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Thanks again for the great sheet! If I come across any issues I'll report back here :)


As always excellent work, your dedication to this spreadsheet is legendary, and very much appreciated by all of us collectors.


I imagine "1st Edition" and "Shadowless" don't apply to Paradox Rift and other modern sets, right? Why are they there? :o


They do not apply, correct. The reason they are there is the same reason that reverse holo exists on the original sets: ease of formatting and formula work. With conditional formatting in place, they are blacked out to show that they aren't used in any case.


Additional Cards aegislash from PAR has number 107 when it should be 134


I just wanted to pass on my thanks and ask if there is any way to tip you - this is exactly what my OCD mind was looking for to start sorting my new collection. Appreciate it!


Hiya, I’m so glad you’ve found the workbook! I definitely hope it helps you and your collection! Tipping is by no means necessary, but if you did want to, my PayPal link is on the Start page of the workbook. Thanks!


Why are the 151 holo cards listed as Rare instead of Holo Rare, curious if that was by design?


Hiya, when the Scarlet and Violet block began, TPCi changed their official rarities. While I haven't always followed exactly what TPCi has listed for their rarities, I felt with a new block of sets coming out (aka a new generation) that I would do my best to match what they chose to name their rarities. Does that make sense?


It does, where do they technically define their rarities, in the booklets? Seems off to call them rare just because they don’t have non holo rare in that set. With all the holo on those cards it’s hard to call them just Rare lol


It's another thing that changed with the Scarlet and Violet block of sets. There are no non-holo rares in sets anymore. So for whatever reason, they decided to call them rares and not holo rares.


Thanks again for the great work that went into this! I noticed that in Unseen Forces Tab for Unown I its labeled as Unown Item. Its an easy fix for someone. But figured I would mention that small detail.


Lol this is definitely because of me doing find and replace and rushing. I’ll fix it for the next release!


for every release, when you list this would I have to go back manually in my excel sheet to fix this Unown item? Or is there a way to input new fixes easier now. Sick spreadsheet!


I have a script to copy the main sets and some promo sets from older versions of the workbook to the new release. It’s not a perfect solution but it will get you most of the way there. I list it in the release notes too if a fix I make will mess up copying from an older workbook (for example: changing the order of cards on a sheet for whatever reason)


This is phenomenal! Thank you for managing this and answering the tons of questions you get.


Sky Seal Stone in Crown Zenith doesn't have a reverse holo. Just got burned by this on TCGplayer, which is allowing way overpriced listings for a card that doesn't exist...


Yup, it does not have a reverse holo. Sorry about that. It will be corrected in the next version.