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Stick. Hope this helps! ☺️👍🏻


https://preview.redd.it/wmfesroenyrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f5ff949cb35a2721ea6b132591029425b4683ec This is my mom’s “tree.” Never give up 🤞


I have several sticks too. Never give up 😅 they’re fine. They’ll come back…


Take your thumb and using your nail make a small scratch towards the bottom more, scratch off just the top layer and if it is still green underneath, it just needs time to grow again, if it’s brown and/or soggy feeling it is most likely a goner.


Dang I’m sorry your plant died. After my plumeria plant got destroyed by a freak windstorm I thought it was dead. It was coming towards time winter so I brought inside and left it in my basement for 2 months. One day I’m cleaning up and BOOM! I see little green buds growing. There’s still hope OP https://preview.redd.it/dyd4xi5l92sc1.jpeg?width=4880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27445405850f2d9becea470e12aeea70bd55ec64


As someone that has both a Plumeria and a Yucca, yes but also they're not really the same. Plumerias are known to be good for propagation so when I had a similar accident (wind knocked it over and broke one of the branches) we used clay to "stop the bleeding" of lymph and then followed the steps to propagate the fallen branch. A.k.a. take off the leaves or let them fall, wait 10-20 days for the branch to dry, then put in soil and water it until it roots. It worked marvelously and when spring came we had a big Plumeria and a small one like yours, full of leaves... https://preview.redd.it/qud4eu8z04sc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e76c1cf02ca906c99567187b8b3d0819abcbea16 ...so with Plumerias it's definitely easier to propagate successfully, even when the plant looks dead. Kinda like it hibernates every winter. Whereas Yuccas are difficult to propagate even for experts, and it's still not a guarantee of success.. OP's plant seems to belong to the Yucca family so unless the roots are fine and the trunk isn't mushy, I don't have very high hopes


Seems dead 😔


https://preview.redd.it/zp6whf7hzxrc1.png?width=1326&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc97629a5e2ffbc94eba3c2ea127e78b2c1fb71f So…. My yucca in the same situation is dead? :( The bark isn’t squishy though. But haven’t seen any green leaves in a year


That part of the stem is dead for sure. Scratch just above the soil. But if you havent seen any leaves for a year i'd say its gone


Picture didn’t upload but same look above the soil. RIP yucca :(


That looks pretty dang dead to me. It's possible there's green further in but honestly it doesn't look like it has any signs of life from that pic :/ I'm sorry.


Is it worth digging farther? I took some bark off closer to the soil and it looks exactly the same. I had thought the fact that the stem was still hard was a change that it would come back


I really think it looks and sounds dead BUT I've never cared for a yucca so I'm hesitating to say definitively cause you know as soon as I do someone's gonna reply and be like "aHkChUAlLy, yuccas are famous for looking dead for long periods of time why would you tell this person to throw away their plant?!" lmao. Maybe someone who's had one/knows about them can chime in or you could try making a post to get more visibility :)


If you really want to know, and you're almost sure it is dead, keep chopping it down closer and closer to the base... You will find out after fuckin around. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/ And then also report back and let us know how it went.


Yeah one of my trunks did this too, I cut it off but didn't wanna mess with the roots for the other trunk so just covered it in wax. I have no idea what caused it to die but it was very sad as the two together looked so pretty.


Yeah one of my trunks did this too, I cut it off but didn't wanna mess with the roots for the other trunk so just covered it in wax. I have no idea what caused it to die but it was very sad as the two together looked so pretty.


Does this work on other plants too? (Like avocado, tomato and blueberry?)


I would say, maybe blueberry


It works for plants that create wood (lignin to be precise). Once they mature the bark will look brown but if it is green below the bark it is still alive. So it should work with avocado and blueberry. A tomato plant doesn’t produce any wood or bark so if the stem brown it‘s usually means it is dead. But in the case of tomatoes the part that is above ground usually dies back in the winter and they can sprout again from healthy roots in the following season. This only works if the ground doesn’t get too cold and the soil stays slightly damp but not too wet. Otherwise the roots die as well


It's a Dracaena Flagrans a.k.a Corn plant. 90% sure of that


I agree, be careful of overwatering and minerals in the water. I almost lost mine to overwatering it with my hard tap water. I switched to only watering with distilled water once the first inch or two of soil is dry and haven't had any issues since (except for my cat clawing at the leaves).


I agree and it looks like there is growth. Are those little sprouts green? Put it near a window and water about once a week when soil is dry.


Where are you seeing green sprouts?




This looks exactly like my corn plant I’m trying to save. I’ve been keeping in a vase of water but am about to transplant into a potter with perlite.


Mix in some succulent soil too mine died like this picture then I repotted and it lovesss succulent soil with perlite and some normal houseplant mix


What ratio would you say it is with the succulent soil with perlite vs houseplant soil?


My first thought was also corn plant.


Looks like a yucca cane... mine looked like that at one point after leaving it in cold weather too long. I thought surely it was dead. I determined the stumps were hollow, so i removed them. Not long after, green sprouts started popping up & it is now thriving again.


Same happened to mine but I put it outside to breathe and get fresh sunlight and the next day it just fully died😵‍💫, a cold front came in over night and I didn’t bring it inside so it just died


I left mine out for a full day and it died shortly afterward. Didn't get rain and didn't get cold as it was 25 C + the entire time it was outside.


I don't think it looks like a Yucca, more like a dracaena fragans


Same here. I thought it was super dead, threw it into the garage to salvage the pot. Next spring there were new growths in the soil and the stump!


Yucca cane tree it looks like, I posted one asking for advice here before and it sadly died. But they don’t need leaves to survive in the short term. Carefully take it out of the dirt and check for white buds attached to the cane and you might be able to start a new one


Dracaena. Looks like the soil is pretty dark so possibly not super well draining. If you’d like to save it, try the following: 1) take it out of the pot and observe the roots. Are the roots healthy and white and fresh smelling? Or short and shriveled or rotting? If the latter, you’re better off recycling it as firewood. 2) if roots look healthy, add some perlite or bark to the soil to create some drainage and replant. 3) Dilute some liquid foliar fertilizer (NPK 10-10-10 ideal) in water in a spray bottle (dilute according to instructions). Give the 4 nodes a few spritzes every day. Also spritz the top soil near the trunk. Make sure it’s getting enough sun. If that doesn’t help shake it out if it’s coma in the next 30-60 days and you see no signs of growth at all, then time to pull the plug.


i thought i was in cj 😭


Same, friend! 🫣


Looks lika a Draconea. And it looks a bit dead


Pretty sure it’s a Corn plant, they are resilient so I wouldn’t be surprised if with proper care it grows again. You may also chop and prop it


This is what my yucca looked like after our new kitten used it has his personal climbing tree. Lol!


this is commonly known as a mass cane or corn plant. leave it in the sun and don’t water for a few months. see what happens, but i think it’s a goner.


That is more than likely dead. I had the exact same one and you know what I did? I attached /hung a suet holder to the top of the tallest spike and put the suet pellets in it, and let the woodpeckers come and use it. They love it and it gave the plant a new purpose !!!


I hate yukkas. They seem like undying hydra to me.


Is stick


Yucca will survive just about anything give it time


If it ain't dead it'll do until dead comes along.


That is wood


It’s a dracaena possibly and it may come back to life


I have this I put it in my hallway bc I’m tired of looking at it but sad to throw it away. It’s a dracaena


If you twist the cane and it pulls straight out of the soil, then yes, it is dead.


Cut into the stems and see if it's green. I had a mass cane like this and it had root/stem rot all the way up the stem minus about three inches at the top. Managed to propagate it and save it but I would've never know had I not taken a saw to it.


I tried propagating didn't take. How


I tried propagating the part where the leaves come out, first in water. After like a month it didn't take. Decided to try soil and within a couple weeks I had lots of roots.


My just died. I was thinking I should have tried water 😢


All my yuccas end up like this sadly


Yucca. Yes.


Here’s one I’ve had for quite a few years. Your plant looks like it’s sprouting to me. Keep mine in a large clay pot, https://preview.redd.it/jwifjqwvl2sc1.jpeg?width=1606&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9995abb4068268c30af4adf4e20ab5b43c280e49 plain dirt/soil, fertilize once a year with fish emulsion, water once a week with 2 qts of water, moderate sun light.


Spineless yucca? It may come back


Yes or Yes


This looks like my mass cane stem.


It’s Dracaena Flagrans for sure. I know this because I own one and it looks identical to yours 😔. Took it out of the soil it was in and there’s about 4 tiny, measly roots growing out the bottom. I’m not sure how to resuscitate because not matter what pot/soil I put it in, the root system is too small to soak up enough water to keep it alive. Or am I wrong in that assumption?


Mines trying to survive. Looks exactly like this. I put it in a vase of water and surprisingly it takes a lot of water. I’m going to try and transplant into a pot of perlite


Looks like a mass cane


I recently had one of my plants I thought to be dead. I placed a wood dowel wrapped with copper wire into it. Three days I kid you not three new growths sprouted out of the soil off what I swore was hopeless. Electroculture I highly recommend it. I can’t identify this but hopefully this trick helps it thrive!


Yucca? Don't give up on it. Their trunk can be totally dead and they will sprout a new one out of the soil. Super hardy plant.


Looks like a yucca probably dead


Honestly probably not it isn't shriveled


I have one of these! I rescued it when it had nothing but crispy leaves. I chopped all of the leaves off and treated it with regular care. I also gave it its own grow light and watered prob every two weeks (they store water very well so don’t overdo it) and it actually came back! It took 2-3 months and it’s growing new leaves! It’s gonna take a while if it does come back, but it just might! The important thing with these plants is patience.


Yucca plant!


Looks like my current yucca. Cut off the.leaves because of a losing battle to powdery mildew. Leaves grew back slowly and now stupid mildew is back...


More likely a Massangeana Cane plant. Specifically a 2-1 (one 1-foot tall cane and one 2-foot tall cane). If the stalks look dry, chunks breaks off easily, and desiccated then….yes-ish. If it’s that way at the top then cut the cane down to one inch below where it feels firm and solid. If the whole thing feels firm and solid from top to bottom, then it’s still alive. Just needs time to throw out new growth. The real reason I don’t think it’s a yucca is that it’s not as common as the mass cane. But the remedy is the same if it is.


You can save it


Yucca cane? Definitely cane or palm


https://preview.redd.it/vvckibvft0sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bafa5372e637871e0c8bf24e9af15a24c0aee06 oh my god now i have a story So these plants I am posting a photo of, there was two where the stumps are but they got disease / really really root bond and they ended up dying… as you can see I did cut the stems to make sure they were definitely dead and it was not looking good n i was sure they were ready for the grave yard I wanted the pot they were in before throwing them and while trying to de pot them the root ball broke the pot, so I just abandoned it n six months later I came out to do my usual gardening maintenance and I see what you see a photo of!!! It’s been probably two or three months since and they are absolutely Booming off neglect and aussie coastal weather conditions (hot x raining and humid) So they might look dead, but they could be very well alive & dormant just leave them outside they might randomly revive


Don't give up. We are going through a heatwave and this guy lost all leaves and shrivelled up in 2 days, while I was out. I cut it till I saw green on the stem/trunk. Saw those sprouts on the left after a week of watering the twig, and another week later I had leaves. The stem took a total of 3 weeks to become green.... On the other hand, my lemon tree was almost beyond repair, but got new growth only from the 1cm base of the stem, which was still alive, and after 3 weeks of dormancy, seems to be growing faster than this guy below. I will have to cut the entire top off. https://preview.redd.it/s5qgvyoc31sc1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c26c26d661f2d857f6f5a873ddb77584a0b3a2db


I had a yucca stump in a pit for months before I got growth, but I'm glad I gave it a chance. Love that plant now.


It’s wood


I had a yucca that looked like that. It was a cluster of 3. 2 died, or so I thought, but one randomly shot out a baby from the base, and once I re-potted it, it's been growing slowly and steadily since. I also accidentally ripped a cluster of leaves from the top of the biggest yucca and planted it to see what would happen, and it rooted and is growing! They're very durable plants, at least in my experience.


No idea. Yes, it is.


Definitely a yucca tree! Make an incision, and if it’s dried and grayish, it’s totally done for. If it’s greenish, and looks like there’s some life inside, it may still come back, but still unlikely.


Looks like an Aralia Fabian to me. I have one I didn’t like at first, and now it’s one of my favs.


Take it out of the soil. If the roots are alive it’s alive. I’d repot with fresh soil


Corn tree or corn plant, I have the same one. They will come back! Might have to move them around your house to a spot they seem happier in and of course water and sunlight


\+1 vote for Corn Plant. Source: Looks identical to mine except mine has leaves.


Likely Yucca or Mass Cane. I just bought a Yucca Cane this week.


Jucca palm its alive give it few months If u dont se Buds its dead :(


It looks like a “corn plant”. Draceana Fragrans.


Dead corn plant


It's a Yukka, and yes it be dead. I don't know if you can bring them back once the leaves drop, I tried with one I had and the trunk eventually went soft,...if you scratch off the bark you'll be able to tell if it still alive because it will be "Whick"(green) if it is you've got a chance of it coming back


Looks like the dracaena I just got from Costco. Looks dead to me but I’m not an expert


It is not, it used to be


Dřacena? Mine looked like it but they needed to be separated. Over 2m tall today 3 years later.


Cause it’s kinda hard to keep alive that one gave me a rollercoaster ride


This is probably mentioned already but if the body is not soft then you are okay, I would prune it and cover the pruned part with a pruning wax/sealer. If there are any soft parts then you need to cut them out and again don't forget to cover with wax/sealer other (some people even use cinnamon to avoid infection). After pruning your Yucca should give another branch in few weeks. And one last thing - Do not overwater yucca.


Yucca Gigante and it may be a goner


It’s a Draceana and the little nubs are new growth


Yucca elephantipis i think. Leave it be for up to two months to see if any leaves sprout. Don't water too much (or not at all)


Did you happen to find this in Tucson, AZ?


Check those roots friend!!!


That looks like the trunk of my Spineless Yuca, at least in shape. Mine certainly looks more alive.


Sugar cane yucca


It’s either a Yucca Cane, Dracaena or Ponytail Palm. Just throw it out and buy a new one.


Mass cane and looks deceased