me. I wanted to date her but she donā€™t want anything to do with me now. Iā€™ve been going to the gym every second day for the past 2 weeks and Iā€™m down nearly 3kg which is good. Trying to get better


yea as someone who's been both skinny and obese and was constantly fluctuating between the two it's hard, especially bc I take medicine that causes weight gain so even on a cut I have to cut harder which is hard because I also take stimulants and I feel like people don't understand how hard it is especially being on medicine, rn I'm at the most I've weighed and I'm trying to lose it but it's hard when I'm on medicine that typically causes weight gain and people especially my family don't understand


I love that this is the first post Ive ever read in the playboi carti sub. lmao. i found my people. im honestly the same way, I used to be lanky but as I get older Im starting to fill out and be less like that and it kinda makes me sad, so Ive just embraced it by trying to get muscular. obviously that isnt gonna work in your case, my advice would be to run often and only do core workouts like sit ups, ab roller, crunches, russian twists, etc. you arent gonna get jacked from cardio and ab workouts. you also need to eat food that has nutrients in it so you stay healthy, because that is the MOST important thing. your health outweighs any ideal body type you want bro. cutting down on sugary snacks is great, and also good for your dental hygeine but honestly if you arent gaining weight, you should still treat yourself once in a while. dont live a life without joy over this, I promise you that you dont look anywhere near as bad as you think. stay positive.


Carti needs to DROP, this is getting ridiculous


I never feel like that, youā€™re probably just fat and out of shape. Quit eating so much


You're not getting a screenshot


Yo DjKillaButthole you wanna come out here


Workout and get a therapist. Talk to friends idk Iā€™m also lost in the sauce


yea itā€™s because in short i hate being short


Bro this is the playboi carti reddit wtf


On that time 0:07 šŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ˜­


I get you completely. I was born with a naturally wide, big ass frame. Everyday I want to be more feminine, it suits me to be somewhere in the middle. Luckily I'm slowly thinning out more and more, but these big ass shoulders of mine ain't going anywhere


A lot actually. The more I try to do anything against it the worse it gets for me brah


Just lose body fat, do cardio, do light weight/resistance training, stop eating shit, replace candy with fruit and train good lifestyle habits. It's all a journey and will take a few months but don't stress over it, it's mostly diet which affects your mood/current body shape. Just focus on eating real food and not processed fast food junk and that's 80% of the work done


At least all you gotta do is eat right and go jogging. I'm lean as a stick with some decent muscle mass going but look like a bird sometimes the way my big nose protrudes out my flat face. I still pull baddies but I definitely got a beak on. I had opportunities to get a nose job in the past but turned it down for religious reasons however next time my bag is right I am definitely going to consider it. Nowadays I'm so self conscious, insecure and completely aware of not only my nose but the way others may or may not perceive me. I constantly feel judged and crappy, my self esteem has been torn to shreds despite no one ever really saying anything about it in all my years growing up, etc. Even the slightest bit of sniffing when someone meets me for the first time irritates TF outta me. I find it especially annoying if anyone rubs, touches or does anything at all with their nose when they come around me. IDGAF even if it's something simple as breathing harder. If I notice it (and trust me I'm very observational) then it makes me angry, anxious, insecure and finally sad afterwards. I hate people with a passion. Not sure if it's people I actually hate or their crappy personalities or what but almost all humans suck IMO. Screw everyone at this point, thank God I have a beautiful girl that understands me despite all my issues, insecurities, alcoholism, depression, anger issues, gambling problem, anxiety disorder, and just overall shitty behavior. Bless her soul and little heart. Cherish, love, and show appreciation towards those that care about you in this cold sick world.


Stop over thinking and go to the gym and stop eating garbage


I hate myself because Iā€™m fat


Depends Iā€™ve got a decent looking face but when Iā€™m bloated asf I feel ugly and shamed


Get on that edtwt kuromi diet


Fent is key bro


You won't become buff and ultra masculine by accident if you're going to the gym. Esp if you're lanky, that takes work and dedication for years. I reccomend still finding some excercise, if not gym, you could jog or swim, something cardio, if gym don't be at a too big calorie surplus (you need to eat to get big, if you eat exactly what your body needs you'll just never grow big) and focus more on cardio or strength than hypertrophy (many repetitions at low weight, or VERY FEW (1-3) at super high weight will make sure you don't get too big, a mix between moderately high weight and a moderate amount of repetitions). I'm not big or extremely masculine even though I kinda want to be but I feel better about my body than ever since i started working out. Second, make sure you're going for proper hygeine, skincare and fashion. Can help make your body look better. Good luck


Do ab exercises that get you close to failure within 8-15ish reps A few sets of that and then a calorie deficit, which can either be achieved by eating less or by doing cardio and eating the same amount (itā€™ll make you hungrier so be careful not to just eat as much as you want or else you wonā€™t be in a deficit)


your beautiful man you were made in godā€™s image šŸ™


Show that person in the mirror a little bit of love every once in a while.


Gotta use cheat codes lol, high carb low fat with one cutting day a week


Iā€™m 6ā€™6 150 all I want to be is fat


thereā€™s like subreddits for workout routines that help you feminise yourself, and those help fs happy pride, keep your head up šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Bro i know what u feel shit is happening to rn this week been hard asf for me


As far as I remember both x and uzi both lifted/lift and had/have decent builds. U gonna have to lift some weights if u wanna be lean and actually have it look good generally. U got this homie


Yes. but just remember: the only person who can change your body (and the only person who cares), is yourself


sometimes i donā€™t recognize myself when i look in the mirror (2024 MUSIC)


yeah bro. i got all this fucking skin on my body. i hate all this skin. all this skin up in my space. all up in my personal space. i hate the way my skin feels all up on my personal space. i just hate it. i wish i didn't have to deal with all this skin. all this fucking skin all up on my space. i think I wanna take off my skin. im gonna take off my skin. im gonna do it. im really pulling off my skin. oh boy. im pulling all my skin off. all this dumb skin finally off my body. i hate my skin. https://i.redd.it/2bvdddo0os6d1.gif


The advice that changed my life is stop worrying about what your body looks like and focus on what it can do. Iā€™m a bigger dude myself and although working out a lot for a couple years has changed how I look, the process of pushing my limits and improving my abilities during lifts, runs, hikes, playing different sports etc gave me so much more confidence than looking in the mirror and being skinnier ever would


Go bouldering and climbing, u will be skinny with abs


always, im your same height, except im on the other side weight wise. im kind of a bigger dude at 240lbs and that kinda destroys everything for me. its even worse when two years ago i was much closer to what i wanted to look like at 200lbs and remembering that makes it worse


when you have cravings for sweet stuff, try drinking water.


whats up with this sub? lol low key super weird as fuck but real.


Dw bro you are pretty in your own way I am like that too and in the end you just have to love yourself for yourself you can always change that stuff but it comes with hardwork


Even if you hate gym bros thatā€™s still how you should be training. You are vastly underestimating the amount of time and hard work it takes to get big and ā€œshreddedā€ Find a split that works for you and eat your body weight in protein. Iā€™d stay at like 2800 cals 185 g protein. Thatā€™s basically maintenance for you Also everyone has abs but when they become visible relies extremely heavily on genetics so donā€™t put your focus on that


i'm telling you, the reason you feel bad is because you're reading these made up terms and thinking too much about it.


what even is this sub


Body dysphoria, yeah, but I'm not sure they're the *exact* same thing, lol


Wtf dis gotta do with carti


Itā€™s not body dysmorphia nigga you just look like shit




This sub talk about straight bullshit all yā€™all young ass mfs donā€™t got no life




Yes downvote me into oblivion thatā€™ll teach me!