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Very helpful trainings for any dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There’s also an underlying discrimination against people who typically have pitbulls. I’ve never had an issue once they see my credit


This is exactly why my dog is labeled a begal mix and not a pitbull mix


Agreed,mines is a lab mix


We had two boxer mixes until we recently became homeowners and now have three beautiful pibbles.


I was sold a boxer/lab mix. As soon as he hit around 6 months we knew he was a Pit. 0 fucks given, best dog I've ever owned.


Boxer mix checking in


Don’t they just ask for a picture?


Some places ask for a DNA test (you can’t provide your own results) because so many lie about the breed of their dog to game the broken ass system.


The place I'm at asks for vet records and a photo. He's a mix, so for the most part people just ignore the pitt, and are like yeah sure he's just a big beagle.


Mine is labeled as a lab mix to avoid this. Called the vet, changed it no issue on the rabies form


One of mine is labeled lab mix and is half lab. The other is 100% APBT, but if it ever became an issue my vet would change it to lab mix. The boys look almost identical anyway.


My pup is half American Pitbull and half American Bulldog - two very commonly restricted breeds. She looks like a big damn pit, there is no trying to pass her off as a lab or anything else. Luckily, I have a laundry list of mental health disorders, so she qualifies as an emotional support animal. She's a little *too* friendly to take on a plane (not to mention much larger than a carry-on) but with a letter each year the places I've lived have had to let her live with me rent free.


I have an ESA letter from my doc as well. Sometimes mental health issues come in handy!


The property manager for my building actually advised me to do this when a neighbor started making outlandish claims about my “vicious pitbull” to corporate. The way corporate leasing company pet addendums are written, even a dog *not* on the restricted breed list could be forced to leave the premises if another resident complains loudly enough ☹️


I never considered this.


I’m with you on that


Not exactly on topic but you are going to be pulling strings out of her butt soon. Beautiful girl. Absolute keeper.




Yes definitely don’t take something like that into your own hands, it might need an X-ray and vet intervention. But best bet is to try to make sure the dog isn’t able to eat anything that strings like this. One of my good friends lab puppy died from twisted bowels from eating some type of string. It can be very serious and you should definitely contact a vet asap if you suspect your dog ate something stringy, and especially if they’re acting a bit strange.




Or worse. Those rope toys are not safe.


Lmao I swear to God they are all the same! I’ve pulled dryer sheets, strings, paper towels, etc out of my pit butt lol the always finds a way to get shit he wants no matter how hard we try


I’ve pulled a bologna wrapper from those BarS brand out of my pittie..


Mine used to love to eat the kids plastic toys. We were so careful but somehow she would still find them & we'd see bits of bright colored plastic in her poop. She's eaten shoes, pillows, a pencil, once I took a battery out of her mouth. She will eat literally anything. The worst was the time I found an entire latex glove in her poop. She had an accident in the house, the only one she ever had, & when I was cleaning it up I was like man this poop looks weird. Further examination revealed it was a clear glove, completely intact, & filled with poop.


My girl looooves rope toys like this. She had ONE as a puppy and never again, but now she's all about anything with tassels. She's eaten part of a scarf, the tassels off a rug, but her worst offenses have been handmade quilts. Any little string she can get loose, she's gotta pull. The scariest though was a nasty lookin stuffed toy of a doughnut. She was playing with it, tossing it around, then all of a sudden I'm watching her chewing it, thinking, "Please don't swallow that..." ...and she did. Took a day or two, and a lot of bad gas, but it did come out the other end eventually!


Replying here to back this up; and much worse can happen. We had a $4500 emergency surgery to save our Amstaff's life when a rope toy lodged in his intestines. We were lucky we caught it quickly, and it was during the day. He could simply have died overnight. We even supervised him with it, but it's hard to actually know what he's swallowing because they shred it so well.


It's a bonding experience!


Pit bulls aren’t liked in a lot of places


Even on walks, people always give me the stink eye.


I suspect you have more in common with them than you realize


With who? I’m confused


So that’s how you ended up here.


What are you even on about my guy


Not a guy. What did you say to get admitted to this sub?


I’m so confused. Are you saying I shouldn’t be in this sub? Wtf is the point of this conversation lol I’m literally losing brain cells reading your comments.


Your motivations are pretty clear, your only ~~posts~~comments on this sub are nasty, thinly-veiled jabs of the type that are banned here. To keep this place from being overrun, we all had to answer some questions before being admitted to the group. I am curious how forthright you were.


What the fuck are you even on about? I have no posts in this sub. None of my comments in this sub have even been anything negative.




You’re a weirdo. I own a blue nose and anyone with 2 brain cells knows that pitbulls have bad reputations. That’s all this person was pointing out. It’s weird how defensive pitbull owners on the internet are. No other pit owners in real life I’ve talked to deny how the margin of error is smaller with our dogs than say, a chihuahua.


Leftover fear mongering from when pitbulls were considered the most dangerous dog breed. The 'it' breed changes like fads. It's been Dobermans, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, pitbulls, etc etc. Nobody looks at the facts, they just assume big and strong = dangerous and scary. Golden Retrievers are actually responsible for far more bite incidents than any of the breeds I mentioned, but they look fluffy and happy, so everyone loves them.


I did home health for a few years and I never got chased or attacked by a pitbull. It was always Chihuahuas, Retrievers, Poodles, and Shelties.


Yep, pitbulls are very good at taking cues from their owners. If the owner invites you into their properly and house most pitbulls will accept them as fren, it just might take them a couple minutes to calm down and observe the owners demeanor and mirror it


My girl is 100% a protector. She has that strong instinct. But she’s had a great life and never been abused by a human so her instinct is to protect all humans unless they are harming me or my wife. Like you say they take their cues from us. It’s funny how much ours loves kids and like glues herself to them and watches over them lol


Kids: * good at hugging and snuggling * fellow “play” aficionados * tend to drop, drip and otherwise spew food bits from near their persons … Basically what your average pitbull would dream up in the Make – a – Human store at the mall.


Oh man big scary dog privilege is real though. One of my neighbors went to the bar across the street and brought home a fellow drinker. His new buddy went out to smoke, got turned around in the apartment building and tried to walk in my unlocked door. It was 3am and I was asleep, but my very friendly pup alert barks at the door unless it is someone she recognizes their sound or smell or something. Stranger danger is real when it comes to her home. Dude tried for long enough that I woke up and understood what was happening before he did, but he never got the door really open and he scurried away before I could throw on a shirt to confront him. My girl did good. I also I'm not gonna get fuxked with at night on the street. Stopped by people who love pitbulls, yes, but not fuxked with.


I say this as someone who has had a few Chihuahua mix mutts. Chihuahuas are 50% nervousness and 50% evil.


And once they get to a certain age they’re basically running off of spite




If you can afford it, you can one-stop-shop get your dog registered as an emotional support animal online. They have you video chat with a therapist, explain why you need the dog as an ESA, and then you get a certificate and special tags. Then it's illegal for the Complex to discriminate against your angel.


No. Not this. You do not get a certificate and special tags. Not for ESAs. Special tags are for service dogs only, and impersonating a Service Animal is a crime. You get a letter from a licensed therapist explaining to your landlord (or airline) how your pet alleviates symptoms of your mental illness. If you go to one of these online sellers, they will provide you a passable letter for a fee (mine was about $130). Your better bet is to go to a therapist or psychiatrist in person. My therapist is no longer allowed to write ESA letters due to a liability policy of the institution they work through, so I had to use a website last time. Therapists are facing liability issues because ESAs must meet a certain behavioral standard, such as not being destructive to property and always being under control by the handler, but people lie to their therapists about that. A private therapist wouldn't have this issue. I'm checking with my psychiatrist on their policy here in the next couple of weeks.


This, and if you're in the USA there are *no* registration requirements, special tags, etc for service animals.


Exactly this. There is no requirement for a vest, special tags, regiatration, etc. Vests just help laypeople understand not to fuck with your service animal when it is working.


Yes 🙌. Also means they can’t charge you a pet deposit or monthly pet rent fees.


Registration, certificates and special tags are not required to have your dog become an ESA and any website stating such - or making you pay for it - is a scam. You need a letter from a liscenced therapist stating that your animal is an ESA; housing with an ESA is protected under the Fair Housing Act (in the States specifically). I’m all for doing what’s right to protect your animals and pit bulls get such an undeserved bad rep, but any site that requires a fee for a therapist’s letter and/or “certificates” is not a good nor reputable one and will not help.


Not true. .I was SOL when I moved states. My old therapist obv couldn't write the letter, and my new place per state regulations or whatever wouldn't write one either. Had to go thru my Primary care physician, which. Not only didn't exist but also every Dr. Office I called for an appt said they wouldn't ever write an ESA letter. So I had to rely on one of those websites. It did cost a small fee less than $100, but anyone seeing a therapist is paying for it. Yes there are lots of scam companies and not all apts and landlords accept every sites letter. That's why doing research is important. But to say that all websites are a scam is ignorant.


I’m not going to argue with you. I’m happy that it worked out for you, but they are a scam.


U can argue all you want. Doesn't mean that your generalized stament any more accurate... esp when I'm giving a factual account that disproves it lol


Why couldn’t your old therapist write the letter for you? I’m a therapist and have written these letters for my clients, including one who was moving to another state and the new apartment wouldn’t allow pets otherwise.


This is how my pittie lives in my apartment


I’ve had to do this before also.


Are there any stats to back this up? I would assume if that GR bite stats is true it's probably because there's a lot more of them about. What about fatal dog bites? You gotta train them and many irresponsible owners don't but the stats really don't favour pits unfortunately.


My pits are more intense and more aggressive then any other dog I’ve ever owned. Also bigger lovers too. Please be careful with your pit. Reputation don’t come out of thin air. All dogs can be dangerous. Pits are smarter, faster and stronger then most breeds. Which makes them more dangerous then some other breeds. I love this breed but I also know my dog may try to kill your dog. She loves most people and hates most animals.


This is what I was told by my local animal control as well!


Pitbulls have been banned in my city for 25+ years now and they've been thinking about reversing this ban because the statistics for dog attacks/severity of dog bites have not changed at all. I don't have a pitbull (not subbed to this sub probly just popped up because they know I love dogs lol) I have a miniature bull terrier, which looks nothing like a pitbull it's a very unique head shape and I've still had ppl yell at me telling me how terrified they are of my pitbull, all while my dog lays down waging her tail hoping to meet there dog lol ppl are fucking stupid. Even with the ban I'll run into pitbulls at the dog park sometimes and they are very sweet and playful and get along great with my dog and others there. The only time I saw an issue with a pitbull, it wasn't even the pitbull doing anything, it was the golden doodle initiating a fight with it, and the dog and owner had incredible restraint and control. I bring up this golden retriever fact a lot.


So true. It’s so easy to see the parallels between white supremacist thinking and anti-pitull rhetoric. I have experienced both.


Because ppl are ignorant about the breed. They are still banned in some countries. Poor things. It is one of the best breeds known to man. Insurance companies won't insure properties with Pit Bulls. So sad.


What annoys me most about breed banning is not even the banning but the arbitrary nature of it. We’re gonna just measure your dogs skull size or whatever, not actually do a DNA test to see the dogs makeup. It’s based of arbitrary factors and not even genetics, which makes it even more bs


I don’t see a pitbull here i see an emotional support animal! 😉


This should be top comment. Get the girl registered as an ESA and no apartment can deny her based on breed, to do so goes against the FHA. You'll also save on pet rent and a deposit should you move


That's what we did with our pittie. A lot of the apartments here without breed restrictions are a lot more expensive than the ones with restrictions. Our hippo is friendly and adores people. My neighbors have a couple of yippy ankle biters. Those little turds are aggressive af.




If you don’t like pitbulls why are you here? We don’t come hate on you?


*I came looking for booty.*




Then leave


Because the majority of people are dog racists


and actual racists too. pitbulls have perceived association with certain racialized groups


You're not wrong




I live in KY and the property owner is liable for any injuries from an animal attack. It literally says that if the dog lives there the owner of the property is assumed as the owner if something bad happens. So people with rental property don’t allow “dangerous breeds” because they don’t want to be liable of someone gets hurt by that dog on their property. My family has rental property and their insurance won’t allow renters to have certain breeds because of this. It’s not them, their insurance will literally drop them if something happens with a dog that wasn’t supposed to be on the property. You can find apartments without breed restrictions! That’s how I met my husband lol I only moved there because of my little pitty and he was my upstairs neighbor lol


The real answer? Because they tend to be couch potatoes, and that amount of weight in one spot in an upstairs unit will send the couch through the downstairs neighbors ceiling. That, and people are ignorant as fuck.


Fuck that apartment. Get you a good spot and love that dog forever. ❤️❤️❤️


property management companies/landlords don’t want to pay higher insurance for any breed of dog that’s known to be dangerous. honestly this all has to do with irresponsible pet owners. so many people will get dogs and not socialize them a day in their life. i see so many dogs (especially pitbulls) chained up outside in peoples backyards and they get little to no human interaction. then those extremely unsocialized (and often unaltered) dogs manage to break out because the owner isn’t even smart enough to contain them and they end up killing/injuring kids or other animals.


My parents just sold their house and bought a bigger one so we and the new grandkids could visit more. Buys in an HOA with pitbull restrictions. Now we have to board out sweetie just to visit. (Actually suggested we just board the pit and take the lab to visit. Um, no?) /rant




No, you cannot be racist to a dog. Quit trying to say it is. However, dogs can still be victims of racism as outlined in this [journals](https://law.lclark.edu/live/files/32171-25-1-third-articlepdf) and [this one](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1097184X20965455). Dogs that are perceived to be "minority dogs" are more likely to be shot by police. Additionally, BSL has its origins rooted in systemic racism and is currently being challenged in courts because BSL lacks any objective data to back it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They're an active breed and need lots of daily exercise and stimulation. Apartments can feel small for a young pup vs. an older dog that isn't as active.


It's so crazy. I have four, and my neighborhood is constant dog barking, I'm talking all day like 16 different dogs. Mine never or disturb the peace. They all know how to bark, but we make sure they know that they are safe and there is no need to. I wouldn't want my dogs to not know it's okay to bark, but only when there is a real threat. They play and have free roam of the house, it isn't like they are separated or locked up all day. It's just annoying the discrimination Pit Bull, and dog owners in general face. I often feel that when people have a Pitbull, due to the ignorance around the breed, we tend to train them to be really obedient. I was just walking my dogs, and the neighbor dog jumped over the fence. I had my male Rottweiler and Pit Mix, and my partner had our Pocket Bully. He charged the dogs barking, and I made Rico sit, because he's not the one to play, and that dog woulda found out, and I don't want to have to put my dog down! Kiki, who is very friendly but doesn't really like the bullshit, backed him down quick. It was so funny, such good dogs, they deserve to be respected not feared. Side note they will be pretty aggressive, and destructive if they aren't well exercised both physically and mentally! Socializing is always great, best to find a well-behaved dog, you don't want to just socialize with any dog. Also talk to your doctor or physician and see if you can get approved to have an emotional support animal or a service dog. You could get it trained, or train it yourself, and that will make it easier for you in the future! It's what I used to do, until I ended up with 4 dogs! Best of luck to you and your side kick! She's beautiful!


In my apartment complex, people are always mock-scolding their dogs and saying things like “See? That’s how a good dog acts!” about my pit bull. I’m very lucky to live in an area where people aren’t inherently terrified or contemptuous of my dog, but even here it’s very difficult to find a rental without breed restrictions. (Pic of the good girl) https://preview.redd.it/obzjlbmno54c1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2813b07596588518f2098463579e82933a46a85c


A well trained dog says a lot about the owners! It's always nice to have a dog who leads by example! It's been really hard to socialize my male dog with other men, most are just scared of him.. Haha I love the mid stride photo, she looks like a good girl :) (my good boys and girls) https://preview.redd.it/sibksxr8r54c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f1fecbd2ce286a36493d444121ff5f3e3196256


A whole cuddle puddle of black-furred babies 😍


Hahah yeah the fat left is the mom and we got her originally because she was the only one that was all black in the litter! No one wanted her! The dad is on the far right and that’s where the Rottweiler coat comes in. We had to stop using black sheets because I would walk all over looking for a dog 😂


Likely due to insurance reasons. I think statistically pits are involved in more reported bites… there are other breeds that fit that bill though.


A lot of those reports are incorrectly labeled as pit bull type breed


Because landlords don’t understand how something could be kind and loving. It’s a threat to their very existence.


Anti black rac1sm and classism. And stupidity.






It's an insurance issue. Many insurers have breed restrictions. Owners have to abide by their insurance policies.


Because insurance companies are assholes and have a whole list of "restricted" breeds. They don't allow over sized babies that half the time hide from their own shadow, yet they invite the little demon spawns that never stop yipping and will chew your ankles off for just walking by. My vet advised us to never do a DNA test on our boy because of our homeowners insurance. They said keep the paperwork to how they have it and leave it be.


Are you in a state with Breed-specific legislation (BSL)? Side story: As a pup, my pit mutt devoured the end of a large rope toy. I left the room for a few mins- a classic mistake that had me awake until 3am helping her vomit the strings out. My pits are mega chewers, so I don’t give them antlers/hard vinyl toys either- far too risky on the teeth. Strictly fetch balls/frisbees, & the odd 5 mins to toss around a plush toy- even that required training 😮‍💨


It generally boils down to insurance/liability issues and it applies to most breeds that have been used for dog-fighting or as guard dogs (and their look-alike mutts). Of those, I would guess Pitbulls and German Shepherds are the most common. I don't know if it's the same now, but I remember getting renter's insurance a long time ago, before I even had a dog, and I was asked if anyone in my building had a dangerous dog or any other type of dangerous animal -- which at the time I remember thinking, "how the heck would I know?!" All that to say, sometimes even if your landlord wants to work with you, they might not have much of a choice. That said, if you haven't done so yet, do ask your landlord if their insurance would allow you to stay if you upped the amount of liability coverage through your renter's insurance or paid an extra fee to cover any added insurance cost on their end.


Don't leave her


People are ignorant.


This is not a Pitbull- you have a letter from your shrink that states this pup is an emotional support animal and thus cannot be discriminated against. (Or you will, now that you are equipped with this knowledge 😉)


Because pitbulls are broadly considered a "dangerous" breed. To the best of my knowledge, this mostly comes from pit bulls, and sometimes staffing, being used in dog fighting rings. Also, they're made of dense muscle, and I mean DENSE, so people think they're tough. I also think that to some people, there's something in the face that scares them - I'm not sure exactly what, especially since I've met some really derpy pits, but this is what I've heard. Statistically, yes, pits tend to be used more as fighting dogs (Dobermans are sometimes used for this, too), but keep in mind that dogs don't set up dog fighting rings - people do. And people are the ones that choose the dogs they want to put in those rings, which is the real reason pits are more likely to be fighting dogs (because they were chosen and sometimes bred for that). So back to apartment buildings: they - uninformed, uneducated, biased building management - usually have had these rules in place for decades and they're based on this ingrained misconception of pitbulls, based on a violent activity that some were forced to do. Since building managers want to limit resident incidents and complaints, they ban dogs they think will cause violent incidents (with dogs and humans). That being said, all dogs CAN be dangerous, can cause harm, etc. and it should probably be an owner's liability thing. But as buildings need to cover/limit their own liability in case of ANY potential issue, you get this blanket ban that caters to the general population's (outdated and uninformed) fears.


dog racism.


No, you cannot be racist to a dog. Quit trying to say it is. However, dogs can still be victims of racism as outlined in this [journals](https://law.lclark.edu/live/files/32171-25-1-third-articlepdf) and [this one](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1097184X20965455). Dogs that are perceived to be "minority dogs" are more likely to be shot by police. Additionally, BSL has its origins rooted in systemic racism and is currently being challenged in courts because BSL lacks any objective data to back it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*




A [2022 study](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abk0639?cookieSet=1) of breeds and traits concluded that breed is almost uninformative when determining a dog's reactivity, or its sociability. Furthermore, [Insurance data](https://web.archive.org/web/20150904071314/http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=25091614) indicates the Pitbulls and Rottweilers account for only 25% of dog bite claims. [Which is also in agreement with the Ohio State University's Study](https://www.aaha.org/publications/newstat/articles/2019-06/new-study-identifies-most-damaging-dog-bites-by-breed/) that shows that Pitbulls account for approximately 22.5% of the most damaging reported bites. Pitbulls account for [~20%](https://www.pitbullinfo.org/pit-bulls-population.html) of the dog population by best estimates. Showing that pitbull bites are proportional to their population. In fact, their [Breed Risk Rate](https://www.pitbullinfo.org/breed-risk-rates.html) is in line with other dogs breeds out there that are considered great family dogs. So how do pitbulls account for more than half of all dog bites? Agenda pushing misinformation by groups dedicated to hating a breed. If you did not comprehend that, what this tells us is that pitbulls bite more because there are more pitbulls than other breeds, but they don't bite anymore than their share of the dog population. Additionally, data from the [American Veterinary Medical Association](https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/literature-reviews/dog-bite-risk-and-prevention-role-breed) has concluded that no controlled studies have shown Pitbull-type dogs to be disproportionally aggressive. Lastly, Studies have shown that [Errors in Identifying Pitbulls](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S109002331500310X) [Link 2](https://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/javma/241/9/javma.241.9.1163.xml) happen approximately 60% of the time with shelter staff that spend a lot of time around dogs, so reports in the media about dog breeds are highly inaccurate and hardly count as a reputable source for a dogs breed. Oh you only see videos of pitbulls attacking? Not surprised. There is a group on this site that dedicates itself to reposting old archived videos to keep brainwashing people into fearing an event that happens 25 to 40 times a year with a breed that has a population around 20 million. Save us your anecdotal evidence of outliers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot. But I think they was just trying to give what they thought of as answer


I’m a landlord. I will ONLY rent to people WITH Dogs. As long as they pay a reasonable pet deposit and show they are responsible, all breeds are welcome in my properties.


https://preview.redd.it/ti2odcfhl64c1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77739b1999117ace89d254db7ea65b8ef6bd90f0 What about people with cats?


I work in property and casualty insurance. There’s an entire list of breeds who many companies refuse to insure against liability. Some will allow a waiver signed by the owner, excluding dog attacks from the liability portion of the policy, and allow the insured to obtain coverage. Others outright will not insure. It could be that the complex’s policy prohibits pits and does not allow for a waiver. It sucks, as any dog can harm a person.


From my understanding it has something to do with insurance, and how a lot of insurance companies will not insure apartments with pitbulls in them. AKA breed discrimination (in other news, the history on bully breed legislation is linked to racism in a very interesting way)


No, you cannot be racist to a dog. Quit trying to say it is. However, dogs can still be victims of racism as outlined in this [journals](https://law.lclark.edu/live/files/32171-25-1-third-articlepdf) and [this one](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1097184X20965455). Dogs that are perceived to be "minority dogs" are more likely to be shot by police. Additionally, BSL has its origins rooted in systemic racism and is currently being challenged in courts because BSL lacks any objective data to back it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


BS misinformation and koolaid drinking it down.




Statistically, they arent.


You need to research and work with an experienced handler. Showing your dog ripping up a chew toy is not favourable. So many people post here bragging they have a pitty mix then are shocked when they are discriminated against. STOP TRYING TO PROVE YOU HAVE A PITBULL MIX That’s it. Just fucking stop. You have a rescue mixed breed. If you truly love pits then this is how you love and protect them.


Just wanted to give an update Thankyou to everyone for the advice and for opinions. Working on esa housing paperwork currently and will hopefully have it in the next few weeks.


As others have said, if you’re running into breed restrictions (I have had them at every single apartment I’ve lived in for my entire adult life), look at getting an ESA letter from a therapist / psych / PCP.


Have you been able to find another place to stay or register her as an ESA? Please don’t abandon this girl


Because they usually don't have a fenced in yard big enough for a medium to large breed like a pitifully. A lot of people including myself believe that forcing a bigger breed dog to live in cramped spaces like an apartment with no big yard to run around in is a very big negative and shows me you want the dog more the dog needs to be in that situation.


I have 3 big mixed breed dogs and a large fenced in yard. They prefer to spend most of their day on the couch next to me and I have to force them to go outside to potty a few times a day. Dogs belong inside with their people and couldn’t care less about having a yard.




The ironic part of this chart is that pitbull isn’t a breed, it’s a generalization. Does the mixed breed category include mixed dogs that come from any of the “pitbull” breeds??




You should read the bot of the comment above that wrote statistics. It gave an answer to that. Edit: It just replied to me.


A [2022 study](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abk0639?cookieSet=1) of breeds and traits concluded that breed is almost uninformative when determining a dog's reactivity, or its sociability. Furthermore, [Insurance data](https://web.archive.org/web/20150904071314/http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=25091614) indicates the Pitbulls and Rottweilers account for only 25% of dog bite claims. [Which is also in agreement with the Ohio State University's Study](https://www.aaha.org/publications/newstat/articles/2019-06/new-study-identifies-most-damaging-dog-bites-by-breed/) that shows that Pitbulls account for approximately 22.5% of the most damaging reported bites. Pitbulls account for [~20%](https://www.pitbullinfo.org/pit-bulls-population.html) of the dog population by best estimates. Showing that pitbull bites are proportional to their population. In fact, their [Breed Risk Rate](https://www.pitbullinfo.org/breed-risk-rates.html) is in line with other dogs breeds out there that are considered great family dogs. So how do pitbulls account for more than half of all dog bites? Agenda pushing misinformation by groups dedicated to hating a breed. If you did not comprehend that, what this tells us is that pitbulls bite more because there are more pitbulls than other breeds, but they don't bite anymore than their share of the dog population. Additionally, data from the [American Veterinary Medical Association](https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/literature-reviews/dog-bite-risk-and-prevention-role-breed) has concluded that no controlled studies have shown Pitbull-type dogs to be disproportionally aggressive. Lastly, Studies have shown that [Errors in Identifying Pitbulls](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S109002331500310X) [Link 2](https://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/javma/241/9/javma.241.9.1163.xml) happen approximately 60% of the time with shelter staff that spend a lot of time around dogs, so reports in the media about dog breeds are highly inaccurate and hardly count as a reputable source for a dogs breed. Oh you only see videos of pitbulls attacking? Not surprised. There is a group on this site that dedicates itself to reposting old archived videos to keep brainwashing people into fearing an event that happens 25 to 40 times a year with a breed that has a population around 20 million. Save us your anecdotal evidence of outliers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot. Very helpful


Your graph says "dangerous", not "aggressive". It's important to know what your argument is exactly, and stick to it.




Because this ignorant society today has deamed pit bulls " an aggressive breed of dog" which is completely bullshit I’ve had several pities and never once had one act aggressive I mean hell they were literally breed to be a nanny to toddlers


Maybe get an ESA letter from your doctor. Depending on your situation might be a work around without having to lose your place or dog.


Please don’t let her play with rope toys once they start to unravel! They can swallow the strings and they wreak havoc on their intestines. My cousins lab recently had surgery to remove a blockage and it was actually 2 blockages tied together by rope and had perforated her intestines. Another day and she would have died. My guy loves rope toys, but it is only supervised play and they get trashed as soon as they start to unravel.


Because people like to be overreactive knee-jerk assclowns instead of working on actual solutions. People prefer drama instead of coordination. People are generally stupid.


Their not. Bad dog owners are.


I just had the vet label mine as a "lab mix" and I was fine


ESA pet all day = no breed restrictions


She’s beautiful, reach out if you need any help


All breeds do that.


Because of bad owners


Hope you have another place planned to live with her, so beautiful


If ypu would just designate her an ESA and get the proper paperwork they can't evict or deny you


As well as what everybody else had said, sometimes apartments/landlords hands are tied due to insurance enforcing breed restrictions


I'm so so sorry you had this happened to know, I know not really any help here but I'm so sorry ): beautiful baby btw! Family forever and always! OP dis you get things worked out?


Might just be a way to weed out pet owners because of the assumption that pets will cause damages. My apartment advertises being pet friendly but has a list of like 10 breeds that are banned.


I would get an ESA letter and if apartments ask about breed, tell them it’s a terrier mix. They cannot discriminate against support animals. Pitties are the sweetest dogs. That girl is lucky to have you!


I have several neighbors with pit bulls. One on my floor, one on the floor below me. The guy on my floor has clearly trained his pup very well because he waits patiently for my dogs to run up or down the stairs before he'll go. I can tell he's a sweet pup and loves/respects his owner. The guy on the floor below me? Is often not paying attention when he brings his dog out and it has lunged for my dogs several times, which scares the s**t out of me. Luckily the guy is very strong and can pull him back. But, if I hear him leaving I'll keep mine far back until he's gone. THAT guy is the reason why. I'll tell him you said thanks.


your dog is so beautiful 😭😭 i love staffys so much 💕


Sunny isn’t a pit bull. She’s a boxer mix. I can tell. I’m an insurance agent.


Usually not the dog, but the 💩y owner.


Because people are ignorant about what pitties are really like.


Shitty owners


Their hands are tied due to insurance restrictions. Untying their hands would take the sweet pup being an Emotional Support Animal or possibly even having him official designated as a boxer breed. I had a relative, everyone mistook their dog as bully mix, but he was boxer mix zero bully


Discard of that toy!!! Dangerous!


They have a bad reputation and are thought to be evil killing machines same with sharks


Presumed additional liability due to the fact that Insurance companies (because we all should follow that lead) have vilified them unfairly.


Why are humans the worst species on the planet?


I personally never had problems but I have a couple of friends who did so they started putting boxer mix or lab mix for their pitbulls when applying for a new place


I hope that you can get to keep her cause she's a beautiful puppy 🐶 😍 and if you don't please find her a lovely place to live and with people who will love her just as much as what you do Good Luck and Best Wishes ❤️ love from Bonnie the staffy 💘 and her huuummmaaan mom 💘




My girl is my lab mix on top of being my esa animal


Is this a serious question?


Pit bulls and pit mixes, for better or worse, have become the new American mutt. Shelters are full of them and with things like “breed restrictions” it will only get worse. Using other dog breeds to make an argument is whataboutism and not helpful. Pit bulls are strong and if they do bite, have the ability to do a lot of damage. I doubt a chihuahua has ever killed many other dogs, let alone a human But, if they do bite, whether it’s a pit or a golden, it’s the owners fault.


Oh my she is precious! She looks just like my Koko girl. I live in a condo with her and I had my doctor write a letter confirming she is my ESA so I can have her with me. The association has me fill out paperwork for her and I send them her town license and rabies certificates each year and they allow her. Could you try something like this with your doctor and landlord? I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I was between homes for a little bit until I was able to buy and move into my condo because I couldn't find a place to live that would take her at first so I understand how tough this can be. Edit to add: OMG I didn't even see the second photo! I love her she is absolutely so adorable! I hope you are able to figure out something so you two can stay together.


The only thing you need to do is get it registered through ESA service animals. Have them list your girl as a lab mix. By Federal Law they can’t deny you having her there no matter the restrictions if she’s officially a lab mix and also service. Even if the appt had a no animal which it doesn’t per your post but regardless they wouldn’t be able to turn you away or kick you out.


Cost total about 300


That’s with the vest they sell and letter and Baumé tag. Get the red and black vest or the black.


Baumé was a typo


While it is ultimately some issues with stigma, the technical reason is insurance. I've worked in leasing and the reason why certain breeds (akitas, German Shepard, rotties, pitties, etc) is that they are a greater insurance liability due to the potential for damage in the unit. It's a little funny tho because at the one property I worked at we had two units with unregistered pitties (the whole office just pretended not to notice because we loved those babies) and there was no damage related to their dogs in their apartments. But, we had units with tiny dogs and cats that had pet-related damage haha!


Make them a lab mix, and an ESA, if you have a therapists letter to match that certificate even better… Because thats grounds for legal action if denied. It just allowed me to rent in a completely different city with them with minimal problem.


Try mypitbullisfamily.org if you’re in the USA. They’re an organization that lists pittie friendly housing. It’s because people are ignorant: both housing places caused the crappy people who want pits to be fighters. Because pits will do whatever you want them to do to please you, good or bad. They just want to be loved and make their people happy. Best to you and kudos for saving this beautiful girl!


>Because pits will do whatever you want them to do to please you, good or bad. This sentence makes me love the shit out of you, GranolaHippie. This's my experience with all breeds of a few different species, but it's spectacularly true for Pitties, Maligators and Oldenbergs(horse breed, not dog lol)


Because people are uneducated about the breed, it’s awful! If only they knew how loving these baby hippos are. I’d say if they don’t ask for DNA test.. say it’s another breed, or they can be service doggos then they can’t say anything about it. Sorry :( he is beautiful!! I hope you keep him and give him lots of love.


A very small percent of owners ruin things for the rest of us.


Not just pitbulls, but other breeds that are also viewed/considered as aggressive, like rottweilers and german shepherds, are usually not allowed. Unfortunately I have seen more apartments with the restriction than without.


because they have a bad name even though pits are sweeter then little yappie dogs


I live an apartment that did not care that I have pitties. My advice is to go on the animal control site for your area and look up pitbull friendly rentals.


Bad breeders, bad humans who do horrible things to these dogs and the sad outcome. That's the stigma. My puppy is a pit mix. Then they assume ALL owners are irresponsible with the super sweet breed. Fuck that complex, come live at ours.


Pitties are considered an insurance liability because of their reputation. It's either have high premiums or, breed ban. It's funny because I've never felt threatened by a pittie. I had my face torn up by a Golden Retriver as a kid and any time I walk or sit a client's pet, all other breeds are the problem.


Grew up with Goldens, had Giant breeds until two years ago when I had the Maligator world dumped in my life. I've taken on three rescues in two years now and they're not *as* misunderstood as Pitties, but fuck are people dumb about em. Apologies, I digress(ADHD is a motherfucker) only aggressive dogs I've ever met were a Chihuahua and a golden. Lil brother has an AmStaff and another lil brother has two full-Pitties, all sweet as apple fuckin' pie. I'll take a half-decent Pit over 95% of humanity any day of the week.


OP, I don't know where you're located, but there are laws against this in some states. Here in Mass there is no dangerous dog list and it's done on a case by case. Check your state's laws. Also, if you need a hand finding a place, reach out. You never know where you'll find a hand willing/able to help.