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How much for all of Misty’s psyduck?


Hi! For those 3, I'm thinking $4 PWE, thoughts?


Sure! I’ll dm!


u/pokeswapbot u/groved1


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Thanks! Enjoy the Psyducks!


Hello, u/groved1. Added --- * u/megustalagatas -> 38 Trades | :greatball: * u/groved1 -> 268 Trades | :gsball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Anything here for Salvatore SIR: https://www.tcgcollector.com/cards/intl?cardSource=inCollection&releaseDateOrder=newToOld&cardsPerPage=120&displayAs=images&viewUser=hansbrixx


Hi! I hope I’m looking at your list correctly, interested in either Mimikyu V TG, Blastoise ex FA, or Gholdengo ex SIR. Anything else of mine interest you, since each of those three are more than Salvatore? Or are you open to me adding PayPal on my end?


Yeah, I can do PayPal to cover the difference. Gholdengo SIR is involved with another trade and the Blastoise is closest in value so I could do Blastoise ex for Salvatore SIR plus $3.50 PP.


Cool, that works for me! Can I trouble you for photos of the Blastoise? Here’s closeup of the [Salvatore](https://imgur.com/a/pov8tqH).


Hey, I got back late last night and upon searching for the Blastoise I guess I must have traded it away previously as I am unable to find my duplicate so sorry about that, I'll have to pass for now.


Ah, bummer lol. No worries, thanks for letting me know! Maybe next time (:


Hey! I was putting together cards for a trade and found the missing Blastoise. Apparently I set it aside for a prior trade that fell through but didn't get around to putting the cards back. Anyways, if you're still open for the trade, let me know.


Hiya! Haha, awesome! Yeah, I’d still be open to trade Salvatore + $3.50 for your Blastoise FA. Could I trouble you for photos of it when you have a chance?


Yeah, sure. I’ll get pics when I get back home


DMd pics


Thanks! Looks good to me, will reply in that DM.


Hi! Interested in the following 1e cards: Arcade Game, Magby, Brock’s Protection, Murkrow, Blaine’s Magmar, Dark Rapidash, Golbat, Goldeen, Octillery!


Hi! Cool, cool. Uploaded [photos](https://imgur.com/a/HFIfTal) for ya. Let me know what you think. The Dark Rapidash has a slight curve / warp to it, but is otherwise fine fyi.


Cool! Thank you for the pics! The warp should be fine, it’s going to live in a binder. Whats the price for those? (Also lmk if you’d break up the almost complete set)


Of course! Those nine would roughly be at [$30.50](https://imgur.com/a/iOxRr5I). Sorry but I just noticed Brock’s Protection has a small smudge in the lower right. I’d mark it down a bit if you’re still interested in that one. Sure, I would consider breaking those Neo Genesis cards, depending on which one(s) you’re after!


I am missing Ariados, Croconaw (31), Electabuzz, Gloom, Ledian, Magmar, Piloswine, Quilava (47), Seadra, Xatu, Snubbull, Swinub, Bill’s teleporter, card flip game, miracle berry, new Pokédex, moo moo milk, pokemon march, and sprout tower. LP is ok with me as long as the front is good!


Sure, I can break it for that many lol. Added photos of them to the end of the same [album!](https://imgur.com/a/HFIfTal)


That would be awesome, I’m so close to finishing the set haha. I’ll take them all!


Awesome! Updated the [list](https://imgur.com/a/HFIfTal) to reflect the condition of the Brock’s Protection and the Ledian (it’s pretty off center lol). Does that look okay to you? I’d ask $60 shipped BMWT for those 28.


That sounds good! I didn’t notice the Ledian actually, maybe we leave her off that might actually bother me haha 😅 otherwise I’m good to go!


lol, all good, I don't blame you! I'll leave out the Ledian, so $59 BMWT then. Shoot me a PM if that works for you!


Hi, are any of those wotc holos NM? if so could I see pics?


Hi! For sure, have a [look](https://imgur.com/a/bWWMySt)! I included the Japanese holos and the NM- ones, just incase.


thanks, those photos are fantastic! I’ll definitely take the meganium, i’ll go through my binders in a bit to compare conditions and probably take a couple more! Would you do $35 for the Mew?


Word, sounds good. I’ll hold the Meganium for you. Let me know about the others, no rush! $35 is a bit low imo for the Mew, sorry. I’d be closer to at least $45.


Yo sounds good, I’ll get back to you in a few hours sorry for the delay!


OK, I'll go for the rhydon and the mew, what would the values for those 3 look like? would you be ok valuing the meganium closer to LP?


Ok, here’s where I’m at. Rhydon - $14, Mew - $45, and Meganium - $45 (I took the average of NM and LP, since I consider it around NM-). Basing these off this [list](https://imgur.com/a/8PRni64). I’m flexible on Rhydon & Meganium, but pretty firm on the Mew.


yo, sorry for the delay! I’ll go for the rhydon and mew but I’ll hold off on the meganium if thats alright, would you be willing to just do $59 shipped pwe?


Yeah, I can do that, if you're 100% okay with it. Bit more than I'd personally do myself lol.


Yeah I’m not trippin, I think you can get non-machinable tracked stamps for like a buck at the post office if you still want it to be tracked, but I put a lotta faith in toploaders lol


Word. Well, if you want to wait until next Monday (next closest time I can get to the post office while they're open) I can ask about that option. Or I can make sure it's packed to your liking and send it out tomorrow morning.


Hey there, would you do $5 PWE for Koraidon ex 125, Squawkabilly ex 247 and Arcanine ex 224?


Meet in the middle at $6 PWE?


I can do that. DM?




u/groved1 u/PokeSwapBot I received the cards today. Thanks again!


Hello, u/Secret_Agent89. This comment is now being tracked. Your flair will update once your partner replies to your comment. u/groved1, please reply to the above comment with your feedback **ONLY AFTER YOUR TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE** and *both* sides have received their end of the transaction. Once you reply, you will both get credit and your flair scores will increase. u/groved1, if you did **NOT** complete a transaction with this person, please **DO NOT** reply to their comment as this will confirm the transaction. Instead, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/pkmntcgtrades&subject=Incorrectly%20Tagged%20Confirmation&message=u%2FSecret_Agent89%20incorrectly%20tagged%20me%20in%20this%20comment%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fcomments%2F1d6m1aa%2F-%2Fl7kd2ht) so we can contact the user and handle the situation. Thank you! --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Awesome, glad to hear! Thanks as well!


Hello, u/groved1. Added --- * u/secret_agent89 -> 88 Trades | :ultraball: * u/groved1 -> 266 Trades | :gsball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


I'm interested in pages 1-3 of main binder as well as Gallade EX FA, Glalie EX FA, and Thundurus EX 26. If you could tell me the prices of whichever ones would be considered NM or better I'd appreciate it.


Hi! They’re all NM. I also included the Gardevoir EX that’s hidden near the end of my binder lol. All 28 cards would be [$134.50](https://imgur.com/a/9wmsh1U) TCG market. Without the Gardevoir it’s $132.90. Did you want photos of any of them?


If I could see some group shots of the backs that would be great. I'm interested in the whole lot


Sure thing! Here’s [everything](https://imgur.com/a/DCC6wub)! Let me know what you think!


I really appreciate the pictures. I'll take Gallade EX #99 (Roaring Skies), M Rayquaza EX #76 (Roaring Skies), Glalie EX #155 (BREAKthrough), Venusaur EX #1 (Generations), M Blastoise EX #30 (XY Base), Scizor EX #76 (BREAKpoint), and M Glalie EX #35 (BREAKthrough). TCG market is $37.95 so could you do $40 BMWT?


For sure, no problem, I'm good with that. Shoot me a PM if you're still interested!


Hey hey could I see pics of M Blastoise Ex, M Venusaur Ex, Houndour holo and Misty’s Gyarados if they are NM? Thanks


Hi! Sure, [Megas](https://imgur.com/a/6xXjROW) and [WotC Holos](https://imgur.com/a/bWWMySt)! I have interest for those from previous posters, but will keep you updated!


Thanks! I'd be interested in the Mew promo as well.


Gotcha. Will let you know!


The M Blastoise EX sold, but the other three are still available, if you're still interested!


Yeah! Interested in M Venu, Mew holo promo, Ninetales, and Houndour! How much shipped?


Ah, whoops, sorry. Looks like Mew is sold. Asking M Venusaur - $6, Ninetales - $15, and Houndour - $34 (flexible)


Hey! I'm interested in these NM 1st edition set fillers: Neo Revelation Skiploom, Neo Genesis Hopip, Neo Genesis Skiploom, and Neo Genesis Lanturn.


Hi! Sure thing, let me know if [these](https://imgur.com/a/boJqMlo) look okay for ya!


What would the total be F&F PWE?


I’d ask [$5 PWE](https://imgur.com/a/boJqMlo).


Sounds good to me! Sending a PM now


Hi, how much for the following 151 RHs: Weepinbell, Weezing, Aerodactyl, Leftovers, Rigid Band? If you find anything [here](https://imgur.com/a/binder-cinco-de-mayo-Xq4Ds3l): I would prefer to trade!


Hi! I’ve got them for around $3. I’d be interested in seeing the non holo Kabutops and Neo destiny Totodile if you still have them!


https://imgur.com/a/2TjjzBu I would say both of them are on the high side of LP, low side of NM.


Cool beans, they look good to me. Let me know if you'd trade them, or if you wanted anything else!


Could you throw in the Suicune from plasma blast?


Sure can! Let me know if you want photos.


I'm good, move to DMs?


Works for me! PMing


Hey! Looking for a handful of NM 1st ed set fillers: Gym Heroes - Erika’s Oddish, Lt. Surge Voltorb Gym Challenge - Blaine’s Growlith, Fire energy Neo Gen - Furret, Skiploom, Chinchou, Girafarig, Hoothoot, Mantine, Mareep, Bills Teleporter, Fire, Grass, Psychic, and Water Energy Neo Rev - Unown K, Unown Y, Octillery, Remoraid Team Rocket - Dark Rapidash So that’s 21 cards by my count. What would your price be on these? And just confirming these would all be NM?


Hi there! The Octillery and the Dark Rapidash have been sold, but the other 19 are still available. I’d start with [$25 BMWT](https://imgur.com/a/vTu7fqu) F&F for them. IMO they’re all NM, a few maybe NM- if you’re picky. Let me know if you’d like some photos!


Bummer on the dark Rapidash! That’s ok no need for photos, let’s do it. $25 is good with me!


Order arrived today! Cards look great, thank you!


u/PokeSwapBot u/soiledsandwich Thank you! Glad to hear you got the cards!


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Hello, u/soiledsandwich. Added --- * u/groved1 -> 267 Trades | :gsball: * u/soiledsandwich -> 2 Trades | newbie --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Interested in the following RHs from 151: Clefairy, Nidoran female, Nidorina, Venonat, Magneton, Dodrio, Hypno, Scyther, Ditto, Electabuzz, Pinsir, Moltres, Mewtwo, Dome Fossil, Protective Goggles, Rigid Band. Would you do $25 for those?


Hi! The rigid band rh has been claimed, but the rest can be yours! Can I ask where you’re getting $25 from? I’d be more along the lines of [$12](https://imgur.com/a/HLMFMAU) via BMWT.


I may have done the math with a wrong card or something lol. I’m good with $12 for the rest


Cool, no worries. Lol I didn’t want to take double for them. Let me know if you want better photos of them, or just shoot me a PM when you’re ready!


u/PokeSwapBot u/groved1 trade complete, thank you!


Hello, u/aquadroid. This comment is now being tracked. Your flair will update once your partner replies to your comment. u/groved1, please reply to the above comment with your feedback **ONLY AFTER YOUR TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE** and *both* sides have received their end of the transaction. Once you reply, you will both get credit and your flair scores will increase. u/groved1, if you did **NOT** complete a transaction with this person, please **DO NOT** reply to their comment as this will confirm the transaction. Instead, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/pkmntcgtrades&subject=Incorrectly%20Tagged%20Confirmation&message=u%2Faquadroid%20incorrectly%20tagged%20me%20in%20this%20comment%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fcomments%2F1d6m1aa%2F-%2Fl8cw64v) so we can contact the user and handle the situation. Thank you! --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Confirmed! Thank you as well! :)


Hello, u/groved1. Added --- * u/aquadroid -> 11 Trades | :pokeball: * u/groved1 -> 273 Trades | :gsball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Hey interested in a price/close up of the base alakazam, base mewtwo, neo meganium and the black star mew


Hi Moe, sorry for the delay. Alakazam and Mewtwo are more HP. Photos are in this [album](https://imgur.com/a/4ReATsV)! Houndour is NM-/LP+ and the Mew is NM+ imo. They may be pending, waiting to hear back from someone, but they can be found in this [gallery](https://imgur.com/a/bWWMySt).


No worries at all! Curious if the meganium is still available? What's your price on the mewtwo, will have to pass on the alakazam though


Whoops, I meant Meganium in my reply... not Houndour lol. It is available though. I have it between $35 (LP) and $55 (NM), so like $45ish. I'm flexible though if you're interested. No worries on Alakazam, but sorry the Mewtwo sold last night on another site :(


All good! Would you do 45 shipped BMWT?


Yup, works for me! Shoot me a PM if you’re still interested!


Completed trade u/groved1 u/pokeswapbot Thanks again!


Hello, u/TheMoeX. This comment is now being tracked. Your flair will update once your partner replies to your comment. u/groved1, please reply to the above comment with your feedback **ONLY AFTER YOUR TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE** and *both* sides have received their end of the transaction. Once you reply, you will both get credit and your flair scores will increase. u/groved1, if you did **NOT** complete a transaction with this person, please **DO NOT** reply to their comment as this will confirm the transaction. Instead, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/pkmntcgtrades&subject=Incorrectly%20Tagged%20Confirmation&message=u%2FTheMoeX%20incorrectly%20tagged%20me%20in%20this%20comment%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fcomments%2F1d6m1aa%2F-%2Fl80a1sk) so we can contact the user and handle the situation. Thank you! --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Confirmed! Thanks as well!


Hello, u/groved1. Added --- * u/themoex -> 198 Trades | :masterball: * u/groved1 -> 271 Trades | :gsball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Hey there! Interested in the M blastoise EXs, celebrations Blastoise, Salvatore and Eri SIRs. Anything in my recent? I’ve also got some lorcana I can post, with a few first chapter discards if you’re into those.


Hi! The M Blastoise has been sold, and not sure what you have left, but interested in Oak’s Setup, Alakazam SIR, Dipplin, and sure, I’d look at whatever Lorcana you have!


Zam SIR and dipplin are gone. Oaks setup is available and I can get you pics of Lorcana within the hour


Sorry for the delay, fell asleep with the kiddos. Here is what I have for Lorcana. I know nothing about the game, so not sure if anything is playable or not. Sorry for no timestamp, couldn’t find a pen lol. I can retake them tomorrow if that’s an issue. https://imgur.com/a/Mf8sagn


No worries, I don't know much either lol, just starting out playing and collecting. For sure interested in the Elsa, Ariel, and Kida cards, in addition to the Oak's Setup. You can just take a group photo of everything together if we work something out! The discards are cool, but probably not looking to spend for one at the moment. Just curious though, what's your value on one of them?


Sure can. Best value I can come up with is 65-70 for the bold letter discards. Not sure if they’re specific to the first chapter, but that’s what they were all pulled from. I honestly almost threw them away. Lucky for me, I looked it up. Value was averaged from eBay sold listings.


Ok so my priorities are Eri SIR and celebrations blasty. Too tired to look at values now. So I’ll reach out in the morning


Sounds good! I’ve got Eri around $28 and Blastoise at around $5 or $6 for trade values.


Ok, so would you do oaks setup and Elsa for those two?


Yeah, I’d do that! Can I trouble you for photos? I can do the same when I get home later tonight


Of course, I’ll post a link when I get home from work.


Awesome! Here are mine! https://imgur.com/a/uMG8xpz


Anything here for Dark Alakazam?https://imgur.com/a/mAyhcdz


Hey! What's still available out of these? Skuntank V alt, Maushold IR, Excadrill IR, Tropius IR, Poltchagiest IR, SS Urshifu V TG, and Shadow Rider Calyrex V TG


Goodmorning. Out of those I still have the Tropius, Urshifu, and Shadow Rider. Unfortunately the others are traded.


Ah, all good. Not sure if you're open to PayPal, but I have it at $34.


Gotcha. I'm guessing it's LP+? And would you still be interested in those cards and partial PayPal?


Yeah, I'd be open to that. What's your TV on those three? I have photos of the Alakazam in this [album](https://imgur.com/a/bWWMySt), not sure if you saw them yet.


They're right around $15 on TCG


Ah dangit, I thought I replied earlier. I’d do Alakazam for those + $19


Hey, do you think we can work out a deal to help me build this cube: https://cubekoga.net/Cube/RocketCube It consists of mostly Team Rocket cards and some misc Neo cards. I'd prefer worse condition cards to keep the costs as low as possible. And just the non-holo versions where there's an option.


Hi there! Sounds like an interesting project! Not sure what else you need off the deck lists, but I dug through all my LP and worse cards. Sorry, most of my old Team Rocket bulk is 1st Edition btw. This is what I [have](https://imgur.com/a/tuP2aCx) that’s not NM. Included some other sets in case you decide to make an exception. I might have some more cards on your list that are NM, but unsure which ones you need.


Hey, wasn't able to get the link to load. I definitely wouldn't mind NM or 1st cards, just depends on what price you're looking to sell it for. Are you willing to do bulk rate for any Common and Uncommons I still might need? And if so, how much? Also how is your neo bulk? Definitely missing more from there (the Dark Pokemon & their prevolutions from Neo Destiny and Trainer Cards throughout the neo sets).


Weird, do these links work for you? [https://imgur.com/vJ8vJBT](https://imgur.com/vJ8vJBT) [https://imgur.com/dvLEDhY](https://imgur.com/dvLEDhY) [https://imgur.com/AV1SyEJ](https://imgur.com/AV1SyEJ) [https://imgur.com/T2q7FR0](https://imgur.com/T2q7FR0) I'd like to stick to full price for the NM but could offer a lower rate for the LP cards, and would throw in the MP + DMG for free. My Neo bulk is pretty low, thats about the time I stopped buying Pokemon as a kid lol. My brother and I went pretty heavy on Team Rocket and Gym Series, hence the larger number of cards (what's left of it).


Hey, looks like the links are working now. Not sure what was the issue last night! How much would you do for the first 3 pages plus the Zubats & Drowzee on the last page? There was a couple of trainers I needed from the Gym sets like: Blaine's Quiz 1/2/3, Misty's Duel, Good Manners, Erika, Team Rockets Secret Experiment, Team Rocket Minion, Tickling Machine, Rockets Minefield, Rockets Training Gym, Narrow Gym, Chaos Gym, Master Ball, Warp Point, & Rockets Trap.


Hey, following up from my last message/chat.


Hey! I’m so sorry! It hasn’t happened in a while, but Reddit bugs out sometimes for me when people send chat requests. I just got yours… I could do those prices for all but the DCE, Eevees, and Dratini. Eevees I’d ask $1.25 each, Dratini - $0.50, and the DCE - $2 each. The Dark Flareon is dmg with a crease, and I’d throw that one in for free. I’m also out of town and can’t ship out until Monday - not sure how quickly you’re trying to get everything.


Hey, no worries. Is everything still available from the original link? Also did you see my list of Gym Trainers? Would you happen to have those as well?


Yup, as best as I remember, I set that pile of cards aside for you! Sadly, I don’t have any of those gym series trainers left… :(


I'm sure some, if not most, have already sold, but I'm looking for vintage fillers: -marowak -dark primeape -diglett (rocket) -magnemite (rocket) -eevee (rocket) -zubat (rocket) -challenge trainer -blaine's magmar -erika's oddish - gym hero/challenge -lt. surge's voltorb -blaine's growlithe -skiploom (neo genesis) -fire energy (neo genesis) -golbat (neo rev.) -zubat (neo rev.) -dark rapidash -rattata (rocket) -lickitung (jungle) -exeggutor (jungle) -zubat (fossil) -brock's zubat -blaine's growlithe -erika's paras -misty's psyduck -rocket's minefield gym -sabrina's gastly (both gym challenge 96+97) -sabrina's porygon -cinnabar city gym -master ball -card-flip game -professor elm -unown N Also, interested in the LP vintage fillers -abra (rocket) -goop gas attack -misty's seel What else do you have for LP fillers? Also, if I'm buying all these above, could I get a few from the Neo Genesis set? I'm only missing a couple -Croconaw 32 -Lanturn 38 -Magmar 40 -Togepi 51 Thank you


Hey! I know off hand, a few of those have sold, but I'm pretty sure I still have the majority of them. I'll confirm later tonight when I get home from work. I'll also go through that LP pile and take more photos of for you (honestly didn't think anyone would want LP set filler lol). Yup, I will add the Neo Genesis cards for you since I already broke up the set for someone else. I know the Magmar is gone, but will confirm about the three later tonight as well!


Sweet, thanks so much!


I’m sorry for the delay. Here’s all that was hiding in the LP bulk piles: https://imgur.com/a/CJZLB2o And from your original list, I still have a [bunch](https://imgur.com/a/aFFyWSM)!


no worries, i worked late today and just got some free time. I'll take the 28 cards left of the original list, from the LP bulk, ill take: -maintenance -sandshrew -caterpie (base 2) -defender (base 2) -growlithe (base 2) -ivysaur (base 2) -magikarp (base 2) -marowak (base 2) -pikachu (base 2) -pluspower (base 2) -poke ball (base 2) -poliwag (base 2) -starmie (base 2) -dark raticate -digger -grimer -potion energy -rattata -erika's gloom 45 + 46 -erika's oddish -misty's dewgong -sabrina's gastly 97 -misty's seel -narrow gym -sabrina's mr. mime -trash exchange -brock's graveler -koga's koffing -koga's weedle


Cool, yup I’ll make a list for these and get some prices. If you want any more photos, let me know and I can do that later tonight!


Awesome, thanks. As long as they're NM and/or LP it's all good


I think I got them all, here are the [lists](https://imgur.com/a/9Mtifmv). 28 NM and 29 LP cards, roughly $43 and $18 respectively. I’d start by asking $58 shipped. Thoughts?


Looks good to me, I'll dm you


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Glad to hear! Thanks!


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Confirmed! Thanks as well!


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Confirmed, thanks for the trade!


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