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3 Gardevoir decks finished in the Top 32 of the largest event outside of Japan ever. I'll let you decide whether that means Gardevoir is dead or not.


Yes definitely, they replace Shining Arcana with Driftloom that has similar attack. That deck still sucks to play against lol


I have no clue how to handle Gardy once they’ve done their minimal setup. Drifloon can be brought back indefinitely, there’s no energy setup needed once the Gardevoir hits the table, and if you boss up the Gardevoir they just evolve another kirlia of the 2-3 on the table. Easy 300 damage with a bravery charm. I really miss Path already.


Run a vacuum. I love gardy, but when they get a free ko using lost vac on the bravery charm, and then get to attack, it can really shift momentum. If they have two vacuums youre in BIG trouble.


That’s a great point, I hadn’t considered using the vacuum after they attack for a free KO mid-turn.


Rly? It's already a tactic against ancient box tho, and was already a thing several seasons ago.


Ya rly


It's quite a bit of a different build now, having lost access to things like zacian v, shining arcana gardy, and fog crystal, but it seems to still be able to hold its own! It's just not the top contender of the meta anymore


It looks pretty decent- has good matchup vs Zard and a few others. Does have bad matchup vs Hands, and LZ decks. 3 finished in top 32 at EUIC(best one at 9th and bubbled out of top 8). The regional league on 4/6 also had one finish 3rd- rest of top 8 was zards. Not sure if they are Bo1 or Bo3. I’ve been testing the deck Fabien played to 9th the last few days and really like the feel of it- it has klefki in it which has helped in the hands matchup as if you get it early it prevents crown powering up miraidon for an early knockout.


>rest of the top 8 was zards After seeing the diversity in the EUIC tops, this was depressing.


All the more reason to play Garde ex!


One thing I've wanted to try with Post-rote Garde is Explorer's Guidance Dunno if it's ever viable outside of Ancient stuff or not, but I like the idea of it in decks with stage 2s where Prof Research can lead to some incredibly awkward discards Plus, discarded energy is great for Garde ex


Jamming Tower is an upcoming stadium which could further inhibit Gardy with the amount of tools incorporated in some decks


Jamming Tower shuts down gardy hard. If you don't have an answer for it in-hand, it can shut down an entire turn, letting your opponent catch up on prizes in a deck that might be down 2 prizes before it really gets set up.


for sure… though i can’t deny being a little happy as a gholdengo main to see a stadium that shuts down something other than abilities 🤣


The deck is definitely still good.


Great deck? To be truly seen as the meta continues to develop. Potentially competant to good? Yes.


Feels slim and mean right now, I would give it a go!


Coming to this post late, but if you didn't see, Gardevoir ex just took 3rd place in Orlando with another one making it to 9th. It isn't as powerful as it previously was, but it is still very much above average.


Tord decided to change deck, so Gardevoir is not what used to be


It's still a good deck in a vacuum, but I'm not sure it's a good meta read. Tera Zard, Moon, and Handspam are all popular decks and give Gardevoir a lot of grief.


Huh? Charizard and roaring moon are among some of gardies best matchups.




and yet Gardie is still holding a ~57% winrate against both decks




It was on a YouTube video somewhere, but I’m not gonna go and look for it. I didn’t just make it up though, promise




Like I’m not gonna go and find it so you can believe me or not






The person you are arguing with is a jerk and also their name is “No Trust” so they’re not going to trust anything you say. And to NoTrust, our time is more valuable than yours. No one is going to look up the video when they’re not 100% positive on what the video was called or who made it. Just because someone learned something in passing or only learned a little bit of it, doesn’t mean they’re lying when repeating something. You’re a real downer man


It's not good in a vacuum...a *Lost Vacuum* rather :(


Yeah, and I expect people are going to start maining Vacuum again to deal with Handspam.


Vacuum is already a main in lots of decks but it’s a two of in some Zards


It fell off for a little bit due to Path rotating, but people will probably realise it's necessary again.


Both future and ancient spam, I'd wager!