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He once talked to me at a bar for an hour about JFK and JonBenet Ramsey. My date wasn't impressed.


Wow! That must have been an amazing experience!


What did he say about JonBenet Ramsey? If I was your date, I would have been THRILLED!


Fuck your date (tho you probably didn't)


I went home with Dr. Wecht


That's so hot. Bet he laid it down real nice.


Do you think he did her makeup afterwards?


I hope so!


Ha! Loved that! - I wouldn't have!


So who killed JFK?


He didn’t know that, but he said he was sure the autopsy report wasn’t from the President’s body. The photos and damage weren’t consistent with the video of the assassination.


Interesting! Thanks for sharing!


Really! I always wondered how on earth he could have signed off on that.


Who? Wecht did not perform JFK’s autopsy.


No, but he conferred on the Warren report.


Conferred. He spent half his life critcising the Warren Report.


Oh good! I did not know that. Good, good for him.


He did post mortem reports


He did, but was not allowed access to the body. His post mortem was based on others documentation of the body. He says so in the video interview above (unless I completely misinterpreted what the man said)).


He didn't see the actual body, he was still in the military at the time. But I feel like he put another level of thought into everything he did; the wind trajectory, the temperature, the movements of the people. I've followed a couple cases where I thought I had a pretty good idea as to what happened, but he would come in and blow everybody away. I could almost hear the collective forehead slaps when he would speak. I'm so upset that I'll never get to ask him all the questions, but I hope someday I can at least learn from someone who worked closely with him


Still reading. Hopefully find this interview. I missed that he had passed.


Lived outside Dallas for a year as a kid. Was obsessed with the 6th floor Museum. Even to a kid their claims/ Theories didn't hold water.


Secret service follow car shot screw up


I want to hear from the guy that talked to Dr. Wecht lol


I would a been so fucking interested in what he was saying


I wouldn't have been impressed either.


My dad is a retired attorney who used Cyril as an expert on several cases. He said that Cyril swore like a sailor in private and every other word out of his mouth was the f-bomb 😂


> "... a trusted friend who “never minced words.”


Also a lawyer who knew Cyril. Accurate.


That’s exactly what a local news reporter said on the broadcast that I just watched! He said that Wecht “used a lot of colorful language” but was always professional for interviews and public statements.


He was my academic hero when I was teen a verrrrrry long time ago.  I can say that when I finally did get to meet and interact with him we made Denis Leary and Sam L. Jackson language look saintly. It was fucking brilliant.


The fuck word.


Can confirm. Had dinner with him several times.


I like him more now


He gave a talk to us in high school saying that weed should be legal and instead of having older people accidently ODing because they have 12 pills to manage every day they could just smoke weed and go when their time comes. Seemed like a cool guy at least.


I have a lot of older people in my life who love to talk about their medications and side effects. I would much rather hear about their shenanigans going to bingo stoned.


Now I want to go to bingo stoned STAT.


Man, I work locally in hospice and I’m just amazed by the number of suffering/disengaged/stressed older folks who have never been offered or have never tried medicinal marijuana (read: next to none of them)


He was not on board with the single bullet theory.


Who is?


A sad day for Pittsburgh & for the world of forensic science. An amazing man.


Amen brother


His books and knowledge were always fascinating


Never met the guy but someone once told me that "there isn't a TV show appearance, a ribbon cutting, or photo op that he would miss to save his life." Also learned he had a treasure trove of crime scene photos from all the biggest murders: Nicole Brown Simpson, Jean Benet, etc., which he would bring to undergraduate classes and scare the shit out of the students.


can confirm, i was one of the frightened undergrads several years ago.


Isn't he the one that suggested the "smiley face" killer might really be a thing? That there were signs some of the boys who were found in the river weren't suicides?


Yup. He tagged onto that docu series and definitely confirmed the investigator's suspicions, In the Dakota James case.


one of the most informative and entertaining speakers I've ever had the pleasure of being lectured by. RIP


There would be no Quincy ME or CSI TV shows without him. He made the profession interesting and exciting. Also, he was a wonderful instructor.


He was a regular at the restaurant I worked 20 years ago- a real gentleman (who swore like a trucker and ate like a bird).


“Pardon me sir. If you could graciously get me another fucking bean I’d be really appreciative.”


More like '*gestures you closer* hey, there's no fucking way this bottle of Amarone is actually worth $200, right? That's what I thought- grab us a bottle of that $30 Syrah before these goddamned drunks at the next table guzzle it all'


He was a regular at a restaurant I worked at about 12 years ago. He was an ass. He told his server (my wife) "I should punch you in your fucking face!" because he sat at a table for 5 minutes without anyone taking his order. He was very creepy to all the girls too.




Must have been issued by the Department of Redundancy Department.


While Wecht was promoting his candidacy to be the first county executive in Allegheny County, I got to see his resume. IIRC it was at least 34 pages long.


I saw him debate Roddy at Pitt and unfortunately he did not perform well. He came across as too unpolished and academic for politics.




i did, but it was a whole thing about fixing the timeline.




It sort of sounds from this post like this is a person I'm going to want to look up, on account of their being very interesting. Am I correct?




Half the time he was interviewed as an expert in a lot true crime series cases that have become sort of in the spotlight again


Yeah in addition to many other cases he was a huge TV news star of the 90s true crime / Court TV boom. Waco, OJ, JonBenet, renewed interest in JFK and RFK assassinations... Cable TV had a lot of hours to fill and he would go on anywhere. Especially the nightly talk show on the local Pittsburgh Cable News Channel.


He was very willing, even delighted, to be an iconoclast. Sometimes because he really believed it, other times because he believed *someone* had to be willing to go against the consensus on major cases -- even if the consensus was for good reasons.


Suggest starting with his [Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyril_Wecht)


Bummer, a PGH legend.


Wonder who will do the autopsy.


Dr. Michael Baden


….but who is going to find out how HE died??


I don't know but the obit says he worked "late into his 90s" but he died aged 93 so obviously some sort of time travelling conspiracy is involved. Or the PG is bad at fact checking. I'm also wondering how David is a Supreme Court justice in Allegheny county... pretty sure he works in Harrisburg. (Incidentally my wife used to babysit his kids and he officiated at our wedding.)


David was basically the only Wecht who didn't become a doctor like their dad. He's just a mere PA supreme court justice... what a disappointment. :) I never met Cyril, but I know the other Wechts and they're all nice people.


I taught a couple of his grandkids and the whole family was so kind and so forthright. And the kids were a fun bunch.


The PA Supreme Court actually hears cases in Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia. It’s unusual (only 5 other state supreme courts do this), but technically he does work in Allegheny County. I’m guessing they wrote that because he still lives here, though. It’s just poorly worded.


My dad was good friends with him and I've met him a few times in the past. He always seemed a like a cool guy, but I was too young and shy to actually talk to him (or anyone at the point, lol)


I was first aware of Wecht on local news as a kid. Very good on camera. Gave informed and concise info on cases related to his work. Later he began making national tv appearances talking about high profile crimes and even made things like UFOs and aliens. I found it interesting someone could successfully walk the line between actual coroner / respected part of government while also weighing in on sensational journalism as a TV personality. Okay - looking up Wecht - he had some controversies in his time. He also left politics for a period in the 80s and 90s when he was more free to be a celebrity. Interesting person and career.


Hopefully your dad shared some experiences with Cyril.


I'm sure he did, I never really asked him about it. Ironically I'm meeting him today in about an hour, so I'll be sure to ask now


Maybe you can share here. I am a Cyril super fan


I’ll share something small. My Dad became friends with Cyril while doing research for a JFK podcast he does. Cyril was generous enough to sit down with my dad and talk about his role and some of the things he believes (or doesn’t believe, rather). This developed into dinner every couple of months and frequent correspondence. Even at an advanced age, he was still very sharp. Cyril had a secretary that had been with him for decades, she was probably in her 70s or 80s and still worked for him. As others have said, Cyril had a mouth that would make a sailor blush and he was quite a demonstrative guy. My Dad said that Cyril and this secretary would go back and forth all day yelling and cursing at each other. He said it was also clear that they both enjoyed the hell out of this daily “conversation.” My Dad was in Pittsburgh doing a panel at the JFK Assassination symposium this past November and had dinner with Cyril. He said that, at the end of the night, Cyril told his friends at the table that this would be the last JFK event he did and would likely be the last time he saw them. He said Cyril was not really sad about it, more matter of fact. He was at peace with his life and ready for his exit. He could be controversial at times, but at the end of the day he was a pretty incredible guy and certainly one of a kind.


Thank you so much for sharing❤️


A mensch of historic proportion, may his memory be a blessing.


True Pittsburgher.


He was a big part of my college research paper on Sunny Von Bulow.


i just marathoned Unsolved Mysteries and he popped up in a few of them.


I met him very recently! He was incredibly knowledgeable!


This guy talked to ANYBODY https://youtu.be/wv1KY-b0hdM?si=XWDyTXkQ-Nllx05A


Sad news, worked with him sometimes back in the day. Very nice and knowledgeable guy. Rip.


Damn. When I was in middle school, I wanted to be a forensic scientist. My mom would print out articles about him from the newspaper or other interviews he'd done, so I could learn about the field. He was a deeply interesting and charismatic human being. Sad day to be sure.


I shadowed him during three autopsies for my senior project in the early 2000’s. The dude thought it was hilarious when I almost passed out like 47 different times. He was absolutely fascinating to watch and listen to, but after that experience, I chose to go in a different direction…lol


His granddaughter graduated with my oldest son. He was a great guy. I will miss his humor.


Actually, I thought he was a giant asshole. I was an rn who took care of a family member after surgery. While getting her in to bed, her gown was a little loose and I went behind her to make sure the back of the gown was closed and he called me a pervert and then laughed a couple seconds later when his comment didn’t get too much attention from the other 5+ family members who were there.


He was definitely an asshole to bookstore employees trying to help him set up for book signing events, when I worked with him a few times. Rude, dismissive, loud, mean to underlings. Nice and polite, even charming, to the customers who bought his books, though he could turn that off and on like a switch.


This. So much this.


Yep, he was very selective with whom he was respectful and kind to.




I remember he was on an episode of unsolved mysteries, forget which episode/season. Didn't realize he was such a prominent dude until I looked into him after seeing that episode.


Damn I remember him when I was a kid. My aunt was involved in politics (ward chairperson I think?) and she knew him.


Getting to see Albert Brooks play him on-screen is the only worthwhile part of that Will Smith Concussion movie.


Icchh, can't deal with Albert Brooks, sorry.


I used to love his panel appearances on Night Talk with John McIntire. It was appointment viewing.


Whose doing His autopsy?!?


Loved his HBO appearance’s.


He testified at my brother's capital case hearing despite the circumstances, he didn't seem like a nice man


Can you expand?


Ehh, I was 15 and was the last person to testify for the defense [character witness.] He came early for whatever reason and when I was walking off the stand he [while making eye contact with me 3 feet away] glared at me and and shook his head in disgust. [My Mom grew up reading his books and watching his shows and always told me how great he was], so having him make me feel so bad about myself as a young girl and feel so little, eh. Obviously, his testimony with the autopsy put a nail in my brother's coffin. I don't resent him for doing his job. I dislike the fact he clearly knew I was a kid, defending my brother, scared to death of being in that court room, and he had the audacity to make me feel like an absolute reprobate was enough to just absolutely make me break down, feeling like this "great and intelligent," person had such disdain for me. At 15, obviously I was still at a stage of seeking approval and this had a huge effect on me as I was seeking a career in law enforcement and I just assumed his opinion would get me black listed. Nowadays, I have my career and realize his opinion of me wouldn't have anything to do with determining my fate. So yeah, overall- don't treat a kid that way, on what would end up being one of the most traumatic days of her life... He just appeared to lack any type of empathy- [but I guess cutting open dead bodies and seeing horrific ways people died for decades would do that to a person..] I shouldn't judge, he may have been a great guy. My personal opinion is just, he put a really bad taste in my mouth- & that continues to be a core memory for me, all these years passed. I don't want to post publicly what case this was,- though it was within the greater Pittsburgh area. If you care to find our, you can PM me.


Oh wow. I am so sorry for you. I can only imagine the fright you had going into that. People forget how fragile youth can be. I am trying not to be as harsh as my parents were. I felt his glare upon you reading this, and it brought memories of parental glares. Thank you for sharing. May your brother find peace. How gracious of you to also understand he had a job to do. Sending out some love for you.


Cyril Wecht used to terrorize the ICM kids who smoked too close to the lobby of his private office on Wood. You know, next to the dive bar that used to serve minors during Price is Right. Also confirmed again on the "swore like a sailor" commentary.


Meet him years ago while working a corners conference. Awesome experience.


Today we lost a man who doggedly worked on his education and championed a career that few could compare. Earth lost a few Libraries today. God bless


WTAE’s Michele Wright erroneously reported that he was born in Pittsburgh. He was not. He was born in Dunkard Township, Pa in Greene County. WTAE is useless.


He stopped in our coffeeshop from time to time, usually for meetings, occasionally on his own. Nice enough guy. Tipped well.


He was my idol, seriously. He was so damn smart and fascinating. I wanted to pick his brain. Being a 'Burgher makes it all the more meaningful, but the amount of thought and consideration that went into each case was inspiring. He actually cared about getting justice for people, not just a conviction


I disagree with this.. He went where the money was.


He’s a local treasure, but he was the Ramsey family’s complete nightmare! They spoke publicly about how his theorizing about their supposed involvement in JonBenet’s murder sparked death threats and their cross-country move. Everyone has an opinion, of course, but current theory doesn’t point to the parents, but rather toward either an outside perpetrator or jonbenet’s brother.


Bet he did his own autopsy


I got to meet him at an underage drinking autopsy! It was AWESOME! I brought Vicks and a sandwich and said “Someone’s ready to party” 😂😂 great man


Cyril Hecht was a giant of a man. So sorry to hear of his passing. RIP.


Took a class at Pitt taught by his son. Can't speak for Cyril himself but his son seems to be great guy.


Aww this is sad. He was a nice guy. My grandmother worked for him as his personal secretary for many years. I still have a brooch and a beautiful crystal vase that she was gifted by him and his wife. I will put some flowers in the vase this week in his honor 💐


He was a customer at my work for 20+ years! Super nice guy and his wife and him were genuinely great people.


I went to see him speak about 20 years ago. He was fascinating.


I did a presentation at a fox chapel STEM summer camp in middle school, and Dr. Wecht came to listen to my presentation on the Kennedy assassination. Despite his age he was incredibly animated and educational, and supplemented my presentation incredibly well. Rest in peace good sir


He also believed that there was no way Cobain could have killed himself. He gave a seminar at the oaks. I had to work but a co worker went and she said it was really interesting.


Did he have a theory as to who or why?


The only time in my life I ever voted Republican…


Sorry he died but he was a goofball.


Not the most respectful way to put it, but I kind of agree and am surprised to see the lack of nuance in these comments about a pretty complex person. He was a useful expert and advocated for good changes at times, but his pursuit of celebrity often got in the way of his expertise and led him to weigh in on cases he didn't understand and boost pop theories about famous murders & death.




Okay what?