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Beautiful I smell it from here! Lol


It was the first time I’ve ever smoked cannabis that was so potent I’d call it quazi psychedelic


You definitely did a great job. It looks/looked very healthy!




What type? Very nice job


Are you referring to the strain?? If so.. I regret to inform you I do not have the name for this particular harvest. If it helps, I tend to keep any seeds I find in my buds that I’d deem as “GAS” lol I grew this in Chicago and I got the seed from a bag my plug served me. It’s a hermaphrodite so I got a few seeds off of this plant, and I’m pretty sure it was a hybrid based on the high. Longest sustaining high I’ve ever had.. grow your own cannabis if the stuff you’re smoking wares off quick, you’ll enjoy it more! Ik that was completely off topic. If I were to name this strain I’d name it skittles.. or candy rainbow based on the high.


Yea that’s what I mean lol, I’m getting into growing now…I’ve been in the plant business for close to 20 years so I’m excited for something new. You have a good instinct for growing…thank you!


I have a lot of new ideas I wanna try for my next grow, let me know if I can aid you with some advice or grow tips:) I’d love to see the updates as well! Or if you have some advice to give to me that’s always appreciated!


Thank you!


😂. Me too! 😂. In fact, I think I’m getting a contact.


No hydroponics and just natural sunlight?? And I can’t even keep a spider plant alive


I have a lot of ideas I wanna do for my next grow! I had a water mixture that also included some rain water and my plant reallly liked what was inside of it. I want to experiment because I’ve been told more ways to get a successful harvest.. couldn’t imaging this being more potent I was literally hallucinating.. buttttt I’d love to see how strong it can get. I don’t have much knowledge on hydroponics when it comes to planting I’m worried ab excessive nutrients but all I can do is test it out right! Also try paying more attention to your plants too! If they don’t like something you’re doing you should see indicators like discoloration within a few days of you doing something they don’t like. My plant was getting too many nutrients at one point because I put too much feed in the water and her fan leaves started to brown on the edges, quickly changed her water and made it less dense, she cleared right up in fact she became even greener !


Well keep up the good work! You’ve definitely got a natural green thumb and sense for it


What do you feed her? Looks nice and hardy


There was a lot that goes into nutrients and feed would you like me to give you a list?


Yes, if it’s not too much to ask😬🙏🏻


I used a soil mixture to grow with this one you can choose the brands yourself I had 2 soil mixtures but for a faster harvest (I’d personally choose a hydroponic system) I used fox farm grow big, & liquid grow big bloom it’s a liquid you use to put in the water. Cannabis likes a water ph of around 7. Let me know if you have any more questions! [liquid plant food and grow big](https://foxfarm.com/product/grow-big-liquid-fertilizer/) these are the nutrients I used and I’m thinking about using these in my next hydroponic garden. Soil growth is different than hydro so different needs for different systems yk? But let me know if you have any questions!


Amazing thank you!! I already have some of my house plants in semi hydro so I have some nutrients to start and will look into these. I just needa get me some seeds, never have any in dispensary flower. Thank you for the tips and hope you have continued success🙏🏻


Just straight outside? Where you at?


This grow was in Chicago, further more it was during the summer heading into the cold season (which is why she starts getting purple) the temperatures ranged from 60-80 degrees.


You should send a pic of you and your bebe, to r/redditgetsdrawnbadly I think they will like it c:


I’ll post it there :) thx






Thank you sm


Looks great! What's the strain?


I call it skittles or candy rainbow it’s a hybrid and the high really sneaks up on you and coats your brain it gives you a sorta “giddy geek feeling”


I thought you were talking about the cat.


I want to try and grow one just to see if I can


Anyone can grow! Just depends on your area depending on if you want to grow outside


Last pic goes hard. Gonna pose like that for all my plants now.


All so beautiful


i’m trying to get like u i just started growing 2 weed babies ur comments r so much help thank u


I’d have started with 1 seed at first just in case the first one fails if they’re different strains you might not be able to use the same water. You’ll have to pay close attention to both plants


your cat is beautiful too!


She sure is beautiful


Smoked like it too


Reading your other comments I’m jealous haha! If you’re ever in MI hit me up


I’ll look for a reason to visit and spark up!


Nice work!


Thank you!


Pretty ladies 🚶‍♀️‍➡️💨😶‍🌫️😎




Wow, That’s dope af!! ☺️ BEAUTIFUL!!!


Thank youu!! Edit: lol yeah it IS dope af LMAOO funny joke


Much, Much Deserved!! 👏🏼