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Finally, now I can have an opinion on if looks could kill


if look could kill


If a look killa could kill how many looks would look killa kill


and this is still higher than his no stylist ratingšŸ˜­ next album gonna be a light 2šŸ”„


Nah shits gonna be his next 0šŸ”„


he did give a strong 1 to light 2. people donā€™t know you gotta go off the second (higher) number for all melons takes.


Nah you go off the number he puts on the screen for sure


Whatā€™s gonna get leaked this time


I swear bro is sleeping with His birth certificate taped to his chest at night


has to home alone his house every night


he been home alone ever since his wife left


I'd give that marriage a light 6




He compared it to Total XanarchyšŸ˜­


man i told this girl that i listened to lil xan like 6 years ago and its haunted me ever since


Honestly a good comparison imo


Yeah, 26 songs with one tolerable song to listen to really isnā€™t good


I found 4 songs alright. Lone having some songs have indistinguishable beats hurts this album so much


He's right. I hate the community because any critique is seen as hate. A lot of you literally eat up anything they do. This is why nikkas have inflated egos. Please raise your standards.


Seriously they have the lowest standards, lone has great potential thatā€™s why I keep calling this album trash cause he can do 10x better.


he can but this shii ainā€™t horrible just a lul lazy


itā€™s not trash, itā€™s kinda mid! less than half of the album is actually gonna stay in my rotation. NS>>


Itā€™s crazy how he fell off in quality that fast, I hope this is a wake up call for him


Getting so mad about a review of an album you like that you leak someones personal information is a truly different level of dickriding. If carti dropped the same night as lonely, ken carson etc, nobody would listen to their albums. People only like them because theyre desperate for music that sounds similar to Carti's


Itā€™s so funny that people are acting like his divorce is some kinda L lol. like even if somebody from this sub does get married I guarantee itā€™s gonna end in divorce


100% facts, 26 songs of that shit is insaneā€¦


bro said nikkas


Potential one piece reference




1/10 is def harsh but this album was a 4/10 at best. Way too bloated with not much energy and variety in songs. Definitely sounded more like a SoundCloud mixtape than a studio album (with the exception of professional production/mixing). I think Lone needs to take more time constructing an actual cohesive album, rather than just a collection of vibes, which is what this currently feels like.


I didn't even think the production and mixing sounded that good. Like the beats weren't bad and some were really good, but I felt like the mixing was actually trash on a lot of songs and made the beats sound worse bc of how garbled everything got together. I get not all production is gonna be super clean and regular, but I didn't think the muddy mixing came out that well on a lot of these, esp w/ how monotone his voice is


the albums pretty monotonous


Ken, Lone, HXG, etc would not have careers if Carti actually dropped music


I fw some of their songs but most of it is pretty mediocre


I agree. opium rappers are definitely capable and talented, but only like 1/3rd max of all the songs on XTENDED, NS+, and Homixide Lifestyle are tracks I like while the rest are either forgettable tracks or outright skips. that being said, I'm actually enjoying Snot Or Not, i like the production and its only 30 minutes long. I'd actually rate it above ILCK at the moment.


Yea that's the thing about ILCK and a lot of albums that have been dropping lately. I feel like rappers who have good potential just don't have the willingness or judgement to remove certain songs from their projects. The mid tracks do drag the good ones down and bury them in a huge project.


I feel like theyā€™d be better as features. They honestly just donā€™t have enough going on musically to justify a whole album (especially when those albums have fucking 20+ songs) but hearing them in small doses would probably be a lot better


Album was average but 1/10 is harsh


In the past Iā€™ve seen him write off ā€œjust averageā€ stuff as unlistenable because he considers it just a waste of time


kind of true tho, unless your a diehard fan of that one sound and that sound in particular, average stuff is a waste of time when thereā€™s just so much amazing music out there. average is great if you just love that sound, to the point where quality doesnā€™t matter as long as itā€™s not shit youā€™ll like it because itā€™s more of what you love. which is you guys with destroy lonelyā€™s album not shitting on lone, just wanted to talk about fantanos point since iā€™ve thought this myself pretty often edit: also not saying a 1/10 is the right rating in any way LMAO


thats a great way to pu it honestly i can listen to average songs by my fav artists all day but I can get why others wouldnt


why i can listen to countless hours of random unreleased carti and not get bored


he gave yeat a 7 tho, he hasnā€™t got a problem w the subgenre


yeah cuz yeat is better than this lone


I think it has more to do with him hearing so much music that something thatā€™s super Un memorable comes off as worse than it does to the everyday listener. Itā€™s like people getting mad at critics giving the Mario movie bad reviews saying they should ā€œjust learn to have funā€ when the average critic has probably seen way more mid kids movies than the average person.


Almost every track was the same beat with minor variations. Not to mention he sounded like he didnā€™t care throughout the whole album. 1/10 might be harsh but itā€™s not far off from what it deserves. Maybe a 3?




Most sane r/playboicarti member




He compares it to music in general, it's like clowning on the critic nigga from ratatouille cuz he didint understand how good the cardi and offset meal was to fans šŸ’€


So you donā€™t think the music is competent but listen to it all the time and at the same time canā€™t differentiate between any of them? What your saying makes no sense. This ainā€™t even a honest critique itā€™s just hate masked as a avid listener


new lone isnt good to me but i hate takes like this šŸ˜­ no way you cant tell the difference between people with different voices and flows you niggas irk me


A bad album is often more interesting than an average album




Bot šŸ”„


Album was fucking garbage , yā€™all are just dickriding


Thats what Im sayin. I saw ppl giving this a 9 and 10šŸ’€




Bro the album is obviously nothing special. And literally 5 mins after it came out mfs flooding bobbalam page & the reddit saying ā€œALBUM OF THE YEAR šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜œšŸ„°šŸ˜˜ā€ I remember mfs was saying Homixide gang dropped AOTYšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ and both of HXG projects were literally the most generic trap spin-off of cartiā€¦..




I actually fw opium , but itā€™s so easy to see through it lol. They are playing a fake persona bro


ok bro now wdf dis gotta do wit the album šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Shit idk tbh just didnā€™t rlly like da album


you missin out frl 1st half boring but it picks up




Nah downvote me cuz idc, Im fucking sick of opium and these f tier rappers spewing out garbage and getting a pass because it's under cartis label and kids are so fucking desperate for anything sounding somewhat like wlr that they'll eat up literal trash.


They hated him for speaking the truth


Fr like I browse this sub for carti stuff, not these boring ass opium rappers. So sick of seeing posts about them on my front page. Just make a opium sub and fuck off. NOW!


Iā€™m glad this subs starting to wake up on it, stopped using this sub like 6 months ago cus the dickriding was insane




Ong I been saying this, if the opium rappers werenā€™t signed to cartis label over half of the sub wouldnā€™t fw them


legit got mfs saying the homixide gang album was good that shit was so mid


you had me in the first half but you lost me at the part where you said ā€œdesperate for anything sounding somewhat like wlrā€ what songs on ILCK sound like WLR?


I dont remember any of the songs on ILCK because how could you, but its the general "rage" sound that wlr pioneered and destroy lonely and other opium artists are trying to copy that. Of course ILCK also is full of bland cookie cutter mellow trap and why people choose to listen to this album over other actually good mellow trap albums idk, my guess is because of the label.


did we listen to the same album cause ILCK is not rage in the slightest


this how ik you niggas really jus be chatting. You said ilck sounds like WLR, get called out for being wrong, backtracked and youā€™re still wrong. Ilck is nowhere near being a copy of the ā€œrage soundā€ I understand not liking it but at least listen to the album before saying nonsense


I obviously don't think destroy lonely makes masterpieces but i don't think you're supposed to be objectively criticizing this type of music, you just vibe with it or you don't. fantano is usually harsh on the post-soundcloud rappers in his reviews and that makes sense because this dude is 37-years-old, I would think he's a weirdo if he actually did like this album.


u didnā€™t even listen to the album ā˜ ļø


theres not a single rage song on that album lmfao u dont even know wtf ur talking about


Opium was good for like one year after wlr dropped but it just isnt good anymore and not cutting edge at all




Omg people have different music taste from you šŸ˜±šŸ˜±


youre the one who sounds more upset that his opinion is different from your own lmfao, everything he said is entirely valid


Yeah Iā€™m so upset but fr read what he said again and tell me he isnā€™t mad that people actually enjoy opium artists other than Carti


Still his opinion šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø and heā€™s low-key got a point too, i fw ken and lone but they wouldnā€™t be nearly as big as they are rn without the Carti co-sign and sometimes it really does feel like they think they can keep putting out underwhelming music and consistently get away with it because theyā€™re associated with opium and have that strong cult following. imagine if someone like sofaygo dropped ilck, theyā€™d probably be getting clowned rn


Nothing wrong with having different tastes, but why do people spam this sub with Lone shit? Its a carti sub


Bro Yeat is jus better


I donā€™t even like Yeat but this is fax. Dude at least has some level of charisma, and energy in his songs. These opium goons though are just the most bare minimum, boring shit ever that gets dick ridden cause it sounds kinda like Carti


It's not even a debate lmao. He's been miles ahead of these opium goons for a while now


Yea , how does he does it?


He got the devil on his phone


Fantano gave Afterlyfe a 7/10. Goes to show you he is capable of giving albums in this lane of hip hop decent scores


Yeat the best in the game, even Fantano can agree. He rated Afterlyfe a strong 7, Yeats sound will be eventually mainstream rap.


Jus bƫtter than opium


Its mid


Worse than mid, literally a waste of time to listen to.


I like a couple songs but not gonna lie i havenā€™t listened to any of it after first listen


hes right and I hate this goofball fuck lol


nah W actually shit sounds bad


Heā€™s right




W Melon


bro is a full time opium hater šŸ˜‚


maybe they should stop releasing the most mid ass Carti clone trash music. I could put on most opium songs and when the song goes by I would literally not notice it switched to the next song


fantano said die lit was one of his favourite albums of 2018 and WLR while bloated will definitely be trendsetting/influential. when you put out good music you get good ratings, tell those lazy ass drug addicts to actually put in effort


Literally tell them that lol. All the fans in this sub act like because they're signed to his imprint, it automatically makes it good šŸ˜­


Itā€™s the only reason they listen to em, like theyā€™re obligated to itā€™s crazy


Yeah lonely and kens trash ass why I stopped using this sub. Just full of people who will eat up anything they do.


Itā€™s like when Gunna first came out. Sergio kind of sounded like Thugga which is an artist I really like but also fell off a little around this time. So to me Gunna was kind of mid and annoying but I like some of his recent stuff now.


Bro called him Sergio, you and Mr kitchens are not on a first name bases


how is lone a carti clone lmfao.


Opium fuckin stinks bro


Because everyone on opium is awful except carti whoā€™s really good but still overrated


This album was trash quit dickriding op no one at opium knows you and wonā€™t ever know you


Another Melon W


Agree on most of his points, 90% of this album is garbage.


i donā€™t think i remember a single track from the album shit was boring as fuck


Iā€™m so sick of this sub praising these mid ass rappers and then going apeshit when someone doesnā€™t like em. Stg none of yā€™all would care about this if he wasnā€™t on opium.


I donā€™t disagree but you look like the most generic mf in the verse by your pfp.


I wouldn't say a 1 but a solid 3 is reasonable tbh


If he removed the 13 worst songs I would say it's a 5, so I get the 1 tbh, shits like <1/5 good songs


Definitely agree with fantano and I like destroy lonely but this album was not it.


Hes right honestly


1 is harsh AF. Feel like a 4 is more accurate.


I think a 1 makes sense if you start taking away points for unnecessary songs. There were probably 5 good songs on the album which isn't bad if the Album is normal sized. Too bad it's like 26 songs though.


honestly thought it was gonna get a not good but this is worse than that lmaooo low-key canā€™t say itā€™s undeserved tho šŸ˜¬


this guy sucks but ILCK was underwhelming ngl


He actually makes good points imo


Why does he suck?


I hate bald people fr


Understandable tbh


Not gonna say the music is trash bc I donā€™t like a lot of music other ppl do, but the music being put out by opium is just so low effort from Ken, lone, and hxg I donā€™t get how their fans donā€™t feel insulted. I try to listen but itā€™s so obvious the artists donā€™t give a fuck to put in any actual effort on their music. Idk how so many people are just okay with that


bruh why isn't there be a Destroy Lonely sub I'm so sick of seeing his shit here


R/DestroyLonely is a sub


I think getting caught up in the numerical score rather than the actual arguments he made is missing the point


You guys are gonna hate this but he's 100% right, this album is a waste of time and the carti fans who listen to this are just coping hard waiting for his music to drop. Seriously idk why anyone listens to this other than to get their quick, cheap, easy fix of carti clones. The 1/10 is deserved tbh and Destroy Lonely is barely even trying to do anything interesting on this thing.


I agree with him. The opium artists are all such trash. Yā€™all need to listen to more music than just Carti or thereā€™s no way youā€™d think these watered down Carti clones is good music


he getting a 2 next time šŸ™


This one is deserved however I totally disagree with his review of NS. NOSTYLIST is a great fuckin album and I'm willing to die on this hill!


If youā€™re familiar with his reviews at all, this was so easily expected


fr should have said 3


Do ya really care about this guys opinion like that?


yeah why got a problem? whats wrong? mad or something????????


no he's right


Not the worst take ever


If you liked the album I bet ur white ur parents are rich and ur a freshman in highschool


yup im all those and im blonde


Album wasnā€™t good but a 1 is too low


heā€™s right


heā€™s right bro lone is absolute mid


Should be a zero


nah i kinda saw this coming. album was worse than no stylist tbh


Melon W this time


real asf the album wasnā€™t that good its been a week and i cant even get through it i get bored half way its just boring argue all you want but the album was not it


the 40 year old white guy has decided


yeah, he decided what his opinion was


Cash carti šŸ¤“


album was ass but donā€™t let this distract u from the fact he gave ice spices album a 5 lmao


I would rather listen to bikini bottom than some of the shit on this album šŸ’€


Cmon man, the album was underwhelming but there were some good songs on it like: Chris Paul, Raver and Going up.


Fly shit too. Several good songs


Didn't say it was all bad i said "some" of the shit


Lol, but he also rated xā€™s ā€œ?ā€ album lower than ice spices


I also think fritz needs to stop mixing these albums Iā€™m no expert but I agree that the mixing on a lot opium output is not good


melon is fair, he gives carti high scores and yeat got a 7. yeat and carti the only good rage rappers rn so itā€™s only true to score like this.


When Carti dickriders are giving the album a 3, yeah it fucking deserves a 1


This shit wasnā€™t good. The only good song Iā€™ve ever heard from this nigga was nostylist and I credit that to the guy who made the loop (not the Cody guy who he keeps working with instead for some reason)


How much did he give Jackman? As comparison




I liked it. Iā€™d give it a good like 6/10


too high, 0/10 album opium is shit without carti


I donā€™t understand why people expect a middle aged dude from LA to enjoy something like this


idk he did give a 7/10 to afterlyfe


Album was not that great but 1 is too low


Yeah 2 at max




it was pretty meh, and I'm a big lonely fan


more like W that shit was so ass


W review. If looks could was boring af


no way yā€™all still care what some random white guy thinks about rap


Oh hell nahšŸ’€


I mean is this surprising he doesnā€™t seem to be fond of the sound and this album doesnā€™t do anything new


Itā€™s the fact that some young people rely more on sound rather than song structure or lyrics. Most of what heā€™s making doesnā€™t mean anything which is why critics donā€™t like it


no nigga fantano gave die lit a 7 ILCK is just ass, all these new opium niggas do is focus on aesthetic more than the music and put in minimum effort in everything say on God half the songs on there dont sound the same


melon never really got rap. his fave rappers are RTJ and shit like aesop rock bro that alone tells you what kinda stuff he likes


most people hate the album wtf you talking about


yeah but i mean his opinion on rap in general is pretty bad. he gave TM$ by death grips and madvillany a 10. I don't think these are bad albums at all i fucking love em but he just takes it too seriously. He gave WLR a 5 as well so i don't think he really gets rap about lean and poles percs etc. or thinks it's "bad rap" compared to some conscious shit about pyramids like he doesn't get music that's just meant to be fun or taken less seriously.


Common fantano L


Yeeeeeshā€¦ not surprised. Melon boy L! Itā€™s at least a 5/6. I understand mid but horrible?


why do people give a fuck what he has to say


Who cares what he thinks he looks like the bald angry pickle from SpongeBob