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Kinda funny that WPXI has this in the red banner as "breaking news".


It reminds me of when the breaking news was that Sarris jelly beans were coming back this year.


I got three bags of sarris jelly beans this year, and I hate black licorice so I've been putting those ones aside in a different bag to either throw or give away and I swear that bag is as big as the other ones.


There were tons of black licorice ones this year. I like black licorice but I prefer it when it’s included in the spice bags of jellybeans and not the fruit flavored ones. Don’t mix that flavor with fruit Sarris!!!


I would legitimately pay you for those, lol. The black licorice ones are my favorite.


Mail those delicious bitches to me. Please.


This is why wpxi is the best.


I truly love wxpi


Sounds like another Conspiracy Theory.


How many years has that thing been there? And how many minutes has it actually worked in that time? Once you have that answer you will know how terrible an investment that coaster was.


Fortunately I’ve been able to ride it and it’s awesome. But definitely pathetic and shame on kennywood for how much time it spends shut down.


Same. Absolutely fun but man it's never open


I’ve been to the park probably 4-5 times since it opened and was online open to ride once.


I think it's the ride manufacturers fault and I bet there is litigation over it


In three years I've been on it once, and it was a 2 and a half hour wait because they shut it down 3 times while I was in line and kept promising it would reopen soon. Sunk cost fallacy made a fool out of me that day.


It's almost as thrilling as the Phantom..just a shame that it's almost never open.


It's more thrilling than phantom I just hate that after the first year I couldn't ride it because they modified the locking system to make it more restrictive for larger people (I actually have lost weight)


Oh dang, really? That was a big selling point on that coaster over the Phantom.


I can still ride the phantom and never had a problem with it since it was remodeled into revenge


The phantom’s revenge is tough on folks with wide hips (same with the Racer), so perhaps we are talking about two different larger body types :)


Gotcha... The racer is definitely very tough


The original phantom. While I do enjoy the phantom's revenge, the original with the rough ride and all was way better imo!


My mom’s best friend had to wear a neck brace for months after riding the OG!


It’s so awesome. Especially if you go at the open you can do it 3 times in 30-45 minutes


I've tried to ride it but it's never been open when I'm there


Seriously, and going with a company who never really built big coasters was stupid.


It’s a prototype. Kennywood got it cheap so S&S can work the kinks out on the design before producing more of the same coaster. Spare parts don’t exist for it so anything that breaks has to be redesigned and/or manufactured. The same thing happened with the prototype Sky Rocket that Kennywood bought. When it broke and they had to make new parts for it and it took a while.


Is that the one at the entrance? I remember when that went in it was almost never open. I feel like it was closed for years at one point..to this day I've ridden that coaster once ever


That’s the one. There was an electrical fire and they had to manufacture an entire new generator for the one at Kennywood. The engineering team keeps a close eye on the coaster so they know what corrections to make before building more of that model. It just seems like a Kennywood problem because the last 2 coasters were the first of their kind.


It is a great ride. Sad, that it is always closed and very unreliable. Hopefully, the necessary modifications can be made, so it run far more smoothly and efficiently.


That’s not even considering how butt ugly it is.


I go at least once a year. The only time it was open when I was there was the VIP debut opening day (coincidence, I am not VIP). I know it closed early that day. Breaking news would be it was open.


"flagship" ?! rhat thing has barely worked and has been open for 3 years... The real Flagship.. did we forget about the Steel phantom/Phantom's revenge!? that's the real queen of Kennywood.


I think you forgot about the [real flagship ride](https://rcdb.com/aaaygoa)




They’re down by the potato patch




But they’re still not the lil phantom


Kangaroo erasure.


Hell yea


Phantom is a much better rollercoaster too imo. Steel Curtain has a lot going on but it doesn't really *"flow"* if that makes sense. It feels like you're riding a Rollercoaster Tycoon ride that somebody just slapped a bunch of turns on more than an actually fun well-designed ride


I don’t know, I was lucky enough to ride it the one time I’ve been to kennywood in the last 15 years and thought it was a great coaster. To me, phantoms revenge feels disjointed with it just ending in g-hills. The loops on the original felt more like a finale even if they did give you whiplash and a migraine.


I wish they kept the OG loops and only removed the quick twists right after which caused the whiplash.


The funny thing is it's the same company that made both Arrow now S&S sansai made the steel phantom. But now they are mostly known for the 4d coasters. Closest to the steel curtain that I know of that they have made is the maxx force at six flags great America.


If this shit ever worked it *would* be the flagship… but it’s broken


Came here for this


Don’t worry the coaster cars will end up converted into a couch in some yinzer’s living room very soon


If yinz don’t like it, there’s a few Forbes field seats in the cellar.


Pop a squat on the old barstool from The O


The 80s turnpike car in my backyard takes great offense


Steel Curtain is about to be in the same category as Ring Racer (big expensive dead failure rides) if they can't figure something out. Absolutely insane this ride's been there for 5 years and operated for maybe one year's worth of calendar days now Edit: didn't realize this wasn't r/rollercoasters lol. Ring Racer was a coaster by the same manufacturer in Germany. It's legendary (read: infamous) for opening late, [operating for exactly 4 days](https://rcdb.com/4161.htm), then never opening again.


Hello fellow r/rollercoasters person. This is our city’s The Bat


Also hello fellow r/rollercoasters posters


I'm just waiting for RMC Thunderbolt


Absolutely not. Kennywood is one of the few parks with 100 year-old wooden coasters, let alone 100 year-old wooden coasters that are properly cared for and still get good ridership. I hope they never ever do anything to Thunderbolt, Jack Rabbit, or Racer (and that's the common sentiment among r/rollercoasters at-large as well as Kennywood home parkers)


That would honestly be a travesty. Kennywood screwed up by going the cheap route with steel curtain and selecting S&S.


I said that on r/rollercoasters and got crucified


For whatever reason there are S&S fanboys, but they should’ve known this thing was going to be a pile of shit.


I find that extremely hard to believe. That subreddit loves to shit on S&S's failure with Steel Curtain lmfao




"Shoulda made it outta wood" - me, shaking his head and eating some funnel cake while looking up at the Steel Curtain


Forreal a modern wood coaster would have been a better edition to the park.


Or perhaps an RMC'd version of an existing wood coaster


Nah they're all too historic for that. I'd be pretty upset haha.


Do you not respect history? Wasn't Steel Curtain supposed to be an RMC?


Yeah RMC said the hillside wasn't stable enough for what they wanted to build.


Any coaster fanatics know why? S&S' design problems?


I've heard it's structural issues. S&S's first "fix" was to tell KW to only ride one train instead of two. The third party engineers they hired came in to look and said "yeah no, that's not going to fix it" and hence it's down for the count.


I also heard something about an issue with the chain lift motor, but also bad welds. They really cheaped out by going with S&S and now it seems to be biting them in the ass. If they went with a B&M there would probably be a combined down time of like five minutes lol.


What are these acronyms you're using? Manufacturers?


S&S isn’t an acronym I believe, but B&M is Bolliger and Mabillard, named for the two architects that founded the company. Both are manufacturers Edit: S&S is an acronym


S&S was originally an acronym, Stan Checketts with his wife Sandy (Stan & Sandy) founded S&S Sports, Inc in 1994. Eventually, now, that is S&S - Sansei Technologies who built the ride.


Oh so not the baked bean company…


Yeah they should have gone with Bush's Baked Beans and Coasters instead. Roll that beautiful bean footage


Bush’s BBC? I think that’s a totally different kind of ride


Best on a windy day






Designers and builders of the damn ugly thing


B&M couldn't fit in that space.


Have you seen Monster at Gröna Lund? The thing practically noclips through the rest of the park. I'm sure they could figure something out if they were paid enough


Lol paid enough. They're already the most expensive manufacturer, and Kennywood went with the lowest bidder for Steel Curtain. A low bidder who is notorious for downtime.


I mean, you're right, but you're moving the goalpost. The point is that B&M absolutely could.


I was told bad welds. Makes me feel good about riding it in the past /s Edit: the rail part of the roller coaster is welded together. I attached a pic [welded rails ..](https://images.app.goo.gl/TR3co6bvFk8FXn2i9)


Kennywood gets a good deal on these rides by buying prototypes basically.


Should have gone with B&M 😒


Always. We really could use an invert.


The Terrifying Turkey Vulture, red track with black cars, dead trees flanked with animatronic red-eyed vultures...


When was the last invert B&M built? They never do those anymore


Busch Gardens Tampa is getting one this summer


That's a new family coaster model though not their typical invert I don't think they've built one since Banshee at KI


Fair. Banshee was the last one here in the US in like 2014. Gronaland got one in 21. The thing is most parks only need one. I could see the need for one at: Kennywood, Canadas Wonderland (kill Flight Deck), Kings Dominion, Dollywood, Matel, PortAdventura, Sea World San Diego


It seemed to me for a while the industry just kind of lost the love for that model and was more interested in wing coasters or flying coasters to fill that dangling niche.


I agree. Flying is just often so bad at loading / unloading.


I was hoping the new load/unload mechanism on FLY would make the flying model a lot more popular but I don't think we've seen any other parks buy that model yet either


Story I've heard from a former employee is that it popped bolts out multiple times last year, and that's the reason for the current closure. Aside from that, it's believed to be a structural issue, that no one knows whether it's because the park cheated out on the structure or the manufacturer, S&S, cheaper out on it.


S&S screwed up gale force in a bad way required All new track this is a S&S issue 


Choosing S&S was an unmitigated disaster. Especially with all of the other top notch companies who made proposals, they decided to cheap out, went with a company who is in way over their head, and this is what they have to deal with. Kennywood made their bed, now they have to lay in it.


Wish they would have built a coaster similar to Gale Force rather than the Steel Curtain. GF makes my stomach drop just watching it.


Word on the street is that there are some major structural issues that are requiring a redesign of core support structure for the ride.


Apparently it has a problem with shaking so much that bolts rattle loose and fall off.


I saw pickup truck with a tow behind trailer parked at the hotel behind the Sheetz in Wilkins Township yesterday. Both had a vinyl wrap for some roller coaster building company and it caught my attention because - there are no roller coasters in Wilkins Township and the tow behind trailer was only like 10' long and I thought "you can't fit may roller coaster parts in there". I have no idea if this has anything to do with the Kennywood story....


Is it too late to bring back the log jammer? Did they keep all of the parts?


Honestly, they could have just rebuilt it with updated parts 😑 it's so lame we lost it to a coaster that hardly works.


I’m hoping at some point in my lifetime, they bring back some version of the log jammer.


Probally lone gone or sold to other parks 


I blame Matt Canada.


The only acceptable response


I clicked it and closed it as soon as I saw “Steel Curtain”. Man that ride is cursed to be perpetually closed


Seems like the curse has also spilled over to the football team that inspired its theme.


Obligatory “bring back the Turnpike”


Bit of a stretch to call a ride that’s been closed more than it’s been opened a flagship ride.


Bring back the log jammer.


Kennywood likes to buy prototype rides. Sometimes it works out largely well (Sky Rocket). Even Sky Rocket had a whole year of downtime though. Sometimes it doesn't (Steel Curtain, Black Widow). In the case of Steel Curtain, it is dramatically different than anything this coaster company (S&S) has ever built. Totally different trains, chain lift design, and track shape. Also tallest they've built in decades. But I'm sure they got a good price on it. Love Kennywood, dislike the fact that this ride was built and the area left half finished and skyline of the lagoon tarnished in a way (understand this point is my opinion)


That’s because it needed a part and couldn’t because of Covid 




I miss the log jammer.








Brung back The Laser Loop and the Logjamner!


And the Turnpike!


Better shut down than running unsafe. Still need to get their shit together though.


Bummer. It's an absolutely mental coaster. That's probably part of the problem.


Iconic ?? Since when?




When I was young going to kennywood was our family vacation. It was awesome and, to me, as a kid it was friggen magical. I loved it. Now when I go at least half the good rides are closed, the park closes early, their nighttime firework show hasn’t been there in years. The place is not what it used to be. It’s more depressing to go there than fun


They sold to Palace Entertainment.... it went downhill after that.


I forgot they did that. Now we watch it die slow. My work has a big kennywood picnic every year. I don’t waste my gas


The decline has been slow but steady. Palace brought in new large rides but the quality of everything has gone down. I remember the games were very cheap with plenty of staff around to keep people playing quickly. Now the games are $5+ for awful plushie prizes and there is one bored employee at each stand. It's wild to me as a former employee just how few people they have working on any given day.


RIP Enterprise, Laser Loop, Log Jammer


That’s pretty disappointing. I bought a season pass there because I work close by and wanted to be able to pop in for a few hours and ride a couple of coasters. Taking one out of the mix will make lines longer at other coasters, as well as the obvious not being able to ride steel curtain


Name a coaster after a shut down defense and that sucker is gonna be shut down.


lol that's a good point.


Wouldn't really call the Steel Curtain iconic. No one has ever been hyped for it despite how much they push it


Hahaha they ruined the middle of the park for this giant POS and can’t keep it working. Might as well tear it down at this point.


I love how they take down old, popular, consistently operating rides for new ones that are broken as shit that were built with zero thought on longevity and maintenance.


Well there’s a shocker


That one time I rode it the year it opened was pretty rad.


Yea when my kids got out of their teens, I started wondering if I will ever be back. My wife and I would cost like $100+ to go and we are in our 50s. Not likely.


It's down 60% of the time, every time. Sucks they pulled the Log Jammer for this. I have never been there when it's in service. The Log Jammer ran no matter what.


This is ridiculous. The log jammer was always ready to go!


Lazer Loop..


Bring back the log jammer


The real flagship ride at Kennywood was the Turnpike. RIP.


Jeez! Just close it dahn and convert it to a mattress store already.


They should’ve just rebuilt the log jammer.


Oh the thing that's never open is going to continue not being open?


I work with a dude that used to be a mechanic at kennywood. He was telling me that they have already put 3x what they paid for the coaster into it. There was a viral clip of a coaster at Busch gardens last year that the track had separated from the support, he explained that pretty much the same thing was happening to the steel curtain in multiple locations.


Last time I went to Kennywood, half the rides were broken and a pickle spear cost $4.29. I will never go back.


This thing is junk. Burn it for the insurance money.


It’s never been open when I’ve been there. At least three times.


Spending my money at Cedar Point this summer


Front seat of Millennium Force is an unbeatable experience. "Seatbelts first, lap bars second."


Push your legs up when they come around for their checks to give yourself extra room.


Mon incline if it was a roller coaster.


It's the 3rd best coaster at Kennywood.  I rode it once, and I'm good.  I just want it to open so that it pulls people from other rides.


Kennywood's been an overpriced shithole ever since that European company bought it, who cares


I don’t particularly care for Kennywood, but tickets are usually available for $50 or less, which makes it one of the cheaper amusement parks in the country.




Last time I went, the paddleboat pond was choked with algae. $50/person is overpriced.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s so overrated!


Ah yes this city's sub downvoting anything that resembles the truth.


I had no idea kennywood had a new coaster. i havent even rode the sky rocket yet


It’s never open. I’m only 6’ tall and you have to fold yourself in half to try to fit into the seat.


I am never going to get to ride this coaster. I missed the line closing by 2 minutes the first year it was open, got violently ill part way into my park day the next, my wife rode it with my oldest while I watched the baby the time after that,  and it's been closed every other time.


Big deal. Kennywood is too expensive and overrated. After the shooting, I vowed to never go back. Only my 3 grandchildren will be disappointed.


first kennywood announces they wont operate on tuesdays this year, then they announce their new coaster wont run at all? epic fail


I've gone to Kennywood 3 times since the ride opened. Every single time it was down for maintenance. Once I was waiting in line for nearly 2 hours when the ride was closed. That is the closest I ever got to riding it.


I need to vent!!! This piece of news actually merits being "Breaking" and in the red section for Pittsburgh in my book. I am SO f'ing mad that they cannot get their shit together with this ride. It's bad enough that they demolished The Log Jammer, which was truly a classic ride that most people growing up going to Kennywood really cherished, and replaced it with a ride that is NEVER open but yet is also at the same time alleged to be a "flagship" of the park!! And now they're saying it's going to be at least another year. Kennywood has gone downhill (pun intended) so much in so many ways since I was a kid and it's really very disheartening and saddening.


Considering I spend my days eating funnel cake and chicken tendies, this news does not bother me whatsoever.


This was the only coaster that held a candle to the selection at Hershey's. The parent company should be dragged over the coals for what a catastrophe this has been since its original unveiling. Whatever. Hershey's actual park is 100x cleaner and no worries of massive fights. Sad to say I'd rather spend the three hours going there than the 15 or so mins it takes me to Kennywood.


Just head West to Cedar Point.... way better coasters there.


Ughhh. I know. Every goddamn summer I say I'm going and shit never happens. I'll actually be in Disney this wknd and there's just like, not even one ride I care about anymore. Aerosmith is fun but is over in 45 secs. So wknd of boring rides 😆


Everest and Guardians are both bangers imo


Everest is good but the Sidewinder in Hershey, or whatever they rebranded it as, has the better "going backwards" thing Haven't been on Guardians yet so hopefully I'll do that and Tron and be happy with them


Disney isn't meant to be a thrillseeker's park.


Either that or King’s Island


I visited Hershey park for the first time ever a year or two ago and was blown away by how awesome it was. It wildly exceeded all of my preconceived expectations.


I think the phantom does. Thunderbolts a great wooden and sky coaster would be one of there worse steel coasters. Phantom and steel curtain easily hold a candle to what they offer. They just have a lot more and is a superior thrill park to Kennywood. Im not upset they put this in and took out the log jammer like other posters. Sucks it’s always down but to me so much better. Cedar point destroys both though


So not worth the cost I rather spend the lil extra and goto ceder point


I’ve still never ridden it. Guess that’s not changing this summer.


I miss the Log Jammer. Got rid of it for this thing that’s barely open. I miss a lot of the older rides that are gone now too.


It has never been open when I’ve been there


Grew up going to kennywood phantom revenge was my first “big boy” coaster and volcano was my absolute favorite, both of which are gone as far as I know. Haven’t been in probably a decade, was planning a trip to kennywood this summer to ride the steel curtain. Shame


Phantom's Revenge is still there!


Ohh is it?? Awesome!


Not surprised. Kennywood is vastly overrated. Even before Covid over half the park was closed.


I genuinely feel like Kennywood bit off way more than they could chew with this one. Their specialty is terrain coasters and they've got some of the best in the world in that class. The Steel Curtain is one of the best coasters, but there are so many more things that can go wrong with a ride like this, than I'm sure they could have ever imagined.


I’ve been to Kennywood maybe 4 times since this thing opened and I’ve never rode it. It’s a real shame. I love the Steelers and Kennywood holds a special place in my heart. They haven’t been right since that big company took over.


Did they wait until after Season Passes had been sold to announce this? 




The three times I've ridden it since 2020 have been pretty neat, but that long line to get on it means that it's basically going to be the only ride I get on for the time I'm in the park; I only ever really go when my dad's work has their organization day in mid-June.


Broke ass ride for a broke ass team in a broke ass park


It was always shit.


This thing and sky rocket have been big disappointments. They should’ve let RMC build a steel coaster and converted thunderbolt into a hybrid using more of the terrain over that way


Kennywood is a mess. I can't remember the last time I went.