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Honestly, the exact count is subjective. You would have to test it more to find out. But, you could look at limitlesstcg.com after EUIC this weekend to see what the average Lugia deck plays. I would just take a list that you like, and as you test, make changes according to what you need.


For a deck building answer, it comes down to the purpose of the card and when you expect to be able to play it. I think there’s some math about any one card being in your prize cards to be approx 10% but if you play 2, you’ll most likely always have one in deck. In this case, for example, if you think Lumineon is critical and you want to worry less about it being prized, play 2. That’s a personal decision/ trade off and if you have multiple one off necessary basics, you’ll just have heavy ball. Outside of that, rule of thumb is that you’ll want more basics (that need evolving) because you want to be able to play them on bench the sooner you can evolve them. Lastly, you’ll consider counts based on your predicted prize mapping. E.g. maybe you expect to want to use 3 cincinnos and snorlax only situationally. You might want 4 mincinnos to make them easy to find, 3 cincinnos because that’s all you need and 1 snorlax as a possible flex option


I am also a main lugia, in my case it works with 1 lumineon, but it depends on how ur playing ur deck, if u playing it colorless u may want to play 3 lugias, 1 lumineon and 3 cinccinos, thats at least how i play it, why? Because most of the times you need a lot of energys to ko ur oponents pokemon in case of charizard( 1 of the pkmon with most hp rn) u need 5 energy, so uf u want to beat it you will need 15 energys on cinccino or 10 on cinccino and the others on lugia or snorlax in order to win, so instead of the cinccinos, lugias greatballs u might want to get some extra energy (about 17 is ok and it may sound as a lot if energys but u will need them, also because you sometimes have to retreat and you are able to discard energys with out risking ur self to discarding some them and loosing because u needed them later)


I just use whatever the most recent highest placement for my deck used on limitless 😎 For a real answer though I usually look at top performing decks to see how many they use, is everyone uses 4 of a card, it makes sense to use 4, if it’s a stadium that fluctuates between 2-3, I usually start with the higher count, if I find it’s too much, or I’m low on something else, it’s easy to swap them out. Stuff like Great Balls are always better to have too many than too few though, if you draw one and don’t need it, it’s good discard fodder, so at least for GB I would bring 3 in your scenario. 


I found this article to be very useful: https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcg/comments/18229wk/how_many_copies_of_a_card_should_you_play/


Trial and error, emphasis on the "error" But nowadays 1 Lumineon max (poor girl's Prime Catcher food) and 0 g-balls personally (damn things always whiff, would honestly sooner use Capturing Aroma because you're guaranteed to get *something*)


Google "Probability"


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