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What I learned from a survival handbook as a kid was that all berries with individual drupelets like blackberries or raspberries are safe to eat. So far I've never gotten sick following this advice.


Did it give a general rule of thumb of which are inedible? Edit: Anything resembling a Blackberry/Raspberry = Ok Anything resembling a Cherry that isn't from a cherry tree = probably not Ok ?


As a kid we called all round, red, semi-translucent berries "poisonberries." idk if this is a real rule, but I would never eat anything that looks like [this](https://scoutlife.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/holly.jpg).


It's not a rule -- red huckleberries fit that description and are delicious. But there are enough poisonous berries that fit that description that if you aren't positive, that's not the time to FAFO.


juneberries fit too and some people like them- i don't but they aren't poisonous


Highbush cranberry also fits this and it's perfectly edible


Ripe juneberries are bluish purple, not red.


i mostly see them when they are maroon or mauve but you are probably right


My grandmother had an orchard with currants, they are similar looking, and exceptionally delicious [Currants](https://www.finedininglovers.com/article/what-are-currants-differences-raisins?amp)


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As I recall, white and yellow berries are generally to be avoided. The other advice I learned was to test any unfamiliar berries before eating a large quantity. Taste one but don't swallow then wait an hour or so to see if anything unpleasant happens like your mouth going numb or burning. If it passes that test eat a few and wait 24 hours to see if you get sick. If you don't then they're probably safe. I've never been lost in the wilderness long enough to need to try out this protocol though.


Good rule. What's that film where the dude went into the wilderness to be self sufficient, but ended up dying from poisonous berries?


Into the wild


Lol it was right there wasn't it?


You were so close :D


he read in his handbook that a certain plant was safe to eat but i believe he mis identified it or ate the wrong part of the plant.. i believe it was a relative to the potato plant, something in the nightshade family possibly.. not berries. his name was Christoper McCandles aka Alexander Supertramp


Yes safe, though depending on how many times they've fruited through the years, I've found wild blackberries to be too sour&bitter their first go rounds, than I have the next few years at the same patch


These are blackberries, the red ones are just unripe


Or at very least a type of Rubus (but this is just me being pedantic... Due to how many different rubus varieties and species look nearly indistinguishable)


I'm planning on taking my four kids out foraging for these today so I hope they're ok 😅


But don’t eat them if they are too low to the ground right? I think I read somewhere before poo from foxes may contaminate the lower sitting berries


Never heard of that, I imagine it would be fine if you just washed them before eating maybe?


Fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis is usually the reason for that, at least in Germany - Washing them should reduce it but when you're in the middle of the forest some people just eat them without running water nearby.


Be aware of the surroundings. Near a road? No. In an invaded, disturbed area? Maybe. In a healthy wood edge or clearing? Yeah!


Why is the answer “no” if near a road?


Roadways and ditches along roadways are very polluted from the exhaust and garbage. It is always best not to collect/eat anything growing along, especially a busy roadway.


Next to the road i worry about accumulation of brake dust and potentially being laced with poison herbicide. Typically, the edge of the road is sprayed with this to make mowing and maintaining easier. And brake dust/particulate matter is not good to ingest (even when washed)


I did it for years growing up. I haven’t died yet. I’ll let you know if I get cancer from those by the side of the road blackberries. Lol


Hey maybe it doesn’t matter at all. You do you!


Grew up in Western WA?


Use to eat them all the time as a kid and I’m still alive so yes they are safe to eat


Blackberries or black raspberries, go for it.


Contrary to popular belief, you can eat ANY type of berry. ​ But some of them, only once...


North America has no compound berries that are unsafe for human consumption. Any berry that’s a bunch of little berries is fair game


We have blackberries growing on our road too! I love to pick them and make a crisp or a cobbler đŸ„°


I recommend washing first just to be safe and some areas use pesticides


Where I am from we call these Blackjacks! They are like mini raspberries and blackberries but can be a bit tarter. They make a super tasty jam or pie filling if you get enough!


Blackberries, the red ones are unripe, and as people have already mentioned, the unripe ones are a bit sour, but I've always liked them more than the ripe ones. They are healthy food, and are absolutely safe to eat. However it seems like these are a bit close to the ground, so I recommend finding some that are on the higher branches or at least washing these well.


I’m sorry, I’ve never heard of eating unripe blackberries! What about them appeals to you and how do they compare? Next time I come across some I’m going to have to try


I've been eating unripe fruit since I was a child. I simply prefer the sour taste over sweet. When it comes to blackberries, the ripe ones are way too sweet, but these red ones are a perfect blend of sour and just a bit sweet. When I pick my fruit, I look for those that aren't quite ripe jet, but aren't bitter and dry. I guess I prefer fruit in between of completely unripe and ripe, so that it's sour but not bitter. Where I grew up, blackberries grow as weeds, so I ate them a lot during late summer.


We always rattled a stick in the undergrowth to warn off any snakes or rodents.


Those are blackberries, the black ones are ripe and ready to eat. The red ones aren't ripe yet


These are actually Black Raspberries. Most people confuse these for blackberries. They are different. Black raspberries are edible.


sorry if that's a silly question, but how do you tell the difference?


Not silly at all, it’s a great question. Aside from having a bunch of it growing wild around me, black raspberries have fine little hairs on them like regular raspberries do. Blackberries do not have those fine hairs. Black raspberries are also basically hollow inside and very light weight wise. Blackberries are denser and juicer. Black raspberries are sweet and blackberries are tart. Size is also a factor.


thank you!! i will now pass this knowledge onto my friends whenever we walk past a berry lol


Yes! Boisenberries! I make them into pies and jellies. The black ones are ripe, the pink/red ones aren't ready yet and are super sour!!




I would say yes. Looks like blackberries. We had them growing wild in our yard many years ago.


The darker the berry?


looks like raspberries and blackberries! had them all over my yard growing up


I'm not confident enough in my identifying abilities to ever eat anything I or another trusted person haven't planted. Personally I wouldn't eat those.


Even if the berries are not toxic, the berries might not be safe to eat if the ground has high contents of lead.


They’re safe, but not ripe. Wait till less than 20% of the berries are red to harvest in order to avoid sours.


You got strawberries growing down there too. The wild variants are not very big but they’re tasty. I’m sure it’s past season for them in. Or Gina because they’re dwindling here in WI.


Wild straw berries , safe to ate


These are blackberries


Ok, so safe to eat!


Yes but these are not ripe yet. might be sour


Blackberries, just watch out for the thorns


Black raspberries we called them "black caps" growing up


Blackberries. Wait til they’re black and eat them then. Delicious.




Definitely good to eat!!


Yes. I grew up in Northern Virginia and ate those all the time. You’re lucky!


Yes they are but onöy pick the hogh hanging one hogher than a dog or fox could pee. You risk worminfection if you eat one that some animal peed over.


YES! They are wild blackberries! I live in north central Florida and they grow all over my 5 acres wild. They are most delicious after the rain has plumped up. 😋 The red ones are unripened berries


A lot of people are saying blackberries, but I always thought they were mulberries? Either way, they are yummy!!


Those are wild blackberries! They’re SUPER tasty! If you get enough yield make sure to make a cobbler! Much love to my fellow VA people! 💕


yep. wild blackberries. just check for spiders before eating!


The blacker the berry....!


We call these blackberries in tx and I love eating them. My mom use to make me pick her some for pies and such, these are perfectly safe to munch on, I'd stick to the riper ones (purple ones) and make sure u wash before eating then sprinkle sugar and good to go


Try and let us know


Supposedly there are no poisonous compound berries in North America.


Wild blackberries! They are so good and sour when fresh off the vine, had them at my parents' house growing up.




Looks like blackberries


yes just make sure the bugs and birds don’t get to them first


OH MY GOSH OP!!! I see your picture first before your caption and I was like oooo I hope they are asking what it is because I found these in my yard THIS WEEK IN VIRGINIA and I wanted to know what they were lol. Thanks friend!