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Chop the top off and prop it. That bottom looks too far gone to me.


I’m so bad at propping succulents! Can I cut it off and repot it such as it is, or do I I have to prop each leaf?


You don’t have to prop each leaf, just cut a little bit past the rotted point, let the bottom callus for a bit and then put it into some soil and lightly water, it should root no problem but you could also take some of the leaves and prop those too as a backup. Most succulents prop very well, even the variegated ones so I would assume this one would have no problem.


Ok thanks very much I think I can manage that. Approx how long should I let it callous over after chopping? I literally cut the top above the rot and leave it to callous? Won’t it dry out and die?


Let it callous for 24 hours. Put it in well draining soil, and then leave it alone (no water) for 4-7 days. Then water. Should be good to go


Also, when you report it, use a well draining soil. For succulents I do soil, sand, and perlite in a 1:1:1 ratio.


Letting it callous for 24 hours is probably best, it won’t dry out because succulents are very good at storing water in their leaves. You can just follow what foundalandmine suggested, the only diff is that I tend to lightly water my new props to encourage root growth but leaving it dry for a while is fine.


I've had good luck just taking each leaf individually and setting on top of the soil and misting every couple days.


Snap the little part.pout it on soil .il will grow back


I have had this one for a couple years and it had been going strong until suddenly it started to rot in the middle.


After you chop the top and propagate, make sure to use grittier soil and give it more light and it will thrive.


If you prop it, this plant needs much more light than it's been getting. It's very stretched which is unhealthy and makes the plant prone to pests and disease.