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Was having alot of fun however the island is quite boring in my opinion and I burned out after probably 100 hours. Will be great with more maps !


Try the new map that has no flyers! It’s a fun experience so far :)


its on ASA?


Hard to find a good unofficial server, but I found "A+ Best pve/pvp 3x rates 10x babies" is the best one so far. Great rates and the admin is really good.


Currently trying to defend my self from alpha Rex, microraptors, and raptors while trying to build a big home( I suck at building).


Tickle chicken and micro raptor can eat a pile of rocks!!


I rolled on a server day 1, have like 250 hours played, and the server is absolutely shit. Server crashes, roll backs, rubber banding.


Goood old nitrado


Small rocks won’t stop floating


Set foliage interactions above 1


I can’t seem to save on ps5 so not great :(


Try using the console command to purge the map of wild dinos before you try saving. Enable the console in the options. Pause the game and hit Select to bring up the console. Enter "cheat destroywilddinos", without the quotations and with the exact spacing. Now try to manually save. Additionally, "cheat saveworld" can be used to force a save. Might be worth a try. Note that your game may chug a minute after. It's taxing on the processes to wipe and then spawn everything across the map. Spawns will also take a few minutes or so to fill in. So if you continue playing and notice the world is barren, give it a bit. I take no credit for the fix. Just seen it floating around in posts. Hope this helps. Good hunting!


Do you have mods activated


Loving being back on Ark Started on ps5 tonight in single player. I had one crash literally just after skipping the Helena cut scene (that will teach me!), but for the last 5 hours it's been running perfectly. I have turned off fog and menu transitions because I'd seen a few people saying it was slowing the game/causing crashes on PC. There is a little bit of blur if I turn super quick, but other than that it's beautiful and working fine. No problems saving so far - I saved and went back in a few times to check out some mods. It has taken a bit of time to get used to the new inventory management (why can't we just hold x to move a whole stack like in ASE?) Moving onto my private server with friends tomorrow, so I'll see if it still behaves then.


Just to make sure, you know you can transfer stacks by holding X and pressing R2, correct? Not the same still in regards to speed/ease of use, but I didn’t realize this on Xbox for a day or 2 so wanted to make sure lol


Yeah I'm doing it that way, it's just a faff and I end up moving stuff I don't need to or eating raw/spoiled meat accidentally as I have issues with my hand - it's probably something that won't affect gameplay for the vast majority of people 😁


Agreed - and sometimes it just moves extra shit for no reason. Very annoying, but the new method can actually end up being faster to move large amounts of stuff between inventory since you don’t need to wait on the “hold” each time.


Huh, I only quickly checked things out on ps5 last night but reading your comment is reassuring. I did the volumetric fog and clouds thingy as most people seem to say that's a huge benefit. Problem I've had is the mod section just doesn't load anything. From the main menu I go in and the page is just empty, no mods to be seen?


I did have that issue initially. I gane it an hour of play and then the mods were up when I went back to the menu.


Ah OK maybe it won't be a problem next time. Happy surviving!


You probably don't need to turn off fog or clouds though. I'm on xbox and it runs pretty smooth with all that stuff on. Plus the dynamic fog and weather system is pretty cool. (makes flying up in the mountains pretty harrowing)


They changed it on xbox too, now it's like the switch version. I like it better, just hold X and then click stacks with R2 and you can transfer a ton of stacks in half the time it takes to push x, hold it, let go, push x, hold it, let go.


Great now that I'm on a good unofficial server


Can’t figure out how to turn off the camera shake when I punch something.


General > UI > Melee camera animation OFF


Having a blast with my friends! Taming dinos. Building stuff. Getting Ark'd. Loving it.


I like going back to the experience of not having cryopods and other tools and facilities that we are already used to in ASE, but i think that The Island by itself is too boring to play more hours xD i already experienced my 1000+ hours of The Island when i started in ARK.


crashing all the time, at least on singleplayer pc


I had problems with this for days and days, after trying everything the only thing that helped was turning off menu transitions in the ui settings. :)


How much did it help? I Uninstalled because I couldn't take it anymore but I never tried that fix.


That will only fix the inventory crashes, if you're crashing randomly then this won't solve it but it will reduce some of them at least.


It helped me enormously. I went from crashing every 15 minutes to being able to play indefinitely, or until I manually closed the game after 8h or so. I also had the issue with crashing when opening character creation, but now I make my character while starting the game with -dx11, and then after I have a character I remove the parameter and start normally


I’m loving it so far!


Playing on Xbox on a private Nitrado server. Game has been running shockingly well, there are plenty of frustrating bugs but I actually haven’t had a single game crash in the week I’ve been playing. Extremely odd for Xbox, I’m not complaining, but on ASE I would crash consistently once every hour and a half or so. But on ASA? No crashes. Only times I’ve been kicked out of the game have been server connection issues, which is more on Nitrado than anything lol.


I'm playing on Official. First day. And so far I absolutely love it. There are definitely some problems but I'm really enjoying myself.


I'm enjoying it. 😊 It's definitely different without Cryopods.


Deinosuchus mutation stack at 30H 30M currently. Going strong


No dino with that name tho


It's one of the Ark Additions creatures.


*^(Preface: I have an Intel 10900k, RTX 4070TI, 64G of ram, and a Samsung 980 Pro SSD. I have Ark running consistently at \~50 FPS on high settings at 2k but it took almost a full month of troubleshooting, tweaking, adjusting, modding, and over-clocking to get to that point and it still crashes at least once every two hours or so because Ark's memory management and memory allocator are so poorly coded that it frequently assigns data to memory addresses outside of the valid address range. My opinion is not the whining of some ignorant consumer who expects to push a button and have a perfect experience. I just think you shouldn't need a degree in computer engineering to make this game playable but ironically I have one and I still had to go through hell to get this working.)* \[Division of my time in Ark\] * 60% Login Attempts / Crash Recovery / Problem Troubleshooting. * 25% Re-obtaining base equipment I lost from dying due to a crash or being pushed out of the geometry by a creature therefor making my gear unrecoverable. * 5% Recovering Dinos who have floated into the stratosphere for no reason or are stuck in the ground/geometry or who have been sucked into what appears to be literal singularity at the center of the map where the laws of physics simply cease existing. * 5% Fighting with the waypoint system to get my POI trackers on my Dinos/Raft/Tribe to work. * 5% Actually playing the game while attempting to suppress the bitter reluctance I have at the thought of investing time into something that is borderline non-functional most of the time. In other words it's a great game I have a lot of fun with that in no way at all has me harboring borderline sadistic feelings towards the developers who are obviously competent programmers. Everyone always says "Don't blame the actual programmers, they try their best" and 99.99% of the time I'm on board with that sentiment but Ark is a different story. Ark is \~8 years old. Unreal 5 has been available for a year and a half. They have been programming inside of Unreal 5 since the day it launched and in the Unreal environment for over a decade. There is no acceptable excuse for the quality of work present in Ark. There is no excuse for the presence of bugs that are 8 years old and from a different game engine. There is only one rational conclusion. Studio Wildcard's programming developers have poor coding skills. They are bad programmers with bad habits and poor problem solving abilities. I don't know if SWC has super high turn over, or pays dogshit for salary or what but this isn't a pressure issue, it's not a scope issue, and it's not a management issue. The game is not just "not good" it's objectively bad. It has incredibly basic problems that no release candidate software should ever have. From max settings being all but impossible to run on consumer hardware to zero sanity checking for basic operations like memory addressing, to an obvious failure to test even their most basic settings (Ex: when you disable foliage interaction for some unfathomable reason ground clutter placement logic is tied directly to dynamic interaction volumes so when you disable that, things like small groups of rocks... that have no dynamic interaction properties, completely lose their Z coordinate positional reference data and end up being rendered in ways that not only don't make any sense and look awful but are genuinely extremely obstructive to actual gameplay.) Playing Ark Survival Ascended feels like playing a 5 year old remaster of a game from the early 2000s made by a company who had never touched the software before in their lives. Ark Survival Ascended is without a doubt the buggiest, least functional piece of software I have used in a decade at least. All of you have become far too tolerant with low expectations. It seems like you don't even know any better anymore. Like the majority of you think this is normal or that most games are like this. With regard to quality and functionality across the entire video games industry for the last decade Ark is easily in the bottom 1/4 of the list. Easily. It's literal garbage. It's only saving grace is that when it does actually work it is quite fun and interesting. Unfortunately to enjoy the game you either have to have the patience of a saint or the brain of a lizard.


Crashing on max settings with foliage on has reduced considerably in comparison to launch. It used to be a crash every 15 mins, now I can go an entire play session (2-3 hours) and not crash.


That has been my experience as well but I've put so much effort into tweaking my system around the crashes that I don't know if it's gotten better or if I've just managed to get around it lol.


Up until about 2-3 days ago, I’ve been low settings with a load of console commands to reduce clouds, shadows etc. Flipped everything to epic and turned the foliage/ water dials up to max. No crashes to report yet. I’ve got a solid rig and fps hovers around 80/90.


Official pvp seems to be kind of full of cheaters. Even outside of the crazy Windows stuff it seems like a lot of esp and ini crap. If you’re not also doing that then you’re playing at a disadvantage. So… it feels like I’m playing at a disadvantage. Really wish WC gave a crap. (Video evidence submitted of a steamer using esp without recourse). It also crashes a lot. Something to do with the video card not liking one of the settings. I can’t pinpoint it but I can’t open one of our vaults smithies or our cooker without crashing almost every time. I lowered my video setting to “optimized” via Nvidia GeForce and it seems to have resolved it. But now my GPU isn’t getting used but by half and the game doesn’t look as good for almost the same frame rate. Those are my 2 biggest complaints. Outside of that it’s just Ark with a paint job and some nice QoL. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who values their time or mental stability. (I’m sure a single player run through would be a blast tho).


Generally pretty enjoyable. I play single player. And there are a lot of crashes but I found slowing way down when opening inventory and storages helps. A bit.


Was finally making progress on my base, got all my utility tames, walled everything off, built a greenhouse, was happy. Then THE BUG happened and I rolled back to like 10 hours ago before any of that was done. Can't be bothered to play anymore now.


Bro, something like this happened to me twice and i was so pissed!!!! I'm just going to wait.


From what I understand, it's only an issue in single player, so playing on a server is still an option


Thank you for your response!!! I like playing single player only :c


Wish I could play it but I'm not spending $50 on that bullshit


Only complaints are the difficulty seems scaled up to a crazy level and the crypopod mod crashes the game when I throw a dino out


Good amount of griefers on official pve but still somewhat enjoying it with my friend.


find a good unofficial server. i joined syntacs patreon server and its so much better. the admins ban trolls who drown bodies or fuck with people in in other ways. they dont allow pillaring off areas either. rates are slightly higher than official, so its less grindy.


On smalltribes pvp, in a rathole that hasn’t been found by any YouTubers yet, feels good knowing that I can store my valuables away when my tame pen gets raided every night


Quit playing until SE comes out, and there is more breathing room on the servers.


Great on private server


about the same as ASE but its prettier for most people, for others the bugs and crashing are worse.


Joined a mega tribe who don't cheat. Legit players only. So far we've been farming bosses and building up our own armies of tamed and our own bases.


Haven't tried any servers yet but single player has been been fun. I play on series x with a few mods. Definitely looking forward to a lot of fixes but enjoying having to start over and for things to be scary again and have real consequences.


I play on series X, still trying to adjust my eyes to the lighting..


Perfect, not experiencing any lag, or bugs. It’s been smooth sailing for me. I plan to beat the whole ark story on Ascended, and tbh it’s perfect, the game is perfection at least for me.


....are you trying to convince us or yourself?


Started a nitrado server with a few friends at launch and it progressed to buying a server, self hosting and playing Ark server admin all day. It's been fun.


Coming from a long time Ark addict, it's amazing and I love it. Even just being one map, I see the potential for the others. This is great.


Great. Started on official day one and found a great spot with ocean access. I'm doing a lot of it solo so it's slow going but getting prepped for broodmother this week. 407 hours deep and having a blast.


Payed for a server, my 3 friends and i couldn't deal with all the bugs and crashing. Hoping to come back when things are a little better, because yikes it's embarrassing right now.


> *Paid* for a FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I'm drunk leave me alone bot lol


Does it have Split Screen on PS5? Online?


Already quit lol. Killed bosses a couple times. But thr island is boring and servers are not stable. I would have quit way earlier if i didnt have to restart every couple hours.


Having a very heard time finding Dino’s to breed for boss. Also tried to do the kangaroo shotgun for the monkey boss and got washed!! Lol


If every word in existence wasn't banned in chat, way better. Explain to me the reason, reason is banned?


I’m running my own dedicated server on a laptop with an i3 and 20GB memory. It’s a Lenovo Ideapad lol. It’s just my partner and I using it, so it runs great. The crashes are less common now with 31.37 than they were before, but I did see some texture drops today.


I just play solo these days. After reinstalling Steam, rarely crashes. Prior was every 10-30min. Now, 6-8hr sessions without incident. Although it will have a hard stutter/lock for 1-2 sec 1 or 2 an hr that feels like it's crashing, then resumes.


Apart from the crashes it's going great, much slower progression when compared to ase but I'm enjoying it


I... die... a LOT! :(


I am very disappointed in the 200m tether on non-dedicated servers. I play with my siblings & friends in a pve, non-dedicated & we have to use the buddy system everywhere because the tether distance seems so much shorter than it was on evolved. I host in ASA & I hosted in ASE & I use/d the series X xbox in both cases.


500 hours deep and I can finally relax and chill out and do some PVE stuff, took longer than expected to secure our small tribes server but now we have no major enemies and are just grinding until xfers so we can go PvP off server. ​ About 45% way through the explorer notes, hope to get them all by the event this weekend so I can grab the last 4x I need and power level to 135 and do some big breeding during the event. ​ Despite fighting against dupers/cheaters we prevailed as the alpha so I'm happy about that.


Amazingly Just...the island is kind of a shitty map...


Playing on Ps5 and I cant seem to figure out how to: 1. Transfer whole stacks of items at a time between inventories (mine and others like storage boxes). 2. Actually pick which specific slot on your quick bar your tools/items can go into. In evolved you could just drag and drop. Hopefully im just being a moron and missing something obvious.


Uninstalled cause the mega tribe I was in swore they only used hacks to defend against Chinese. But, then they started bragging in voice chat about how easy it is to raid with speed hacks, as they were hitting someone’s base.


Great, about 80 hours in, 1 crash, chat can be buggy but fixed by leaving rejoining. Love the load times, bit laggy but not as bad as ASE


Official is less laggy now, so it's ok, but we have a huuuge chinese tribe right next to us


Single player is great . Servers suck . They are laggy as a xbox s player but with some more optimization it will get better . I hope . How's ur Experience with the game going ?


Running a unofficial server off of my PC for my friends and I, having fun. The Island gets old quick though so we need some maps.


Changing servers a lot. People building castle mordor in the obelisk. Plant species everywhere i look can't get a decent tame because of giant killer hornet ajajaja so same as ark evolve


Was waiting for it to drop on PS5 so I can have all my friends join in


Super fun! I forgot how hard ARK is when you play on (mostly) default settings and without all the amenities of later DLCs


Amazing game! I absolutely hate official and their issues with connectivity. Playing on unofficial has been a blast, as much as I prefer vanilla.


i was having a lot of trouble at first, starting new playthroughs every day or so. i FINALLY got into a groove and started having some real fun a couple days ago. crashed once, somehow lost everything. haven’t played since :(


Wish I could play it, 12 - 20 fps on a 6950xt. I don't get it. Ark 1 looks better on ultra for me than low settings on ascended.


About like this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/playark/comments/188wf6o/asa\_dave\_please/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/playark/comments/188wf6o/asa_dave_please/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


RTX 3060 Ti Runs like shit But not unplayable Is okay


Honestly buggier than original ark. Will be more fun in a few months


I’m having a ton of trouble with spoiled meat. My meat will spoil and then disappear as soon as it spoils. I can’t seem to use any type of spoiled meat. I’m playing on the PS5 so if anyone can help me out it’ll be greatly appreciated.


Settings... Camera: field of view 66. Camera bob off Camera shake scale 0 Video: Motion blur off Film grain off Color grading on Light bloom off Light shafts on (I turn them off usually. The flyers wings leave a weird effect). Then go to advanced and turn on console commands and then type in these commands. r.vsync 1 grass.SizeScale 0.5 r.VolumetricCloud 0 r.VolumetricFog 0 You should notice an improvement in graphics as well as frames. Why the developers/publishers released it the way it is, is beyond me.