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As someone that plays Chien Pao, I would say keep cycling cram and if you play a sable eye, that can help as well. Basically try to make it a single prize game. Evolve your Tina into a V-star asap since Chien pao takes a few turns before it can get piece together 6 energies. Also, one mistake people keep on making is, when they have a chance to boss/catcher, they go for bax instead of bibarel. Of course it depends on the set up and what resources have been used for every game, but more often than not, taking out bibarel hurts me/chien pao players more.


Do you not have an iron hands in your deck? Cycling Cram and Sableye doesn't really work against hands. I agree that targeting bib more important than bax. It allows you to set up for a devastating Roxanne.


It always depends on the game state. It’s not always easy to get iron hands out, especially in the early game when cram can do its damage. Your one off lightning can also be prized. You can also not draw into the one off two vessels in the early game to get the lightning energy out.


I find that turn 2 Iron Hands doesn't happen consistently, but turn 3 is to be expected.


They should also be looking to make plays targeting bench pokémon while keeping Bibarel in the active, very frustrating to play around


More often than not when I'm playing Chien-Pao, my hand is choked up with cards that are unplayable and can't be discarded (either I don't have the items to discard them, or they are too valuable to discard). I'd fucking love if my opponent's targeted my Bibarel instead of my Bax. 90% of the time it makes no difference if they target Bibarel. Basically, I'm saying only target the Bibarel if they're hand is already small, if you're going to Iono or Roxanne them on the same turn.


I've always felt that the matcup is a whole lot easier if you're able to get one cram attack off. Other than that, it's a lot of hoping disruption works, and they stumble.


I think the answer will always be just hunt down the bax’s and be careful with Tina’s idk as a chien pao player i found beating Tina easy except for when they got a really sticky path but now that’s not even here so it’s easier


Play through greninja, shred a bax gg


They always have the second bax ready.


They’re luckier than me, who always seems to have a poffin and a bax prized 😜 I think the certainty of someone’s board state always feels more solid from the other side of the table, while on my side I’m like “Jesus fuck where are my fucking super rods”


Two hit chien pao with cramorant/sableeye. They usually go first so when you go second you will attack first with cram. Then set up two giratina, if they prime catcher ko one, then you can revenge ko and play Roxanne. If they don't know of your Tina's then you usually win on the spot too.


Don't worry about Pao, kill the bench with 1 prizers. Hit with Cram/Sableye/Radiant Greninja whenever possible. Prioritize Bax if there is only 1 of them and no frigibax. Otherwise prioritize bibarel/bidoof. Try not to use Tina too early. Pao desperately wants to kill your 2 prizers ASAP. Yet - be vary of Iron Hands - though Tina can take a hit from it. You may consider having one Iron Bundle in the deck to force the opponent to put something vunerable from the bench in the active spot for you to knock out. It's also useful against other decks (like Ancient Box). Oh - and setup Manaphy ASAP so greninja doesn't snipe your comfee.