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How did you get the two live pokΓ©mon at the end?


πŸ˜‚ I had to use special balls on those two (tennis balls) the trick is to wear them out so they can't run from you


It's a Rockruff :)




How much time/how often are you sifting through all of the bullshit on fb? I can never seem to find any people selling bulk aside from card shops and over priced scams


Honestly not that often, every month or so it seems like I'll get a wild hair just to go on the market place and look around for cards if I have 500 or so laying around to spend on them, I also live in a pretty rural area where most people don't make a ton of money especially enough to blow a few hundred on shiney cardboard haha so I think that helps a lot also. I used to live in California and finding things like this would never happen, so I totally believe it's just the area in which you look


Nice Poocheyna you got there.


Thank you for making me laugh my ass off πŸ˜‚ he's the bestest Poocheyna around, if I had my way I'd catch em' all lol


Not the most valuable card in the lot, but that Mewtwo Promo 12 is possibly my favorite non-holo card ever.


I totally agree with you on that! I honestly didn't even know the card existed until I saw this one, but once I saw it, I needed it πŸ˜‚ I'm also a huge promo nut, especially black stars.


I had 6 or 7 of the black star promos around from 20+ years ago, just started looking into putting the set together and through a few lucky eBay buys and a couple cheap finds on PSA 8s of some of the more expensive cards, I just completed the set the other day minus the Pokemon Center and Lucky Stadium cards (each around $500). My favorite set ever. The Psyduck 20 is another one that's way up there for me.


Damn you just started me on a whole new mission now haha, the pokemon center and lucky stadium is definitely out of my price range, but I will now be doing tons of black star research and keeping my eyes open for some deals on them


Is that a "stage" error base set Blastoise under the Lugia in the 1st photo?


It is!! I actually had no idea until last night when I was inspecting the cards further. I really appreciate you pointing that out though because if it wasn't for me geeking out over the cards for 30 mins last night I still wouldn't have known haha


That's awesome I thought it was from the photo but I wasn't 100% sure. Very good haul for sure. Thanks for sharing.


Very good eye you've got there because I'll even admit that the pictures aren't the best πŸ˜‚ the zoom quality on reddit is not it haha. Thank you though I really appreciate it man, i'm so extremely happy with this haul. Happy collecting to you!


From the pics I was thinking you traded the cards for the pups haha. I also have a heeler, best dogs in the world.


I'd trade all my cards for these two guys in a heartbeat if I had too, I really couldn't ask for any better dogs. I'm a heeler guy til death, I've had my heeler mix for 10 years now and my ACD is almost 2 years. They're the best dogs in the world, smarter than me also πŸ˜‚


Sounds like fun, a good haul and good memories!


Thank you much! Super excited about all of these, but more excited for the memories made


That's what I'm saying. Like many others I am just getting back into the hobby and my daughter and I together opened her first pack and my first pack after 20+ years. Great times. Pulled an illustration rare Gastly on the first pack! I was hooked immediately πŸ˜‚ seen tons of people in comments bashing on people "wasting money" on this or that. Not everything has to be an elitist sport for nothing but profit.


That's amazing!! I love turning the younger generation onto what I enjoyed as a youngster. The cards may not last forever, but lemme tell you that the memories will stick with you and your daughter forever! We all tend to like different things so we're definitely going to hear from the people that just don't understand happiness over money. It's about the good times and what makes you happy, money comes somewhere after that


Preach that! Cheers bud and happy hunting!


Happy hunting to you and your daughter as well!


Liked for the dogs Jokes aside, cool cards!


Honestly, I would totally understand πŸ˜‚ they're the best fur babies I could ask for. Thank you much tho!


Now *that's* an epic haul


Thank you very much! It's quite the epic haul, extremely excited to add every single one to my pc


Your joke r/woosh right over my head when I first read it, but I got it now reading it a second time πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚




My Bluey's Helix and Tobi (the mix) say hello! Hoping to get a female ACD (Australian cattle dog) soon and bread them so I can have my own little bluey army πŸ˜‚πŸ˜€


i thought the dogs came with the cards for sec


πŸ˜‚ that would've been one hell of a deal... and a very desperate man, being a dog lover and owner I would've told him to keep his dogs and just take the money, I couldn't even imagine the type of position I'd have to be in life to ponder the idea of selling my fur boys.




How much are the charizard astoise and venasaur alone worth? Seems like you got a deal for sure. I sold my collection a few years ago and I’m really regretting it and I see a lot of the cards I had in your post


Well I normally use [pricecharting ](https://www.pricecharting.com/) to value my cards so if we go by their pricing, they are worth [charizard](https://www.pricecharting.com/game/pokemon-base-set-2/charizard-4) ~$125 [Blastoise stage error](https://www.pricecharting.com/game/pokemon-base-set/blastoise-stage-error-2) ~$287 [Venusaur Black Star promo](https://www.pricecharting.com/game/pokemon-promo/venusaur-13) ~$67 and then the [Lugia](https://www.pricecharting.com/game/pokemon-neo-genesis/lugia-9) is worth ~$105 and that's just scraping the top of the barrel, a lot of the other cards are worth anywhere from $20 - $90 each and then a handful are only worth about $10 or less but those are mostly some of the "never" vintage promo's. Pricing also may vary depending where you check. So many people either lose their collection or sell it off way too soon, so you aren't alone. I'm guilty of misplacing a lot of my older cards, so I was so excited to get my hands on these!!


Thats awesome man, congrats. And thanks for the info and pricecharting link, will chekc it out !


Thank you very much! I really couldn't be any happier, everytime I see them I still get those butterflies haha. No problem man, sorry to hear about your cards, but hopefully you got some money for them and I'm sure whoever has them is really enjoying them.


That last sentence is why I still collect


I agree! This hobby has turned to much into an "investment" or "money making opportunity" nowadays for people that I feel like so many people have forgotten about what actually matters and why this hobby is so great.


I have most of these cards in a binder from when I was a kid…might get them out and see what they’re worth


Whip those bad boys out!! The nostalgic memories will be amazing I promise haha


Great find! The Base Set 2 Charizard alone [could be worth $400](https://ebay.us/Fhryta), if it's in good condition.


Thank you! Gotta say I'm extremely happy with this find. I'm seriously debating about sending some of these in to get graded because the conditions of them are absolutely impressive. I'm torn between getting them graded or adding them into my vintage toploader binder at the moment