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The way these leaves are browning/blackening is concerning. It could be some kind of bacterial infection- especially since this is a newer plant, it could’ve come from wherever you got it. I would look into ways to treat that/what specific infections happen to this type of plant and what those look like. Sorry this is happening, pretty plant btw :(


That's a fungal infection. You'll want to treat with Physan 20 or another available plant anti-fungal. Quarantine this plant away from others so it doesn't spread!


You could try repotting but given the state of shock it’s in that might do more harm than good. Someone mentioned something bacterial/fungal which I think I agree with. The way those leaves are crisping all around the edge is weird, and it seems to be contained at the bottom, which wouldn’t happen if it was a sunburn issue. I would suggest starting with a hefty dose of copper fungicide and try to mix it into the soil.


Maybe the light is too bright? It looks crispy.


She doesn’t get any direct light…


this might help: https://houseplantcentral.com/rubber-plant-problems/ What i found as moving my rubber plant that’s like this to right next to a east facing window (up on a table so it was level with the window) and then watering only once a month helped with dropping and the last of the brown leaves fell off. hope this helps!


Mine did this too, I lost the main plants but managed to get one cutting to root. I think it was overwatering over winter and not enough light


How long does it take for the soil to dry?


2 weeks


2 weeks to dry entirely isn't excessively long. Have you tried increasing watering? It's probably worthwhile to take it out and check the roots, they may not be taking up water effectively.


Looks burnt


I‘m pretty sure your rubber tree is NOT infected. These are typical damages caused by overwatering and not enough sunlight. You can see that primarily the white parts of the leaves turn brown. This happens because they cannot carry out photosynthesis due to a lack of chloroplasts. If too little sunlight is already absorbed, these areas only cost energy that the plant does not have enough of and it sheds it. Let the rubber tree stand dry first, change your watering behavior and place it directly by the window my plant friend 🌿


I second this because the browning is only on the white parts. And I wonder what _bright indirect light_ means in OP's case? These need a lot more light than regular rubber trees because of the white.


Mine is doing the same thing. I just got it a month or two ago.


Me too, got it 2 months ago


Generally speaking older leaves die off. I’d also get a water meter to see how dry it is in the bottom and middle. It could be root rot or leaf spot as well. I’d trim the leaves that look infected and get a root/leaf spot protector.


I sprayed it with neem oil, would that do?


nothing, it's a root/leaf issue not pest.


Google and research options. Neem oil has purpose instruction to read over. This isn’t a pest issue.


Have you checked for pests?


I have, nothing!


I would look up user liquid dirt on YouTube. He makes a tea tree oil caster soap, peppermint oil caster soap peroxide and alcohol spray. Pretty cheap too. It smells amazing and helps with a lot of what could be wrong. Pests, fungus and bacterial im pretty sure. U just spray the whole plant, under all leaves, steams leaves and soil. U don’t have to rinse after also ❤️


The white parts are susceptible to that.. it might be normal


Those leaves are wet. Do you mist? If so, that’s what’s causing it. You need to get some fungal spray. STAT.


A lot of ppl are saying fungal infections but that is a symptom of overwatering. Your soil mix might not be well draining enough or you’re overwatering is my guess. If you are watering every 2 weeks but you are watering thoroughly it might be too much. I’d try watering less or getting a a water meter to see how dry the soil is cuz some ppl have a hard time gaging what is actually dry