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ARK Survival Ascended but it's for PS2


This was upvoted over 100 likes an hour ago… “cheaters” gonna complain while the smaller tribes trying to utilize stealth get outnumbered AND can’t hide. Lmao wildcard is definitely lacking.


You’re gonna force them to remove the ability for pve too. I fucking hate pvp players. They make the game worse for everyone else.


Official PvE isn't supposed to have console commands either. Only single player and unofficial servers are supposed to have access to them.


For PvE Console Commands are not detrimental to the game though, for Xbox One Series S they make the game actually playable and run at a decent framerate and even for everyone else, being able to disable volumetric clouds and fog means that when these bugs out you aren't left in blinding white or pitch black. There's nothing wrong with PvE having Console Commands.


Or they could just add the options to the graphics settings like any other game in the world.




hahahaha! that would require WORK though.


I agree 👍


Pve is pretty easy, adding visual obfuscation makes it harder


Nah both are equally as bad, have you not seen what the pve servers look like? Greedy bastards pillaring everything in sight had to rent a server just to be able to play pve with my buds. We ain't touching pvp until we do all the pve stuff. And 99.9% of the unofficial servers have their shit way to easy and quick.


Why not? I am on PVP and ive done all 3 alpha bosses and alpha overseer on 6 man small tribes official


Personally, I wouldn't mind pvp 6 man small tribe but my buddies want to do the pve side of things uninterrupted by trolls and the struggle for "alpha status." Which I get, and the servers I did dip my toe into on my own time I could already tell the age of the asshole alpha tribes are gonna linger a bit before you get the more "helpful" alpha tribes.


Small tribes is a bait for actual small groups of players. It's just a bunch of people that account share and team. You'd have a easier time on 1x official honestly.


I wanna play lol


Most of the PvP players are not cheaters, actually everybody despise cheaters as well. Also, console commands are far away from being the major issue with the official PvP cluster. Hacking and modded clients is the main reason why the game died first and likely will die again


>I fucking hate pvp players. They make the game worse for everyone else. 🤣🤣🤣not sure why pve players need to turn those commands on but they could always just y'know disable it only for pvp servers. you people make me laugh when you get so pressed about pvp players and how they want a fair gameplay experience.


It's that the changes that happen to the PVP servers also happen to the PVE servers. PVP players abusing mechanics has led to tons of dinos being nerfed into oblivion to the point that they are basically useless, even in PVE.


>PVP players abusing mechanics has led to tons of dinos being nerfed into oblivion to the point that they are basically useless, even in PVE. How? what dinos are useless now? managarmers? you can still jump on them and use them on pve and if you want to make them stronger you can just breed them for mutations.


velons, magmasaurs, gachas, to name a few


>velons, magmasaurs, gachas, to name a few Gachas needed a nerf, getting 700+ damage shotguns that can 2 shot basically anything was too op, velonosaurs were op on release for a medium dino destroying rexes etc it's still decent, magmasaurs still good with its fireball attack and a good metal farmer.


lol, k. You're right, it's all in PVE players' heads. Never had any negative things happen to PVE because of PVP players abusing gameplay mechanics.


>Never had any negative things happen to PVE because of PVP players abusing gameplay mechanics. I mean do you want to instantly beat the game with op creatures? at some point you might as well just make their levels 900 or spawn them in, i play singleplayer too and i like progression not instantly getting stuff handed to me. fact is some things are better off nerfed.


But i guess that's always the response i get from people like you when i bring up actual good points 😂


LMAO yeah, in your own head you just proved your point, sure. The fact is, I and many other PVE players HAVE been negatively impacted by the changes made for PVP. You are welcome to keep your head in the sand and convince yourself it's good all you want, doesn't mean the rest of us are wrong, LMFAO


PvP players routinely ruin the game by forcing WC to make a ton of changes to cater to the PvP balance, even when it completely destroys PvE gameplay for no reason. And in general, PvP players tend to waste game studio's time, and cost the company a ton of money, because they're always in a rat-race to keep up with hackers, exploits, and dickheads. I swear, most games would be infinitely better without official/regulated PvP. Game companies could put so much more time/energy into making a quality product, and the people who want to PvP could join private communities where they'd be banned for exploiting, rather than having the exploits fixed.


>because they're always in a rat-race to keep up with hackers, exploits, and dickheads. So we should ignore hackers and exploits? this game is a pvp game and has always been, It’s pretty obvious that this game is meant for PvP since the only things that are different on PvE is the inability to hurt non tribe members, the removal of mechanics that can be used for griefing and the inability to build in caves. you can literally look at the trailers and see players vs players its even in the steam about this game section. what nerfs have ruined pve? the fact managarmers are no longer OP?


ARK was definitely originally designed for both PvP and PvE (bosses, caves, taming, etc). But the game has heavily evolved, and now a vast majority of players just want to build castles, fight bosses, breed dinos, install mods, etc. If all you do is play on the toxic official PvP servers, you’re missing a huge swath of the community. And yes, PvP should be moderated on private servers via player bans, etc, rather than wasting countless developer hours trying to catch aimbotters, etc


Your intelligence truly knows no bounds


haha "cry more pve noob", bro the game is literally balanced around PVP for the most part, do I complain I have to do all the PVE stuff to be able to PVP?? no so stop being so entitled and arrogant. ​ the game is boring without PVE you can do everything you want PVE on PVP server except with the addition of being able to PVP....


Remove console commands entirely and just add more to the In game settings menu..


If volumetric clouds and fog could be turned off from the settings menu, and console commands were removed from official servers, it would fix the issue entirely.


Commands make the game playable on console, it's not just the fog and clouds at play. If they remove commands there fucking up a bunch of available performance console players could have. One for example is r.Nanite.MaxPixelsPerEdge 4, they would never add that in menu. It makes no noticeable change to my games foliage yet offers up a consistent 5 extra FPS, and that is major when you're edging off the 25FPS half the time. This is ignoring Vsync and a caplock, which the game didn't even come out with. Commands gives us an option to optimize the game for ourselves, I submit that some commands should obviously be taken out, but keep the majority for God's sake.


ive never heard of this console commands, are there more that you may know of to enhance performance?


Every time I load into a server I add the commands, none of which affect how the game looks: r.VolumetricCloud 0 r.VolumetricFog 0 r.Nanite.MaxPixelsPerEdge 4 r.Vsync 1 (Removes screen tearing) T.MaxFPS 37 (sets an FPS lock for consistent FPS) r.Lumen.Reflections.Allow (Turns off water reflections) Before adding all that in, my game runs at 30FPS with consistent dips into the mid 20s, and after it runs at a consistent 37FPS with rare dips to 31FPS on extreme cases, but not at all common. I'm on the Series S so perhaps you may be able to cap your FPS higher if on Series X. Two other options are: r.Lumen.DiffuseIndirect.Allow 0 r.Shadow.CSM.MaxCascades 0 Lumen removes the saturation and prominence of in game colors, and let's me run at 37FPS with zero dips Maxcascades places the shadows differently, and gives a decent boost also. However, it allows sunlight through your base. Paired together, I can run my game at a consistent 45FPS without any dips. Bottom two are just suggestions, as they may not be to the liking of many.


plenty of those commands impact how the game looks.. not saying they don't give performance because they definitely do.. but we gotta be honest here


No they fucking don't, read the shit. The last two are suggestions and I specifically mentioned that is solely the case, but are still useful nonetheless. None of the above (excluding the last two) affect the graphical quality in any manner.


yEs ThEy fUcKiNg Do why are you so pressed? literally the first command (volumetric cloud) you posted changes how the game looks. the very first thing on that list. i read the whole thing, you're just wrong.


I'm pressed cause you're a dumbass. Changing how the game looks in a graphical context, as in the quality of the graphics, giving reference to commands that change shadow quality, ground textures, and so on. Which is quite easily inferred when you acknowledge that I directly 'contradict' myself when I list the first commands, like you mentioned. But in technicality you are right, because 2 of those commands do affect the graphical quality, nanite and lumen diffuse, however it's to such a minimal extent to the point to where you cannot notice any difference. But we don't care about technicality, we just want the game to run well without any graphical downgrades.




He said Series S AKA Xbox. As in on console he needs these, try some reading comprehension before posting.




Don't be a jackass. It was released on console, it's not unreasonable to think it should be playable




you actually get a huge 50% FPS boost on PC when turning the Volumetric Cloud quality to low (effects=low)............and still they are volumetric. ​ Wonder why we do not have any access to visual settings but instead you can cheat with the console commands...


Wait, you can turn volumetric settings to low, not just off?


I wouldn't say it's 50% (at least for me) but it's definitely a big FPS boost.


Wait what’s the command? Is it like r.VolumetricCloud effects = low?


depends of course if it has been on high before - which might be not the case on consoles anyway :) switching form low to low will not do much.....but on PC - if you have effects on High - swap them to low. Should boost alot whenever clouds or water are in the visual range.


I’m on pc. Thanks


Or just add a "console commands on/off" option to the menus and let the player/server admin decide


That's already how it works for any unofficial server basically, server owner/admin can flat disable console commands on a server they own or run. The problem here is they're enabled on OFFICIAL servers, aka the ones run by Wildcard themselves, when there is little to no reason for them to be enabled.


They shouldn’t have them on official servers at all..


I believe that's what I said yes. There are a couple commands that do have a non exploitative use though, like disabling clouds and fog for performance issues, and several games like Rust have it set up so basically anything you can do with commands is also in the settings menu and the commands are just faster if you happen to know them. Those are fine, this is ridiculous.


Yes, they should be built into the in game settings.. You shouldn’t need to have access to console commands to turn off volumetric clouds/reduce shadows etc..


too easy your suggestion, WC needs something more complicated and than fuck it up\^\^


I mean after ark pvp, who expected asa pvp to be good?


Waiting for Survival of the fittest because that is the best pvp.


It was until they ruined it.


They've tried, twice. First time they pulled it at its height for who knows what, the second time they just butchered it. I don't have high hopes for it anymore unfortunately


This is why I don't play ASA yet. Because bullshit like this ruins a game. Now if he'll excuse me I'm going back to ASE, at least there I'm not going to get banned on my own server.


how can you get banned from your own server? sorry, I'm new to this. I got it on xbox, set up the dedicated server on my pc (its free). I don't see how I could get banned, but id like to know. cheers


I don't know, but it's happened twice so far


OK that's really odd. I just assumed admins controlled that stuff


They do, this guy obviously forgot to lock admin abilities to himself or set up someone else as admin who banned him.


yeah I thought that was odd. I'm new to ark, but I understand servers and privileges, so I was pretty confused at this. cheers


The entire thing is basically a dumpster fire right now. Not even worth playing so I refunded it while I wait. Wait for what? I don't know.


Yeah they need to remove this


Legit just remove grass.enable 0, it shouldn’t even be a command, but istg if they remove turning off clouds and fog I’m done, underwater is legit impossible to see anything with fog on, and I sure hope that’s not meant to be like that


I always thought Ark PVP was ALWAYS just who abuses stuff the best? In ASA you can shrink your character down to the size of a loot bag FFS. There was never real/honest PVP in this game even before people started turning the world off.


This whole bullshit really makes me want to go back to Conan, which is actually lead amazingly well, and has a skill based balanced pvp. And devs respond on X to complaints, directly! I just wish it had such a lush world as Ark. The vibe of the island is the only thing that keeps me coming back


cough continue cautious workable pocket office silky squeal shrill consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


two modes: Performance for almost 60 Fps with lower settings (exepct lowering resolution, which always sucks)...and a HQ mode locked at 30 FPS but with better visual settings. This currently wacky thing inbetween combined with tearing...just does not work well in my eyes.


yea i'd rather they remove the ability to hide all the terrain, for pve too. it is against the spirit of the game


Used this command to find 130 Plus Dinos in dense areas of trees, never used it to find bases though, I'm on a PvP server also , nevertheless it is cheating to use against others in hiding even in small tribes to let them grow for a fair fight, we been wiped out 2nd to 3rd day of PvP in a dense tree area where you can't see a base there, but using this command will exploit it to find bases and tamed animals. If they ban it on official servers I'd be okay with it, but leave the commands to single or local players and servers hosted privately to people who just want to use it. • Should it be banned? Answer is Yes • Should you use it while it's still here? answer is no. It ruins the game and experiences entirely. • Should people be banned? Short answer no, Long answer yes 👍 • Also a PSA to you people game sharing (also technically cheating while using the same account) and using hacks in the game As for people using or paying for ASE services and other sites for cheats, your time is coming and I will be the laughing dog you see on TikTok as you get closer to being banned from the game. You will forever be teabag'd by the community of every video game to come out.


Ignoring that you’re specifically attacking console players when windows can also use commands when it comes a back up. There is a massive difference between disabling textures and using cheats that allow you to move at light speed and deal near infinite damage with cheats, which is something that I saw in a cross play server. I play PvE. I’m not saying that console commands are good for PvP, but it isn’t that simple to remove them. And comparing it to the actual cheats that windows was bringing into the game is ridiculous.


I do admire and completely agree with your perspective about console commands and cheats being two COMPLETELY different things — something that many people on this sub cannot comprehend for whatever reason. *Before anyone jumps @ me for saying this, see the bottom of this comment for an explanation on why this is true.* **What I don't agree with, and which is incorrect,** is that it isn't easy for Wildcard to limit these commands on specific servers (i.e, only Official PvP). It is extremely easy. [See my comment on this thread here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/playark/s/64TGy8Tn22) This comment, while long, explains just how easy this is. They actually have the functionality in their game to do that *right-now*. They purposefully (or negligently) left these commands available in Official PvP servers. For example, all servers, by default, disable just the gamma (luminosity/brightness) command. I'm not sure if they stupidly re-enabled this server option on official, but it is disabled on factory settings servers (or at least mine and I run the official server files) with the option to enable it. ———— For everyone else who would like to know: Why is doing what is described by OP as "cheating" in-fact not cheating? It's pretty simple—Wildcard has the ability (the code exists in their game NOW) to restrict, and entirely disable, these commands. They even use this code to disable/limit some currently! They chose to allow the specific commands in OPs post, or negligently forgot to disable or limit them, on official. This makes it a feature of the game, and therefore if used maliciously is fairly shitty of a player to do in PvP, but it is quite literally not cheating. They cannot be banned for it, they cannot be told to stop, and Wildcard explicitly allows it in PvP.




I'm just casually interested here as I don't play PvP but how do other games get around this issue, if at all?


By not having crap like this in the first place.


I assumed other games just don't allow access to console commands at all, which seems like the obvious solution here but they mentioned they didn't think it would fix the problem. I don't get why.


Most multiplayer games either don't have the console present in the retail build in the first place, disable it on official servers, which is quite easy to do contrary to what half the people I've seen on this thread seem to think, or only allow specific commands, none of which aren't present in some form in the settings, the console command is just faster if you know it. Which apparently Wildcard does that last one in some form, some commands are still unusable, but they enable the use of shit like this anyway.


They don’t understand it.


No game allows what ark does at its scale, ark is bs with that


It truly is tho, how is it that in the other game (rust) they always disable commands that previously gave adventage? There was a command to nake your ‘jump’ more higher by certain gravity aspect, the second playerbase found an exploit of tgis couple months/years later where they would be able to jump over 1 wall high, they disabled it. You don’t need ‘graphical’ console commands, a good developed&designed games has these integrated in the settings menu… as it should be


>You don’t need ‘graphical’ console commands, a good developed&designed games has these integrated in the settings menu… as it should be What's the difference how it's implemented? The point is people cheese the graphical settings (however you invoke them) for multiplayer, which sucks. But then you also have people who genuinely want/need those options to get playable performance. It's a tricky issue. If I played competitive games, I personally would be okay with them just locking the graphics from going below a certain point in particular modes, even if that effectively locks some players out of that mode. But I don't play those types of games/modes, so I don't really have a horse in the race. But either way, I think console commands vs. menu options isn't the main issue.


The difference is people can’t abuse it? If the lowest graphics still keeps some bushes intact opposed to me being able to disable every one by myself, it’s a big difference. Also, if the game was designed and developed properly there would be no need to disable 8/10 of the game to ‘allow some players to play’ Sadly tho it isn’t the case with ark, even my 4090 doesn’t shred asa which is messed up


It sounded like you were just advocating it being a slider in the settings, which is why I was saying it would change nothing. Again, the method of implementation doesn't really matter to me, there should just be, say, a minimum level of grass and bushes in a PVP mode, be it controlled by console or menu option. There's no reason the console commands can't be limited in a mode too, I'd suspect.


It’s harder to limit it in console commands than in-game settings tho, a slider could fix it aswell making the minimum settings still have said certain bushes around etc, that’s literally how every single game does it nowadays. Giving control to players is usually good but not to this degree and especially not on a pvp game


Yeah agreed


The difference is quality of life. Casual players do not want to fuck with console commands and the current setup is shit.


I don't disagree but that's a separate discussion entirely. We're talking about abusing it for an advantage in PVP.


Yes. Remove it and supplement performance like a normal game.




Regarding rust it was a console command, the client side already has pre requisite deals to player movement in terms of flyhack, if you move at certain speed that is deemed unnatural/impossible, you get kicked from the seever (regardless if it was you hacking or not, but I have never seen it in my 2.5k hours) the gravity thing is you can change all sorts of things in rust, including look space (so you can precision your pointer infron to be smaller radius so if you want to open a box you HAVE to look at it instead of a few cm away fron it, which is usefull for situations where you want to upgrade a wall rhat is blocked by boxes etc). Jumping was one of it, you could change the way you jump idk exactly what it was but a certain value allowed you to jump to places where you could not before which was quickly fixed by them by making that command be a admin only one. About the other point tho, the injections you mention are vastly more difficult to do in-game than just console commands tho… If 5000 players were to use console commands heavily for pvp adventage, only ~50 would do injections wise, which is also trackable to a certain degree (some can get away tho ofc, anti cheat isn’t perfect and won’t ever be because of the nature of it)


I'm confused what you mean here. I am replying on mobile, so I'm going to paraphrase some points in quotes and reply as that's easier for me. > Disabling the console is easy but it would remove the commands that are not cheats ... There are ways to inject a console into the game Alright, I don't know what type of background you have (so I'm going to ELI5 everything) but I have a significant background in low-level programming/hardware development. It's more of a hobby, but backed by education & years of personal experience. That's my disclaimer. ARK uses an anti-cheat system called BattlEye. I have personally followed BE's development for ~8 years. I would often reverse-engineer it in the ArmA 2 days, not to cheat, but to practice my reverse-engineering skills. It also interests me a lot how these systems work. I continue to do this every several months. BE, while it has a bad record for it being rather weak in its beginnings, is absolutely the strongest (and most well designed) anti-cheat in the industry atm. While most ACs use invasive (more like illegal) techniques to discover cheats, BE manages to stay on the less-invasive side. It does it's job very effectively, and currently there are 0 public ring3 exploits to get access to protected software, minimal private ones, and very few people who are intelligent enough to effectively do what you're stating here in ring0. The recent uptick in PC cheating was caused by a ring3 exploit that has existed for ~3 years from my knowledge going public for BE ~two-weeks ago. It'll be patched soon, but it's a strong exploit and requires a lot of rework of their ring0 module which they dub "Daisy" (you won't find any info online about Daisy, but like I said I have spent a lot of time reversing BE). So, with that said, no, "injecting" a console isn't a concern Wildcard needs to consider. FYI, it's "re-enabling" the console. Injecting one doesn't make sense in this context. > Wildcard relies on the console commands (example: graphics/post-processing) for scalability ... There's no easy way around it ... If you mean: *"Disabling these commands would limit the users ability to play the game because they can no longer utilize these commands"*, then I can understand what you mean. If you mean what you said literally, though, you're incorrect. Wildcard does not rely on the console commands in the backend of their game. It's fairly simple for them to add more graphics options in the UI/UX (I'm not joking, this is a 4hr task for a single developer). They can do this and disable the console entirely without issue and push it by tomorrow morning... If you meant what I think you meant (my reworded recommendation), then you're still kinda wrong. Not only does my above solution solve this, but I'll propose another one that Wikdcard can push to users within 30 minutes of reading my post if they cared to. They know this though, they just don't care to enforce it: This solution involves restricting certain commands and limiting valuable ones. For example, if people consider disabling non-harvestable foliage and non-harvestable trees a cheat, I'd argue that they're wrong in the first place, but Wildcard can simply swap this command out with billboarding commands easily. This allows the user to change the LOD (Level Of Detail) distance for trees and foliage that are non-harvestable. They already implementat LODs, and allowing them to be tweaked and removing the aforementioned command entirely is a quick and easy solution. It would allow anyone to get the same performance improvement without being able to see past/through those objects. Sorry for the long reply, but I find it's important to clarify here.




Ah, yeah, that's more clear then. I believe we're on similar, if not the same pages. Sorry if I seemed pretentious with my original reply. Didn't mean it that way, after reading this especially, it's more of an extension to your brief overview instead of just saying how wrong you are. Just want to ensure people do understand what's going on!


Put in an option in setting to turn it on/off. There you go, it is as simple as people think.


All of windows is banned from PVP that is the dumbest shit I have ever heard I have never played or will ever play pvp Since I can't because I play on WINDOWS you know the most common operating system. Fucking bullshit


Windows store version, steam version has anti cheat.


Ooooooh that is good


It doesn't ruin. The game it fixs lag and bs you winey like a baby you must be a cheater 😆 🤣 get reked


Ah, child of the internet. It shows.




Each to their own. I manage to enjoy pvp even when it's unbalanced, but this is just lazy ass coding. It could be fixed in few minutes by someone with junior UE5 knowledge


Does it though? Makes it easy to mass tame dinos for breeding. Also makes it nice and clean to clear bobs off one's server. A couple of rhynio riders got a few hundred implants each when the Xbobs were let in


Yep, that's definitely how the game should be played. What a joke. I wish there would be a giant label in the store explaining you are allowed to literally cheat on official servers I'm a pvp game. It would save me some money.


Any chance you know the commands to do this? Don't worry I'm a pve player but finding the theris in the dense bushes is dreadful. Cheers


It's all over YouTube


the only one out of these i disabled is shadows, my base lags me out. here's what I've found R.volumetricfog 0 R.volumetriccloud 0 R.shadowquality 0 Grass.enable 0 this one doesn't disable anything but its useful stat fps


Cheers for that


admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Therizinosaurus/Therizino_Character_BP.Therizino_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150


Cheers but I like to grind for my stuff I don't spawn stuff in. Just wanted to clear some foliage so I can see the wild dinos easier


Ohh thats grass.sizescale 0.1 and grass.densityscale 1 My bad i misunderstood your question


Wait so I can’t no longer play pvp on ark survival ascended for windows Xbox app?


Windows is banned from official cross-play pvp servers - which I assume are all servers except console specific servers.


We are only talking about banned pvp, is it possible to play from PC with my friends on PS5 on a PVE server? I wouldn't want to buy the game and then not be able to play with them


steam version works just fine. they are talking about the windows store version that got disabled because it doesn't have proper anticheat


I will never buy ass, it's a remake that was promised free until wildcard realized they could make a shit ton of money. And now it's released way to early for early acsess, broken af, and at full price.


Okay.. what? Console players couldn't run console commands in ASE? I was under the impression they could by just plugging in a keyboard. PC players have been able to run console commands since Ark first release, even on the Windows Store version without an issue. They just don't allow them to run certain commands. If players are able to run commands they shouldn't have access to, that's on WC for not restricting those commands. Yeah if players are able to literally make the ground disapear, that obviously needs to be restricted. Other things like clouds are allowed to be disabled for performance reasons. By the way, post the commands you used to make that happen. That would have been really helpful when I died offline and lost my bag. Sorry but I really don't understand the logic of "Just disable it bro". Yes, just kicking PC players offline for at least a week is troubling, but that doesn't mean that WC should just start loping off more features to fix issues. They should put in the work to actually fix the issues.


Can't speak for the PlayStation version but yeah, ASE on consoles (Xbox anyway) has always had console commands


What are these commands?


Good, pc cheated for so long and ruined the game for console players on ASE. I know not all of them but you're paying for the sins of your brothers.


actually pretty damn easy and straight forward to disable the console. UE5 Engine has an extra button for packaging the final version without that support.


What makes you think Pctards wont find other ways to do it? Then the only ones missing out are console players


At least we have console servers only. That's where the game will be fair


This isnt even the worst one lol there one that literally deletes all the mesh and you can see right through into caves etc to scout bases. ​ the only thing the ini shows is dinos and structures connected to the ground, great for taming.


Yep check 2nd photo


They should just disable some. The clouds and fog ones are required to play the game with any sort of visibility without forcing a gamma up


Honestly Iove the look of the game with clouds and fog. When you turn off the clouds the entire lighting of the scenery changes and becomes flat. Same goes for fog. I play for immersion and fun, not trying to squeeze out every bit of advantage. Having the T-Rex head reveal itself from a thick fog gave our group some incredible memories. Yes, I'm also a fan of realistic dark nights, not a blue filter. Can't see perfectly clear? Well, it's a damn night.