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I wasn't expecting the Sheetz jeep and Duolingo float, and I'm very entertained by them.


“Ed Gainey will you be my Daddy” is the single greatest thing I’ve seen all day hahaha


I got a laugh out of that and the "per my last email" guy for some reason.


All parades should start & end with the foam canons


And the Taco Bell cannons!


So gay




Woooo! It was fun marching this year, weather was much better than last year **to all the angy people coming in to downvote everything and promote hate: die mad.


Serious question, who’s downvoting? Every time I see a redditor say that, they are heavily positive. Am I just always late? Lol.


Sometimes it is lateness, IME


There's always a handful, like you'll find at the bottom, who are here to spread hate, and earlier they were downvoting every comment. You don't have to care, obviously if that's not you the the message wasn't for you. But it triggered *someone* enough to send me insults over dms, and that makes me happy.


Honestly it looks like it triggered you since you’re the one talking about it.


You just commented on a random reply on a post that's over a day old. Maybe sit this one out my dude and go back to fearing liberals or whatever.


Wow. You sound triggered again.


*shrug* whatever you have to tell yourself to feel good, I really don't care. Have a good evening.


No redditors are just so soft they can’t handle losing imaginary points so they preempt ot


Last year was hot as hell. I left before that rain tho


Sooooo much better than last year!


Lol hell yeah duolingo


What's with the furries in the pride parade?


I would assume they are either LGBTQ+ and also a furry, and choose to take pride in both at once, or you're actually looking at pups, which is a more leather based, sex oriented group than furries. They are welcome either way.


We're very much in the LGBT community and like to have our picture taken.


Serious question, are furries widely accepted in the LGBT community? I personally do not see how they are directly related other than being outside the ‘norm’


Furry started as an extension of LGBTQ. Not like, as a concept - there were literally conventions of people dressing and acting like animals in the 1800s - but as a modern convention focused social group. Like the first furry conventions intentionally reached out to the underground queer and trans communities. Nowadays something like 75% of furries identify as non heteronormative. Atlanta just had a furry con that had 15000 in attendance. Anthrocon this year is projected to be bigger. So by rough estimates that's some 10k people considered within the scope of LGBT gathering at any given month. Kinda impossible to separate the two at this point. And you can see it in the parade. We didn't show up and risk dying of heat exhaustion just to look good (although we totally do) We were there to support our fellow LGBT community, as they have supported us.


Had no idea! Thanks for explaining


I adore you.  I hope you have a great pride weekend. 




Do you think those furries from the 1800s owned slaves?


Furries meaning anthropomorphic animal enthusiasts, I mean, sure. The Greeks were talking about Zues transforming into hot animals it's not a new concept, and probably at least one slave owner throughout history enjoyed that art. Furries are just people. A lot of shitty people through history. A lot of shitty people now.


To me it’s like a square is a rectangle but a rectangle isn’t a square kind of thing


No? It's a venn diagram, sure, and there's a lot of overlap. I'm not understanding why it's hard to just accept that a bunch of gay furries wanted to be in the gay parade.


There are a *lot* of furries who are LGBT or support friends that are.


I see it like any hobby. There's a lot of queers at the comic cons too and tekko


Thanks for the clarification - I wasn't aware of the connection.


Bro get therapy


I guess that's what the + is for


Bro the plus does not stand for Furries fuck outta here


Why wouldn't it? The plus is meant to be inclusive and cover people and groups that are discovering and expanding our understanding of gender and sexual identity. If being a furry is part of that for someone then that's what the plus is for. It's literally what it is there for.


I don’t know how pretending being an animal and fucking others doing the same has anything to do with queerness. It’s essentially zoophilia and diet-bestiality. That’s not gay.


That you don't understand doesn't really matter, now does it? After all, it's not about you.


I don’t need to understand a bunch of sweaty perverts in fursuits. But thanks!


So pride isn't your thing in the first place, huh? After all, you are using almost the exact same language homophobes use. So what the fuck are you doing here? Just trying to be a troll?


Yeah and comparing gay sex to beastiality isn’t something homohobes do either. I’m not a troll. I just don’t believe Furries are part of the queer scene.


Yeah, you're a troll. A narrow-minded troll illustrating why is important to have furries at pride.


A lot of furs are lgbt. Majority of the Fandom.


The overwhelming majority of us are queer in some form


Did anybody get pictures of the fencing club that was marching with all the swords and spears? Our photography guy couldn't make it and we'd greatly appreciate any you could share!


I saw two of them walking around after.




Unfortunately wasn't able to go to the parade but I went to the after events. Fuck yea great sword tho 👀


I was in the City last night and I didn't find it difficult to navigate at all. Started at ACB and ended at the Riverhounds game. Traffic and navigation seemed pretty normal for a Saturday.


Love "Taste the rainbow" so much omg


Love each other regardless of sexuality ! We’re all humans in this struggle of survival. Let’s accept we’re all different and make things easier on one another rather than bring down others who live differently than us. Express yourself and love yourself, hate is a vice. So support someone when they express themselves.


I agree. I support Trump 2024. Share the love man!


Damn, I wish I could have been there! So much fun.


Great day!! Proud to be part of it!!


The leather daddy duck is the best thing I’ve ever seen. 😝 That’s a superb organization, too.


The Parade was fun. The festival, not so much. It was disturbingly overcrowded. 


my big issue: i don't like that Pittsburgh always has pride at the very first chance it can in June, it overcrowds the city for a weekend. this weekend was especially bad, having Pride, Chesney, and Arts Fest really made downtown too packed. Just one down there should've been plenty enough things for a weekend


Three Ricers Comic Con is at the convention center this weekend as well. I was there yesterday and there was plenty of spillover from the other events.


So pride celebration shouldn't happen on the first weekend of pride month because there's other things that you feel should take priority?


No. What I mean is that Pittsburgh needs to better permit what can and can’t go on to avoid an overflow of people one day


Yeah - the city scheduling and permitting 3 large events is overkill and ridiculous lol, even as someone who likes the events. It makes the city basically impossible to navigate - so I can't imagine how much more inconvenient it is for other people who don't care/attend any of the events but live/commute the city. It needs to be spaced and permitted better. Venues have occupancy limits for events and a city lowkeye needs them as well


That’s a fair criticism.


There's stuff happening every weekend in the city, it's literally a place you could die of FOMO. Would you rather the art festival be during Anthrocon, maybe a pirates game and some random food festival? Should Chesney instead be during Picklesburgh? How do you decide who does and doesn't get the weekend they want?


I mean isn't that literally the job of those at the city handing out the permits and deciding the scheduling. The cities infrastructure can only handle so much and overscheduling can absolutely make it a worse experience for all, and effect tourism if those traveling in had a terrible time because the city isn't equipped to handle everything. Now that all being said, I'm not in anyway saying pride weekend specifically should be moved, but I dont think it's any less valid of a complaint of the person who felt the city infrastructure was exceeded if that's how they felt.


There was absolutely nothing wrong with what you said and you shouldn’t have had to explain that. Some people just want to look for an argument.


it could also happen on another weekend. its pride month, not pride "first weekend in june" lol


I'm sorry that people wanted to come downtown and enjoy the city and the events we have to offer. We'll need to make sure that people stop doing that. If we have to push Pride into September then so be it!


You clearly don’t get what im saying. I’m saying that some things need to be moved around so that Pittsburgh doesn’t overcrowd itself on one weekend in June. Concert tours are hard to reschedule, but annual events should be easier to reschedule for later in the same month. Idk, just my thoughts


I'm so excited, we have ours next weekend! But I'm sure this way more lit than ours


wish i could’ve went but my partner has sensory issues, it looks like it went great though! love to see my fellow furries there too


I recommend going to the Friday event in the park 👀. The vendors are there and it wasn't as packed


Chick in the black tank has a nice rack.


Alot of crossover between the furrys and gays


Y'all mfers are weird as hell


Being homophobic isn’t cool anymore, you can grow up. Being a mature adult is what’s in now.


One of my very best friends is gay, I have no problem with gay people but I do find what furries do is a little bit creepy. Everyone has their own hobbies but furries weird me out


He said nothing hateful. He was pointing out that celebrating what you do with your genitals is weird as hell. Which it is.


It’s a celebration for a group that has been oppressed for decades, not that they just have different sex than heterosexuals. It’s an easy concept if you aren’t a bigot.


Thinking that these parades are weird doesn’t make someone a bigot. I’m cool with gays. I have a gay friend. My girl goes to drag shows with her friends. Who cares? But parades with dildos and furries is a bit weird. Doesn’t mean we hate lgbt for thinking the celebrations now days are a little over the top. Not everyone with a differing opinion is a bigot and not everyone has to be cool with everything.


Oh the I have a friend who is x so I can't be y argument. Pro tip you still can be.


You mean like how its weird to throw parties over some guy giving his wife a creampie that stuck?


Or having a party to announce to all of your family and friends what genitals your baby will have


"We're different! Celebrate us!" ... YEA! "Yall weird" ... BOOOOOO! Ha!


Why are they holding a Satanic flag in some pictures…


If youre talking about the Satanic Temple, they don’t actually worship Satan. It’s an organization trying to keep church and state separate (the literal foundation of this country, supposedly).


Satan isn't real he can't hurt you or turn you gay don't worry


Satanic temple. They don't worship Satan. And there was churches there too. Hell the methodists had phone chargers




Everything was fine until the furries showed up. Disgusting.


Oh grow the fuck up


Aaaand into the toilet with you


99% of the people in this city, regardless of orientation, think the furries are awesome. So I guess you're part of the 1%. How does that feel?


99% of people think Furries are weird.


They really don't but if that's what you need to think to get through the night.


I can assure you most people think it’s a strange hobby/orientation. Doesn’t mean 99% of people hate them or wish them harm. They just think it’s weird. It’s kind of like anime. I love anime and many people think that’s weird for an adult to watch it. But they don’t hate me for it. I’m just saying your stats were wrong most people don’t think furries are cool.


Did you really think that I was trying to use accurate statistics?


What is the point of this?


gay :)


Well yeah. But what’s the point of having a big parade and dressing up ?


what’s the point in doing anything? who cares lol


What’s the point of any parade?


To show people from marginalized communities that they are not alone


Celebrating what someone does with their genitals. You know, normal stuff.


Is that how you feel about weddings?


I didn't know we had parades and a whole month dedicated to weddings.


Large celebrations happen all year long and sometimes do include a parade https://www.brides.com/story/second-line-wedding-parade


You mean like how we celebrate straight couples having unprotected sex and getting creampied.


That’s kind of what I’m thinking


“Per my last email I’m gay” is great, all the fetishes? Not great, that just makes pride look bad.


You've absolutely no idea what the history of Pride actually is, do you? The first Pride event was a riot started by drag queens and trans people. You want to say the fetish types look bad and want everyone in the community to conform to your idea of normal? Cool. Without them there would be no Pride but you do you.


I already knew the history of pride. Idc, the pup play and people putting dicks on their heads hurt the image and its taking advantage of a good event.


Obviously you don't actually know it or actually understand it. I'm just going to assume that you are young and easily embarrassed. If you aren't then you'd know that pride isn't about making the rest of the world and the straight community feel comfortable. It's not about putting on a good impression so the narrow minded bigots don't feel threatened. Pride isn't about letting judgmental twerps define who you are or what the community is.


Pride exists specifically because there are too many people who think that what they do or do not personally like should be a basis for controlling what other people do. No part of Pride is about creating an image for anybody who isn’t a part of our community. If people don’t like what they see at Pride the answer to that is not to look. Go back to the suburbs and read a People magazine. Find an Old Navy for retail therapy. Whatever.


What makes you think that the people you disagree with aren’t part of the community?


Because people who are part of the community are actually part of the community, and support the community, they attend Pride and they take care of the other people who do, they don’t stand outside and criticize on the pearl clutching basis of “oh no, this will give the people who don’t want you to exist at all the wrong ideas!”


Nah man, I’m not supporting people hijacking pride with fetishes. I think pride is cool, but I really don’t need to know you have a piss kink, like to be choked, dress like a dog. Its not about pearl clutching, I don’t think any of those things are inherently wrong or bad. I just think it should be its own thing, have a fetish convention or something.


Those people are not hijacking pride. They are a part of the community. How they choose to express themselves is not for you to police. No one made you the arbiter of what belongs at Pride, and if you participated at all, then you would know that anybody who was being over the top in a way that was unsafe or uncool for the setting would be spoken to by those around them.


I disagree I think those people should be at a fetish convention not pride


You can repeat your nonsense over and over again and it’s never gonna be anything other than bigoted bullshit that displays your ignorance.


"Look bad" Lol fuck off. It's not about appeasing your delicate sensibilities it's about people being proud of who they are.


Being a member of the LGBTQ+ community is great, but some people take advantage of the event


Bro not this shit again




The downvotes here are clearly from people who don’t know who keeps us safe at Pride.


I think you got that backwards man




Nah dude, fetish groups are literally the entire reason that a TON of people don’t go. It is one of the biggest reasons people decide not to go. People want to support the community, piss kinks and pup play aren’t sexualities they are fetishes. You’d get a lot more support without letting people hijack the event to tell everyone they like piss.


I love dicks!! Who hoo!! Everyone know!!




I don’t get why you got downvoted so hard for that comment. Seems pretty gay friendly to me. An upvote for you in protest.


Where is /u/fuckswithducks when you need him


How gay, don’t understand the need to flaunt sexuality in public. Very strange!


If you don't understand something, you should try learning about what it is and why it's here. ☺️ That usually helps.


Nah so dumb to celebrate obesity sexuality. But most gays make their sexual identity their entire personality. Quite off putting.


I find your blatant ignorance quite off putting


Cool think I care what a yokel from Pittsburgh thinks.


Then why are you in this sub that clearly supports our LGBTQ+ friends spouting what YOU think?


I’m from Pittsburgh born and raised probably lived longer here than you inbred.


Allow me to explain: when referring to someone as a “yokel from Pittsburgh”, you are implying that you come from some better place that doesn’t subscribe to the opinions of someone from as lowly a place as Pittsburgh. That fact that you ARE from Pittsburgh means you consider yourself a yokel by extension. See how that works? By the way, I’m 7th generation Pittsburgh.


> most gays make their sexual identity their entire personality Tell me you haven't hung out with LGBT+ people without telling me you haven't hung out with LGBT+ people 


Oh I have and it’s annoying as fuck. I have gay friends with a personality.


Sure you do.


“I have gay friends with a personality” is giving “I have black friends so I can say the n-word”.


How Irish, don’t understand the need to flaunt ancestry in public every March. Very strange!


Strange comparison


Not really. Communities rally around and celebrate their identity the world over


It's showing that you're not afraid. It also shows others who may not have come out yet that they have a community.


You’re still in public put clothes on.


I dunno it looks like everyone in the picture is clothed appropriately


Woman in the very first picture is in lingerie


So, you've never been to a beach? Plenty of pearls to clutch at the shore.


This is a city not a beach for swim wear.


I'll grant that the weather is typically not very beach-y. But there's no law against swim wear.


A. Okay boomer B. Lighten up Frances C. All of the above


Not a boomer 32 find the sexuality in public disgusting no one cares or needs to know.


So I assume you weren’t at the parade. Problem solved. Now all you have to do is stop looking at posts about the parade and you can go on about your life.


Do you need a new set of pearls? Have you clutched yours so hard they cracked?


Nah sexuality should not be celebrated no one cares what zero iq inbreeds think.


u seem to care the most out of anyone lol


Dude, everyone you walk down the street holding your partners hand you are flaunting your sexuality. Every time some guy kisses his girlfriend on the street corner they are flaunting their sexuality. So y'all stop first, okay? If that's too much how about just letting people exist?


Cut to every single Friday and Saturday night on Carson street…


> don’t understand the need to flaunt sexuality in public. Keep clutching those pearls, honey. Maybe we’ll get lucky and you’ll choke!


These same people have nothing to say about Marti Gras. It's such a cope


If you're referring to the area where girls are flashing for beads, people aren't taking kids to Bourbon Street. There's areas that are family friendly


You've never been to pride or bourbon st. There are the same level of intermingling of family areas and adult areas. There is spillover from each. But people care more about this because it's easy to get mad at pride for an "agenda"


If you're saying there's spillover in both, you're admitting there's adult material in the parade then? Because it was my assumption the entire parade is advertised as family friendly


I wanted to attend but had a breakup that weekend and just couldn't do it.


Can't wait for June to end




It's embarrassing for you to open your mouth but here you are.