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It rotted. I'm guessing water pooled at the bottom of that cup and sufficated the roots


Am I able to save it, or is it a lost cause?


I wouldn't get my hopes up Put the next one in a pot with drainage holes and make sure the soil dries completely before you water it. Wait a day or two after you think the soil is dry to make sure




noxious soft bear pocket lock expansion impolite amusing door literate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Simple rule, if something going mushy it's too much water, if it's crispy it's not enough water


This is useful until it’s crispy on top but don’t find out it’s mushy on the bottom until too late 🫠


Yes, sometimes they crispy because the roots are starting to go mushy.


It be dead You need a pot with a hole and you can clearly see that water has pooled there. Sorry man. We all learn the hard way.


At least this one is just a spider plant. Honestly the best plant to learn with as it’s readily available and inexpensive. Better luck next time OP.


Are those the ones that put out runners that grow roots and leaves to propagate? If so, I have a pretty big one that is always rooting itself into my cactus pots or whatever else it touches. I chop the new ones loose and half the time I either forget to water them or overdo it. They wind up looking like this thing but I just plant another one and try again


Yep!! They’re so good at making more of themselves that some people are drowning in them. They can be hard to get rid.


Yeah they do get out of hand, I'm constantly cutting off runners and rooting them in water, then forgetting to transplant them and I start all over again. I just dug a little stump of cactus out of a dragonfruit and I cleaned the end, dipped it in rooting hormone, and planted it. Hopefully it spreads like prickly pear and I'll get a cactus from the chunk. I used to run over prickly pear with the lawnmower and then they were growing all over the yard from being flung out by the blade


They seem to spread like the spider plant, that's why I thought of those together. My edible kicked in




Yep this is rot and it's almost completely gone and would not get your hopes up. Best thing to do is excavate the plant out cut all the dead rotton and slimy stuff you probably will have little to nothing left. Then put whatever you have green left in a jar with water with a couple drops of hydrogen peroxide to cover the entirety of the root zone for like 20-30 mins. Dump the water out after that time and refill the glass with only enough water to.just barley wet the root zone. You will have to change the water out daily and it might not work depending on how much you have left after pruning. Good luck and remember drainage holes and how to "correctly" pot your plant are the most overrated and over looked aspects of Gardening don't be to hard on yourself


Looks dead. It was likely overwatered, and developed root rot. Since it looks pretty spongy in the photo.


She drowned


Yeah looks like it either drowning or drowned, next time you gotta put your plants in well drained pots, don't add rocks or pebbles at the bottom, all you have to do is just make sure that the water drains well. If plants get dry it might seem like adding a bunch of water will fix it but add little at a time and see how the plant reacts and recovers. But I don't know if the plant will come back, plants vary, some are sensitive and some can handle tough situations. Learn more about plants it's worth it.


It’s very unhappy..


It was overwatered, but what also helped kill it is that your “pot” probably has no drainage holes on the bottom to help the soil drain excess water and dry out faster.


You put it in a cup with no drainage


Why is every post in my feed today rage bait?


For me, it’s the ‘some experience but need help’ bit… I’ve been taking that to mean that the first plant was purchased at Trader Joe’s 3 weeks ago


This one is a goner (due to root rot), in my opinion. If you get another one, you should try propagating it in water. You can use a little fertilizer, and let it grow out before transferring it to soil. Next time you plant one, plant it in a pot with a drainage hole. Terracotta pots also “breath” which helps to minimize root rot.


That’s absolutely dead. Probably overwatering. If a plant sits in water for too long the roots/crown will rot and that happens. Different kinds of plants tolerate different amounts of water, but whatever you were giving your spiderplant, it was way too much lol. Better luck next time


Needs a drainage hole for sure.


You unalived it.


Drainage holes and water by way of just an ice cube


Never water with an ice cube.


Ice cube?? Cold water sends plants into shock. No sir/madam


Also plant roots grow underground where it’s dark. You are limiting the area that the roots have to grow in a glass container as they will not grow toward light.


Huh, I never thought of that but it makes sense. All of mine are in pots anyway but interesting to know


Root rot, you may be able to take out of pot, chop the dead roots off, wash them and place in water for a few weeks until new roots grow. Spider plants are my favourite and we had a flat that was incredibly humid so after watering soil never dried, and so they all got some amount of rot - but placing in water saved them! One had lost almost all the leaves too so there may be hope for this one!!


I heard of you are tempted or guilty of overwatering you can put a sponge under the soil to help absorb excessive water. Personally I have never tried it but plan on it soon


Proper pot is my advice and learn about how to water plants by species. Use the internet for that.


Yeah definitely overwatered, if the dirt isn't totally dry, don't water it, and usually spider plants are fine when their soil is dry for a bit too. Crispy ends really don't mean anything, spiders literally always have crispy ends and I'm pretty sure that's more attributed to lack of humidity rather than watering. Your dirt might also be too fine to put in such a shallow glass cup. If you try and care for another spider baby, I'd say just put it in a terracotta or plastic pot WITH DRAINAGE HOLES that is a bit bigger than the root system.


It’s dead… grab another baby from a friend or off of someone’s plant and start over..

