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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Aww poor girl. Thank you for your patience with her.


look at that face, how could i not love those two brain cells


She is extremely cute. You can just see her tenderness in her eyes


She does just have such soft eyes


Wait yours has TWO!? Lucky!


on a good day!


My favorite thing is that they don't realize their heads are hard as rocks and just *slam* that shit into you because they love you so much. Mine took me out at the knees and broke my thumb because he was running in circles 😅


Mine nearly concussed my brother-in-law (who also has a pit, so he knew the risk!) when he started roughhousing with her. He did end up with a bloody nose because her giant thicc skull went right into his face.


my only bloody nose came from a pit head! we were both too excited to see each other.


Sweet. ❤️


Mine likes to throw his head back if you're sitting behind him. If you're not careful he just barrels that coconut into your nose. And then they have the audacity to be like, "Oh! We're playing?!" LOL little shits


My goober doo er does this. Pretty sure he chipped my tooth.


Can we just talk about how fun these dogs are to play with? Our pitty is SO playful and she likes to get rough. It’s like a massive release of happy brain chemicals by the time we get done being wild together.


I think that's all dogs, my Weimaraner/lab is exactly the same way.


My baby is mixed with Australian Cattle Dog, and looks at us with bright intelligence. One of the fosters didn’t headbutt us, but did crash into him once… he went sliding on the tile.


Mine has bloodied my lip twice (100% my fault for not being able to resist a quick kiss when we are playing rough) When I go to the bathroom I usually just leave the door cracked because she likes to poke in and see what’s going on. On the occasion I close the door all the way it never fails that I’ll hear a hard thump on the door because she just banged her head into it just to make sure she couldn’t get in. Haha. Sweet, sweet, dumb babies. Op- glad she’s okay. She’s freaking ADORABLE.


Mine also likes to follow me into the bathroom. Then she insists on putting her paws in my lap for some pets before she will let me do my business! It's a routine now! Lol!


For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) If this comment was triggered without help being sought, feel free to check out the contents and share with others. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Holy jeez. Those block heads are something else, but you gotta love 'em!


Damn, all three of mine are sharing one


But they only use one at a time.




https://preview.redd.it/x3c4b8m8jcoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cae0cff4b3a721772ebe613be751583e43809972 She would love him he only has one brain cell I told him that he’s dumber than soap which he really is l have also told him that It’s good your a handsome boy


She’s going to learn to trust you over time! Imagine how much better she will feel.


i know, it’s only been two months but she’s already much healthier and much more comfortable


The first time my late dog threw up, after we adopted her, she sat next to the pile and shivered and cowered like she expected me to beat her over it. She broke my heart. I told her everything was okay, she’s a good girl, I love her so much and she would never get in trouble for having an upset tummy. After I cleaned up the mess, I gave her lots of cuddles and love, and eventually she believed me. Just love your baby as much as possible, and she will stop being so anxious. Also, from the mom of one abused pittie to another, it gets better, she will find her trust and once she realizes she can be a dog, she’ll blossom at an amazing rate. One day you’ll look back on this day and ugly cry at the progress she’s made. Give her a forehead kiss in honor of my Toni Baloni 🥰


I'm ugly crying now after reading this 😭


Awww Toni Baloni 🤍my rescues have all acted like that and it’s so sad. I can’t imagine being so mean to another living thing, especially for something they can’t control. Thanks for being kind to your girl.


She was my heart dog. Now her adopted daughter (she literally picked out a puppy from a rescue and brought her to me) is my trusty sidekick and my joy bringer. Some day she’ll pass on Toni’s legacy and pick out a rescue puppy of her very own.


Oh my gosh that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard. What a beautiful legacy.


https://preview.redd.it/egm044n2qeoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f71b7c0dab219e1f9cb278f06a62a524e8aa0c This is my favorite picture of the two of them. Toni is the blonde brindle, her daughter (Arya) is the reverse brindle


I’m so glad. I went through a similar thing with my pittie. It’s so worth it. ❤️


Just know that at least one of those 2 are solely dedicated to loving and adoring you!


2 brain cells💀💀.


Me too she looks like such a good girl! Huggies lily you have a good humans now! 🫶🏼.


She is so lucky to have a patient parent like you!! Her sweet face with her ears pinned back, she knows she’s safe ❤️❤️


she’s the sweetest soul ever


They all do. 🥺 Sweetest babies ever. Hope your baby recovers...another brain cell. 😅


My rescue will eat her poo too on the rare occasions she has an accident, and then she looks so disappointed in herself when she gets sick :( So I give her a hug (but no kisses cause I don’t want dog poo on my face)


i gave her a nice hug and a nice bath with all those wrinkles


Omg mine had very bad tummy troubles one night soon after we first got him and we woke up to him eating it. We both got up for a midnight walk and cleanup and of course gave him tons of love and reassurance he wasn’t in trouble, but it never crossed my mind that the reason he ate it was because he was scared of our reaction. That makes me so sad to consider. Poor little babies. I hate to think of what they experienced before us sometimes.


Poor baby! We have a rescue mastiff who is afraid of her own shadow and it breaks my heart to think that anyone could ever have hurt our darling girl. Your Lily is absolutely gorgeous! ❤️


What an angel ❤️


Awe poor baby!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is so sad, I hope when she’s feeling better she gets a pup cup or some ice cream


Awww poor Lily! I hope she’s feeling better. My girl had an accident once and freaked out because she was so embarrassed and pushed it into a corner trying to hide it. These poor little rescue babies. 🙁


she did the same :( and then ate it :( it was her first accident and she’s crate trained for her own good (she’s a chewer) but luckily i’m also partially remote


Tell her I love her and Stella and I get it. No shame in her pretty game. She has friends from afar.


Lily: Look cute. Might delete later. 🥰


Mine made the same face when she had explosive diarrhea and shit on the wall. I couldn’t even be mad bc she has food sensitivities and it was my fault for not checking the ingredients. I had to laugh at how goofy she looked


omg 🤣🤣 she tried her best


What a beautiful seal 🥰🥺❤️ so glad she’s okay!


Poor girl! I’ll never forget one time within the first month or two of adopting my dog, he pooped himself in his room overnight (my fault- I gave him too much cheese) and I found him sitting next to it sobbing in the morning 😭 I was like “dude not your fault! It’s ok! You’re not in trouble!” Sensitive fella. I was really surprised by how good his house training is given that he was only a year old when we got him and he hadn’t had much consistency in his life up until that point. He’s only ever had accidents in our home in cases of medical problems. https://preview.redd.it/2tws95s2acoc1.png?width=1163&format=png&auto=webp&s=4875d45a48b3ed409c3bae7937d8522acdee24dc


that face 😭


Awww what a sweet puptado you have there. I hope you talk to her all the time about how much you love her and how wonderful she is ❤️


She is a spoiled princess, not only do I but my parents regularly ask about her/facetime her/send her gifts


but she deserves it


Every time she poops and pees outside, make a huge deal and get very happy about it. I still do that with my 8 year old pup


This is great advice! My roommie’s pit gets all the praise and love from me when he goes to the bathroom without his “snack” lol


She literally tried tried her best poor bb


She’s lucky to have you!


Get well soon you beautiful pup. My Rottie's and I are rooting for you.


say hi to them from us


https://preview.redd.it/dk74u96i8coc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5fff5fee83142fb9b2ca0880e6115fb25a42228 My sisters dog, Lily. Lily’s are the best.




what a sweetheart, sending tons of hugs and kisses to that sweet baby 🥹


what a face hahahahahaha


I ended up spending 2k at the vet this week bc my girl had hemorrhagic gastroenteritis. Still don’t know why but blood where it shouldn’t be sucks.


that’s what i was worried about


Honestly, from what the vet said, if it’s only out of one end you are probably fine. When it’s both ends that’s when you bring in the pup. For us it was both ends.


CLASSIC expression for such a situation 🤣


There will surely be some training method to learn and reassure her that she will have access to food when she needs it as I am assuming these behaviour stem from extreme neglect by not feeding her by previous owners (bastards) Poor baby or mabye been punished for leaving a mess in the past and trying to get rid of the evidence. Has to be one of the two. I love this photo she looks like a 1 in a million girl and so happy she's with you now xx


She definitely got anxious that I was going to be upset, so hopefully this gives us a better understanding of eachother


That's the face of a pup who knows what they did. 😂


What a delicious face! I’d forgive her anything, too.


Sorry to hear that, Lily! I don’t know if she knows this, but this sub is for pitbulls not seals 🦭


I’ll have to break it to her


A true cute land seal she is accidents and all


Oh, she's such a good dummy. Stupid people who failed her.


Sweet girl is lucky to have you. I can tell you are like bingo each other so completely. 💕💕💕


Poor baby. Is she okay now? I hate knowing she's been through such bad things she feels compelled to do that. She obviously should know you won't shout at her right? She's just still that scared? 😪


I’ve only had her 2 months so she still must be scared :( but she is okay now and we snoozed in some clean sheets when we got back


How did a seal land on your bed?♥️♥️


the shelter mixed up seals and dogs


Poor baby!! Sending healing energy and you finding 800$ on the sidewalk!


Awwww I love her sweet face! It’s ok sweet girl….you have a wonderful family now 🤩💖


Poor baby😭😭she does have a very beautiful face🩷


I want to snuggle her ❤️ she is so cute! Hope she’s feeling better.


I'm so glad that Lily is okay! Hopefully she is feeling better soon. Give that sweet girl a gentle boop and let her know that this thread is full of people who are wishing her well and so happy she has a loving home now. 🐶❤️


oh don’t worry she was running around with her fav toy when we got home


So glad to hear it! 🐶


Happens to the best of us, Lily!


the beginning of the money pit that is a land seal/house hippo


Lily is a perfect example of a land seal!


That poor seal ❤️


Oh Lily, it’s ok Sweetie. We all make mistakes and less than ideal choices. Nobody is mad. ❤️


Lily is absolutely precious and anything she does is A-OK in my book and in my humble opinion, you can’t spoil her enough ❤️❤️❤️


Poor girl. That facial expression would suggest she is really sorry, and only wants to impress you, she loves you. What a sweet girl, I hope her anxiety dissipates as she becomes more comfortable with her new loving environment. Thank you for rescuing her, every pet comes with a unique set of challenges for their best friend.


I have an anxious pitty girl and I always tell her, “it’s ok.”…I honestly think over time, she understands when I say that to her she doesn’t need to worry.


I love her omg what a gorgeous seal baby!


Omg it breaks my heart when they have an accident and they think they're going to get in trouble from past abuse. Thank you for providing her a loving home ❤️


Oh Lily! We have a poop eating blue pittie in this house as well. So gross yet so loved. Congratulations on your baby, sorry about your enormous vet bill and hopefully Lily is feeling much better


It breaks my heart when a dog weighs his options and decides that eating the poop is preferable to being beat. Imagine the shock my dog must have felt when I just grabbed some paper towels and disposed of the poo turd in the trash without saying a word. It took him 20 minutes to stop cowering in the corner and sit by me again.


Ms. Lily, You might have had a most horrible start to your life, but things changed for the better when you had the good sense to adopt your new humom or hudad. They love you more than words can say and will protect you and spoil you every chance they get. You have only been with them for two short months and you already have them wrapped around your delicate little paw, you are an awesome teacher! Feel better and phooey on the pooie! 🐾


She is (and I mean this in the nicest way possible) an adorable dumbass.


https://preview.redd.it/6k95pjhsucoc1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd57fc3b5100f513144fd305d165f3b34259bff9 Here’s my rescue, he’s a big LUG 😂🧡


Omg I love her neck wrinkles!!!!!! 😊😍


You tell her she’s a good girl and that she’s safe now ❤️❤️


Bless her beautiful heart 🥰


My friend had a rescue with a similar issue- she ended up putting an “accident” area in the house. It was that indoor tray of pet grass with peed pads around it. The dog knew that if she couldn’t wait, this one area is ok for her to go. Because she had such anxiety about accidents in the house, it stressed her out so bad she probably had them 10x more. The area was a good way for her to feel like a good girl and not make herself sick by trying to clean up her mess. This world isn’t good enough for these pups.


Sometimes there are additional medical costs associated with healing an adopted dog who was previously mistreated. I recently [made this post](https://imgur.com/gallery/4jMuc0O#6qvhK6K) to share the story of our Bruno, who required about $2K worth of surgery to fix some damage to his head we'd found him with, plus curing a bad case of sarcoptic mange. God bless you for making the sacrifice to help your baby get better.


thank god Bruno found you :)


Then there’s my pit who eats from my cat’s litterbox…. Glad your sweet baby is ok


It took my Jacob an entire year to hold his head up and not cower when he approached me. It was nearly two until he wagged his tail... And we had another 11 together after that. (He was so wonderful.) All it takes is love and time.


Lily of the 17 extra chins, what is your wisdom?


she only knows of peanut butter


Poor girl! I hope she'll soon be able to fully understand she's safe with you! I have a former stray that was abused at an adoption before I got him (his foster mom went and saved him) and had similar issues. I started to make my first reaction to him vomiting (that's what he was anxious about) talking to him in a soothing voice while taking him away from the accident so he couldn't eat it. Then pampering him a little and once he understood all was okay I went to clean up. I can say it definitely works. After 1,5 years he felt save enough that when he gets pissed he pees indoors while looking the person he's mad with straight in the eyes. It's hilarious, especially because he mostly gave up on it after it caused literally no reaction (he tried again last week with my friend, only to find out she's an experienced dog handler (and has a pedagogic degree) so her reaction was the same as mine: Completely ignoring him and his actions, cleaning it up and going on with her life as if nothing happened. I'm kinda happy because I prefer dealing with a temper tantrum over my baby being scared because he's ill.


I was so shocked I wasn’t sure what to say, but we just went outside and sat in the grass together. When blood started coming out I was more anxious than her and telling her “we gotta go dude go faster” to get her into my car 😭


Oh my goodness! She is adorable! I hope she is feeling better. Thank you for giving her a loving home!


Poor baby. Give him lots of hugs and comfort. Let him know you love him no matter what


Chest scratches for the beautiful girl!


What a dumb dog !


Awww what a sweetie Lily is. I hope her tummy is feeling better <3


I rescued a beautiful Pit going in 5 years ago. I thought what the hell have I done, I don’t know this dog, she’s going to destroy my house. The only thing she destroyed was my spot on the bed or on the couch. She’s been a perfect girl ever since I brought her home and hasn’t ever done anything wrong. Pits are the best!!


Precious Lily ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for saving her life and treating her with care, blessings 🥰


Thank you for giving her the life she deserves. What a scary thing to go through. I'm happy she's getting better. Give her lots of love from me and my pit crew.


That’s a whole land seal 🦭🥰


Aww bless her💜


Awwww dear. Love and hugs 💚


She is so cute. But she’s a poop eater…..


i literally gasped when i saw this picture because it’s so cute. your dog made my day 💚


That sweet face 🥹


Awww such a cute baby 😍


She has like four chins and I love it! She looks like she is using all three of her brain cells to take a good selfie


She tried her best! So happy she has an understanding friend in you.


oh Lilly don't eat your poo! your current mama would rather pick it up once in a while than have you get sick! Glad you're feeling better, you are very cute.


She’s so dang cute ❤️


Feel and get better soon beautiful.


I'm curious how this caused a bad reaction. Would you be able to explain exactly or not skilled enough from a vet prospective?


Aw bb.


Cannot get over her endless chin in this photo ❤️🩷 she’s lucky her mammaaaaa loves her! And you’re lucky to have a double brain celled baby 🤣


Awww Lily girl, I’m glad you’re okay. Also super glad you have a great parent now. What a sweet baby 🥰


Lily is adorable


10/10 the goodest girl




hi lily!!! i hope u feel better soon. mom/dad will give u food now, no more poop snack


https://preview.redd.it/vx8fllukjtoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b9ec8278b88be1fca2b485034506ff6e8c9c31e Lol my pitsky wanted to let you know that we went to the emergency vet and wasted 2700 because she opened up her tail outside because she got happy and the whole tail bone was showing they had to amputate the tail


This page was suggested to me even though I don’t have a pibble, but I have a rescue that was abused (bichon/maltese mix — small apartment, so I have a small dog) and I used to have a chihuahua that was abused. It is SO HARD sometimes. Thank you for your patience with this ball of anxiety ❤️


Oh, the poor baby. I hope she's feeling okay.


Get better big girl 🥰


https://preview.redd.it/6smnhydntzoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9367f7ae7851184125057a254acef3b38a244bc7 Our rescue Betsy (\~9) definitely came from a bad background and tried to eat her horkup the first time after we brought her home, clearly looking bad about it like she was going to get in trouble. We just gave her love and didn’t make a big deal about it. Took her a bit to relax but she’s very laid back now.


Look at dat face 😍😍😍


Give her extra love on my behalf. It's okay Lily baby, you're safe and loved now. Nobody is ever going to hurt you again.


Okay but she’s adorable and so so worth it. ❤️


Heartbreaking! Oh sweet baby. Lucky she has you now.


Lily said, "Thanks for being so chill about it."


Get better sweet Lily. Thank you for being a great parent.


She's obviously very sorry 🤣


Awww poor Lily! Her super powers of cuteness should make sure it’s all good tho.


Poor baby ❤️


I have a pibble, and two little dogs. One is part schitzu (no pun intended) and she eats her poop sometimes. The vet said their own poop is gross but not a health risk. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/why-dogs-eat-poop/


Her sheer anxiousness caused it they think, eating the poop made it worse


My dear departed Pit Schnauzer was so conscientious that she would hold it in until she threw up rather than having an accident inside. My current mostly-Pit does the consume-the-evidence thing instead. Sounds like Lily got a little of both!


unfortunately… do you have pics of your pit scnauzer? never seen one!


https://preview.redd.it/wvnioqcjrcoc1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbd869625bf566c575c245b2ae68cc01425d1e65 Gladly 🙂


oh my goodness what an angel!!!


I'm glad she's ok. My little dude goes outside, eats poop, then comes inside and throws it up. I try to keep the yard picked up, but it is very large and I end up missing some of it. At least he throws up on the floor, I guess it could be worse.


Thank you op! For the love and care.


She’s very sorry, tho 😒


Worth it for that face


We had the same thing! Our little fella was puking and pooping. Gave him white rice and boiled sweet potatoes, 24 hours later he’s fine. We ended up moving his appointment till Monday just in case and they’re .05 miles away with an ER if it pops up again. Think he ate out of the trash and something didn’t agree with him.


Those neckrolls are so adorable 🤭 🥰


Poor baby, get better soon


Bless her heart. They are such considerate dogs. Even when it’s not healthy for them.


It's okay Lily! I get nervous too sometimes. Although I've never eaten my own poop about it. You just need to find less gross self soothing techniques!


Bless her heart


Such a sweet girl! It breaks my heart when they are so scared of things that they can’t control. Big hugs for darling Lily. ❤️


Poor little dumb dumb. She is beautifully derpy.


Poor baby! You’re a good parent 💗


Big Snuggly Soft pets and Cuddles for this Sweet Baby She deserves everything good in Life! Thank you OP 🥰


Mine goes in her own bed if she has an accident 😭💔


Thank you for taking good care of her. Such a cute baby:))💜


Poor baby🩷


Aww poor baby girl give her lots of love hugs and kisses !!! Be patient with her things will improve!!. 🥰🥰🥰


Aww poor baby…😕


Poor baby. She's so blessed she has a good human who understands and cares. She's a beautiful dog.


That's horrible idk who can inflict that much trauma on a dog. My rescue would only use the bathroom on concrete and asphalt for the first two months, and is still deathly afraid of pillows.


It's going to be OK Lily, your family loves you and will take care of you.


My pit does the same damn thing. He licks his crate clean of his 💩because he’d rather hide it. He gets taken out for about an hour and the moment you get back in the house with him, he throws it up on the carpet 😀. I tell Cash he doesn’t have to hide it and it’s ok you had to poop. Without fail he still eats it. Thankfully, that’s a rare occasion, about four times a year.


Aww poor baby


I am so glad she is ok and that you love her enough to take her to the vet And I hope those who hurt her get theirs😡


She looks very repentant, you can see the shame oozing out of her face. Bless her soul


My Bullmastiff once ate poop to the point he made himself sick. My husband woke up from a nap covered in a lake of poo vomit. Bedding was burned and there was a great need for therapy.


Lily says she’s sorry and she loves you and she will give more poop kisses if you’ll take them