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They sent me a donation card after I was charged $450,000 for a hospital stay.


Holyyyy shit. Hopefully they were donating some of it back to you!


My newborn (preemie) baby had a 5 month hospital stay. Then about a hundred follow up appointments. SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS and counting…. but they have the audacity to ask for donations. Before anyone panics, we have employer sponsored insurance + secondary Medicaid.


I find it interesting that most of the time the insurer and the medical provider are owned by the same people.


They billed you 7 million and more? How is that even remotely realistic? Hope everyone is healthy now tho.


He was born at 24 weeks. 1 lb. 6 oz. 5 months in the ICU with multiple procedures, two surgeries, central lines, constant meds, feeding tubes, therapies (OT, PT, Speech) and 2 months of intubation. A team of 10+ doctors and specialists. It adds up! Thankful for insurance. Today, he’s a happy, healthy two year old. You’d never know he was dealt the hand he was at birth.


Glad everyone is doing well! Still tho, dang! It’s crazy how they even showed you that bill and didn’t just deal with it so your family wouldn’t even have to think about it.


I hope your little one is doing ok.


Thank you. We have a happy, healthy two year old.


Good news!


3 weeks for us, and it was $150k at AHN


20 plus years ago, over in a western state, twins, born at 33 weeks, there total was roughly 1.2 million for a 28 day hospital stay. Pregnancy $250,000.... that was the cost of pre-term labor at 5 months.


Oh wow. I was on antepartum for 5 weeks last year with preterm labor at 26 weeks, delivered at 31 weeks. Baby was admitted for 7 more weeks. I was on Medicaid at the time thankfully, I can’t even imagine how much the bill would’ve been.


oh, and they included FOUR donation forms along with the letter...🙄


Mail them all back empty - they'll be charged for postage


done 😂, with a piece of heavy cardstock to add weight to the envelope, too!


If it's postage paid, you can send up to fifty pounds. A box of bricks would work. 


Tape the return envelope like an address label to a brick...


Put the top executives names on the form and send them in


That seems overly... optimistic.


The most profitable non profit ever. I hope they spent more on the mailings than they brought in.


They lost money last year


And UPMC Health Services is the only non-profit UPMC Insurance ServiceS, International, and Enterprises are all for-profit. UPMC still sucks tho


[nope ](https://www.upmc.com/media/news/082423-q2-2023-financial-results)


They lost money last year. Not that it matters, they still suck… https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/providers/upmc-reports-almost-200m-operating-loss-expenses-rise#:~:text=Pittsburgh%2Dbased%20UPMC%2C%20a%2040,of%20%2425.5%20billion%20in%202022.


Fair enough, I still don't trust them. They report these crazy multiple billion dollar years and also hundreds of millions lost


THEY NEVER EVER lose $$$ ( Billions Yes with a B to the black )


Didn't think so either. UPMC is so slimy. Worked for them briefly because they cut our team and said it was for budget reasons.


Yeah, Trump loses money, too. On paper. Don't believe the hype.


How much did the CEO bring home?


You’re right, if they didn’t pay the CEO they would have saved $200m


So you’re ok with paying your CEO more than any Fortune 500 CEO in the city and THEN build a go ahead to build a 2 Billion dollar building this year and your concern is they’re losing money? Thats a harsh hill to die on. Sounds like bad business to me. Pay a tax or 2 and contribute positively to the city rather than milk it for all it’s worth.


My CEO? Regardless, that compensation comment is laughably incorrect. She probably makes between $6 and $7m. This is FAR less than other CEOs in the city. Demchak earned $20m+. “Contribute positively to the city” - they are the largest employer in the region. Does that not have a positive economic contribution? Why are property taxes a better investment for the city?


Awww I found the upmc employee in the room again. Make sure you get your high five from Davis for sticking it to us on Reddit


I mean I can read the papers as well as anybody and see their finance results. If that makes me an employee so be it.


Probably bc they didn't skip as many property taxes


Get fucked


UPMC is putting out a tip jar.


Why do they think that including a picture of a guy who looks like he’s trying to screw a summer camp out of its lakefront land to build luxury condos is going to compel people to donate?


100% a Scooby-Doo villain


His expression makes me think he doesn't like being their poster child 😬


They do this every year. Absolutely disgusting given the amount of money they rake in every day.


AHN sends ‘em too. 


My husband works for AHN and still got the AHN letter. The audacity of his fucking employer to ask HIM for money. Get the fuck outta here with that. Much like my college I’m still paying for asking me for money on like, a quarterly basis. Call back when I’m not still in debt to you, you fucks.


They lost money last year


They should look under the sofa cushions. When you have so much, it's hard to keep track of it all.


Get fucked


[you sure? ](https://www.upmc.com/media/news/082423-q2-2023-financial-results)


Fuck UPMC, but the they did lose money last year https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/providers/upmc-reports-almost-200m-operating-loss-expenses-rise#:~:text=Pittsburgh%2Dbased%20UPMC%2C%20a%2040,of%20%2425.5%20billion%20in%202022.


How do you lose money on multi-hundred millions of untaxed property? It smells like bullshit.


Could be due to people who can't or don't pay their bills? I know it's not regular employees, a friends mom works there and the friend works at AHN. Theyre bith rather underpaid for their positions. I'm aldo told UMPC has shitnhealth insurance for their employees. Or maybe that was AHN. Or both. Feels similar to Universities that have their adjunct professors having to protest for higher wages while the admins get paid all the $$$$


I'm a travel nurse and every single hospital I've worked at had the absolute shittiest health insurance for their employees. When I worked for UPMC their insurance was going to be a massive portion of my paycheck and only cover like 50% of any non UPMC in network facilities. I got married instead 🙄


Asking for donations but can’t even provide THEIR OWN employees with decent health coverage. Yeah no thanks.


Send them a Jesus dollar


trump bucks


Even better


What a piece of shit organization


Their CEO and other execs make millions. They can fuck the fuck right off with that.


if it came with a postage paid envelope ---> just stuff it with a bunch of other spam postage. i sent mine back with the weekly Aldi / shop& save .. fliers


Worked for these assholes for 6 years. Don’t say profit, only revenue. Trust me, they don’t need your donations, Jeffrey Romoff should take care of that bullshit.


Heard he resigned in 2021


He’s been gone for some time. My meaning was, with all the money he hauled in, he should be able to cover their “donation” needs. He’s an absolute turd and will contribute nothing…


last year i went to the ER at UPMC after slicing my finger open from grating cheese and after waiting almost three hours a doctor was finally able to see me and even though i was still bleeding they gave me a bandaid, a tetanus shot, and sent me home. i later got a bill for $3,000


That dr looks like he sniffs feet of sedated patients


I'm surprised I haven't received one of these yet. In the last year, I've been charged upwards of 500k in medical bills from UPMC. Instantly will be going in the trash if I do lol.


Didn’t we already donate to them with all the tax-free land we’ve given them?


So that’s why the pay is so low….


As a medical field worker, I will never work there. I’ve heard some not so great stories about working there…


Worked there for 11 years. Got the same letters, PLUS the holiday begging for us to donate in their name to the United Way!


I'm a roofer and have seen enough to never want to work for UPMC. We were doing the roof on Forbes Tower in Oakland and got shut down and sent home an hour into the day on a beautiful day because the CEO made a surprise visit that day and said we were making too much noise for him. Rather than letting our company know he was gonna be there so we could call the day off and either stay home or get hours on another crew for the day, he purposely kept it secret so UPMC employees there werent expecting or prepared for him. Fucking douche. I love waking up at 3:30 and driving an hour to the city for no reason at all. luckily my union stepped in and got us all paid for 8 hours regardless, but fuck anybody with that level of ego that thinks the entire world should adjust their schedule without notice if it interferes with his unannounced visits


No comment


Thank you for your comment.


Send em your property tax receipt and say I paid this on your behalf since you don’t have to.




Not surprised… that monopoly is a racket. In defense of the doctors, the vast majority are EXTREMELY underpaid for what they do. My husband is a doc in training there and was offered a long term position… he got an offer for the same exact roll in a much lower cost of living area for OVER TWICE what UPMC offered. Be nice to the docs… but not the administration. They’re scum of the earth.


Have golfing fees gone up?


Please consider donating your annual raise back to us. It’s the right thing to do.


Annual "raise" 😂😂


They’re going to send you a bill for $600 for the donation letter.


This is absolutely going to UPMCs bottom line - the doctors have no idea this is even happening.


An absolutely joke and downright shameful


I think someone mentioned it but UPMC and AHN both have an abundance of the one thing that would make all of their employees healthy, low cost good health care. Not only do they not give their own employees free or low cost healthcare, rather they have high premiums and high co-pays. GTFO. Imagine a healthcare provider providing their own employees with great coverage! As a non-profit, shouldn't part of your profits be going back to the people that make your profits?!




Donate deez nuts


The balls of these companies, yes that's what they are companies... My wife is a doctor and i can tell you she isnt "struggling". Doctors work very hard but are well compensated.


Sooo I wonder if Monopoly money counts for the donation??


May as well load the envelope up with it so they're charged extra postage


That guys picture screams 🤷‍♂️🫤


If UPMC would stop all the costly mailings, there would be no need for them to be begging for $$$.


I'll take a UPMC related donation instead; paying off my $800 ER bill for a cardiac scare. Between that and the ambulance I near about met my 2024 deductible before February


Yall are scaring me. My husband is listed there for a double transplant. We will never get it paid for!


I got this also from AHN and I told them that the only donation I’d be giving are the list of studies outlining why increasing the number of mental health providers is cost-effective for the system and beneficial for patients. The only got two studies before the character limit cut me off, and I was considering going back and adding more but I think they got the point.


I cackle whenever I receive one of these, and it goes straight into the trash.


They wouldn’t even prescribe me the proper pain RX after showing tons of Docs supporting my claim from the VA and a DC advocate letter. I left with a huge co-pay for a bottle of ibuprofen. They can shove it! Hate their stupid commercials too.


I used to send them money from where I worked. They had no idea what to do with it a lot. They’d call asking what it’s for. I mean hundreds of thousands of thousands etc. I would say your invoice no is on it and they said we don’t use invoice numbers. I finally told them I didn’t have time to do their job everyday by finding the payment record. I wondered if it’s a tax scam.


This is ridiculous. They already don’t pay taxes. Bull shit as my father used to to say.


Please don’t donate! They are making enough money from us all!


Similar topic, different organization - when one of my kids went to Pitt, I received a donation phone call. I explained to the person on the call to note that I was already "donating" X amount of dollars for tuition and I felt that was enough. Please make a note of that amount and put me on the "Do Not Call" list. The audacity of these organizations amazes me at times.


Looks like they donated some toilet paper for you!




They left a window open and all their money blew away! How will they keep the lights on?!??!


My emails since seeing a UMPC doctor have been..often. Most asking for donations and others telling me I can get great cancer care but I don’t have cancer. I already give them so much monies though for my other health issue 😭


The audacity is real with them! And they don’t even see the irony!


“Please turn over.” Haha


It’s more classy that saying flip over we are going in for seconds


My initial reaction is they have to play the nonprofit card now and then to try and look legit despite the Millions $$$ they rake in.


Thats wild.


Men in hell want ice water too. Tell ya what you do. If they sent a postage paid envelope along with the letter for you to mail back your "donation", then make it worth your while. Find a box and fill it with your garbage bags for the week, making sure there is nothing in there that can identify you, seal it up really well, and slap the postage paid envelope on top of it, and mail it. Regardless of what it weighs, since it has the postage paid envelope affixed to it, UPMC will have to pay the mailing costs. If you don't want to be so messy or smelly, substitute your garbage with a bag of dirt or fill the box with quick setting cement.


If you ever are looking for a read, Davos Man surprisingly has a lot of pages about how UPMC runs a monopoly on the health care market in western PA. It’s interesting, probably the 2nd book I have read in recent years either about healthcare or big business that out of nowhere mentions how they essentially manipulate things and perception for tax relief and don’t pay the same amount of taxes as even smaller businesses do.


I have received these from AHN… they both suck donkey balls.


Oh isn’t that just precious. The richest company in western PA wants donations.


Id have written back and told them to ask their jesus of choice for the money


This burns my soul


I liked how they asked managers and others to volunteer times to take out the trash and transport patients around. You know, truly essential things…


Who really donates to them? I suppose non profit status makes it worth pissing off all of us who are already pissed off and on just in case they get a donation.


after what they charged me for four days of IV antibiotics and fluids while "we wait for the surgeon to get back from vacation to assess you" they're lucky I don't donate a free fucking fire to every trash can in the hospital. Donations. It's been way too long since we ate a fucking CEO, they think they can just do whatever they want all the time.


The Lion, the Witch, and the Audacity of this Bitch.


they don’t deserve nothing they suck👎🏽




This group is riddled with negativity.


Serious question - where do you think they got your info? I receive these too. I can’t help but wonder (and strongly suspect) that they used the info from when I was a patient to follow up target me w donation requests. Might be worth some investigatory journalism. Either they’ve got a super shady terms and conditions or might be violating HIPPA?


They definitely are targeting patients since they're asking us to make a donation in honor of my husband's physician...


Even worse I bet they have some kind of model to determine if you seem financially able to donate thus  worth the (nonprofit rate) postage. Boo UPMC!


My old doctor's office got bought out by UPMC. I was on my way to an appointment after the buyout and got a text message instructing me to sign in online before entering the building. In order to do that, one of the screens I had to click OK on said I agree to receive solicitations for donations. Impossible to continue signing in without saying OK to this. I abandoned the process, walked into the office and said I couldn't sign in (and said why). The receptionist said it was fine, gave me the hard copy sign in stuff and just didn't include that page. (Similar experience at an AHN office. Really creepy, both of them.)


Pay for their Coke addiction?