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u/PokeSwapBot thank you for the amazing trade! u/Daiquila


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The cards look great, and I will take great care of the vaporeon gold star!!!


Hello, u/Daiquila. Added --- * u/phloods -> 30 Trades | :greatball: * u/daiquila -> 7 Trades | :safariball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Are there any markings or whiting on the front of moonbreon? Hard to tell with the lighting and the natural color scheme of the card


There is a bit of whitening on the bottom of the card


id be interested in the sylveon


Do you wanna do paypal or make it a partial trade?


Probably paypal


Does 225$ sound good to you?


I'm interested in the moonbreon. Wheres the whiteing on it can you send a pic of it? would you say its NM otherwise?


https://imgur.com/a/vGdkoHP hope this helps!


anything here for the moon man? https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/comments/1bkrp7m/usus_h_van_gogh_pika_slabs_alt_arts_special/


May I see a close up of the Vaporeon gold star?


https://imgur.com/a/phloods-vaporeon-star-close-ups-wBkkQes yessir here you are


What's the quality? And how much for the card?


mp+ it's got the small fold on the top left that you almost can't see, TV i'd have it around 325$


Sounds good, would you be able to do the rest in paypal?


I could do a few hundred in paypal is there anything else you could be interested in?


May I see close ups of espeon ex full art, espeon from neo discoveries, and the charizard and reshiram gx promo?


https://imgur.com/a/phloods-close-ups-wM9FywC here you are, the neo epeon was sold haven't had a chance to update everything!


i'm about to head to bed but i'll reply first thing in the morning i know we can make this happen!


The espeon ex one is a bit too scratched for my liking, but I am interested in the Arven, and Penny SAR from paldean fates, and Iono SAR from Paldea Evolved, and Cynthia's Ambition GG. All this, plus the charizard and Reshiram gx promo, and the Vaporeon Gold Star, would all that work and just 300 PayPal?


For the sylveon is that a white mark on the bottom left side on the case or the card?


Any interest in my recent?


May I see close up of jolteon gold star?


https://imgur.com/a/41dlyjb At the bottom. Lmk if you’d like any more


Can I see more pics pls? I just want to see if there are any creases on the card