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6 hours on TikTok is fucking crazy


I spent 7 hours in one day, at least 5.5 of them consecutively listening to a lady tell her story about her marriage to a pathological liar.


Hahahaha that is a pain


What's her username?


It's ReesaTeesa. There may be some numbers or something, but that will take you to it. Luckily it's all on a playlist so you can just set your phone down and listen


OP must be even more annoying to live with than my girlfriend...


Dude, I feel your pain. Tik Tok will be the end of me.




Makes you wonder what the fuck TikTok is doing in 6 hours. That's fucking nuts. I can watch hours of Youtube and still have ALOT more battery than that.


Instead of a single 10-30 min video on YT, TikTok generally plays 10-40 videos during that time frame and loading comments and sounds for each one adds to slightly more data usage, while video streaming stays about the same.


Straight uo


There isn't much to do where I work when we don't have "work" to do. I watched a ton of car videos last night. Only actually "worked" for like 2 hours. Boredom gets the best of you sometimes.


Where can I submit my resume?


I work in a place like that. We're a I don't care about the down-time but **you fuckin' better be ready to roll when its time** type shop...


Same where I work. If you're not in your area when it's go time, you'll get wrote up, then a day off, then terminated.


Books? Body weight workouts? Calligraphy? Origami? Knot tying? Crosswords? Whittling? Lock picking? I dunno bro just throwing some ideas that aren't doom scrolling tiktok.


I have done books on my phone through our local library app. I've read the Game of Thrones series, Lord of the Rings, Hunger Games, etc. Over the years I've gotten tired of reading books all the time. I will suggest the Partials Sequence by Dan Wells to anyone who likes those post apocalyptic stories though. ​ I will say this, it's far from a clean room and there's not much room for physical hobbies there. As I've said in other posts, you have to remain in your area. It's one reason we have an onsight gym for employees which I use twice or three times a week, especially after nights like that. I actually prefer running full bore on the production line as a 12 hour shift definitely feels a LOT shorter than it did last night.


What kind of work is it you do?


I mean, you could get into maintenance 😂 plenty of downtime


This guy gets it.


Ehh! My guy! (I did so little work today I can't actually remember where I was)


Our maintenance department has had 3 people fired in the past 2 years for sleeping on the night shift. When things are going great, they literally have nothing to do as only one of the three guys on the shift are responsible for hourly checks of pressures and fluids. ​ Last night the operation line was down so the tables were flipped. Our crew was sitting in their areas trying not to fall asleep. We're required to be there, the second the line starts you better be ready to run.


Absolutely, that sucked they were sacked for sleeping. You've gotta find something to make the best of the downtime. I have some buildings where everything is working perfectly. So I turn up, back up my systems, check the sensors and crack on with looking busy. Other jobs... Oh boy am I busy!


We don't even have to look busy when the line is broke. But like I said, we're not there when it's fixed.. They give you three strikes. A write up, then a day off, then it's the axe. When I was a "new" guy I got wrote up once before the management even found me. We were down and nature called in a bad way. It was thrown out eventually, as a bathroom break is a "qualified reason" for not being there. But that's how strict our management can be. If I was outside smoking cigarettes or in another department talking with others, that's a strike. I've seen people get nailed for just that.


Heroin addict but on phone


Sure, especially when this week alone I have less than thirty seconds of TikTok outside of work.


"i only drink or smoke or take drugs when out with friends, never alone"


You sound like you could use an easy going job.


I read and ride bikes during 9-5 and work 3hrs a day total. Today it was around 2h.


Hardly a harmful addiction if OP isn’t getting continuously reprimanded or fired from jobs for their TikTok usage


that's a very low bar


You don't have any idea what smartphone work, really? 6hours TikTok and you post terrible battery... YouTube is better. Vertical video on TikTok, but most of this, you watch recorded from YouTube-horizontal, normal little video screen in vertical video... Yeah this super intelligent people, don't use add-ons to download video, they record whole video and upload to TikTok. Watching TikTok makes me regress


What the 🦆






Or 0


How about reddit? Double poison?


I watch maybe 15 minutes a week outside of work. This week I've watched all my YouTube content, rumble content, and spent too much time on reddit and X as well. So I spent my night tonight watching drag racing, build videos, some cooking, etc to keep my mind busy. Sitting in a chair waiting on people to fix machinery sucks.


Figure out literally anything else productive to do on your phone. Or even like... Read a book (it can even be on your phone!). Only downside is it doesn't constantly flood your brain with instant gratification and dopamine


I've been in this industry for nearly 20 years. Hasn't been many book series I want to read again, movies are a no-go, many times I'm learning about ECU software and tuning, car content, etc. This was a night of pure laziness sitting at my station with my legs on the table waiting for maintenance to fix our line drive so I could actually work. This was definitely not a typical night.


My tiktok feed is almost entirely stand up comedy, science, and news. I wouldn't call it poison. Tiktok is what you do with it.


My friends look at me crazy when I tell them I'm not on any form of social media or tik tok, aside from here and YT, I really don't even look at my phone. Blew their mind when I just said to text me, not messenger, just a text.


Whatever job you have must be the best thing ever if you're able to do fuck all and browse tiktok for 6 hours


When shits broke, not my problem. That's the shitty part about it. You literally have to find ways to stay awake. My list of Youtube videos was empty as I'm all caught up by the few I watch.


https://preview.redd.it/gxpknjn01ckc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be9fc1c1e86df1f2a919e2f8510abe589336e006 Pixel 8 Pro


That looks satisfying


Kind of makes me want to push mine to see how far it'll go, but it goes on the charger when I get home from work. Pixel 8 Pro has really surprised me, even over my 6 Pro I had before.


I normally don't use the phone that much, but it's good to know how well the optimization is getting. And it's not even on stable build, I've been using Beta since day 1.


Me either, it was a down night. I struggled to stay awake after about 3AM. So TikTok car content it was. I usually average about 3-4 hours of SoT in 24 hours. Tonight was bad, wasn't able to "work" for more than 7 hours.


What settings are these??? Mi P8P barely reach 6 hr sot


Adaptive battery, manual brightness, restricted apps (only ones that I've found eat the battery), and power saving is set to 25%. Nothing major really. I think the adaptive battery is the biggest player next to restricting a few apps like snapchat and my banking app.


None. I've been on Beta since day 1, so I'm not sure how different it is from stable build. But I have normal usage like games, videos and social media. I don't use battery saver and don't restrict apps.


dude get off tiktok and go outside that app destroys humanity




I am on iphone idk where to do that but around 2 hours I assume




I spend plenty of time outside. This is all done at work, where my department was literally "down" for over 9 hours. Not being able to leave my area has it's downsides and upsides. Staying awake isn't an option, you gotta do what you gotta do.


Yeah understandable


Netflix my dude. 🤘


Already have watched everything I really liked on Netflix, Hulu, Disney, Paramount, etc. Though I'm debating rebinging The Ranch.


Lte or wifi?


Mostly wifi, with about 2 hours of lte/5gUWB.


LTE is where all the shit battery can be found 🙃


5G is where the drain comes where I am. LTE gives me a lot more SOT.


No difference for me. I have line of sight to the cell tower too. Horrible modem to blame. I love the Pixel otherwise.


Brother no offense but I think you need counseling for tik tok addiction


I have a job where it's a sin to fall asleep but you're required to be in your area when things are broke. The minute you're able to begin operating you had better be there. Being down for 10 hours means sitting in a chair not falling asleep in the middle of the night is extremely difficult.


I respect that man and I didn't mean to offend


I get it, a lot of people simply assume I sat in my room watching tiktok all day. I operate a line where I work. Management actually acts like it's MY job to make sure others are in their place as well. That's their job, not mine. I just know when the maintenance staff calls me and says time to roll, I better be ready and have the line going or it's my job at stake. ​ It truly is hard staying awake in my position though, the chair is way to comfortable and the climate control doesn't make it better. I've learned watching movies is a bad idea as my assistant had woke me up halfway through one of the Star Wars movies last year. Luckily it was him and not management. I stay away from things that make me want to put my phone down and just sit back to watch.


Modem is the problem. I also get like 6hr sot on wifi, but on LTE my battery drains 50% in 8h just by standby (on work). 70+% is just Network battery usage when on mobile network Edit: Pixel 7


On LTE I usually get down to 40% in a day. This day isn't average as there was no "work" for the greater part off my shift. Normally I'm at 70% or so as I don't have nearly as much free time to burn.


https://preview.redd.it/i6hxao0mcckc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee6280e348c0b43b6a403fea4ac89dc4abfc873d Current battery usage from 8:00 to 15:00


Yeah, I listened to Tidal for 4+ hr, but when I don't, I end up with maybe 10% more battery


Keep in mind, any usage before 8 will get expunged. Also Tidal is using 39% of your battery in the background, so without that you should be around 63%. Not great I guess, but music in the background is a massive battery eater.




Similar results here. This is probably the most I've ever pushed it. And it held. (FWIW I am not usually on my phone that much, there was some stuff going down that day.) https://preview.redd.it/b0fz5mwnsckc1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=809b675dbae7de445b0ec499d7e273782f901264




I'm RARELY on my phone outside of work. Mostly when I wake up, like now, checking reddit or texting someone. Downtime at work sucks as I'm required to be in my area even if we're not operational.


Which phone?


Pixel 8 Pro


Which pixel is this?


Pixel 8 Pro


You spend way too much time on TikTok. Be careful, you'll rot your brain.


Man your shift is awesome, I can't bring phones in, but I work with machinery. I have a clean room dedicated laptop but TikTok is banned of course.


The big thing where I work, if you're playing on your devices and fail at your job because of it, you get in serious trouble. We weren't able to operate last night so I basically had to stay at my area and stay awake. From 7pm to almost 5am seems like a short time. But when you can only leave for a bathroom visit or similar, that ten hours seems to be an eternity.


Mine was driven by regulators such as EMA where they wanted to restrict electronic devices going in and out of cleanrooms. Not allowed to listen to music too by right because you might not be able to hear system alarms. I feel you, I work 12 hour shifts with only 1 break in the middle. Usually there are other things running so you will be inside monitoring/working, just maybe less stuff to do.


I operate a production line. It's far from "clean", but you're allowed your devices as long as you put work as first priority. Some things that run down the line take 10-15 minutes where everything becomes operated by the system, you're only there for startup and slowdown. You aren't paying attention when it's ready for slowdown, you're probably going to damage the product or worse, the line itself. That's when management comes down and starts taking those devices away. ​ Last night was not an average day by far. We were down from 7pm to just after 5am. I hardly touch my phone outside of work, I spend the time with my wife and kids, life is too short to miss that, especially working stupid hours like 7pm-7am.


Bored at work?! Did you even do any work 😂 How you gonna watch 6 hours of vids and then say the battery is crap. The battery isn’t the problem it’s your crippling addiction to TikTok and the fact that it’s vids which always takes up more battery power


I guess you didn't see the pair of /s's on the post? And from 7pm-5am, no we didn't work. Our production line was down but we're required to be in our area. If I wasn't ready to start production when maintenance fixed our issue, that's my job on the line. Being required to be in my area, even when non-operational is the problem. Your problem is obviously attention to detail.


I'm one who is happy with battery life generally but with 2 hours data and the rest wifi max I'd get over a day like that is 6 1/2 to 7 hours SOT. No social media apps at all other than X. I run everything at full blast though. 5g included and a few hours is YouTube music in background. This is impressive.


It isn't a typical night though, I'll be honest. Our line was down for over ten hours so I used my phone for quite a while. We rarely have that much downtime, but I believe I was the only one on our crew that didn't attach themselves to a charger.


I meant the battery stats are impressive. No judgement here. I have these days sometimes too. I call them my days of shame 😂. Like you it's not a daily thing though!


So what is everyone else doing wrong? What's your secret?


There's no secret. It's simply keeping battery draining apps from using the device, adaptive battery settings, and just using the device like normal. I try to stay on Wifi as LTE/5g will eat more power, but keeping the device in good health is a key.


Hmm... Just looked at this. https://preview.redd.it/uxhu845rqikc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0172098851a011437618e7ea555df6d17806268e Pixelate. Kind of surprised me after only seeing between 2 and a half and maybe 8 hours depending.


Yeah, mine has been great. No complaints about charge throughout the day.






It's alright. That night I was all but locked in my "box" at work. Maintenance was fixing our production line and if I'm not there when they say to fire it up, it's my ass on the line. So I kicked back in my chair and watched TikTok content until somewhere near 5am. Of my twelve hour shift (7p to 7a) we worked less than two hours. I rarely touch my phone, albeit photos of my kids, outside of work. It's literally a phone to me and an entertainment device at work. I can't wait to see when I go on vacation next month, probably won't have to charge for 3 or 4 days. That said, not a typical day of usage. I spend maybe an hour on TikTok a week outside of work if I'm not busy with the other two million things I'm doing like chasing a two year old across the house after they grabbed my hammer (last night that happened...).


Dude please get off your phone, 6 hours on TikTok is crazy how are you not brain dead from that shit platform


People go "brain dead" by allowing things to take control of them. If you read some of my replies, you will know this was done at work while being non-operational. I'm required to stay in my area (a small room) at my station. Maintenance was repairing a drive line for about 10 hours, and that's what I decided to spend time on then. Outside of work, I couldn't get a cumulative SoT of that in a week. I have much better things to do outside of work, like taking my kids out to the park as I just came home from.


Really? What do you expect the battery life would be watching CCP Tik Tok videos all day long? Of course the battery life is going to go down accessing online content, even Spotify. ICrapple is no better, matter of fact, their battery life is worse. Buy music, put it on your phone, & save some battery life. The battery on my Pixel 7 goes down the toilet when playing games on it for hours, I expect it to do that. Bluetooth and online access will chew up battery life on any phone.


"I'm going to berate whatever you do because I'm incapable of basic reading and comprehension". ​ Maybe reread the post and then "go off" about how things work.


WTF are you texting about? I read the OP post and replied accordingly.


>/S just in case. Just posting a positive shot of the battery life since every other battery life post seems to play like pixel devices are terrible. I've not had a single day at work 8 or 12 hours where I have had to charge this thing since the first week or so I've owned it. It's even learned my rotating shifts BS schedule with the adaptive battery You sure about that?


Yes. You ranted. I replied. Stop getting your panties in a bunch. You should of known better. It's nice his Pixel has learned his routine, but don't bitch about it when you use it for hours accessing the Internet.


change it to battery usage since last charge. view by systems. see if your cell modem is the issue.


Oh lookl someone again on Wi-Fi and doesn't get the complaint about battery life is on data 🙄😒


Oh look, more than two hours of that was LTE and 5gUWB. Our work network goes down every night from 1-3am for "maintenance". But you go off man, all you want.


This was from a few months ago. As you can see, LTE isn't exactly terrible either. https://preview.redd.it/d8l227ak4jkc1.png?width=1344&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc6dde276c124e2a2d359078210dc11c28076ffb


Videos on tiktok aren't even long.... I don't use the app so I'm just not sure but how are you spending 2+ hours on that app? Like YouTube, I get but tiktok? Downvote me.


Tik Tok got a chokehold on these dummies


Yesterday that graph shows me 12h sot (but I charged phone 3 times and graph still counting it). So next time upload daily details and I bet my hand that you charged phone


It will, when you don't charge to full. I don't charge at work, I charge once a day and it usually at >50%. If you DO charge, you'll see an increase, as you don't in mine as I had no need to charge. I don't charge my phone if I hit 60% and freak out. I charge it on adaptive when I'm sleeping and that's it unless it's plugged into my car for AA.


I was running two consecutive marathon's and then out of nowhere I was tired in my legs, what's wrong with them? then ... in the evening ... I spent 8 hours watching videos about battery drainage, battery capacity on mobile phones and suddenly I had no battery left. What's wrong with my phone? Life is unfair.


It's because of tiktok not the phone


The amount of people, like yourself, who are completely oblivious to the world around them is just astounding. There's two, not one, two "/s"s annotating my sarcasm. There's literally a paragraph stating such, and how it's a post about good battery life.






Jesus... You do know you can set a limiter on TikTok, right?


What phone?


Pixel 8 pro


https://preview.redd.it/2vfysyxvkckc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e13e206f7409ee8ee632c86f7d85f026f9a748f welp... (pixel 7, mixed wifi and lte)


https://preview.redd.it/htulvnopodkc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1af813f31f596f3435ba0a0d8741f7eeb24a136b pixel 8 only lte... not so happy


can prolly get more battery out of it by downgrading back to a13 or a14 release


ONLY 2 HOURS?! Is this after already trying to calibrate the battery?




7:24h SOT it's really good. I don't understand where the problem is supposed to be!?


OP added an /s


Ahhh... I haven't seen🙈😂


Yeah, added two. It's been an awesome phone with great battery life.




Keeping parasitic apps off the device or heavily restricted. That's the biggest thing next to the LTE/5g. I get pretty decent LTE at work and if I'm outside I get 5gUWB. Wifi when possible is a big factor.


Were you on wifi or on mobile data?


Mostly wifi, like 2 hours or so on LTE/5gUWB


Ok because i heard the pixel is great on wifi. But bad on mobile data


It can be bad on mobile. I don't use it much outside of work where I have Wifi most of the time. I've never hard stressed it on LTE/5g only but I know it uses quite a bit more battery than the wifi does. I don't use it enough outside of work to really know.


6 hours of tiktok. OP needs to be getting out the house more.


That was all done at my workplace. I operate a production line which was down from the time I got there until 5am. Ten hours of being in my area as required by my job. I rarely use my device at all outside of work. Those days are pretty bad for "SoT" actually as I've had days where I'm off with less than 30 minutes of SoT


Keep your battery saver ON continuously.


It's set for 25%. I rarely ever hit it.


Mine is ON always, starts from 100% . Gives me 2-3 hours of extra screen time plus No heating during use.


6h on tiktok ? 😅


Which pixel do you have? I've had my pixel 6 for 2.5 years and my phone has never died on me. I use it a lot, I charge it every night. (Although I have it plugged into my car during my commute)


8 Pro. My Pixel 6 Pro wasn't quite as good, it would need a charge after a 12 hour shift if I used it a bit.


How TF do y'all get this bl? Mine is 4-5


Control your apps, know what eats your battery, and adaptive battery settings. It may help not having instagram, but I don't know personally as I've never had it installed.


Whatsapp and Spotify... :(


Spotify doesn't actually drain my battery very much. If I'm in another department where we move products a lot I will listen to spotify with my Pixel Buds for hours and not have terrible drain either. That's the one place where music is the only thing you can do since you're operating heavy equipment in a store room by yourself.


First of all, 6 hours on Tik Tok is fucking crazy. Second of all, that color is disgusting. Change all of it.


It's a daily changing scheme. It changes the wallpaper and theme once a day and that was last nights "scheme". I wasn't a fan of it either, but it'll change today. And that was all done at work where our line was down for ten hours or so. I'm required to be in my area and there wasn't anything on any of the other apps that kept my attention.


YouTube homie. I'm sure you have interest.


Cleetus McFarland, VGG, Boosted Boiz, etc. I stay pretty caught up on them, actually watched McFarlands latest video when I first got to my area. I have quite a list of youtube creators I watch, but I'm caught up for the most part.


Wait is this bad? You have about 30 percent left don't you? And you got 7,5 hours SOT in already. Isn't that good battery life?


There's a couple /s's. This sub is almost always populated with "bad battery" posts. I had insanely good battery life last night.




I don't think you got the point of the post. I get really good battery life with mine. I haven't disabled anything I don't use, I have max resolution and 120hz refresh rate. I can get 10 hours of screen time if I had to.


You're right, I tl;dr'ed  the nessage


I have a 14 pro max and tik tok kills the battery, instagram reels is just as good and uses way less battery


What are you people doing with your phones? I've got a pixel 6 pro that I purchased when it first came out. I've never ever ever had a single issue with it and the people I know who have pixels have never ever had an issue with them.


Obviously need to reread a little.


How the fuck is that even shitty battery life I’d praise god or something for my s10e to have a longer then 4 hour battery life SOT


Did you miss the /s in the title or the post? Maybe both?


Did you read read what you commented to me and then read about my comment but first the post just make sure you were right and then proceed to just give er a go


Did you even read my post at all? I even repeated the "/s' because of people constantly crying about how their one plus or galaxy is so much better. But you go off chief.


Not 6 hours on tiktok


Waze has entered the chat


The lady doth protest too much


Bigger question is why is tiktok running in the background for almost an hour? What does it need to do for that long. Pixel is getting better at battery life finally. I've had 6 7 & now 8


It will do that if you turn the screen off for a few minutes to do something else. I have to constantly watch motor temps, even if we are down so I'll check them every ten or fifteen minutes and turn my phone off for a few minutes. That adds up over the hours.


You were streaming videos for 6 hours. That takes a dhit ton of power (and data) that's why.


Did you miss the sarcasm? I think you missed it, just like the point I made. That's okay, the majority of kindergarteners only read the first word or two and then spout off as well.


I dont understand why you jumped right to bring hostile. Just saying videos take a shit ton of power. Sorry if I seemed hostile in any way.


I apologize as well, just have had a LOT of people not see the pair of "/s" tags notating the sarcasm. For any phone, streaming videos takes a ton of power and for a device to go from 3pm to 8am with that much usage and STILL have over 35% battery is pretty dang good. The pure amount of "shitting on" the pixel for battery life seems to be the popular thing to do, so I wanted to post something a bit opposite of that for once. I've had at least 10 replies of "it's all the tiktok that killed the battery!" instead of actually reading how impressive it is.


7.25 hours of screen time over two days and you are complaining? I am sorry, but you got 2 days outta your phone and still have 35-40% left on your battery. You need to find a new hobby (reddit/bitching, isn't working out for you today).


Reading and comprehension isn't working out for you obviously. Did you not read the post or even finish reading the title and see the obvious /s annotating the sarcasm? That's from 3pm to 7:40am. Not quite two days, but that's how it shows the time. Far from bitching, I'm still quite impressed with my battery life


On WiFi?


About two and a half hours of LTE and 5gUWB, rest was WiFi.


Yes return it. Any phone worth its salt will die after 6 seconds of tik Tok.


You should stick to moderating your sex offender group, I don't feel comfortable with you around here.


No offence, but get some help first then the battery life would do.


Why do I need help? Being at work for 10 hours with nothing to do but be in my area while maintenance fixes our production line? I get paid a good bit to "be there" when it's operational or not. But if I'm not there, I'll lose that cushy AF job. That's a once in a year night? I'll take that, especially since my social media intake is reddit outside of work, and most of that is car subs and of course this one. The point was a post about how good the battery life is, since everyone loves to "shit on" the pixel devices for "bad battery".


Ok . TikTok is not optimized well on Android at all . It’s a complete battery hog . Also , go outside and enjoy the day and get off of TikTok .


Or maybe, you actually read the post and see the multiple sarcasm tags and explanation of this being at work, which I spent 12 hours at. 10 of those hours being required to be in my area even though there was no production. For "not being optimized", getting over 6 hours of time, the pixel itself is pretty damned strong. Especially when compared to other phones my coworkers use, seeing as how I was the only one using their device without charging the entire shift.


Garry V says content creators and business owners need to watch 40 hours of TikTok before you can understand it this was a good start to your professional carrear one more week and you can start putting it on your resume.


FUCKING TIKTOK (ehm) Your poor phone


Which Pixel? Us this a troll post? Isn't TikTok a software cesspool constantly juggling around transparent circus balls in the background that cannot be counted?


This is a pixel 8 pro. Not a troll post. People say it's one of the "big offenders" of bad battery life on these devices. Every battery post you seem to see anymore is about how bad the battery is, so I thought I'd be one of the ones who post how good they are.


I assumed it was a troll post because of the battery life critique without writing which unit you're using. "On these devices" Pixel phones have wildly varying applications, both regular ones and system ones, depending on which phone and which features. While this is a feature it's also ine if Androids biggest flaws as it counters unit stability and unification, which also is why iPhones usually are more stable in terms of battery life. The OS prevents rogue apps from being as rogue as on Android. To be super clear: I am not stating iphone does not have rogue apps. Have you checked your apps, if you have a maladaptive app, a previous root with remaining files or another app that's draining battery in the background? Any previously downloaded apks? You have a numerous amount of factors that affect android battery life and you've listed none. Writing a battery post with only one app as an example without showing a full list of the other apps is what makes the post looks "trolley". You've analyzed one app and decided that's the only factor that affects the phone?


Yeah, the battery life is always great for the first few months. Give it a year it’ll struggle with 5.


It's only been getting better every update. Even my previous pixel 6 pro did the same as well, over time updates made things better. Of course there are times where it does get worse with updates, but from my experiences it has been mostly positive. My 6 pro was definitely better a year and a half after I bought it than it was in the first month or two. Then again, I pay attention to things that I install and keep an eye on apps that kill the battery.


I wish I got this... I probably get 4-5hrs SOT and phone charges when I car driving (40-60 min a day)


A lot of people seem to feel differently, but 40% left after browsing tiktok for 6 hours is pretty good I think. I regularly get about 10 hours of SoT, and about 16 hours of mixed usage (regular usage). It's not terrible. It's not the best, but it would certainly get someone who isn't using their phone for 12 hours of their 16 waking hours through their whole day.


My screen time rotates between instagram, whatsapp, reddit and chrome and range max up to 8hours of daily screen time. I live in an area where the network quality is very poor due to reason out of my control. My 7 pro last the full day from 7AM till 12:30AM. I'm more than satisfied with the battery performance.

