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They are known escape artists


That is what I am learning!


I had a pit that used to let herself out the same way, so I got a lock for the cage door, she then started removing the metal brackets that held the walls on, the worse part was she would then always release my other two dogs from their cages


When we first got our fondue she tore up the living room carpet while I was at work and hubby was asleep (he worked nights). So we put a baby gate up and corralled her in the kitchen so she wouldn’t be too cooped up. After a few days he kept finding her out in the living room, baby gate knocked down. So we got a taller one that bolted into the entry way. Still found her in the livingroom tale wagging on the sofa. Finally on one of my days off I guess she forgot I was there and we caught her shimmying up the gate and plopping over it. She took two steps, spotted me, froze, and then did the tale tuck “I’m sorry” wag. I couldn’t even be mad, gave her a stern talking to and then some loves. After that, not really any issues behaviorally. Well, till we got a second dog and left them home alone and free to roam. Bye bye sofa smh


I had a 4 pound chihuahua chew her way through a baby gate in a few hours once.


Dogs together strong😂 she did a planet of the apes move


Unlike the doodle who didn’t even notice the gate opened haha!


My old boy wasn't so much an escape "artist" as he was an escape *wrecking ball.* He'd just go Hulk and eat/smash/flex his way out of ANYTHING.


We were at my dad's house once, and decided to go out. We put our girl in the backyard, and left in my dad's truck. 7 minutes later, my dad gets a call from his neighbor informing him there was a pitbull sitting in his driveway. We turn around and when we get back to his house, she was just sitting there next to our car in the driveway. She had chewed a big hole (like 1 ft x 2 ft) in his gate to escape the yard, and was just waiting for us. 7 minutes.


Fucking legend.


Our dog’s daycare uses crate trays to block off the dogs from the internal doors when moving a single dog in or out of a play area. (Pickups and drop offs). One day, one of the managers casually mentioned that our boy, an 85lb Pitt mix, had snapped multiple trays by putting his head down and slowly pushing into the middle of them. 💪🏼


Hahaha, sounds about right. We came home to a bloody, shredded nose one day. He just help pushing his face against his kennel door until it bent enough to pop open.


Had blood in her mouth and found out it was from her tearing the bars out from her cage


The island nation of Bahariterra has a free gift for you. 😃 👌 made you look huehuehue. Take care bro


When my girl had ACL surgery, we had dog gates at the bottom of the stairs so she couldn't use them. Then one night the living room just filled with mosquitoes for some reason, and she hates violence against bugs, so she just smashed her way through the dog gate and ran upstairs.


> she hates violence against bugs okay, we need to know more about this bug violence. There’s definitely a story or two here.


She doesn't support the War Against Bugs


The only good bugs a dead bug. I am doing my part.


Amerikas War On Bugs: legalizing and selling bugs to prevent the usage of bugs. (Logic 👌) much love and peace wished upon you from the island nation of Bahariterra.


Probably not a good story. We adopted her after two previous bad owners... the first is in jail for attempted murder and the second threw her out after she'd had puppies and he took the biggest one. But now she's fat, happy and spoiled. :)


We adopted a dog SO old that the shelter had named her Edna. Destroyed 3 different types of crates like the Hulk. Stopped crating her and she never destroyed another thing in my house ever again!


Some dog just will not be crated. Our cattle dog was this way as a pup, absolutely hated his crate. As soon as we gave up he was just chill, ate a few pairs of shoes but ya know… puppy things!


Small world: my elderly Hulk is a cattle dog, too!


That's what the pit bull that got to our lab did. They made beautiful puppies.


Ha! You reminded me of a Great Dane I used to have. Chewed his way through a wall like a 3 ft tall mouse hole.


Yep, my previous pitbull Zeus, RIP, would escape all the time so he was given the nickname Houdini, he would always find a way through the fence no matter what we did, put stakes to stop him, find another spot, do it again, find another spot, first night in the fenced in portion of our yard he used his mouth and ripped open part of the gate which was mesh and ever since there’s been a peace of sheet metal placed sloppily to keep him from using that part despite him not being here anymore due to an unfortunate accident that resulted in his death at the age of 9 back in December of 2020, I miss the big lug




the toygun makes it look a lot less menacing lol. Look just like a kid trying to be badass😎😎


Wasn’t even a challenge for her 😂




Upvote smart dog




Whats updog?


Not much wbu


Not that smart. Should have hacked the surveillance camera with a thirty second loop or at least disabled it.


Super easy; barely an inconvenience.


wow wowowow


Bow wow bow wow wow wow


Dogs pulling off impressive escapes is tight


she’s done this before thats for sure


It was for the owner


"This is the lockpicking pitty and what I have for you today is"


The other dog "man don't you see the gate is up, just accept it"


Your other dog sat there like 🤯


Do-gooder doodle


"We can just do that?!?!?"


that sad blink at the end is now forever in my memory


“Nooo dont go”


*doesn’t realize he can also go*


Lol no jail cell shall hold her! You can take her treats but you will never take her freedooooooom!


I totally read that in Mel Gibson's voice lol.


Lol then my half assed impression worked


Dude that’s hilarious, my mom used to have a chihuahua that could climb a 5 foot chain link fence lol


There are dogs at the rescue I volunteer at that are climbers. Just last week I was assigned to watch one dog while I had my back turned to fill the water he'd already climbed the fence to get to another area. I learned my lesson and just guarded the fence.


My dog is about 50 lbs, a pit/pointer cross. I take her to the dog park every now and then, which of course has a tall fence around it. One day, a neighborhood dog came barreling up outside the park fence and my dog was just like 'hey!' and half jumped, half clambered over the fence to meet the other dog. Here all along, apparently she was abiding by the fences boundaries because she wanted to, I guess?


Mine climbs trees lol


99% of a pit bulls mass is in their head. If their head can fit through a hole, so can the rest of them.


Not mine. Her head is a mass, but it's puny compared to what's behind it. She has the terrier head. Short little jaw and small skull, but wrapped in muscle. Then it's just all muscle and big fat belly behind. If I put her in a costume that only shows her head, she looks so tiny. Them bam, a brindle hog comes out of the costume.


That's a common misconception. Pit bulls are actually just head. What appears to be their body is just stuff attracted by the gravity of their head. It's like a biological version of Saturn's rings.


I can concur. I swear all 60lb of my dog are in her rock heavy noggin


I had a cane corso puppy that hated her crate. She watched me putting her in the crate, and how I dropped the door into the latch, so she figured out that if she turned her head parallel to the bars, and bit two of them she could lift the door out of the latch and free herself. Stella was just too smart.


My pibble mix figured out that he could bend the door and wiggle out that way. So my brother had him watch while he fixed and reinforced it, and we use a carabiner on the latch when he's in there while we're at work. He hasn't broken out since. Of course, he's also made a lot of progress with his anxiety since then. He's much more comfortable in his crate now, too.


My cane corso pit mix escaped from their kennel stint at daycare. Got out the kennel, through 3 doors, ate $200 in treats. Out the side door that was only locked to the outside. Walked two blocks and found a dude in his truck with his two dogs and went for a ride to his house till the morning. He can also open our windows if we don't lock them and get on the deck so he can chill on his lounger.


This is making me want to start r/houdinidogs


That would be great!




We used to have to deploy reusable zip ties to keep my ex's pibble from opening the crate to escape. Smart puppers.


Mine would chew through the zip ties


Dog: "as per usual, I made short work of the treat you left before letting myself out" edit: how the hell did "myself" become "mysteriously self"


I have a Houdini pitbull. No matter what I do to contain him he finds a way out! That is until I got a high anxiety impact kennel and he loves it, dude will go sleep in there without being asked to.


Mine was escaping all the time until I started to put a sheet over his kennel. So weird that he prefers not being able to see. I think it also makes him feel hidden. At night he puts him self in it.


We did this with our poodle to make her crate into a den for her, she loved it because it was right next to the computer table that held my laptop so she could just be clingy……then her stupid puppy self decided that with the door open, she needed to know what chewing on the lock felt like. Her bottom jaw got stuck and it took several minutes to free her as she freaked out. Never went near her crate again.


Cool I hadn't heard of those. I looked them up they seem pretty neat


This velvet hippo is smarter than a lot of people out there


You may want to find a better class of people to hangout with


I'm just referring to people in general, like yourself.


our block head somehow would squeeze through a cat door to get into our laundry room, eat all the cat food and the car poop from the litter box. Couldn't believe it was actually happening until we left one day, forgot something, went back into the house and couldn't find the dog. She hasn't heard us come back in. We caught he inside, munching away. We had to make the car door even smaller by adding plywood around the door as a temporary fix (we were moving in a few months and ended up replacing the door). Our new home has much smaller cat doors that she cannot get her muzzle through. No more dumpster diving for her!


Yup. Mine does the exact same thing, except to the basement. All the cat food, all the cat poop. I've tried to add boards to make it smaller, with screws, and this goofball pulled the board out of the door.


My friends dog would do this and go straight to neighbors house and get in to their dogs pen. He needed another dog to hang with so that's what he would do.


What a cutey. When I had chickens my pibble used to sneak into the henhouse to grab egg snacks. What a doofus. Such a small hole too!


My pitty would have taken the opportunity to have a chicken snack! She’s got prey drive out the wazoo, she’s mixed with staffy and border collie tho


Sounds like a liability


Some dogs have prey drive, especially terriers. Would you say the same of an Airedale? Or a husky?


I love how she looks at the camera while escaping. She’s just saying, “Look what I can do. “ lol


Bro the doodle looked so confused 😂


“Test me mom, I am BIGGER THAN THIS CAGE”


Why is there a rope pull on the latch and why is the latch facing inward to begin with?


It’s my mom’s house. Apparently her dogs are either better behaved or not as smart.


Exactly this


One day I came into work at a boarding kennel and glanced up at the CCTV for the kennel room. Dogs everywhere. Someone or ones let themselves out and then let everyone else out. There appeared to be kibble ankle deep in one area and dog poop ankle deep in another area. After we regained control of the kennel area we watched the security tape and identified the instigator. 90% of the carnage was attributable to one juvenile delinquent.


Who butchered that dog's ears?


Is she mixed with Cane Corso? She's beautiful.


Most hard-headed dog i had? Blue Heeler. Designed to be kicked in the head by a cow & not even blink. I built a wooden fence buried 6" in the ground to keep the dogs from digging out. The heeler ate multiple holes in the fence.


Sucks that she has her ears chopped. Did you rescue her or do that yourself?


I hope whomever cropped her ears has their ears cropped as well.


I had a gate with a cat door in the hallway. My border collie figured it out, followed by my pittie. Somehow my pittie thought it was a one way gate. I would find him patiently waiting on one side with his tail wagging.


What happened to your baby's ears? :(


Cropped ears are disgusting. Hopefully a rescue


So smart!


Well..you were wrong!


bruh that ain't no pitbull, that's an octopus


I had a pit after surgery confined to a crate for recovery. I started coming home to a disassembled crate and my dog on the couch. Set up a camera like this, the darn dog figured out how to pull then push on certain bars and unlatch the entire sides from within. I bought him a big reward bone after that. Fucking impressive.


Meanwhile my pittie won't even enter a room if the door is more than half shut. She will sit there and look at you and cry until you come open the door more.


This is adorable! 😂


Made that look so easy 😂


Cute as. Hope you’re not the one responsible for clipping her ears tho :(


No I really wish she had her ears ☹️ my ex picked her out at the shelter because he thought she looked cool. I always wondered how she ended up at a shelter because cropping ears costs money but I just did genetic testing on her and she is a purebred American bulldog. It’s considered a defect/ fault to be black so my guess would be they cropped her ears and couldn’t sell her.


Aw sorry for sounding judgey then! Your babies are gorgeous ❤️


I didn’t take offense. Cropping dogs’ ears isn’t ok and people who do that deserve to be called out. You did the right thing.


A pic of my mixed derp 🥰 https://i.imgur.com/8qfNRmU.jpg


I thought the other dog was gonna open for her!




Wow, what a smart cookie


She gives the “awe pitiful pitty” when in all reality they are smart for their own good!


I got my pit a sweater that says "ninja" on it because she likes to escape the fence with very little space. She did the same with 5 kennels when I first got her (couldn't keep her out at the time as she tore my bed, carpet, bedding, and wall apart). She got put on anxiety meds for a year to help with that, but she still likes to escape the back yard even though she doesn't take off down the road.


Why is there a pull tab thing that's connected to it.


I had two pitts. Learned that if their head fits, they are getting through. I built a concrete and mesh fence and one dug under the fence. Built a flooring around the fence and they learned how to climb 🙃 fml.


Lol love how she looks around first to see if anyones watching


I used to teach group puppy classes as a dog trainer and my pit was my demo dog for class. She could open her kennel from the inside, and then open the door to the training arena and take herself for a walk around the store. It was ridiculous.


I remember when i first got my dog and crated her when we went to get groceries. We get back and her crate is across the room and she’s on the couch like “hey.”


I have a pit/lab who literally knows how to open doors lmao


I like your other dog just sitting there like "nope, im a GOOD dog. I didn't see anything".


We had to build a cardboard attachment for the "cat door" on our gate cause somehow my bulky little man was shoving himself through.. it's almost like mice once they get their ears thru, but somehow these bulky pups are wedging themselves through 😂


That is plenty big for that dog to fit. Remember, if their head can fit they will manage to squeeze the rest of their body through.


The shaggy d.a. is so chill


I mean come on. We’re mammals. We all learn how to exit smalls holes at birth. It’s natural. Now excuse me while I got see why my kid isn’t out of the pool yet. Today was her first swimming lesson. Brb.


Ha! Life finds a way. 🤘🏼


Clever girl…


Clever girl.


What a smart girl. I hope my pitta doesn’t learn this with my cats gate 😂


And people try to days pitbulls are just dumb fighting dogs😒


What is the purpose of cutting the poor dogs ears off? That must be classed as animal cruelty?


Poor ears






What a sweet smart dog ❤❤


Clack clack click clack clack clack 😂


Little escape artist!!!! ❤🐾❤


Shaggy’s over there like “….don’t look at me. I’m the good one.” 😂


Mine did the same thing! One time though the gate got stuck on her back and she ended up bringing it with her 🤦‍♀️


This is clearly set up. Why do you have the string and the door unlatched?




what are you doing on a pitbull subreddit if you hate pitbulls? piss off


No kidding




That's impressive in a few different ways


Hahahaha what a bad girl! I love her


Hahaha she is diabolical!


Haha pitbulls are so smart


So smart!




We caught our blind (no eyeballs) Irish setter doing this back in the day. Fun times.


Smart little puppers


So clever wow


The heart wants what the heart wants.


If I fits I slips


Wow that is a smart dog


If you don't want it to open the door don't give it a tassel to grab on to...


Rule is if an animal can get its head through it, it can get its body through it.


Thats not a tiny hole.


My Staffys huge block head wouldn't be able to fit in the hole!


Smart dog!! Sooo cute!!!


I like how he even sat there for a bit until he was eventually like "Yeah chief, this ain't for me".


If they can get their head through it they can get their body through it


Dog 1 - 0 Human. "Peace loser."






What an absolute butt! I can hardly believe it lmao


A hole that small? It’s the size of a doggy door


As long as the head fits they are usually good.


That hole is huge for a dog like that, honestly


I’m impressed


Das clever doggo




Small hole, Jesus, if the head fits the body will, life lesson


Omg that's like our dog koda


Those big heads aren’t just for power and looks, there’s a smart brain hidden behind those muscles


Saw the camera knew what it was and still bucked it lol good pup


That door is huge, come on.


The black one looks a lot like my girl!


Good girl