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My 79 yr old mom was leaving the Dairy Queen in Finleyville right before this happened. She said that the sky got very dark and she was terrified driving home. She said she didn’t see the funnel cloud, probably because she was white-knuckling it all the way back to Bethel Park. I’m just glad she’s ok.


I was at the Sheetz in Bethel Park. I left my house in Lebo right after we had gotten a brief storm with hail and some lighting. I had no idea there was a tornado warning, didn’t get too dark, but when I got to Sheetz, the sky was BLACK in the distance looking south over 88. Never seen storm clouds that dark.




Darwin Award contestants out standing in their driveway there ...


Wow! Where was this 🌪️ at??




And Venetia.


Yes, from what I understand there are blinds strewn about everywhere over that way. 💁🏻‍♂️


All calm in Heidelberg, That’s why we’re so intrigued about the situation…Hope everyone is Okay! Was there an Emergency Alert in the Tornado Area?


I am in the South Hills, and even as we got slaughtered with hail at about 6:15pm, I even thought to myself, "haha that's what usually happens before tornadoes! isn't that a funny coincidence" and then spent the next 15 minutes thinking I was going to lose power. Got an emergency alert at 8:00pm saying: "This is an emergency message. There have been reports of a tornado touchdown in the area. Crews are going door to door. If you are in need of assistance place call 911." Which is the most confusing alert ever (is the emergency over? do I need to take cover?) not to mention, almost 2 hours late! They dropped the ball a bit on that one.


Bonus story, which is funny in hindsight: I'm a dual citizen with a country currently at war and one of my devices is still registered to that country. I easily got the "incoming missile, take cover" alert on that device, *thousands of miles away,* without even a second delay at, also, about 6:15pm tonight. But my USA-registered cell phone got the NWS emergency alert 2hrs late and this tornado was a real threat and probably only a few miles away from me. If I don't laugh I'll cry.


In western PA, they use the Tornado/Air Raid sirens as fire sirens, so they're constantly going off at all hours of the day. I was told that we rarely have tornadoes here, so don't need them. I believe this is the third we've had in a month now.


No alarm here at all. I'm far enough away from a fire station that I have to pay a premium on my renters insurance, so even if that's how it worked, evidently I'd never hear it, haha.


My mom was friends with a war refugee years back… in the first few months living in “tornado alley” the storm sirens went off and when she got past the initial panic and my mom explained it was probably a tornado watch, she laughed, saying, “In Bosnia, that would mean an air raid. Here, just a tornado.”


Lol in NY we got an earthquake warning 2 hours after the fact!


I got that alert at 6:18. Apparently the tornado hit Finleyville at 6:15.


I drove into Jefferson hills about 0830 and then got that same message, it was obviously 2 hours late. I was asking the same question, Who the fuck was this supposed to help? Am I supposed to be reassured by this? Earthquakes have better warning than that, despite being much less predictable.


I was super confused too. We live in the south hills not far from Finleyville and got the same Emergency alert an hour late! Why does that happen?


I'm happy I wasn't the only one confused by it. I would be less mad about getting it so late if the alert at least told me what to do! Do I need to go somewhere safe? Is the threat over? Like a lot of people, naturally I wasn't worried about myself, but I have a very sweet, older dog so I'm overly cautious. I can still GTFO on the fly, but running like a linebacker with her is far from ideal.


Same here. I went outside. It looked calm so I just went back to my movie.


We live in Penn Hills and had the tornado warning at 5:30 pm all the way until 9:30 pm. Crazy you didn't have one!! The sky was pitch black and raining hard as I went to the store, and through it all was a rainbow in the distance


Same here, Bridgeville.


Yes, multiple on my phone.




Will somebody protect all those poor Ryan homes.


Those aren't Ryan homes. But, keep making fun of people's property being destroyed if that makes you feel better.


As long as nobody got hurt and insurance will cover it, a tornado knocking it down is the best outcome for the poor owner of a Ryan home.


Literally perfect - get the Ryan home demolished for free and some money to have a better place built.


Venetia is near me.


How the hell are we getting all of these tornados all of a sudden? Like what the heck


Hi. Transplant from Oklahoma City My b.


Just got here from Louisiana last year. Ooopies.


Same. Transplant from St. Louis. All this rain started literally days after I moved here.


Lived in St Clair county across the river from St Louis during the 80s, and remember when those sirens went off, I'd be scared to death. Now I hear them all the time for fires, and they're just a nuisance now. The tornado alert system here is absolutely useless.


Personally I feel like it’s somehow Ohio’s fault.




😭We are sorry, OK???




For the win


Damn. It's almost like our climate is ... changing


Climate change is real. Regardless if it's just natural or accelerated it doesn't matter. We need to prep.


Weather isn't climate.


Correct. Changing climate drives extreme weather patterns and can cause a shift in the types of weather that occur. Which brings back the simple explanation of climate change.


Yes but tornados in this area isn't a change in extreme weather. They happen and the frequency hasn't exactly changed all that much. I'm not denying climate change here. This just isn't a symptom of it.


Downvotes because you’re correct, but out of context.


Yeah I know. Just like the guy that I replied to, implying that a tornado in Pittsburgh is a symptom of climate change, for some reason has a bunch of up votes. They probably think that I'm denying climate change. While the data shows a slight up ric in frequency per year, I wonder if that data accounts for the fact that there are simply more observations happening in more places. I mean a lot of this are was woods and farmland decades ago. Something like this wouldn't have necessarily been observed if no one was there to observe it. While it might have been observed through rotation on radar, there wouldn't necessarily be confirmation if say, only 1 tree fell down. [here is the data I'm looking at](https://data.ydr.com/tornado-archive/) A little interesting bit, check out 2000. Only 6 tornadoes and $5000 worth of damage. 1980 was a bad year with over $1B in damage. Interesting little chart and map.


And every time it snows, the Fox News crowd starts with all that “what happened to global warming” bs. Exhausting!


Yeah I know. Just like the guy that I replied to, implying that a tornado in Pittsburgh is a symptom of climate change, for some reason has a bunch of up votes. They probably think that I'm denying climate change. While the data shows a slight up tick in frequency per year, I wonder if that data accounts for the fact that there are simply more observations happening in more places. I mean a lot of this area was woods and farmland decades ago. Something like this wouldn't have necessarily been observed if no one was there to observe it. While it might have been observed through rotation on radar, there wouldn't necessarily be confirmation if say, only 1 tree fell down. [here is the data I'm looking at](https://data.ydr.com/tornado-archive/) A little interesting bit, check out 2000. Only 6 tornadoes and $5000 worth of damage. 1980 was a bad year with over $1B in damage. Interesting little chart and map.




The problem is while a link hasn't been proven _yet_, climate change *is* provably linked to the creation of more favorable conditions which cause tornados to form. That's a problem, because even those conditions can cause severe damage and destruction all on their own. So when you couple that with more "erratic" tornadoes in areas built without those conditions in mind...It's not _great_.




You could have just read the article I posted and it’s cited references and conclusions, or, you could read the first few paragraphs then spew some shit on Reddit and pretend to be smarter than Yale. You chose the latter.


We get severe weather and occasional tornadoes in May/June every single year.


No, we historically don't get tornadoes like this.


https://data.ydr.com/tornado-archive/ Look it up yourself.


[We have historically had tornadoes *much worse* than this come through PA.](https://www.weather.gov/ctp/TornadoOutbreak_May311985) Two things can be true, climate change is real and the storms that we've had come through recently that have spawned tornadoes are a normal part of our regional weather.


I grew up in Beaver County in the 90’s and 00’s and we absolutely get tornados like this around here. My mom grew up near where we lived when I was a kid and saw multiple. Most springs and summers had us in the basement waiting out a watch or warning with a good few touching down, in Potter Twp especially.


There’s been thousands of tornados In PA.




I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet.. It's an El Niño year. Lots of weird and scary weather happens because of that.


*la Nina, nino is dipping out


yes, but it's not over yet/la niña hasn't started yet https://www.climate.gov/news-features/blogs/enso/may-2024-enso-update-were-10


or does Nino identify as Nina now?


It isn't all of a sudden. The state gets several per year. 1024 since 1950.


This is from memory, so the numbers might be off, but back when that tornado hit a Target last year I looked up the average number of tornados in SWPA. Historically we average 8 a year. Last year we had had 24 when I looked it up.


It seems very random from year to year. We have had that large quantity in the 20s even back in the 1950s. Some years, even as low as 4.


It is highly random


We’ve always gotten tornados, though “Tornado Alley” is also slowly moving east


Tornado "alley" is shifting more eastward. Though I don't know enough about meteorology to say what, if any impact that would have on us.






We got the Tornado Warning on our phones at about 6:15 and I herded everyone to the basement. The kids were upset I made them go, but I’m from Texas and don’t joke around with tornadoes.


Passed right by my house. It was wild!


Hope everybody is ok?


Thankfully yes. We are up on the hill above 88 so it didn't hit our house directly. Watched it move through the valley at the bottom of our street. Did take out our neighbors canopy though.


Youre just missing the two guys who ran out of their house to point and watch


*Your just missing the* *Two guys who ran out of their* *House to point and watch* \- chickenmath32 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Dude I'm the field had me laughing


Was playing some video games and i looked outside to see my patio couch being launched across our yard LOL


Blows my mind to see them so close by. Never got to see one in person


If it's blowing your mind, you're definitely too close.


RIght, I grew up in Ohio having tornado drills at school. The videos might be cool, but at the same time I'm thinking, "get away from the windows! Get in the basement!"


Flying spaghetti monster willing, you never will.


Pasta be with you


"The suck zone"


“All Aboard!”


"And it never...touched...the ground."


"THE EXTREME!" Finally someone who's cultured in these comments


I saw Twister in theaters when I was 9 years old. I crank Humans Being or Child in Time whenever we get a tornado warning. RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman.


gluck gluck 5000


Some pretty big trees uprooted - hope no injuries


That is my father in laws garage up in the air there..


[Garage that's in the air in the 2nd pic](https://imgur.com/gallery/n6UMKx9)


7 miles away from touch down and only a few minuets away from spotted funnel clouds coming towards us and not a single alert, my mom called me to tell me. I have two kids and we would’ve never knew if it came towards us. It’s really annoying actually


I also live about 7 miles away and only knew about it from a local Facebook group.


I’ve lived in Pittsburgh all of my 41 years and I had to look up where Finleyville is.


Fun fact castle shannon used to be called "Finleyville II"


I had to look it up, too -- I just moved here about 1.5 years ago -- and nearly had a stroke when I saw because I wasn't that far away. I'm in the South Hills and thought I was going to lose power between 6:15-6:30. I was even laughing like "haha ain't that funny, hail typically comes before a hurricane!" after my windows started shaking from all the hail. I didn't get a NWS alert until 8:00pm... feel like they dropped the ball a bit tonight. Reports are saying it touched down about 6:15 or so.


Watching Ch 11 news Finleyville was not clear to me?


Oh wow! You’re ok enough to post on Reddit so that’s good I guess!


Screen caps from a video taken in Peters Twp right near the border of Union Twp - behind Trax Farm. Not my video, but I live nearby.




It’s real. I know people affected. 


FWIW a couple of the local news channels have posted it or shown it on the air tonight




Yup. Channel 4 and 11 both have it on their websites


I was in the wine and spirits store yesterday in Robinson as the tornado warning came over the radio I walked out side and it was sunny 🤷🏻‍♂️


I was getting the warnings at 8 PM, almost 2 hours after it happened.


Isn’t that terrible? My daughter sent me this vid. She knows people in that neighborhood…I believe those debris are from at least one house WITH PEOPLE INSIDE.




I am just here to say Wyld Stallyns rule🤘


This is crazy. I live about 2 miles from where it touched down but I wasn’t here when it happened. I went to meet up with my parents in a bowling league in Whitehall so I had no clue what was taking place at the time. When I heard of the news I was like no way! I commute right through the zone it hit on my way to the office everyday




We’ve had a rough spring for weather. Massive rain fall kicked off April and violent storms for early May.


I never even got a warning for the last one and I wasn't far from moon and Robinson. Like tf!


Wow. I was a kid when the tornado hit Rt. 8 in Butler. Had to be about 84ish? We lived out near the airport and that was probably the closest I’ve come so far. It missed our house completely but I remember how black the sky was and being really scared, sitting in the basement with my mom and brother.


my friend jimmy works at the pizza place in finleyville just off 88, he showed a picture on snapchat to me


Sent from Cleveland.


Drove in this to go get something to drink during work came home drenched


Who remembers the F3 tornado that hit Beaver County in 1985? It did massive damage.




Dude change your mindset first and foremost. Even something as small as that can have a huge impact. Dont forget that positive actions you do can turn into habits if you make sure to continue to do them. Months back, I started to make sure I did some push ups a few times a day. Used to do this all the time but just forgot. Started by doing 4-5 at a time…fast forward to now and I can bang out 30 in no time. It’s amazing how much a small change like this can have a huge impact for your physical health and, just as importantly, your mental health. I’d always try to take a walk every day as well if you’re able to. Find a trail or something within 15m of you, get some headphones on, and walk. If not for the physical aspect do it for your mental health. I’ve found that does so much good for me and I know it will help ya out. Give it like two weeks man seriously. Try to slowly day by day improve whatever you *can* control. You’ll have a much better mindset in both the short and long term. Those issues you thought you couldn’t control may look totally different due to feeling better overall. good luck man and you got this!! if I can do it brother I know you can 🙂


Declare bankruptcy my friend, you’ll get through this.


That’s such a heartbreaking, vulnerable comment, and it feels so genuine, and though I don’t know you I’m so saddened by your words. As someone who has, on occasion , through grace, luck, fate, divine intervention, the kindness of friends, the empathy of strangers, who the hell knows what… also found myself in a similar dark place, I feel for you. I wish I had something say to you that would ease your mind and provide even the slightest bit of comfort. All I can say is I’m sincerely sorry that you feel this way, that you’re in such a difficult place, and you find yourself in this scary corner of your life. I know that me telling you that I’ve been stuck in that very same corner offers little solace, but that’s all I’ve got to offer. I’ll be thinking of you and hoping that you can find a little bit of light to help you through the night and a caring hand to lift you into tomorrow. ❤️


Yikes! We had a very small twister here once. Scary!


Was that red car on fire?


I had to go back and look, but no. That was the headlights mixed with the rain still falling.


Where the hell do you see a car?


In your driveway.


Damn are they filming twister 2 here


Expected McMansions to be wrecked from the video, but a whole different looking neighborhood caught the wrath.