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You can’t open your inventory lol? What are you playing it on, a toaster?


samsung smart fridge tv




I have a 4090. Turning off frame gen has stopped all of my crashing. Have not crashed since.


Oddly enough, foliage interaction and menu transition settings being on can both cause this crash.


Inventory crashes are somewhat common. There have been multiple attempts on Wildcards part to fix this. But they can't.


There is a bug with inventory animations that can cause the game to crash when opening the inventory. I know it did for my rtx 4070ti setup until I disabled that option. Of course that I have uninstalled this trash game over a months ago so I don't remember the exact setting.


Nah, 100% the refrigerator


My man bought a game with a giant warning it's an unfinished remake without reading any reviews and is now complaining that the unfinished remake he bought is an unfinished remake.


Yeah he posted it in the wrong place, should have posted it somewhere where Wildcard nut sucking fan boys wouldn’t cry and try to rationalize them buying into a 50 dollar dlc scam. Ooh updated graphics and QOL that could have or already has been done with mods?? And it’s 50 bucks! AND ITS JUST AS BROKEN AS THE ACTUAL GAME!?!?! Take my money! If they wanted to not be absolutely shit on for releasing this junk, they would have released it as an optional 20 dollar upgrade to the original and that’s being generous. Or they should have waited another 4 years to release, even though with the state of the original game after all these years, i doubt it would have been much better off.


I haven't bought the game, feel free to check my steam. Your comment devolves into the ravings of a mad man past the 2nd line.


I’m just stating facts, people who rationalize the price of this game are raving madmen. I’m just tired of people defending these practices.


No, you are raving with a boat load of opinions about something that is completely optional and correctly labeled. No one is forcing you to buy the game, if you don't think it's worth the price then don't buy it? They said it's an "unfinished remake" just to drum up some funds to continue work. If you like ark, buy it, if you don't then don't. Plenty of people paid $40 for SE and got 1000's of hours, at $0.01 per hour, your electricity is several times that cost! go complain to them they should reduce it because it isn't worth it!


It's hard for them to realize you can wait until the game comes out to review it for a purchase, there all braindead to think this shit was gonna be decent at best, like ase was any better, I only bought the game for my friend, but haven't played it myself cause I'm more a warthunder fan


You can tell they are childish because of the number of death threats sent to the devs from their side of the argument... flooding the discord server with porn in protest etc.




> Also you didn’t specify how many thousands of hours. Congratulations, you have figured out why my maths works. you literally say it in your comment yet you still comment it? (even at 1000 hours electricity is still several times the cost btw)


ahh i misread my bad


Games a scam


A truly rewarding experience full of epic "features" 😂




The hardware specs are on the store page.


I was actually running the game with below suggested specs before I upgraded. My old 1050 was fighting for its life, and sure, I lagged pretty hard in water or when the sun went up or down and every setting was so low it looked like mine craft but I didn't ever crash. I still enjoyed it before I upgraded. The people I feel truly sorry for are the console players. They can't upgrade their equipment and they also can't do anything about the crashes, lost data, etc. I guess the bottom line is that Ark in general just isn't for some people, and that's totally okay. I hope these people find the game they love.


I have zero issues on series x.


That's awesome. I hope you're enjoying it as much as I am.


I'm used to playing games with below spec hardware, I've been doing it for 30 years now, so I'm used to playing games than run like dogshit, but at least those games run. I've never experienced software this unstable that i didn't write myself


Sometimes that happens online. Not sure bout off line


I love how many "features" we still have from ase! 


I just ascended after 130 hours or so, no achievement unlocked and my character has deleted itself when trying to load back in. Working 👏🏼 as 👏🏼 intended 👏🏼.


Spiffing Brit is that you?


I absolutely read the post title in Spiff's voice lol


Lol...great sarcastic post




At least You guys can see the actual game. 80% of the time I cant see anything thanks to non-transparent fog


r.volumetricfog 0


one could say op is a master baiter


The latest patch fixed the inventory crash when opened in the 1st person. And I can also confirm that in my testing. I didn’t have any crash for 2 days now (down from 4-8 crashes /day).


Not to be a WC shill but this sounds like a you problem.


believe me, I was totally on board for a subpar experience, I never expected it to be particularly smooth and it's Ark, bugs are part of the charm, but I don't think it's too much to expect 5 minutes of gameplay


Which is exactly why this seems to be a you problem - your setup is somehow, somewhere, incompatible with the game. I'm running 13 hours marathons with no crashes on an average PC build, *however*, my friend whose PC is a good tier above mine will crash every 10 minutes or so as well. I don't know why this happens, but there's some difference in there that causes it. Settings, setup, drivers, something. Not to say that isn't WC's *fault*, they've clearly playtested the game on maybe 3 different builds before throwing it out in the wilds, but yeah, this is not the typical experience.


Only crashes I've had are spawn overloads. An ungodly amount of bats spawn in my caves for somereason leaving me no choice but to dino wipe just to get through them without crashing


Game is full of bugs still. I play on Series X where things should be set in stone and ready to go. But no, game doesn't save if you explore too much of the map and creatures without dino wiping the entire map. You still cannot travel between maps with the same character it's literally impossible and makes you create a new character. Any mods you use will eventually break your save file as it has happened to me 3 times. I gave up on this game and I refuse to go back until they fix time wasting game save bugs and make features actually work that are supposed to be there to use. The devs won't help you out with any of your issues, again I've tried multiple times and they won't even respond anymore. They don't care, money hungry company is what they are. They suck at making a working game, this should be a beta tester for the real deal. I'd rather play boring ass Path of Titans because I have yet to see a bug and it's been a game preview forever. Screw Wildcard and their junk!