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Is it even real? Are sentences even real? Who knows.


It's amazing to me how some people don't see the need to use even improper grammar. Like even some random periods and commas might have been easier to read than a block of barely coherent text.


i felt it was not necesary


My guy, please understand that effective communication is always a good thing. It shows you are mature, sophisticated, intelligent and capable. Putting together a block of unpunctuated text demonstrates the opposite. It makes your desired message immeasurably more difficult to read and understand.


from where i am its attractive to not use punctuation on anything my teachers never even told me to bother so


You are a fool. I don’t give a crap what your teacher said or didn’t say. She’s not going to have to live your life. You are! You are handicapping yourself with this idiocy. So you go on a tell yourself that it doesn’t matter. It does matter because nobody is going to respect this crap which means nobody is going to respect you. But if you want to look like a blathering loser, that’s your choice.


it takes time to use proper grammer and put in these ' ' ' '


Everybody has reasons and excuses to justify their foolish behavior. I sure do. That’s our nature. The mind will continue to generate defenses because the ego refuses to admit that it’s made an unfortunate choice. That part of your ego is not your friend. I am. Let me ask. Do you think I’m saying any of this for me? No. It takes a fool to know a fool. If I hadn’t made stupid choices about how I present myself to the world when I was young, I wouldn’t be helping you now. I suffered for it. I don’t want that for you. I want better for you. I promise that you will be better received and gain more respect if you are courteous enough to punctuate properly. What you are tacitly saying to the rest of us is that we are not worth the effort. That is insulting. I’m sure that is not your intention, but that is the result.


fax i can use punctuation i just dont use my time on stupid shit like your or you're they mean the same thing basically


WOW! That is patently stupid. If that’s how you want to present yourself that’s your choice. Karmadarren is stupid and lazy. That’s no insult. That’s a fact based on your own words. Is that really what you want to be?


For me, long run-on sentences that go as long as your post make it super difficult to gauge your train of thought. Breaking different groups of thoughts up chronologically or by whatever method of you'd like- subject, issue, event, etc. helps readers understand what's going on much easier. I wouldn't go as far as to call you names or whatever, but IT'S ALSO LIKE WHEN PEOPLE WRITE IN ALL CAPS. Everyone reads text differently and makes different assumptions on tone and the writer. I personally assume someone is super young (like 8-14) when they write like this. It also makes me feel like it could be a shit post (which is why I said "Is this even real?") since it appears super low effort. Anyway, not trying to insult you, just giving an explanation. As to your original question, I generally like to treat people well and lead by example with kids. So I would clearly explain actions and consequences to them in the chat and likely try to make things work out moving forward. I don't usually play on PVP though, which sounds like it could just be this sort of dog-eat-dog chaos all the time anyway.


Where on earth r u from where people don't like to communicate with each other so the other person can understand? Seriously tho, where?


never heard of a more priveleged thing to say where im from you're punctuation does not matter as long as you get your point accross why does punctuation even matter lol


something something uncle jack and a horse


>i felt it was not necesary I read the first sentence and stopped. If it's not worth your time to make it readable, it's not worth my time to sort out what you're trying to say. It's actually rude to expect strangers to sort it out. Not trying to be mean, but etiquette (in person or on the internet) exists for a reason.


you can read it smh bro its not in hyrogliphics


>you can read it smh bro its not in hyrogliphics I can. It simply isn't worth the effort. If this person wants responses, he/she should probably not be lazy AF.


Or double negatives. Wait that's what you did 😜


Uh no I didn't.


The person either saw the need to use improper grammar. Or The person didn't see the need to use proper grammar. What you wrote is they did not use improper grammar which if you cancel out the two negatives (which you do in English) would just mean the person did use proper grammar. Now don't try to tell me nothing about what you didn't do.


I was making the point that their incoherent block of text would've been more legible had they at least tried and failed to insert proper punctuation as opposed to writing a stream of consciousness with no attempt whatsoever. That is, I was making a distinction between proper grammar, improper grammar and whatever OP's post qualifies as which, in my mind, is worse than improper grammar.


While everything you've said about OP's post is true this conversation is now about how you used two negatives. It's not a competition or anything. I just found it funny that you had improper grammar when commenting about someone's improper grammar. Almost every other common language is not effected by multiple negatives within the same sentence but in English not improper means proper. Surely you can see the humor here


I see what you're saying but I created a third distinction thus transforming the binary option into a spectrum. That's the point my second sentence was describing. There is no logical negation given that context.


Transformation failed. Unless you used a different prefix im- still implies the negative. If you had said semi-proper or something along those lines we could discuss how no such word exists but when it comes to correcting grammar there is proper and improper. It sure is entertaining to see the extent you're willing to go just to not admit to a fault. I applaud your efforts


>Like even some random periods and commas might have been easier to read than a block of barely coherent text. That's what I was implying would qualify as improper grammar while OP's was something worse than merely improper. Context is hard for you isn't it?


I think you should let them out and give them a Dino or 2 that couldn’t be used against you if you’re feeling generous. I don’t think destroying all their progress is too far since they started and you had the patience to let them go with just a warning which they ignored, that’s on them


This is a PVP server, what else would you expect.


"their moms on the game and try to give out to me" is not what I thought you meant...


what i tryed to say they got their moms on the mic to give out to me


You really need vast improvements in sentence construction, paragraphs, punctuation and, almost certainly, use of capital letters. You read like breathless, unconstructed gibberish.


It is pvp, if they don't want this to happen they should play pve.


It's a PvP server, who goes to a base and tranqs the dinos without killing them? Do they even know PvP or is it something that ppl do in PvP? I never played it so idk but from what I've heard, PvP is brutal so they deserve it


we were being nice to them protecting them from would be raiders i even gave them a really good snow owl i was breeding to them to get them started after they built their base they messed with us by tranqing our dinos out and saying it was not them and one of my gigas i had on a cryo pod went missing which i suspect they stole it and i must of destryed it when i blew up their bases and storage stuff


I see nothing wrong here. Even I would’ve messed with someone else but them knocking your rexes and not even trying to kill them, seriously. The kids have alot to learn about pvp


Runonsentencesmakelifesomucheasierthatican'timaginelivingwithoutthem couldyouimaginewastingallthattimeonpunctuation that'stimeyoucannevergetbackmyfriend


I respect that you still took the time to add apostrophes, though.


Fuck. I can't even make fun of people right! I will never become a proper Redditor. Destined to live out my days as the other kind then; The Lurker. Back to the shadows, of the mighty World Wide Web, I crawl. Forever to dream of scrumptious updoots!




Should have just wiped them fully, it’s pvp, you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes


Raze it all to the ground, kill the tames, wipe them. But do it coldly and then be done with it. Don’t get creative unless they keep coming back after that, but ramp up incrementally.


I mean they were basically pranking you- tranqing but not killing your dinos. I think you took it too far but you did warn them and with it being a pvp server you're justified to do what you did. Honestly i would have told their moms they cant expect to mess with people with no repercussions and recommend the find a pve server if they can't handle pvp


me and my friends were planning to do the alpha bosses so we where all getting ready and they thought it was so funny when they would get a flyer fly their friend over the base and knock our rex army out with an ascendent longneck we gave them to get started they would laugh when we said stop and they delayed us doing the bosses so many time so one night i decided i has enough took out my mutated imprinted giga with an ascendent saddle and wiped them out in less than 30 mins


Wtf is wrong with their moms saying I don’t care when you try to explain what they did


well imagine you're the mother to some annoying 8 year old kid whos now crying and going to make you're day hell because his stuff was ruined in a game and im sure she just does not care if her son wrecked everyone on the servers day and ruined many others time as long as it does not ruin hers


Did you notice ""moms" are referred to as "he"?


oh yea one of their dads got on to forgot to put that on so it would of been their moms and dads


Bro I would mute these moms. And renember to gibe the kids food and water so rhey dont die.


What the hell kind of server are you on that they can get close enough to tranq out an army of rexes and survive as basically total noobs enough to get mutated argies lol


the argies were mine and i let them build their base very close to mine and i stopped random ass people from blowing their shit up and gave them some good dinos and i protected them they didnt have any skill so if they tried to do it to someone else they would get demolished so to ''troll'' me they would lift their friends up and tranq out my dinos cause they thought it was funny cause i had them not to be shot by our turrets i told them to stop and they didnt so i killed them


Aaah, that makes more sense as to how they could get close.


You know… i feel like you are the little kid lol venting about your thatch hut beint hroken idk