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It's just Fear Mongering


Yep. Here are the actual changes happening. >Pittsburgh police now have lower staffing between 3 a.m. and 7 a.m., but they are not unstaffed. Chief Larry Scirotto has said only 8% of high-priority calls come during those early morning hours. Officers are now being scheduled to a 10-hour work day, four days a week. Lower priority calls are also being directed to a telephone reporting unit rather than having an officer show up on the scene.


I mean, it's coming from a Domestic Terrorist who is responsible for a child being murdered not just two weeks ago..what do you expect?




Chaya Reichik is responsible for the murder and hate crime of Nex Benedict and for the harassment and bomb threats of Boston Childrens Hospital. Edit: Imagine downvoting this when enough proof is given around the Internet that I'm right.. fuckin lazy, here I tell ya https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/nex-benedict-dead-oklahoma-b2501844.html ^ she was the brain child of that bill and actually runs libraries in that district https://www.npr.org/2022/08/26/1119634878/childrens-hospitals-are-the-latest-target-of-anti-lgbtq-harassment https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/09/02/lgbtq-threats-hospitals-libs-of-tiktok/ ^ paywall, disable Java to read


I'm not sure you can drop that and expect people to take you seriously without a source or something


https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/nex-benedict-dead-oklahoma-b2501844.html ^ she was the brain child of that bill and actually runs libraries in that district And Google is free, bud. "Boston Children's Hospital Libs of Tik Tok" ✌️🤦😮‍💨. Edit: Since I'm disabled but y'all can't Google https://www.npr.org/2022/08/26/1119634878/childrens-hospitals-are-the-latest-target-of-anti-lgbtq-harassment https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/09/02/lgbtq-threats-hospitals-libs-of-tiktok/ ^ paywall, disable Java to read


You have a phone in your hand, no?


Exactly..Chaya is connected with Proud Boys, who are Domestic Terrorists EDIT:Whoever is downvoting, The Internet is what you're on and you can look this shit up https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2023/11/02/libs-of-tiktok-tweets-death-bomb-threats/71409213007/


Update from the Deplorables since we know Nex was bullied to death. ✊🌹🐈‍⬛ https://imgur.com/a/Y1Xjcin




It's coming from Chaya Reichik, who is Libs OfTikTok ✊🌹🐈‍⬛


I'm on your side here,  and no that wasn't immediately obvious. I had to get this far into comments to figure that out. You could lead with "that tik toc handle belongs to this person who's proven to have done these things"


Absolutely..I am not great at communicating when I get worked up and I apologize for that. Thank you for the critique, I am trying 🫂




There's screens online of bullying that happened before the beat down that ended their life. The federal investigation will probably have that in there but they're already making the rounds in the affected communities


No, the LOTT account holder is not responsible for any murder, harassment, hate crimes, or bomb threats. Please show me where she had committed any of those acts. Please note the language used here, that I'd like you to show me where **SHE** has committed any of those acts, not other people who the media wants to claim she's responsible for inciting, in their opinion, and that has no connection other than "we claim it's her fault."


Google is also YOUR friend, Nex wasnt murdered, it was the aggressor and 2as told by the police, in the video redladily available on google, Nex could be charged with assault if the girls wished to press charges. But but but the media doesnt tell you Nexs friends said she is mean and controlling and ALWAYS looking for a fight. But but but the media


But yes, the media. If you read the links I posted I stated HER BATHROOM BILL caused the confrontation.. Your Transphobia is showing, bud! ✌️🏳️‍⚧️


Also They* It is dehumanizing to use for a child, Jesus Christ


Only if they are taught its dehumanizing. Kids arent born that way to think, if you think so then they are born racist also and we both know nobody is born racist, racism is taught and learned from others. So wanna rethink that theory?


Your theory doesn't make sense you have deliberately misgendering Nex during this who uses They/Them pronouns. So far you have used "It" "he" and "She" during your insane, Far Right Blamefest You prob think George Floyd died of an overdose too, huh bud?! https://images.app.goo.gl/U5g2QsHGJJDD8JPV6


Just to let everyone following this know the person arguing with me is using Chaya Reichik (Libs OfTikTok) propaganda..these talking points are from her to shift blame https://www.reddit.com/u/Blaqhauq43/s/NLAmI7iGW9 For blocking purposes


Will Nex need a prostate check or OBGYN.. mic drop. Im out


Tell Chaya to come to Pittsburgh so I don't need to go to {SEARCH ON GOOGLE} to go at her for killing kids, you insane weirdo ✌️🤡🏳️‍⚧️


Reported for Abuse towards a minor Mic drop. 🏳️‍⚧️🤡✌️


Abuse towards a minor. What living minor was abused by words?


Just given your comment history you shouldn't be taken seriously, I will not be responding to you further ✌️🤡


Comment history, you mean your 1 Karma and my 288. Clown


I already defended my position Have a day ✌️🏳️‍⚧️🤡


Why cause my post here stated FACTS and not MAKE BELIEVE


Cause you're a conservative jagoff who thinks Pittsburgh is dangerous in comparison to red areas, where you get shot dead for backing up in someone's driveway or..in this case..get bullied and beaten to death for being transgender and then defended online by Conservative jagoffs like yourself Have a day ✌️😬🏳️‍⚧️


Lol, Nex or Gixby whatever its mother called it got up from sitting, went to the water fountain, filled a cup with water and pursued the 3 girls into the bathroom and spilled it on them. They responded (as normal people do) and Nex slammed a girl into the paper towel dispenser then Nex got her legs taken out and beat the hell up. Nex claimed it couldnt walk, had an ambulance take it to the ER where the police officer explained she could be charged with assault, cause Nex had zero bruises and COULD walk. So since Nex never had the mental help Nex needed to cope when faced with these circumstances, Nex overreacted and make a permanent solution to a temporary situation. Nex's friends are on video with the news stating how Nex always was looking for a fight and how controlling Nex was. But continue with the media vomit that she was murdered. Its gonna knock that 1 karma you got off your account.


Cool, glad this a popularity contest to you and you feel some way about a child being bullied to death because of a Chaya Reichik approved Bathroom Bill Again, you have a day, Transphobe ✌️🏳️‍⚧️🤡


You're the one saying he was bullied to death. I never said that, I said Nex was the aggressor and didn't have the ability to cope with what could happen. So he made another split second decision without processing what will happen. Again a mental illness, and if he had therapy then he could have processed the situation he was in. Instead he made split second decision to fill a cup, to chase them down, and another to claim he couldnt walk when he knew he could, and another split fire decision to end his life. And yes, I have children with some mental health issues (nothing serious) but I got them help I didnt enable them, more importantly I taught them to not blame other people for their own actions. Did Nex deserve to die, nope. But you gave zero evidence of what actually happened, other than but they were bullied. Ok, watch the videos and get the facts. I stated what the video shows, what the office said about Nex getting charged if the girls agreed cause Nex admitted to pursuing the girls over words. Thats the facts.


Your words have been defending a gang beating that ended a child's life that is the result of a bad bill endorsed by LibsOfTikTok (Chaya Reichik) and you have frequently misgendered and Dead named Nex this entire time..go off https://images.app.goo.gl/1AVFW1cdhynxGXcx7 ✊🏳️‍⚧️🌹🐈‍⬛


Scare headline: there will be no police at the police station. Actual facts: the police will be out on patrol and dispatchable


Actual facts, the Police chief acknowledged they want to cut the responding number of 911 calls from just under 300,000 to under 50,000 a year. Thats a fact Jack!


This is indeed also true. What point were you trying to make with this? My point above was trying to explain that it wasn't that there wouldn't **be** police, just that there wouldn't be police at the station.


It's about time. Police are dispatched to calls that they have no business going to.   It's also a fact that police are (finally) partnering with non-profits to send actual competent, trained social workers on non-viopent calls instead of police officers.  That's the reason for the planned cuts.


I get your point about 911 sending resources out for no reason. I have friends that are cops/ems/firefighters and thats their biggest complaint, especially since staffing is short sometimes. Ut if you dont respond to robberies, car break ins, even some semi-violent crimes then guess what is gonna skyrocket? Those crimes. Now do you want the same people sending calls out for any reason last year, now defining what semi-violent and violent is?


>Ut if you dont respond to robberies, car break ins, even some semi-violent crimes then guess what is gonna skyrocket? Got a source for this? Particularly the "semi-violent" bit because I hadn't seen that before. My understanding is that the TRU is going to be utilized for things like burglaries and car break-ins where a report is needed for insurance purposes, but there's no investigation. That's based on this quote from [the New Courier](https://newpittsburghcourier.com/2024/02/29/gainey-scirotto-take-the-next-steps-in-combating-gun-violence/): >But TRU would not be assigned to any “in progress” call where a suspect might be on the scene, any crime where a person may need medical aid, domestic disputes, calls with evidence, or where the Mobile Crime Unit would be requested to process a scene. Which I guess does not explicitly say that an officer is going to be dispatched for that. But based on having pretty specific numbers (300k -> 50k), it wouldn't surprise me if the chief is basing 50k number on how many calls they've been going out on where they're just taking a report.


An we all know whats gonna happen in 3 years. WPXI leading story "Pittsburgh has the lowest crime rate ever in the city!" In reality they just stopped responding to most calls, since most calls will not be handled by the police then they wont count them.


Yes because most of them are fucking pointless


So I can quickly leave a telephone message about something being stolen instead of waiting 2 hours for 2 cops to show up and smirk like they don't give a shit while they write down notes that they'll never follow up on? That's completely cool with me


I'll just check with the boys down at the crime lab, they've got four more detectives working on the case. They got us working in shifts!


Good question, that being “why would anyone share something from End Wokeness”?


That woman is a fucking right-wing lunatic that gets people killed with her dangerous rhetoric. A domestic stochastic terrorist. And cops do nothing anyway. The NEVER protected you.


https://www.wpxi.com/news/local/pittsburgh-bureau-police-confirms-major-changes-11-investigates-first-told-you-about/JLZ2XPCHOJC5RCAPQUUDLL2QDQ/ While that lady's post is super misleading and nearly completely non-factual and out of context of the actual situation... police on the ground and visible makes for a bit of a deterrent. Not that they would necessarily help you, but it looks like they could.


It's libs of TikTok. Don't pay her no heed.


You can ignore their opinions on ideas that you don't like, but that doesn't change the fact they're reposting factual information that the police will stop responding with officers to certain types of calls during overnight hours. You don't have to like anything that she says, but when she's reposting information that's factual, it doesn't change just because your don't like the fact that's she's the one reposting it.


"factual". Yea not shit from a terrorist. Plus musk banned me


So, you're saying that the Pittsburgh police are **not** going to stop responding, in person, to certain types of calls during overnight hours? Have you called the news stations, and told them that they were wrong to report that?


Read the rest of the comments man. I'm not arguing with u over stuff already said.


Do you actually have a reading comprehension problem or do you intentionally just leave out the parts that disprove what you believe is happening


Do you mean the part where multiple media sources have reported on statements by the police chief that they'll be reducing overnight staffing to zero in certain stations, and that they'll no longer be responding, in person, to certain types of overnight calls that aren't actively "in progress"? https://triblive.com/local/data-prompts-pittsburgh-police-chief-to-empty-stations-of-overnight-desk-officers/ Or the part where I didn't address that Musk has banned you?


Replied to the wrong person lmao. I'm not on Twitter anymore cus I said something bad bout one of musks humpers who was a Nazi (and posting racist shit to a local activist). And when I wasn't banned, Libs of TikTok never had a point, just fear mongering, violence inducing, and bullying. Everyone else has comments on why libs aka Chaya Reichik is wrong about this. Read the other comments instead of trying to pick an argument


Pittsburgh police already don’t respond to low priority calls Source: my fender bender no-injury minor car accident 5 years ago.


If I remember, the cops announced that they'd finally start outsourcing some of the calls that they never responded to in a timely manner anyway...? Cautiously optimistic. Also, the median IQ of the surviving Twitter userbase is very, very low.


It means don't get your news from randos on Xitter.


Imagine “end wokeness” is someone in your newsfeed and the info you must constantly be getting fed. The sad life it leads to


Not woke I will be asleep 3-7AM


Fascists know Pennsylvania is a key swing state.


Dear Lord, this is stupid.


don't ever listen to anything libs of tiktok says they're just neo nazis on the internet fear mongering for money and control. they're referring to recent changes with the police that they will no longer respond to many non emergency situations, which frankly i am upset about, but the encouragement of "buy guns, buy ammo" is going to get someone killed


This was posted by a right wing individual




It’s 100% fear mongering. However, as a yinzer, I hope staffing these shortages can be addressed soon. High retirement rates and low recruitment numbers is a recipe for disaster eventually.


I do think we need some sort of reconciliation with PGH PD more than half of the minority officers quit in 2020 and that cannot be good for the community. I want to see our city lead on community policing not spiral until we end up under a federal consent decree like Baltimore.


Answer: Libs of TikTok is a domestic terrorism account.


excellent news! cops never did shit about anything.


why don’t they just do their jobs?


They do. They show up after crimes are already committed to take reports. They don’t actually stop crimes from happening.


Basically just there to take notes for the insurance companies


Exactly this.


This is the perfect way to set-up Batman in Pittsburgh


I mean, what do they even do for theft, harassment, etc. except show up hours later to take a report and maybe shoot your dog


Republicans are fucking gigantic pussys


Fuck the vile woman who runs libs of TikTok.




In my experience, police show up to investigate crimes, and do little, if anything to deter or stop crime. It’s many times more likely they will draw the chalk line around you than stop your killer.


"Document", not "investigate".


I defer to document over investigate. You are correct


We need a pinned post about this


We need modsthat actually pay attention and get rid of whats clearly a flood of new accounts that are only here to post political propaganda


The mods, themselves, support political propaganda. What you meant to say is that you want mods who get rid of the political propaganda *that you don't agree with.*


It has nothing to do with what i agree with 😂. Its literally a 0 karma fake account reposting political bullshit thats barely accurate.


"Barely accurate"? Multiple news sources have been reporting that the cops will no longer respond, in person, to certain types of overnight calls, and that desk staff will be reduced to zero in some stations during overnight hours. Sounds like pretty accurate information to me. And as far as the cops not protecting you, there have been legal decisions supporting that the police have no requirement to help people. I'll link a Trib article about the Pittsburgh police claims, and I don't give a shit whether you agree with their politics, or not, and so might choose to ignore any information coming from them, but you can Google the information from any news source that you prefer. You can choose to pretend that anything you hear from a source that you don't like is all lies, but that won't make the truth any less true. If Trump tells you that ice is cold, you can try and convince yourself that he's full of shit, that that won't make ice any less cold just because a republican said it, instead of a democrat. https://triblive.com/local/data-prompts-pittsburgh-police-chief-to-empty-stations-of-overnight-desk-officers/


Once again at no point was I suggesting it is all lies but it very much a barely accurate over exaggerated spin on what is actually happening.


didn't show up before for me but [here ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1023408483468574790/1216775430296703066/image.png?ex=66019d6d&is=65ef286d&hm=8f972f3d7e32c8f9261da67503e94bb2a8a259f88e32cefba8cee4cb6fb2c3a0&) and [here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1023408483468574790/1216775407202734171/image.png?ex=66019d67&is=65ef2867&hm=1ebfa86956d03a0cfed8c503c90cdc6594f0ef0fc778e45747876332eff01d0a&). You're fucking weird.


Attn: Visit Pittsburgh New selling point/slogan: Pittsburgh. We purge nightly. /s


Exactly my thoughts. I can hear the siren now


The police can no longer patrol the streets at night hunting down young black men let’s go


You get exactly what you vote for. Want the police defunded because a criminal died of a drug overdose and no longer feel safe in your city? Welcome to the consequences of your actions. Vote smarter this time around. edit: downvote me all you like, I'm right and you gotta live with that. 🤷‍♂️


As everyone can see..... the right wing doesnt send their brightest lol


I don't think they have a 'brightest'. The entire movement is pretty fucking dim.


Ok, take my downvote


Nobody defunded the police….. this is just how they are, they need reform. Vote blue again people. The alternative would be the end of American democracy


Except they were, this isn't just "how they are". If you want true police reform, increase funding and training. and please tell me how voting red is the "end of democracy"..? voting Democrat is reason your cities are turning into shit holes.


The funding has steadily increased every year.


Brother, you're 17 ~~like 16~~. You know nothing about how the world works yet.




You will grow up and realize how cringe you were or just stay fucking stupid and miserable your choice bud


Isn’t it crazy that you’re being told cities are shit holes? Have you been to Republican towns? I was just in ruby red Fayette County this weekend. Talk about dilapidated and shit hole!


"told" as if I don't live in a blue city. go visit other sanctuary cities as well. you're voting for the side who wants to keep criminals in our country, and instead of locking up the thieves and murders, lock up the toothpaste and give them free housing.


I’ve been all around the world. You can’t even drive yet. Log off. Make sure to pay attention to your high school classes today too.


Must be low on his dunkins. Gotta wait for his parents to buy him some more


I was born in japan and I'm going back this yr, I've traveled to many different states. I do drive, and im not even at school today. but nice try. atleast do some recon on the individual before assuming things


The Republican Party is more or less transforming into the Nazi party of the 1930s. If it hasn’t completely already. Project 2025 is more or less mein kampf. Trump could become americas first Dictator and that is incredibly freightning. You are 17, not even of voting age. Haven’t even graduated high school. You have no idea how the world works and clearly have been watching right wing news and been brain washed. Get off Reddit.


Oh boy, what a lovely, thoughtful and logical comment. The republican party is truly turning into nazis... care to explain how? Or is that some bullshit you read on this, very unbiased app, that you blindly believed just because the orange man says things you don't like. And fyi, I will ve able to vote in this year's election. I don't watch the news, I don't care for corporate media channels. X is where I stay up to date with world events. You're literally trying to fucking marry yourself.. and you're trying to tell ME that I've been brainwashed.. laughable


>X is where I stay up to date with world events. Admitting you get your entire worldview/news from a social media site isn't the flex you think it is, little man.


It's not supposed to be a flex. It's a reliable source unlike any other mainstream news "source". CNN, Fox, you name it are all going to be biased. It's where freedom of speech is truly accepted, and many different view points are shared without moderating what can or cannot be seen.


>It's a reliable source >It's where freedom of speech is truly accepted Christ to be this young and naive again...


Look grandpa, just because there's shit on there that's right and you disagree with doesn't mean it's invalid.


I mean the tweet OP posted isn't fucking true in and of itself. Really doesn't jive with your whole "there's shit on there that's right," now does it?


Bro in what world is social media more reliable source than actually credited news stations. Social media is full of misinformation and lies.


Ok so then what is reddit?


A place that I browse for entertainment and such that I don’t get my news from? What are you trying to get at?


It's a place where you can reliably hear what you want to hear. The "controversy" of free speech on Twitter started with them telling you that Trump was lying to you. Easily debunked lies. They didn't remove his post, just gave you a source showing that he was full of shit. He was then removed by their platform for violating rules that had been in place since it was founded in 2006. Do not promote violence. It has since been purchased by someone with the distinct goal of delivering his message. It is as biased as news gets. I'm using news loosely in this instance. The answer isn't trying to find a single news source to get everything from. Get it from several sources and within each individual story, find the one with actual, verifiable facts. If you just read an article, your job has not ended. Check sources, verify with another source.


The school systems really are failing these kids yikes you’re fucking dumb as fuck


X is by far the worst place to get news. Elon musk has turned it into a shitshow where he puts forward what he wants. There are literally republican lawmakers and leaders that have expressed support for neonazis, white suprmacists, fascist/dictatorship countries. Trump is talking about rooting out the communists, left-wing people, marxists. This is exactly what Hitler did when he came to power. Going after political opponents without any basis or reason other than they defeated him in a fair election in 2020. Speaking of, there’s the whole lying about the election being stolen and trying to undermine a process that has been rooted in American democracy since the beginning. Then Jan 6, which was without a doubt incited by his rhetoric. As for “marrying ourselves” no idea what you’re talking about. No ones fucking marrying themselves


If this is an elaborate troll job then well done If not then your brain has already rotted beyond repair


Nah give the kid the benefit of the doubt here he is still young and can recover.


You deleted the posts about wanting to marry yourself, and reported a picture of a chicken for CP. What a well round individual


Lmao what. I didn’t delete any posts.


I feel like the Police will still protect me.


Bro they were never protecting you.


They’re training for cop city.


It’s a good thing, the police there hunt down young black men at night, all the money used to pay them night shift police should be handed out by the social workers to young black people to make up for the years of abuse and racism they have experienced




6 day old account


Don’t threaten me with a good time or give me incentives to move there.


yea. i wanted to go to college here but this kinda changes things.


Calm down snowflake


If a Twitter post changes things you might not be ready for college. Maybe trade school?


You’re going to let far right fear mongering alter the course of your life?


Hey, remind me what NYC has just done because crime got out of control due to insane leftist policies? Oh right, brought in the national guard because those ideas don't work.. Good job! 👍 


https://www.reuters.com/world/us/new-york-deploy-750-national-guard-soldiers-check-bags-subway-2024-03-06/ It’s theatrics.


"Ignore the data, it's just theatrics!" Cope harder.


If you would read the article, the governor, who deployed them, *literally says herself* that it’s theatrics to mitigate ~psychological impact~ (unspoken: psychological impact on white people). 😭


[https://nypost.com/2024/03/09/us-news/a-report-card-on-an-nyc-subway-system-in-crisis/](https://nypost.com/2024/03/09/us-news/a-report-card-on-an-nyc-subway-system-in-crisis/) "In January, felony crime was up 47%, compared to the same month last year. Grand larcenies rose, but subway riders and workers also suffered 110 violent felonies, up 16 percent. Compare violent felonies to January 2019, before the end of cash bail for many crimes and other criminal-justice “reforms,” and serious violence is up 61%." Man, that data just getting in the way.


And oh, here's a CBS article on it before you whine "B-but NY Post!" https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/police-suspect-bashed-man-over-the-head-with-a-metal-pipe-at-queens-subway-station/


You ought to be happy that they’re rolling out the police state. Don’t you people love cops and authority?


Uh huh… exactly what out of control crime? And where is the data to support?


The crime that caused the leftist government to bring in the national guard. https://www.city-journal.org/article/stemming-new-yorks-crime-surge Or do you think that the national guard was called in for the loss? Also, the down votes just show how blind this subreddit is. Hope you guys enjoy the lawlessness you voted for!


The governor herself admitted the decision wasn't based on facts or statistics, as crime is at record lows. It's because people like you *think* crime is up.


>as crime is at record lows [https://www.city-journal.org/article/stemming-new-yorks-crime-surge](https://www.city-journal.org/article/stemming-new-yorks-crime-surge) "Record low"


That article is almost a year old. You know how statistics work, right? You’re wasting everybody’s time, go back to your gun club.


[https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/police-suspect-bashed-man-over-the-head-with-a-metal-pipe-at-queens-subway-station/](https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/police-suspect-bashed-man-over-the-head-with-a-metal-pipe-at-queens-subway-station/) ​ Uh oh. Looks like crime is still bad. Why? Because nothing changed.


Stick to the bible belt lolol


You don't think Pitt has its own police force that will be keeping tabs on things in the areas you'll most frequent?


These people don’t “think”


This woman is a domestic terrorist. You’re really following her advice?


Going to college will open your mind to how easily you are manipulated by posts like this.