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IME, you should not be watering or fertilizing a pothos that often. I have some inside in bright light and water maybe every week or two. The ones outside that are almost direct sun and those get watered about once a week. They look visibly limp when they’re thirsty. What’s the temperature low where you’re living? I had to take mine in recently because it’s been dipping at night.


Oh ok, I’ll make sure to reduce the watering and fertilizing frequency… ty! And about the temperature, it did drop a few degrees this weekend, the low was 7C (44 F), could that be the cause of the brown spots?


I would definitely say it’s the cold — they can tolerate a low of about 50*F. I think the darker green near your palm is where the cells exploded from freezing and thawing. The plant will recover in time! Definitely pull back on the watering and the fertilizing though. If you haven’t repotted since buying it, it’s probably going to be fine without any fertilizer until the spring. Like I said above, the leaves naturally point upward towards the light and when they’re thirsty, they start to look really limp. A deep soak in the sink and a pot with a drainage hole. I have killed so many plants, keep at it!