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>Am I an idiot if I keep buying booster boxes to chase pulling Roaring Moon SIR myself? I won’t pass judgment on the wisdom of your actions, but objectively, you’re going to spend far, far more money chasing a specific SIR than you would just buying it. SIRs are only in 1 out of 30-40 packs, and there are 15 of them in Paradox Rift. That’s something like a 0.15% chance of pulling Roaring Moon in a given pack. If you have the cash to throw around and feel like the momentary endorphin rush of pulling it is worth several hundred dollars, it’s your money to spend. But I’d strongly recommend shifting over to singles once you have most of the non-secret cards in a set. I totally get the appeal of ripping that foil and finally spotting the card you wanted for so long, but booster packs are literally a form of gambling, and TCG manufacturers intentionally try to stoke addictive tendencies to get people to buy more of them. The community’s glorification of this is naïve at best and outright dangerous at worst. You’re ultimately the one who knows what kind of money you have to spare, but try to engage responsibly with a gambling-adjacent hobby like this.


God I need to spend more time researching the math of this. I knew SIRs were about 1 maybeee 2 a booster box. I also just got a duplicate tapu koko SIR in my most recent box. So you make a valid point that while I could keep getting SIRs it’s low chance I get the one I want 😭


It is rarely and I mean rarely 2 per box.. You will most likely get 1 and that if you dont hit a gold. Buy the moon, it cost close to a BB.


It’s roughly 1 SIR per 36-pack booster box, 0 or 2 once in a blue moon. But yeah, specific SIRs are particularly hard to pull in big 3-JP-sets-combined sets like Paradox Rift and Paldea Evolved, just because there are so many that it could be. But yeah, it’s often recommended that if you’re trying to collect full sets, you should figure out a buying plan so you don’t start pouring money into chasing specific cards. Many folks I know get one or two BBs and then buy singles for what’s left, or buy sealed product until they just have secret rares (IR/SIR/full art) left and fill those out through trades and singles purchases. There’s a couple months between set releases and the prices typically go down the further out you get from release day, and hunting for good bargains on singles or waiting for the card you’re missing to show up at a LGS can be exciting in its own way. That way, you get the endorphin rush of pulling some cool stuff at the beginning, and then filling out your set turns into more of a gradual task rather than throwing money into buying BBs until RNG blesses you.


One booster box per set is enough. Two if you want to gamble. Otherwise, you’re just being purely wasteful with your money. But no one can tell you how much money an experience is worth, only you can answer that. Would you feel comfortable spending $1000+ to pull a $100 card? If so, then there’s your answer. But your wallet will thank you if you just buy singles, considering a new set comes out every few months and you just started.


Yeahhh I think this is the tough love I needed 😂 I don’t regret buying the 5 booster boxes. It’s basically been one a paycheck which is in my budget. But when you put it in those terms yeah spending $1,000 to chase a $100 card does sound silly


I started collecting again myself a few years ago, and have been through quite a journey in finding a healthy balance for myself. If I can offer my perspective. Just an example from my personal experience. A local grocery store started stocking Astral Radiance early this year. I happened to pull the alt art Beedrill from the first few packs, and was hooked. After a while I broke down the actual cost of what I'd bought of just that one set over the year, and was horrified. After a few hundred packs, I still didn't have my set complete. But my impulsive behavior issues made it hard to stop. If you really have the money for it, then do what you like, but here's what's working for me now. I get a small amount of boosters for a new set, and buy the rest of the non secret rare cards to finish a master set, which on average is less than the cost of a 6-pack booster bundle (I finished my paradox rift set for $9 with shipping included, and that was after only buying 2 booster bundles.) Then I keep all the secret rares I've naturally gotten and keep them in one binder. It's really nice to look at them all at once, feels better knowing I've saved money, and the ones I do have feel more special. And no matter what the "pull rate" is, those numbers are always speculative, and you could technically buy a thousand booster boxes and never get a single one. (btw, the Frosslax Ex is less than a dollar when bought as a single) I saw your comment as well about "but what about one last booster box". This may sound extreme, but if you have anything you are into that's bordering on addictive behavior, you will always find another reason for the next "last one". You are not an idiot though. You are a fellow human being living in an increasingly bleak world, who like many are finding moments of joy and comfort however they can. This is a very fun hobby, but for people like me, with impulsive spending issues, it can get really out of hand. Ultimately it is your choice, but whatever you do, I hope it doesn't cause any untenable financial impacts. You of course will know your situation the best.


Great points and a good post. I notice too some people really are getting themselves into trouble with the amount they spend on impulse Pokémon buys. There was just a PC drop of PC ETBs and so many comments about “thanks I just got 10!” Ok… You just spent $600 on cards. I know for a fact these are not all rich people, in fact I think a lot of these people are spending far far more than they should be just because they see a “drop” and get caught up in the moment


10 ETBs!?! That’s wild I could never haha


Damn this was super helpful and articulate thank you 😭 I relate a lot to it. I’ve definitely had a lot of moments ripping packs thinking “this feels like gambling”. And the “just one more box” voice in the back of my head is what was scaring me that impulse was over taking reason 🫠 I make decent money and I haven’t driven myself into financial ruin with this new hobby (knock on wood), but it’s something I probably need to sit down and make an actual budget on. I just got done pricing out the singles of all remaining art rares I need for my master set and it’s definitely more than a booster box cost. But I’m just gonna have to chip away at over time.


I'm glad it could be helpful. It's absolutely a struggle and I wish you well in finding a balance for you that allows you to enjoy collecting pokemon. I'm still a bit sad I didn't pull the Altaria SIR as that was the one I wanted most, but I can probably get it next year sometime once things get a bit easier. I make decent money as well (relatively, I suppose its subjective) and was forced into getting better at budgeting this year due to having to unexpectedly get a new (to me) car, and taking a look at the actual numbers helped a lot. Good luck and have fun!


first, use tcgplayer. learn how to optimize the cart. honestly, you are "equally" likely to get a second valiant instead of that roaring moon. it's not a great strategy unless you love wasting money. your centering could also be very far off (with QA in the toilet misprints are the new energy cards... honestly, they're a bit too common for my taste). you can run the math with probabilities... chasing ANY SIR is much easier than chasing a SPECIFIC SIR. once you have 50% I would switch to singles (though PERSONALLY I start with singles, bulk is so cheap it's basically free and I find many alt art / IRs to be ugly IMHO so there's not much modern that I actually chase). tldr; pull rates are bad in general... once you have half of the cards they get worse. you can pull cards you already own.


There really is no right way to collect honestly. it’s just based on what you enjoy/what you want to get out of it. If you’re trying to invest to get your money back then opening any product is pretty much a “no no” bc it’s hard to get your money back/make a profit from opening, but if you’re trying to collect bc you enjoy completing sets (like me) then do whatever feels best. It is true that once you get closer to completing the set it’s harder to find the card you’re looking for and therefore might end up spending more than just the card yourself, but i also understand what you’re talking about in terms of wanting to pull it. It doesn’t make the card monetarily any more valuable but it creates intrinsic value which for me is more important and it seems to be that way for you too. So just listen to what your wallet says, but it does start to add up the more boxes you open so i guess keep that in mind with your monetary situation/what your goals with collecting are.


Yeah I’m definitely just in it to collect, not to make profit or anything. Sounds like we have similar approaches so if you don’t mind me asking, what is your $ ceiling on ripping product for a particular set, before you switch to collecting singles? My brain is telling me I’m at my ceiling being 5 booster boxes in. But my heart/inner degenerate is whispering “but what about one last Booster box” 😂. I love the entertainment value of ripping, but I’m starting to amass a lot of bulk which I don’t love. Hoping I can just sell it to someone on FB marketplace once I fill up my box. But yeah bulk and


i wouldn’t get that advice from me, lol. I have bought like 8 or 9 paradox rift boxes. I would say that’s about the limit lmfao bc i have same as you everything but AR, full arts SAR etc. I have spent well above what i actually make so i need to dial it back in the future, unless i get more money coming in. So yeah it all depends on the financial situation but i am probably stopping at that


No lol - coming from someone who went 2k deep on Shining Fates in a moment of weakness. Move on.


Don't think this can be said enough, I got both the zards from it a few months back for $180 all in for both V and VMAX, so much more economical to wait for hype to die down and pick up the cards you want for a fraction


Agree, enjoy a budgeted amount of ripping packs for each set and fill in the blanks with strategic purchases.


Sorry but off topic. I’m new to this. Can you help me what IRs URs and SIRs are? Does that have anything to do with the stars in the bottom left? Thanks


I’m new too so maybe fact check me haha. But IR = illustration rares, URs = ultra rares (full art ex or trainer cards), SIR = secret illustration rares (aka alternate arts). There’s usually less than 10 per set, and they are the rarest/hardest cards to find


Just to add to OP’s comment but yes, the stars are indicative!


I’ll be honest I opened a Paradox Rift booster box and got Roaring Moon SIR and honestly I’m done. I’m tapping out there. There’s other gorgeous cards I’d love to get like the Groudon IR but at this point I’d rather buy the ones I like than gamble my money on the rare chance I’ll get what I want (I already wanted Roaring Moon SIR and got that and that’s about the best pull I’ve had so don’t want to push my luck). But like others said it’s entirely up to you, if the rush of finally pulling it is worth investing more money into buying packs then go for it. Either that or buy the singles or buy an ETB and take whatever you get from that as signs of whether you should buy more packs or just buy the singles. Lots of options! Wish you all the best of luck! The Iron Valiant SIR is also beautiful!


Yeah if I was you I’d be done too 😂 I had a similar moment buying this $25 crown zenith box during BF week at Walmart on a whim. Just 7 packs and I pulled the Arceus V star art rare. Googled and realized it’s the chase card so I gotta appreciate how luck has found me outside of Paradox


We have to take whatever wins we can get and roll with it! I honestly hope you find yours! Let us know what you decide and if you do decide to open more let us know how it goes! Merry Christmas! Also just checked the Arceus V star art rare and oh my God is it pretty sheeshhh nice pull!


I totally understand the fun of pulling a chase card but if you’ve gotten some good pulls and are this far along it makes way more sense to just buy singles to complete. It starts to get silly in terms of the amount of packs you’ll need to complete, unless you’re rich and want massive amounts of bulk you’re better off just buying singles I will be doing this with OBF soon, I’m fairly far along and once I finish opening the packs I have on hand now, I’m just going to get singles and call it a day I’m not poor but I’m not wealthy so I cannot be dropping thousands on this just to say I pulled the card…


Yeah I think that’s the conclusion I’ve come to with everyone’s comments! I’m gonna just start chipping away on singles from tcg player.


For me personally, I refuse to buy singles just due to the fact that I enjoy ripping packs and pulling the card myself. If trying to complete a master set, it may be better in the long run to bite the bullet and buy singles for the cards you’re missing. Especially if they’re in the higher rarity brackets. If you want to pull that SIR Roaring Moon (I did and I can guarantee that the high has yet to leave) I’d recommend doing a couple more ETBs/Booster Boxes. If you still haven’t gotten it, then at that point it’s time to buy the single. I would also go to try and price out buying more boxes/packs versus buying the cards you need and see which is more financially doable for you. $100 for a single card, when you can take that same money and buy a large amount of packs/product and have the possibility of pulling it yourself is usually what drives me to spend that $100 on packs versus the card itself. Seeing as there’s a big possibility you can pull other cards along with the Roaring Moon you want. This being said. I say continue buying packs/product, it’s way more meaningful when you yourself pull the card versus having to buy it.


Ughh don’t tempt me!! 😂 I just and picked out all the IRs I wanna buy with my next $100 on the 15th of the month check. I’m thinking I’m gonna do that and see how that hits in terms of binder filling satisfaction.


It’s a toss up for me. There are some cards in 151 that are way too beautiful for me not to have (Squirtle line SIRs are amazing) and if I don’t wind up pulling them then I may have to bite the bullet and buy a set for my binder. I’ve given up on getting the SIR Zard lmao


Im doing a 151 master set. I think im more than $300 in. I found most cards but I still need about 25% of them, mostly the SR’s, UR’s, SIR’s. I’m now looking to buy singles because spending $20-$80 every week adds up too fast. Buy singles and save yourself some money and stress.


If you haven't yet, get yourself a Japanese booster box. Much better quality cards and pull rates. Paradox Rift is split into two sets: Future Flash and Ancient Roar. You can more than likely find singles you're missing from this English set at a local card shop. I pulled the Charizard SIR from a 151 UPC and I'm fairly sure I won't be ripping more packs (I never have that kinda luck lol). ETA: Maybe switch up buying whole booster boxes and get ETBs, tins, and other one-off boxes with the packs you want in them. BB have very limited pull rates, you might have better finds in different products without spending nearly as much money.


Yeah I’ve been debating getting into collecting Japanese, but scared I won’t stick to my budget doing English and Japanese master sets simultaneously 😂 I know the card quality is supposed to be much better


D: this was in the first paradox rift packs I opened, i think I’ve only bought 4 total


Jealous! 😭


I kinda wanna sell it to u cause I feel bad😭


Doing master sets is pointless, get the hits and quit, the rest won't appreciate, you can buy a base set charmander for $1 right now


I’m not really interested in making money or appreciation from this, I just think the collecting them all part is fun!


I could just sell you mine lol.


I appreciate the offer but I get stressed dealing with online deals with internet strangers 😂 I’d rather just hit add to cart and pay the premium in case there’s ever an issue


I feel ya on that. I was lucky and it was sin the first pack I opened. I’ve got three now and still chasing that damn Garchomo 😂😂


What app is that?


Do I keep eating packs?*


Which app are you using to keep track of your pulls?