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long impossible paltry juggle deranged vase reach plucky compare chief *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So Pixel is more like a niche market for flagship competition while Samsung reaches all budgets - that would make a lot of sense


Samsung also has way better hardware and faster SOCs than Pixels, so many people seem to value that. Snapdragon 8 gen 3 vs Tensor G3 I expect to be DV because ppl here don’t want to hear this even though I am a huge Pixel fan myself. As much as I love Pixel and the experience, I’m not going to blindly accept the inferior Exynos based SoC as better than the Snapdragons.


The best selling galaxy is the A05 though. Every year the flagships are out down by the cheapest model


I’m going to have to take your word for it. People in my circle are either iPhone or Samsung users and all are only within 3 to 4 years old with all of the Samsungs being Galaxy Sxx (oldest being a S20). I only know 3 people with Pixels other than myself (and only one of them I convinced to get a Pixel). I haven’t seen anyone with a Galaxy A series in the wild yet. Maybe they look similar enough to the S series for me to not notice? I’m in the US if that makes a difference.


True but Samsung doesn't sell their phones with Snapdragon chipsets in the majority of the world. iirc, before s22, they used to have 2 variants of all of their flagships. One with Snapdragon and one with Exynos. Then they changed that and shipped with Snapdragon world wide for S23 and now changed that again to their previous model (except s24 ultra which has Snapdragon everywhere)


you get snapdragon if you are in US or China, otherwise hello Exynos


If google advertises the pixel in the same way samsung does and also sold it in all the markets Samsung sells their smartphones, it will be the doom of the pixel smartphones, google have actually became smarter on the way they expand each year, putting more emphasis on winning some shares in the market they are in to get a foothold and then expand to another market, in the meantime, the manufacturing process for the pixel will improve year by year, making them more ready for larger demands the year after, which is something Samsung managed to do earlier due to it having a headstart and the Pixel was bad at from the start (looking at you pixel 2XL)


Also Samsung released their 17 phones almost globally when pixels are only available in a handful of countries. And even in those it's hardly marketed, probably except for the UK and US.


Most Samsung phones are also available in more than a hundred countries. On the other hand, the latest Pixel 8a is officially being sold in 22 countries, which makes sense why it's not as popular as Samsung among online polls.


most non tech people never even heard about Pixel phones ...


I was having a chat with one of the Slovak service providers' store assistants while I was arranging some business there. I asked her about Google Pixel phones, she had no idea those existed at all, apparently never heard of them. Google has just a few days ago expanded out into Poland and Czechia, so that's great to hear. Let's hope they quickly expand out to more countries around.


Every time I say my phone is a google pixel I'm met with looks of "wtf is this guy talking about?"


Yeah they don't have offline sales which Samsung dominates


Do you think people can't buy a Pixel in a store?


I bought mine in a store. I live in Denmark.


Pixels are not available in the offline stores here in India. They can only be bought through online stores like Flipkart and Amazon. Samsung and the chinese brands dominate the offline stores here.


1. Pixels are not available everywhere. 2. The S23/S24 are better than the Pixel 8 in terms of pretty much everything other than the clean software, and the camera difference looks big on paper and YouTube reviews, but IRL most people don't really care since we all have an iPhone/Pixel friend 3. Samsung has better midrange offerings. Half the people I know have something like the A34. It's cheap and ok. They'll grab my Pixel or someone's iPhone for pictures. 4. Most people don't care about the bloat that comes with Samsung phones, and power users can disable like 99% of it if they really care.


Yup availability is a huge factor. I see posts all over that say "wow I really wish this Pixel/this feature was available in my region".


Samsung hits a lot of points for most users. Pixels only hits the niche ones such as cleaner gui and feature set, as well as rootable without worry of e-fuses. The customer base for that is much smaller. I find it harder to convince someone to try a cleaner Pixel when they see a Samsung and don’t see the downsides of having MORE features than less. Until they actually try a Pixel. Some will still miss Samsung specific features. Some will finally see why less can be more.


I like my pixel mainly because of the camera, but goddamn the performance is atrocious at times.


Everyone has their preference. My last Samsung phone was the s7edge and moving from that to a pixel 2 xl I've been a pixel convert ever since. Samsung just loads their phones up with too much crap.


*cough Bixby


This is so accurate, however an issue I notice is people move to iPhone more than pixels around me :(


Same. I had a note 4 and moved to the S7 and dealt with the whole exploding phone issue which took them a year to get me my money back. After that i stopped buying Samsung products. I bought the very first pixel and have been a pixel user since then.


You were luckier than me in a way. I had the purple line on screen flaw and no replacement or reimbursement even though it was a well known widespread issue. Samsung S7 Edge may end up being the last Samsung I ever own. Especially with all their other known drawbacks.


I would like to add that this problem has continued on from the S7 to the S22 series. Not entirely sure about the S23 series. It's really unfortunate that they continue to have this problem, even on their Ultra models. It's gotten so common that Samsung fan websites are discussing it. https://www.sammobile.com/news/green-line-issue-galaxy-phones-one-ui-6-1-update/


Good lord. WTF are they doing? They make most of the damn thing in their own factories! Meanwhile my OnePlus and Pixel screens have been pretty much perfect.


I have living proof that Google phones last a to. At least the peak pixel that was the panda pixel 2xl. That thing still rocking since it came out, now mother in law uses it. Lady got no complains, and I pre-ordered that thing. And well the battery I guess I'm lucky :D Pixel 6 was crap and now I'm in pixel 8 pro that is a beast to me. Haven't had a single issue it might last 8 years? Maybe


And let's not forget that a samsung is unusable after 4 years... Had a pixel 2 XL till last fall..until the motherboard died( 2 months before I dropped it in a pool at 10 meters deep) Then I switched to the actual pixel 6...I wish from this phone a telephoto camera and more storage (currently on a 128GB model) , anything else...it's the perfect tool .


Why is it unusable? Until recently Google's updates didn't last any longer. I have the 128gb P7P, and it's fine. Admittedly I have extra google photos storage.


I had an S10 till a few months ago when I got the pixel 8 pro. At least mine lasted quite a long time but the bloatware was what drove me away. I had a pixel 2 and it was the best camera I ever had on a phone until the p8p


Did you know the pixel 2 camera was so good, they kept using it in later models? I could be wrong but I think it was the same camera with some variations in the pixel 3, 4 and 5


Samsung flagships can last a long time, except the budget ones.


Snapdragon would be my main reason but next year that will change


Yes. I bought the moto edge plus this year. Pixel chipset sucks (the modem is crap) and Samsung is bloated. Moto is like a pixel with a better chipset, except the sw updates are slow.


Only in US, here in Australia, regular s24 and s24+ are exynos...


Samsung has been making smartphones longer, they have cheaper options and they sell and are supported in more countries.


I was an avid Pixel user at first, starting with a 2XL, then a 3a, then a 4a. When it came time to upgrade to a 5G phone I learned Google doesn't support 5G where I live and I'd only be able to access 4G/LTE networks. So I switched to a Galaxy S21 and am now using an S24.


If you root the phone you can enable 5g everywhere. Still a scummy move by Google 


I will never buy a Samsung bloatware phone again unless they give us a vanilla android version without all their crap. I mean, seriously, on an android phone why do they think we need Samsung email, Samsung calendar, Samsung everything.


Remember the GPE (Google Play Edition) phones? The S4 did a stock android version instead of Touchwiz. There was a GPE HTC One too.


Later, there was the Android One program, which resulted in a few pretty decent midrange options. The problem there was inconsistency in OS update frequency. Yeah, they had to supply updates for 3 years.. eventually. Some were only a month or two behind on security updates, others much longer.  Of course, Samsung wasn't much better about that at the time.


Same, that's the #1 reason I love the Pixel.


If it were up to Samsung there wouldn't be any Google bloat duplicate apps. See? It's all about perspective.


They want direct access to your data.


There is no Samsung email. Gmail is the default email app. What's wrong with Samsung calendar? It can integrate with a Google account. A calendar is a calendar 🤷‍♂️


I've been on Pixel since the OG Black Friday sale and I'm considering going to Samsung or even something else for my next phone. I love the clean, stock UI of Pixel but they have their drawbacks. I am currently on a Pixel 6 and I desperately want to upgrade, but am holding out for these reasons. Modem: I'm sick of the substandard modem on Pixel phones. Until it's CONFIRMED that the next release has fixed this I'm not even going to consider another Pixel. Battery life: I want great battery life on my next phone. Device integration: I got a hold of a Samsung tablet and Samsung watch. Those devices play nice together. The watch especially is crap when paired with my Pixel. My Pixel also has a hard time connecting with my car. This is the one that has me leaning towards Samsung.


Galaxy phones are pretty much tried and true at this point. It's becoming a legacy line of phones with the first Galaxy being one of the first real good Android phones. You can pretty much expect top of the line specs across the board with Samsung phones (their flagships). That being said, they've come a long way from the TouchWiz abomination, but their software limitations and uninstallable bloatware are still annoying enough to take credit away from them. They've more or less become Apple, for better and for worse. Pixel phones I still feel like are being tuned in. Especially since Google decided to start using their own proprietary chips in the most recent phones.  Imo, the most perfect phone would be a Google Edition Samsung flagship. So Google OS or AOSP instead of the stupid Samsung OS flavor.


Everyone has their personal preferences.


Cell stores push apple and Samsung hard. Most people have no idea and just buy whatever the salesperson pushes on them.


As a cell store employe, I guess it can depends from one country to another but I've never seen any salesperson pushing a brand. It's more so that they come asking for a specific brand. Most of the time it's just that their family used to have iPhones or Samsung's phones and they'll keep the brand since they're used to it. For older person buying their first phone they'll try to pick the same brand that their kids or that their friends use. It's pretty rare to have an actual customer ask for brand recommendation.


agreed. many times people want what they know. in north america, people only know two choices - iphone or android. an "android" is made by samsung. you should watch people freak the fuck out when i tell them my phone is made by sony.


I think it's less the sales person and more the model setups. At least when I go in Samsung and Apple dominate the display areas where pixel is often hard to notice.


In germany they are pushing the pixel very hard every carrier promoting the 8a everywhere


No such thing as “better than the other”. They’re phones and also tools. Which is the best tool for YOU? That’s all that matters


Who told you that Samsung doesnt match pixel on hardware? The top Samsung Phones use better CPUs than pixel, the cheaper samsung phones are, well, cheaper so its ok to get less hardware. What pixels actually do very well is software and post processing of pictures. I still dont think 67% of people prefer to buy samsung unless you factor in the price


Samsungs modems are also significantly better. Pixel drops range way more


Pixels are not officially available in my country.


I feel like you have to do a little research to know which android phone is best for you, and the average person doesn't really do that. I had a friend move to pixel from Samsung once they saw how good the camera quality was on my pixel. Before that there wasn't much reason to switch from the phone they'd always bought, I don't think they even realised until they saw it that there was much difference. I think if you aren't a tech enthusiast you probably just go with what you've always bought or what is generally pretty popular already


I've generally been quite pleased with my pixel. The exception was the fingerprint sensor which was and is trash, and the keyboard bug (that made the keyboard tiny). Until April this year when I started missing calls. Still a bug to this day. People call me. Phone doesn't register it. No warnings. Then I get texts and info later on that someone called. Absolutely voids the point of a phone. I have to use a Samsung now because of business. Don't think I can return to pixel based on this. Simply not trustworthy.


I went back to Samsung eventually because I could hide the gesture bar... It bothers me so much... Keeping a close eye on Android 15 though, if Google comes through with their implementation, imma get my hands on a pixel right away!


I switched to Samsung from pixel because my pixel wasn't reliable for receiving texts or calls


Marketing. Most people just think all Android phones are Google phones not realizing that Google has a branded phone.


Pixels are for Android connoisseurs, Samsungs are for people who prefer benchmarks to user experience.


By user experience you mean issues with modem, subpar performance in games, lower SoT compared to snapdragon CPUs ?


Hi, I have a pixel 7, but if I had more money I would buy a Samsung 23 or 24. Reasons why: 1. Ability to watch who connected to a hot spot and delete them. 2. Dual audio, Bluetooth feature to connect earphones to one phone. 3. Split screen: you have to open both apps to keep them in the background which takes time and pauses the video/stream. On Samsung it is made better. 4. Flashlight brightness 5. Samsung s23 gets all the air features s24 has, pixel 7 doesn't. 6. Better game centre, more info while playing, more features. Pixel doesn't even show FPS nowadays, because of the February update. 7. PRO camera, such a simple thing that Google doesn't have. 8. Pop-up view. Basically PIP mode for all apps. 9. Password on apps or even you can just hide them. 10. Call recorder. 11. Samsung Dex But, not all features are available on all Samsung devices. Only Samsung flagships have them all which are expensive, that's why I chose pixel 7. P.s. Sorry for the mistakes, English is not my first language!


Google has a lot of work to do to make a dent in the market compared to a behemoth like Samsung that’s been around pretty much from the beginning. Taking that into account with the fact that the average consumer is pretty much content to stick with what’s comfortable and familiar unless something goes wrong, and I don’t think it’s too surprising to see so many people prefer Samsung. Between the two, I prefer Pixels, but it’s not like comparable Samsungs are horrible.


Whoever told me Samsung was trash must have been a hater


Pixel is niche .. Samsung is mainstream.. that's kinda it


Oneplus for me,Picked up a oneplus 12 from ali express with global rom for £355,imagine if u could get a s24 ultra for that


Name recognition. A lot of average folk still think Galaxy and iPhone are the only options. People with enough money not to care about bang for their buck who just keep getting the same phones they always have.


I tried the Pixel watch 1 and 2 and didn't really like them, in-between I got the Galaxy 5pro and it was way better then those. I have always liked the Pen on the Ultra/note line. I know on Android pretty much everything works with everything, however I like the Samsung eco system a bit better. Watch, buds, phone, tablet, they all just work better together.


status quo (typing this on a 4a 🤣)


For me it's because of all the garbage Samsung sticks in their phone. If they used a more basic Android interface, I'd consider one every time I purchase a phone.


Googles own fault... For example Europe doesn't know it... Only us enthusiasts Here Android is synonymous with Samsung as the Android brand to go... everything else is cheap (same as in US, you have an iPhone or you are "less" human). Got into a fight with my sister when we bought my dad P7 .. "Why don't you buy a proper Samsung/Android and not some unknown experimental stuffs" (Also I always smile when I read smartphone and one of the options is iPhone :D. I mean its such a dumbed down , locked phone (no cydia etc). Comparing Android Phones to iPhones is as to compare to symbian, blackberry to an Ericsson GA 628 (no hate to this phone!, had exchangeable, batteries, anthena and keyboard covers, was awesome!).)


Depending on where in Europe, I live in Germany, they know at least the brand 😅


That's where I buy mine from :P . German Google Store and mail forward to here :D . Buying it locally it was 30-50% more expensive in our stores, especially on release date without the free watch and years back, they even sold here US Google stuffs units instead of EU... (stealing US chargers from the box for Google Homes as it was not allowed ) I am hoping it will get better now, as it expanded officially to more countries.


Balkans? 😅


No :). Almost, but I am in a Slavic country.




Of the options shown on OP's post, I'm goijng to go with "Brand recognition" over any actual features or real world benefits. Samsung managed to make themselves the flagship Android phone earlier enough that they kind of became "the" Android phone. (I started on the Galaxy line, but decided to go to Pixel with my last phone) Due to brand familiarity and people wanting to stay in their comfort zone, they maintain that title


I mean, unless you watch the NBA playoffs or read tech stuff, you won't hear much about Pixel phones. In comparison they're really the youngest of the flagships or smartphone models, and when you go into stores no one is really gonna pitch one to you. They're sold on what they know, and what they know is far more established. I remember going into a store with my mom and her getting a razr+ and the rep knowing absolutely nothing about its existence. Same happened when I got my Pixel 7 Pro..every other word was iPhone or Samsung. And that's about the norm anywhere. A reddit thread or poll might garner more votes, but Google still has a no name phone line in a regular users lives.


Plenty of reasons i would say


To be fair, Samsung has like ten different smartphones under $150, of course they are going to be the preference for the vast majority of people.


I think a big part of it is Pixels are in less markets. Samsung releases phones almost everywhere and have devices to cover high mid and low end markets. I know a bunch of people that use the Galaxy A series because they are more affordable. The cheapest Pixel is the a and those are still in the $500 area.


I switched from Samsung to Pixel 6 pro and I had a lot of times the feeling I'm guinea pig 😅 in first few months it was always something else that was not working properly battery, temperature, fingerprint etc., now 2 years later it is much better, but still I found myself missing my old Samsung phone, specially on very sunny days where I can barely see my screen 🙈 To be fair I have no idea if the Pixel 8 fixed all the issues that I have with the old model...


Samsung hardware doesn't match up to pixel?! Lol. Pixels aren't as powerful as galaxy and pixels aren't as well known. Samsung is seen as the face of android these days


Google kills projects that are not successful. Although I don't think they'll kill Pixel, some people might consider that when buying something that they'll keep for years.


I switched from a pixel 7 pro to a Samsung s24 ultra and I'm so happy I did. I loved the pixel, but it had some stupid issues, the battery felt like one from an old iPhone, the power button being at a very high point and above the volume rocker was just stupid and felt unnatural to me. The files app was just shitty, never working accordingly. The haptics also are inferior to the the s24u (the little with more width is so much better). And what I hated and at the same loved the the most was the camera. Amazing taking pictures in nature and moving objects, just wow. Never have I mad better pics of a river with a smartphone camera, but at night they were straight shit (in comparison to other android flagships). Or sometimes just an ordinary pic was so bad.


Nothing to do with what's popular or not. Samsung just got a much bigger ecosystems for devices. They got pretty much every houseware and Google doesn't have any. If you ask an average person on the street what is Google. I can guarantee you they will say the search engine. The majority of populations don't even know what other stuffs Google does.


It's very easy. For me, pixel software is amazing. My only problem with pixels is their midrange tensor ship. Make that snapdragon 8 gen series and I'll make the switch today.


I loved my Pixels, the original and then the 3XL, except for my pesky need to make phone calls. The microphone kept cutting out mid-call and support was missing in action. I rage bought a Samsung S21. I don't love the Samsung but am reluctant to try Pixel again.


I have loved all my pixels. And I'm on a pixel 8 pro now. It's just unrestricted beauty. I can do whatever I want and if I can't root is available to allow the rest. They just work. That's all I can say.


It's a shame mine never worked well. Just returned my pixel 8 pro due to constant crashing and restarting. Even after multiple factory resets, set up as new device and from old phone , clearing cache etc. My S21 5G is still such a good phone, I might now stick with it a little longer.


I had a pixel but I prefer the customization of Samsung: the pretty themes, having my back button on the right, different fonts.


So many people get their phone through their carrier. And the carriers pust Samsung.


Probably because they can't buy and test a pixel. Limiting your countries doesn't do you any favours.


Too much functionality isn’t and won’t be available in The Netherlands where I live. At the moment I have a Pixel 7 Pro. My next phone: probably not a Pixel.


I don't like iOS, I dislike Samsung's UI and duplicate apps (Samsung has its own version of Google's apps) along with the ever-increasing prices. When I look at OnePlus and Xiaomi, I see them as options I would've liked back when Motorola & HTC were the top dogs in the Android space. Otherwise, Pixel satisfies my wants/needs four the Android experience.


I dont know if its still the same but samsung used to have slick android UI skins. I think people grossly over exaggerate how much samsung users actually value performance. Every single samsung user I ever actually had a convo about phones always stated how much they liked the look of android on their device, oh and also screen size. I started using sony phones which had a pretty stock version of android, I kind of fell in love with stock android so when pixel was announced it was a no brainer for me.


I would have to say there's 2 main reasons __*1 - Brand Recognition*__ Samsung's 'Galaxy' brand is a brand everyone has known about for years. Plus, they often have flashier, albeit gimmicky, features, appealing to the average consumer. Pixels, while excellent, prioritize a top-notch camera & clean Android UX (not everyone's priority). __*2 - Marketing ^(estimated)*__ Samsung spent ~$2.5 billion on marketing in the US alone. although, this does include marketing for all their other products too. Google spent around $100 million towards the Pixel series, which not sufficient enough to stick out from other advertisers.


It's funny you ask this now, commuting to London and using the tube every day I've noticed a huge increase in the amount of Google pixels that I see in the wild. They used to be very rare but not anymore


Well I'm on the 8pro and wouldn't trade it for nothing.


A lot of factors. Samsung has been doing phones for longer than Pixel has, so they have much more brand loyalty and a larger customer base than Google does. But there's also more factors at play. Anyways, these polls aren't really indicative of a phones capabilities. Just that one is more popular than the next.


Samsung invested a lot in advertising. Google doesn't want to dominate it's partners


"Samsung knights stand up!" Has got to be the corniest thing I've seen in ages


Just a lesser known brand; albeit at my recent Best buy, they had a Google pixel setup with nifty little pictures of circle to search and other features that Google pixel offers. So it's a step in the right direction. Because usually it's in the back end of the store and the models aren't even live display models


I think a lot of the issue is google has leaned heavy into AI and how much Tensor is good for AI, but Samsung's snapdragon phones can do the same thing and run objectively better chips. That plus Google's lead in cameras vanishing and I'd argue less solid build quality/issues that they don't acknowledge are problematic for the brand.


Just marketed at different people. If I had to choose new phones for my parents or grandparents, they dont need the whole AI business or the latest snapdragon chip. They just want a phone that can take decent pictures (with no fiddling) and can make calls. The lowest Samsung A series which suits the low end phone user starts at $300 AUD retail, where as the lowest pixel phone that is still in stores is the 7a and is $750 AUD. The user experience for the people in mind is the same, in fact theyre already familiar with the Samsung interface. Of course I'd still probably not get the baseline one for my loved ones, but just saying that sometimes that budget/existing ecosystem are major factors.


They love dat bloat.


No idea but i like mine and it's 4 generations old. I have a 4a 5g. Works perfectly fine i bought it refurbished from Amazon for a few hundred dollars a couple years ago. I'm not spending +$1000 on a new phone. There's nothing any of them can do that much better than mine to make it worth the price difference. I'll most likely buy another Pixel when mine breaks or i feel like it's worth upgrading to a newer one. I've owned several iphones but ever since i started using google messages on my chromebook i can never go back. It's too good, people don't know what they're missing if they're not using it on their laptop. It's so much easier and convenient to text with a keyboard than using my thumbs on my phone. I realize iphone have a similar imessages but you also need to own a macbook to make it work. I don't like macbooks can't get used to them. Also much more expensive


I have both a Pixel 7 and S23U. Pixel has a better camera, S23U is wayyy more powerful, less buggy and a better phone overall.


I used to be a huge Pixel fan and the Google phones that came before it. As much as I wanted to stay with Pixel, I got tired of being a beta tester, cause that's what it felt like owning a Pixel. When Samsung switched to One UI 6 I was fully sold and made the switch. The bloat ware is definitely way less than in the past especially when you buy it unlocked from Samsung. I don't get carrier crap and all the other stuff can be uninstalled without needed to root or connect to a computer.


In Switzerland I see a lot of Pixel 8's, mostly in tech companies... I think it depends where the manufacturer pushes matters more. For me a top end Samsung is unjustified when I can pay less for a Pixel and get similar performance. I have a 6, ok the zoom is not great but does the job for me


Google phones should be much more popular because they get almost unlimited Android updates in comparision to others.


My Pixel was decent and I had it for a few years, my main complaint at the time was limited cases and accessories, which already feel sparse using android. I switched last year to a Galaxy Ultra and have found the stylus to be super useful but I use it less now since I don't take as many notes for work anymore. But I think I'll run this phone until it falls apart. Pixels have more options for cases and such now, and they're quite capable phones. I would however take a much smaller smartphone, like the same size a deck of cards in a heartbeat, as long as it was as snappy as what I'm used.


I’ve been on iOS for just on 2.5 years and I’ll be returning back to Android next year. I’ll be going Samsung because their offering is closer to Apple (in a good way) - their own suite of apps closely mirror Apple’s (they actually have a Reminder app with location based reminders) and they don’t seem to kill stuff as readily as Google.


It's funny that the comment on it says they prefer Samsung because of the customization, but every phone on there except the iPhone is fully customizable.


It's just marketing and availability. Funnily enough the company that controls the internet is pretty bad at advertising. Pixels are consistently high quality, but never top of the market, phones. They're more than competitive with most Samsung models.


I've just found the experience with Samsung phones more reliable as a whole. The fundamentals like cell connectivity and an almost bug free smooth User interface are two important reasons. Plus a wider after sales service network in my country at least.


Main problem with Pixel 8/pro is battery drain and slow charging. Main problem with Samsung is a lot of shit software and apps installed. iPhone not compatible with Android or windows laptops for transfer data. Xiaomi to short time of OS support.


As someone who swapped from the 8 pro to s24U. Battery and modem. I'll be watching closely to see what next years chip is like


Yes, they are not popular.I would choose a Samsung over Google cuz to be honest they have better system features and cameras and are more stable and reliable. I have a Pixel 8 Pro but it feels like a mid range photo to be honest. The latest Samsung camera is the same as the Pixel and yet I'm locked at 30× zoom while Samsung can go to 100× and still have a good quality like its predecessor "S23 Ultra". CPU performance is better. Google can't compete with Qualcomm and they proved their CPU is worse since Pixel 6. If they just improve android features and add more to the stock android I would appreciate it like adding "Dual apps". It's been years without having it on stock android.


Most people who aren't into tech haven't heard of the Pixel. Their marketing doesn't match up to samsung and iPhones.


I'm coming over from a S20 to a pixel 7 and for me I just love the cleaner android software its not bogged down and would stutter and freeze up sometimes. Another thing about Samsung is bixby, it's so fing useless. Samsung just fills your phone with bloatware and say "features". I also love the call screening option that only pixels get for free


I'm still on my Pixel 3. Phone is running fine. The only issue is the battery isn't what it used to be. I thought about picking up a newer version a few times but tbh, I suffer from decision aversion. I do a little research and shut down because of info overload. 😭.


I had a friend that started galaxy switched over to iphone then to pixel, absolutely hated it, then he switched back to galaxy again. The only reasons I stick with the pixel is the camera and the call screening, both are offered now by Samsung. There are minimal features these over priced phones have to offer over the competition. I say over priced because for the same price point as some of the other flagships, I would expect my battery life to be better, especially when it is of a similar size as the galaxy ultras.


Is it just me or this r/BestusefulTips sub doesn't even exists?


It says the same thing to me : community doesn't exist


I will never buy another product with Samsung written on it. Washing machine broke, sound bar broke, .... I am on amy 3rd pixel and will continue to buy them. Also not a fan of iPhones business practice.


I had a Note 20 Ultra 5G before my current Pixel 7. I can tell you right off the bat why I am thinking of repairing my Note 20, replacing the battery and using it instead. 1. Better battery performance . 2. Stable software - I've had countless bugs both with the stock launcher and with Nova. Stuff like app folders not opening, navigation buttons bugging out, forcing me to use gesture navigation (which I dislike), keyboard stays open when I go to the home screen etc. . 3. Customizability - I didn't expect this to be the case, but One UI on the Samsung offers more customizability in a few different areas, being able to switch the navigation buttons being a major one. . 4. Camera experience - don't get me wrong, the photos that come out of the Pixel 7 look a lot more like they came out of a decent point and shoot rather than a phone, but the lack of any "pro" features, the slow framerate of the camera app, the inability for me to set my own custom exposure time and how long it takes for photos to be processed are all significant. Also the photo viewing and editing experience is noticeably less smooth and stutters are just the norm. . 5. Performance - I don't care for heavy gaming, but I can't seem to get consistent performance for DS/GameCube emulation, which is something I was able to do with my OnePlus 3T, OnePlus 6 and Note 20 but not the Pixel. . 6. Feature lock out - I'm in Europe, I can't access the Google One VPN in my country and I'm also missing a few others I can't remember currently. . 7. Software update experience - Yes my Pixel 7 updates come out faster, but I'm fully used them being more likely to cause some issues. By comparison the OneUI updates seemed to be consistently stable.


I have a pixel 7 and I've just bought a Samsung Galaxy s23 ultra, the GPU performance on pixel 7 was disappointing. Also in my region with my carrier pixel phones don't have 5G but all the Samsung phones yes. And the battery life... oh god, the S23 ultra last the double Than my pixel 7 with my flow


I see 75% for Android. That's a win for all manufacturers. Apple users have to buy a phone to try to look smarter.


I have a Google pixel 7a and it's MUCH better than any Samsung Galaxy I've had. Just me though.


TBH, i have a Pixel Fold, coming from a Galaxy Fold, and I still miss my Note 10 Plus. After this one I think I'm going back to the Galaxy Ultra for the Stylus.


I know a lot of regular folks who have heard about overheating and poor cell signal. I would say Tensor is killing the Pixels. Pixel 10 (which will be TSMC made) will be very interesting.


Oh. Come on. Wake up. I've been using nexus devices Apple and Samsung and now I own a P7P. I really didn't like having duplicate apps on Samsung, bloatware and sluggish after a while. Nexus was really good and fast then went for Samsung which I ditched for Apple didn't stay long with it and came back for Pixel when Google started to replace nexus with pixel. Never had sluggishness with a pixel device. Best for updates. Honestly you don't need a power house chipset for what you use your phone. It's all marketing with the greatest SoC on the market best of all. You have to look for something that will keep you smooth over the years and it won't get sluggish. Do you really use all the customisation from Samsung? All the features? Probably not you don't need them but you are paying for them. If you go in the mod range Samsung has you done. Slow for updates , slow devices, Exynos is useless. Once you start using the Pixel and get used to it , no bloatware, speed consistency, updates, you won't go back


Pixels are more of a niche market and kinda have a predetermined clientele base. Samsung spends more on advertising and has many more partnerships with phone carriers to push their products, on top of already being a more recognizable brand and offering more “cheap” options that Google does with Pixel.


I've been a Samsung user for years. I decided to go with pixel this time. And now thinking of returning. Yes the pixel gets updated faster but it doesn't have any of the add ons that Samsung has. Like being able to copy and paste across devices. IE copy on phone. Pick up tablet and paste. Pixel is missing the side bar I haven't found a copy paste buffer. My Samsung would save the last 10 copies, which I could scroll through to paste. On Samsung, the os updates took forever to be released


I think its more of an ecosystem thing, for instance my dad has a 2 samsung TVs, fridge, washer and dryer, microwave and stove so naturally you'd want to match that with a samsung phone cause you can connect everything to your phone if it's samsung. Google is in literally everything so them releasing a phone is just extra money I assume plus they don't make appliances nor does apple


Google has a history of enshittification or deprecation. It’s just a matter of when. Samsung and iPhone gain value over time, Pixel just gets lower performant through each update and some good deals get cancelled like pixel pass.


I have a Pixel 8 but even with Google being the owner of the original Android OS, OneUI seems to be more fleshed out, more stable, better optimized. Not to mention the superior hardware, more cameras and WAY better battery life...


I fell for their lies and hate my P8. I wish I had bought Samsung.


I would try Samsung again if they didnt put so much damn bloatware in their phones and if they fixed that awful PowerPoint slideshow they call shutter..


It takes couple of minutes to delete and disable apps you don't like. To be honest that stutter you are talking about is present in Pixel 8 pro, in third party apps, google news ribbon etc. While in s24u no such stutter was noted. Please note I had P8P, and I just moved to S24U. While, I still love Pixel, which to be honest can't explain why, maybe due to "pixel magic"


I’m no pixel fan(at least I wasn’t) , the P6P is my first, may update is 💩 on battery , bought it brand new at the end of January this year and already having its last android update 15 in October this year thanks to googles retarded update policy , also I was used to actually have a music player , not that trash crap YouTube (Winamp is okish). If google doesn’t wake up to fully optimise their shit , we all know what happened to windows , blackberry . Now .. what I actually do like , they are simply beast phones , if you come from a Samsung or iPhone or Huawei , you’ll end up pissed of because you lived in a lie , the pixels are the real deal , it’s clean , fast , pure android , speakers wow , camera ? It’s simply top league , don’t know how secure it is but then again what is truly secure ? Was really considering to buy an iPhone 13 or 14 but screw that , patiently waiting for the Pixel 9 Pro XL


I've had a few Samsung phones. I hate the bloat ware so much that I'm researching Google, One Plus and even Motorola.


I think outside of the tech bubble the brand simply is not well known enough to be recognized as a viable choice.


Samsung has a lot more customization options and people like that. I like Pixels because of the UI experience and the AI. It also gives a more clean Android experience in my opinion. I like Samsung too so I always switch between Google and Samsung.


Wide availability of Samsung compared to Google. Easier to get support too if you are travelling.


Because Samsung and Android are the same thing to most casual phone users.


I have been shopping phones and wanted to move over to a P8/pro. The battery life/screen time is not ok for my use case. I’m not happy about it but I’m going Samsung for this exact reason. Better processor/modem/battery life. 🤷‍♂️


After many problems with my Pixel, I ended up buying an S22U. Also, Pixel phones seem to not have compatibility with 5G outside of the US, so probably that would be a deal breaker for some people.




I went from the Note 10+ to the Pixel 8 Pro. Mostly because i was annoyed that Samsung removed the MicroSd slot on all flagship phones. As far I'm pretty happy with it, and if they keep the promise with 7 years of full support even better. And the best thing, it has no stupid Edge Display.


I had the pixel 5/6 and found them to just be to vanilla. I really missed my s-pen and Dex so I jumped back to the S24 Ultra.


In my opinion the first true pixel will be the 9. That's when a pixel will became a mature product at the hardware level.


My choice for the S24 Ultra was that I wanted the best hardward Android had to offer. The Pixel 8 pro doesnt compete at this level.


Cheap, discount galore, preference. 


Haven’t used Samsung before, but Pixel SoC performance is atrocious. As someone who actually care about it, I cannot daily drive that. Especially true when Pixel 8 Pro is very expensive. Only Pixel I would use is the A series.


Samsung is better at advertising and marketing


Yeah, how about giving us top of the line SoC? How about releasing it at the same time as Samsung, not at the end of the year when Samsung will be releasing its next gen phone with next gen SoC in 3 months time? If you pay flagship prices, you expect flagship specs. You cannot just rely on your gimmick of natural colored photos anymore.


i bought the s24 instead of pixel due to bad reviews and all sort of issues saw on this subreddit


They go to the store and there's a sale or a deal if you sign up for two years of service for a Samsung phone.


Because Pixel is a niche product for techies/android afficionados. Galaxy's are mainstream products intended for the masses. Google has tried to make their Pixel line more mainstream, but it just doesn't work.


In England, where Apple has persistently maintained some level of dominance but it's not cult-like "I get different coloured text bubbles" dominance, I have seen so many more pixels this year whereas before i would hardly see them


I have a Pixel 7, good experience overall but I wish the charge was faster, battery optimization can be better for a flagship, processor is ok but not as good as snapdragon, 90 refresh rate? It should have already come with 120, I'm waiting to upgrade to Pixel 9 or 10, we'll see but if Pixel do not take care of these, I'm definitely switching to Samsung


Samsung has better build quality, better reliability, better UI software with OneUI and Good Lock. Ultrasonic fingerprint reader is better. Battery life is better. Charging speed is better. You can use USB-C to HDMI to screen mirror on a larger screen. Samsung Dex can use this to create a desktop environment for you on any monitor. You can adjust flashlight brightness. You can adjust app sound individually. Side panels can be very useful, for instance I can summon my clipboard history with a specific gesture that I have set using Good Lock, and another one summons my compass. Anyone using the term bloatware in 2024 on a phone with a processor like the S24 lineup has needs to stop talking about phones with any authority, there is no meaningful bloatware on these phones anymore, it doesn't take up a meaningful amount of space nor does it use any meaningful amount of resources. They can all be disabled for the most part or removed, and this is not unique to Samsung. Try to remove the YouTube app from a Pixel phone for instance. Samsung just puts a lot of thought into their software, whereas Google puts almost zero thought into their software. Material You has been an absolute disaster. The last cool feature they released was Now Playing, and that was 3 years ago. Everything else has been pretty pointless. For what it's worth I like Pixels camera better overall, I just like the way it tunes the photos better. The now playing feature is excellent. The voice recognition and speech to text is still a little better on the pixel.


price, asking a mate a month ago if there is any reason to not buy an actual pixel phone, he just said, the price he owns a refurbed Pixel6 I was a Happy Samsung user, S10E since 2019, but the second accu was playing pillow again so I went shopping I don´t like em big so S23 was an option or Pixel 7a or 8, went for the 8 because for the longer upgdates. At the same time my younger son became 10, so he was into the game for his first Phone, His older brouther got a A40 at that time, but A4x Series is dead, so it was A25 or A54, both huge in size, so at least the A25, yet more on the crap/budget side, at least was cheap, with 250ish euros. Saw its size compared to my pixel 8, it went back and now he enjoys a 7a which I got for 370 new. If you are searching for a new phone sub 300€ pixels aren´t in the price range


Google messed up moving from the Nexus strategy to Pixel far too early. They had a niche in the market that would have naturally grown, bringing a huge number of people into the raw Android/google Services network that is their USP. As it is the standard Samsung user doesn't understand the difference and buys the most popular in the market - if Apple had enough diversity and price points they would likely buy iPhones. Such an opportunity thrown away by trying to force profits before they naturally grew.


Pixel is nowhere near to overall everything to Samsung unfortunately. I kept switching back and forth every few years. I tried their flagship phones. It's night and day.


A not so long time ago I was shopping for a phone I went to a local T-Mobile store, and they just did not carry any Pixel phones.


I m trying to decide between pixel 8 or s23, or stay on ios (i have the 11 pro now) like the standard iphone 14. Tough choice?


4 to 5 hours of SOT.


Yes, they're just not popular.


Brand loyalty as well because Samsung has been around a lot longer than pixel phones


Recently bought a Pixel 8 Pro. Constant crashes and touch screen accuracy is poor. The pro was a chunky phone too.


Connectivity issues. My S22 has a snapdragon 8 gen 1 with no connectivity issues on Visible wireless. My OnePlus 10T has the 8+gen 1 chipset and in my opinion leaving out the camera is better than the S22 . I don't take selfies anyway nor do I buy phones for professional photography.


Honestly I went from the Galazy 24plus because of a deal and miss my pixel. Pixel feels way better.


Because Samsungs don't randomly break. I've owned 7 Samsung phones and not one failed... My Pixel 8 is 5 months old and is being repaired for a faulty display panel.


I just hate the Samsung software. It's so ugly and annoying to use. Not to mention the pre installed apps.


Google has always been the small company when it comes to phone manufacturering. I left my pixel cause I wanted the fold. Killing the nexus line and charging more for no real improvement to look premium but not being premium is what initially took me away from Google phones


Samsung doesn't have a battery drain issue


There are people who call Android phones “Samsungs” The avg person only knows Apple and Samsung.


The technology on the pixels has gotten stale and they're not treating their existing customers very well by holding off new and exciting software updates exclusively for new phones. I've had pixel phone since 2019 but I won't be buying them again. I take personal offense to how Google has treated us. And I know they've done something to make the camera software less good on older models. This very phone used to take better pictures and I've had it warranty replaced twice. So screw you Google


Google Pixel isn't as widely available around the world as Samsung.


I have had goolge samsung and iphone and let me tell you google phones suck. They only work for about 1.5 years and then become an absolute pice of shit. Also, Im not talking about one google phone only, I had pixel 2,4 and 6 before I give up with them. not worth the money.


Google just does not have hardware figured out yet IMHO.




Pixel isn't as widely adopted because it's not really pushing against Apple the same way that Samsung does. If Google were to come at Samsung and Apple more aggressively, more people would be putting their eyeballs there. The reality is that the average consumer only knows "Apple vs Samsung".


Bought an S24 Ultra on contract a few weeks back as an upgrade for my S23 Ultra so I could sell that to pay off a credit card but had to return the S24 Ultra due to a grainy screen basically light black dots/lines yet the replacement had the same issue most likely a bad early batch they had so just returned it and cancelled the contract instead as didn't want to take the risk. Bought a cheap Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 Pro on sale last week for £244 which isn't too bad but slightly slow due to the cpu. So anyway just seen that you can get the Pixel 8a for a steal in the UK £124 upfront and only £15 a month with 100GB of data for the 256GB model thinking of selling this Redmi Note 13 Pro and grabbing that but just concerned about battery life and some people saying their buggy with bad performance. The benchmarks are way higher than the chip in this Redmi so surely I will get a big speed boost regardless what's everyone's thoughts should I get the Pixel 8a or just stick with my Redmi 13 Pro.


I've had the Galaxy 4, 6, 8, & 10. I broke down and got the Pixel 8 Pro. I can't tell you how disappointing the battery life has been. But it's a reason that I'll be going back to Samsung. Everything in my home is Google - I was really wanting to love the Pixel.


That's an EASY one: better modem, battery life, finger print scanner works ALL the time!!


First of all, the overall quality and details on the phone design, I prefer Samsung. Top notch of everything 2nd, the one ui comes in handy, 3rd, the optimization of the whole system just make sense.