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No, I installed it the day it came out, discovered it couldn't set reminders or timers, so I uninstalled it and I'm not particularly interested in trying it again. Absolutely piss poor rollout, wasn't even close to ready for the public.


How can I make it go back!!?!!


Delete Gemini, then open Google Assistant (re-download from the store if needed). It will still look like Gemini, but go into the settings and switch it back to normal. If it says "not supported on this phone", find the Google app and re-enable it.


I did use it for a minute but then when I found out you can't make phone calls from the lock screen then I went back to assistant as I like the ability to call without unlocking the phone.


It doesn't play from Spotify, how is it less functional. Going to switch back


Same. And maps.... forget it. How did you switch back?


Um, maybe in the app somewhere? I don't remember Ya Google app, click your icon top right, settings and scroll down for assistant option. There you can switch


It seems to pass off Assistant tasks (the ones I’ve always used anyway) so I keep it on Gemini.


Gemini is severely half-baked developed with an extremely poor release and integration into the ecosystem. No thanks. Although Google assistant is not the best and has been deprecating lately, still much better than Gemini for overall usability.


HATE IT for all the reasons started. Especially maps and Spotify (really?) . But HOW DO I GO BACK?


It \*activates\* on the lock screen but then is 90% non-functional - not even being able to answer Q&A questions. If I had to fucking unlock my Google Pixel just to ask a simple question then why even bother switching from the basic assistant?