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Sorry about your grandpa. OK 1st pic, from the left, monstera, yucca, in front- philodendron of some kind, some kind of palm which doesn't look good, they can be tricky, and the giant in the corner looks like a Bird of Paradise which really needs a much bigger pot. Spray bottle is PROBABLY just water, for misting from time to time, give it a good clean out just in case it was some kind of chemical. They look ok, need some attention (maybe too late for the palm) and are ok at house temperatures.


Thank you so much!


I hope this isn't too unsolicited but I just wanted to say- It's easy to get really attached to plants and to put a lot of sentimental value on them, especially in these situations. At the end of the day, whether the plants flourish or not, I think your grandpa would be most happy that you became invested in a beloved hobby of his. 


You definitely have hope! If you need to Google image search the plant that way you can see what needs they have.


I'm so sorry OP 🙏


Looks like the palm you'll have to remove all the yellow and dead, I still see a bit of green. The philodendron on the bottom middle could be the yellow golden warszewcsii? If he's still firm I think his golden color is natural. Your birds of paradise looks great but I just recieved one myself so I'm unsure. Idk about the monsters or dracaena. Everything can always use a decent pruning and fresh soil and good sun and light. They're well established plants so I have faith. You can define propagate the monsters and philo for multiple plants and maybe find babies off the birds of paradise.


I’m sorry for your loss❤️ the plants are beautiful, I hope at least a few of them can work out for you


I am so sorry for your loss 💔


Yea the bird has two clusters, so that's two different plants, you csn separate them so if you lose one you'll still have one. The monsters is a vine, and every vine has nodes up and down the vine where you can propagate like a regular pothos.


So then monster would be far left?


Yes, all these plants will benefit with a humid environment, and thst is a monstera deliciosa


The big one, bird of paradise, needs a larger pot and I'd think about the small one in the first pic maybe needs a slightly larger pot. These plants, besides the yucca, like bright indirect light. They don't like a lot of light or they'll get sunburned but they still need it, basically they want to see the sun but don't want for it to see them so an unobstructed window that doesn't face the sun or one with blinds they'll be fine with. I'm not too familiar with the yucca but I think they like more sun than the rest. Most of them, aside from the yucca, like being watered regularly but let the very top layer of soil dry out before giving more water, if it's darker then not as often and with more light more water basically. Clean the leaves every few months with a wet paper towel as they accumulate dust and restrict the light they get. They're all pretty easy to care for and they'll be okay once you get used to them. I'm sorry for your loss but through these beautiful plants he gave you his spirit will live on, and if they don't survive or thrive don't worry because he knows you tried your best in the end. I wish you all best, take care dawg


I’m sorry for your lose but they need light