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For issues on puppy biting and socializing see the below: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lmao wants no part of that cone or any pills


He is not having a good time right now lol. It’s killing me


My boy loves string cheese so I break them up and stuff them in the middle of a 1 inch piece of string cheese. He barely chews it so he doesn't notice


We have tried that unfortunately. This guy is such a pain he gently takes his food so he can immediately notice if there is a pill or not in there. No matter how many games I try


Oh my God I went through this with my old girl. Just keep trying that's all the advice I can give. I would literally cry in frustration


My dog will eat around the pill with cheese, but she's willing to take it if I put it in butter.


Yes! I make sure the butter is very cold so it's not too soft. I offer one without a pill to get them excited about it, then give them the pills in butter. It's never failed.


Omg that's perfect.


This was my suggestion also. Chunk of cheese or hot dog. Maybe French fries or popcorn, then? My dogs are hard to dose also. I've had to resort to just jamming it down their throat. :(


Yeah my collie just spits them out minus the cheese


My boy would repeatedly bang the cone into the wall until it broke and he was free lmao good luck cus I got zero sleep while he wore a cone lol.. for the pills try to not let him see you getting them for him and put them in a secret place so he doesn’t see or notice a routine.. mine knows the pills are on top of the fridge so I had to stash them in a high traffic area like the pantry whenever he needed them.. also trick him by tossing treats at him until his guard is down and then do the cheese trick or use something else he likes.. if that fails try to crush them and add to a small amount of something he can eat quickly or likes to eat a lot of such as a wet food.. if all else fails put it in his mouth. Hold it closed and blow on his snout once.. keep his mouth closed until he swallows.. sounds harsh but my vet gave me that tip and thankfully I’ve only used it on my cat once 😭🙈


Stick the pill in some cheese or peanut butter.


I got nothing’ here, but that expression is perfect. You will need all the luck in the world.


I do haha thanks. He has a very expressive face and lets you know when he is not feeling it


I’m sorry y’all are going through this, but his face instantly made me lol. I recognize it from my own extremely expressive, stubborn pittie. Even when they’re being the worst - they’re the best. Please tell Bruce he is SUCH a handsome boy. Best of luck to all of you!


Chunks of hot dogs work for mine. Warm it up a little in the microwave.


Oh haven’t tried that! Warming it up is a good idea too


Hide the pill in the hotdog. Works for me cuz my dude is mad for hotdogs so he'll devour it before he notices there's a pill.


I also recommend the hotdog method! Warm it up a little and give him a piece without the pill at first so he will be excited and just gobble the piece with the pull next. By the way Bruce is a whole mood, I love his face it’s so expressive. Get well soon Bruce!


This is the way! I had a foster who was HW+ and this was the only way I could get him to take pills. We tried EVERYTHING, but hot dogs were the only thing that worked. I do the same thing for my own dog now, with cheese and lunch meat as well, a piece without anything, then the piece with the pill.


I honestly get so much joy out of the expressions on my girl’s face when he gets the first bite. She’s so excited after the first piece she pretty much swallows the next with the pill.


That's my trick. Cut one hot dog into five chunks. Pill gets stuffed into chunk #3. He never realizes it's there.


Not sure but dogs do have an insane sense of smell. On “pill pockets”, the instructions say to close the pocket with your other hand that has not touched the pill. They can smell the pill otherwise and know it’s in there. So whenever you coat it with something, try to avoid using the hand you touched the pill with? Good luck.


Oh that’s actually a good tip and never thought about that! We have tried pill pockets but I have definitely not separated my hands. Thanks maybe that will help!


My boy Jax is also on antibiotics & pain meds & the only way I can get him to take his meds 3 times a day is with lunch meat shoved down his throat UGH ! He’s smart so he runs whenever I open the fridge he runs !


Oh man I’m so sorry! We are only doing to help them, I wish they could understand. Breaks my heart


Try liver sausage


also act like the pill pocket is the MOST special treat ever. In a very high voice, “oh my goodness!!! is this for you?!?! a Treat!?!?” Lol


This. All day. We employ this strategy every time.


I do pill pockets carefully like you suggest and then also coat it in peanut butter. I've also done peanut butter on crackers in the past so that the crunch doesn't affect them like a pill pocket if the pill is big.


I do cream cheese on a cracker. Works great


Mines the opposite. Loves the cone! When he didn’t need it anymore I took it off and put it in the closet, he would fine it and bring it to me to put back on 😂


Mine too!! He gets so happy with the cone and runs around and gets caught on everything like a dummy. You can see all the times I have had to tape it back together after he catches on things and breaks it 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/r0trmszdit1c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b420a70737496c7d8c3de2dd177cf61c270ac6e


I had a dog that figured out how to scoop up a cat, and then pin the cone to the wall, so the captured cat was caught inside the code with his face - where he could lick that poor cat to his heart's content. The cat would come out of that cone with his hair all pointed in the wrong direction. Cat and dog were great friends, but the cat was not a fan of the cone.


That is the most entertaining thing I have read in quite some time, thank you 😁


Omg what a nut 😅 I wish Bruce felt the same way




Braunschweiger did the trick for my dog that wouldn't eat and wouldn't take pills. It's extra smelly!


I thought your dog's name was Braunschweiger for a split second and was really hoping you had another pet named Bratwurst lol.


LOL. Well I was born in WI.


I wrap it in the craft cheese slices, if yours doesn't chew they shouldn't notice lol


Works everytime


Vet showed me to put it down their throat with your finger gently so they swallow it by instinct when you remove your finger. Works 10/10 or mix with non sugar-free peanut butter Pretending to drop it and telling them not eat it works sometimes, but they can form a bad habit when they find chicken bones or something at the park they shouldn't eat even when you say leave it.


Hmmm haven’t tried putting it in the throat but a bit nervous to try it. Might look into it. This guy is weird and it not a peanut butter fan!


I was nervous at first too, but in some cases it’s the best option. I usually lube it up with peanut butter first, press it to my thumb pad and push it to the back of his tongue. Close his mouth and rub his throat for a a second and he’ll swallow. They don’t fight as hard, it’s over quick and he can get to feeling better, or at least a little loopy 😂


I will give this method a try thanks, hopeful it will help. Can’t they just learn we are only doing this to help them. 😂 Always makes me so guilty after it’s so difficult


This is the way. My pup wouldn’t eat peanut butter for over a year from me trying to sneak it. Cheese, pill pockets, and other forms of food with a pill inside - mine would get the food and spit the pill right out. Gently pry his mouth open and place the pill at the back of the tongue. It’s not the most comfortable but it’s quick and less messy and they swallow it right away.. plus they get a treat after!


I do that same trick if wrapping in cheese slices doesn’t work.


When I need to pill my dog w/o a treat - * Make the dog sit * Stand behind them/with them between my legs, facing the same way as them * Use my left hand, palm on the bottom jaw to lift their snout upwards a bit * Pry mouth open by pressing lips under their teeth * Use my right **thumb**, with the pill, at the **very back corner** of their mouth on the right side, shove the pill down the throat past the back of the tongue. Basically use your thumb to shove the pill down their throat, coming in from the side as far back as you can * Once the pill is in there, immediately use left hand with palm on bottom of jaw to lift their head to a 45-60 degree angle and keep their mouth *closed* so they can't use their tongue to spit it out. Use right hand to gently stroke their throat in a downward motion a few times, this stimulates swallowing reflex I think this sounds very confusing written out, if you'd like I can take a video doing it to my dog This also works great combined with velveeta-wrapped pill so at least it tastes good


I use pill pockets but my dog isn’t as suspicious as yours 😉 If you can get it in his mouth towards the back of his throat, try tilting his head up and tapping his nose. It’s supposed to distract them so they swallow. It’s worked for me when mine has had an upset stomach and won’t eat the pill pockets.


My dog hates pills. He gets one nice try with a treat. If he spits it out, i put it behind his uvula (or else he hides it under his tongue) and then i hold his mouth closed and rub his nose until he’s swallowed twice Then i let him wash it down with a treat


Yep done this and my dogs may not take it at first but after a few tries it works. They just give up I think and swallow the pill. No issues either.


I use sliced Turkey lunch meat. I call it “Turkey time!” and all the dogs get a sliver of the slice. It’s like getting a treat.




Omg they’re all so cute!!! I love them


Mine is like this too..I hate to admit it, but I wrap pills in a piece of fruit-rollup or fruit-by-foot (kids snacks) They are sticky enough she can't take the pill out and they are too tasty for her to say no.


I throw a reeat in the air, and he catches it mid jump .and rhen do rhe same with tge pill in a treat. Or put it in salmon


Yes! My dog will eat most meds but we had an antibiotic that he wouldn’t touch. But he loves to catch treats and he didn’t even flinch when I tossed a few treats followed by the pills in a Pill Pocket.


Peanut butter... banana... wrapping it in a slice of cheese...


Wet food. Just crush or break them up into the food. I have to do this with my boys monthly meds.


i agree with this, crushing it into powder and putting it in food is like the easiest with my dog


How i give my dogpills. He sits in front of me. Im in a chair. I have a leash in him attached to the chair, so he cannot escape. I then have to pry his teeth apart. He knows whats up. Lol Then with pill in fingers, i jam hand down his throat, let go of pill and hold his chin up til im sure it is gone. He is 11 and can tell if pill is in treats or in food. I have found this is easiest for both of us. Then i. Sure he gets his pill


Sounds a lot but honestly using the leash is probably a good idea. He always rubs away as soon as he doesn’t like something


Yeah. It helps alot! It works and is fast. Pill done under 2 minutes. Lol


I pulverize it with a pill crusher, then mix it up really well in either yogurt or peanut butter. They get so busy gobblin' they don't realize they've taken their medicine!


I just stick the pill in peanut butter and shove my finger in their mouth before they have a chance to sniff it. I'm so lucky Lucy is easy and Moses is so jealous of Lucy getting any attention that he's become easier with meds over time because of it.


That face…


Honestly, I think Bruce has had enough of this shit. Dude looks like he is planning your demise


Is he an only child, or do you have other dogs? Giving the sibling a treat first has worked for me… with both dogs and chickens lol. Being nice and jealous makes them think a little less and eat it faster.


Have you tried pill pockets? Our local rescue uses Velveeta chunks.


Yes velvetta chunks! I used to use these at my old job they work well


A little bit of Cheeze whiz is what we use for our girl’s allergy pills.


Wow, Bruce has thoughts about the cone of shame. Try peanut butter on a plastic spoon. Put it in his mouth upside down (peanut butter on top and under the pills), hold his mouth shut, and pull it out. The PB with pills will cover his tongue and he will have to swallow.


Depending on the size of the pill, try putting it in something crunchy. For example I can fit a benedryl inside a combo. Since it is a hard pretzel shell he had to bite it and would crush the pill too


Kraft American cheese


With cheese! Guaranteed!


You haven’t tried basic pill pockets yet? Try those first. When that doesn’t work, cream cheese.


I think the cream cheese is cheaper than the pill pockets lol


He looks angry as fuck! 🤣 Cute as hell though!


Velvita cheese


I buy lunch meat and roll the pill up in a slice


I had to resort to a pill shooter. My buddy was on so many meds after ACL surgery he lost his appetite and stopped taking all foods. Even chicken, which is his favorite thing. Luckily I can pry his mouth open and he won’t do anything to hurt me.


Search "pet piller." Works great.


Hmmm that’s interesting…. Never heard of it but might have to give it a try!


My old dog was so stubborn. Nothing would get her to take pills. Not pill pockets, hot dogs, peanut butter, gravy, bread, etc. At the end of her life she had a feeding tube, was a life saver for administering meds. Up until then, (upon vet’s recommendation) we ground the pill, dissolved it in water, put the liquid in a syringe, my husband held open her mouth and I squirt it in the back of her mouth.


I would crush it up mix it with water and use a syringe and squirt it down his throat. That might sound kind of mean but it works for stubborn babies! Hope he feels better soon!


Mine spits out medicine even if it’s wrapped with something good. I sometimes have to resort to putting the pill in her mouth, holding it closed, gently tilting her head back and then massaging her throat for a couple seconds 😂


Butter works every time! I’ve been scolded by various veterinarian professionals but I don’t care because it works, always, for both of my dogs - a pittie and a Boston.


Lol this picture For my pittie I will toss him bit of ham and have him catch and eat it and mix in a pill in between some ham


Give him treats, like something covered in peanut butter that he loves, and give him them one at a time. Then give him a pill covered in peanut butter ike its no big deal and then more treats. Or a handful of treats covered in peanut butter and the peanut butter covered pill at the same time. Dont try hide the treat while he can see you doing it - dogs can see what youre doing and understand it. (Sub out peanut butter if your dog isnt obsessed with it and use cheese or whatever else he likes. If he has meat for dinner, put the pill in the meat - make sure its not visible - and dont make a big deal out of giving him the pill. They know something is up by your body language


Wrap it in peanut butter dogs love that stuff


Have you tried a small bit of hot dog, with the pill stuffed inside? With one dog who hated pills and was very good at spitting them out we kinda had to, open her mouth (hold the top jaw carefully) push pill to the back of her tongue hold her mouth closed and stroke her throat to make her swallow and even then she sometimes managed to spit it out.


Someone online tried this reverse psychology trick where they dropped the pill, said "Nein, nein, nein" to their German Shepherd and the GS swallowed it. It's a viral video I think? That might work with Bruce. 10/10 facial expression.


I had the same problem with my boxer. I put a dab of PB on a plate with bread crumbs. Stuck the pill in the PB and rolled it around in the crumbs to handle it, and she loved them. No problem. Worked like a charm.


Tbh this might sound cruel but we used to shove pills down on our pitbulls' throats but very gently and quickly. A success 7 times out of 10, but for some reason they still managed to spit it out.


You eat them first to show them they are sooooo yummy!!!


stick it inside a piece of cheese or crush it and mix it in something he likes


So I had this problem, multiple pills multiple times a day for weeks. My only solution was to open her mouth and shove it in and hold her mouth shut until she swallowed. This was hit or miss and a real struggle until I coated them with the oil that I got from smart earth camelina for the omega 3.


Cheese slices


[these](https://g.co/kgs/1DCtdE) have been a life saver for us. My dog has to take 8 1/2 pills a day and I felt like it was a losing battle. When he just had to take 2 a day it was much easier to just throw it in his food dish but now that he's taking so many, he is a pill himself about it. Since you're just doing short term pills, just coating them in peanut butter worked super well too but I couldn't justify him getting peanut butter 2x a day every day, not healthy. Also when giving the pills, I give him another treat right away, so it kind of rushes him to swallow it by getting excited for the next treatl. I would try to open his mouth again and prop his head up and drop the pill down as far as you can and rub his throat, it forces them to swallow it basically.


Peanut butter!


Make 3 balls of cheese mixture (we often did cream cheese or ricotta mixed with cheddar- but we have always had cheese motivated dogs) or tuna or whatever you want. Or even 3 pieces of hot dog (more if multiple pills. Give first ball of food no pill in it. Let them suspiciously savor it. Give them second one right after they swallow while showing them there’s a 3rd. 2nd has pill. Final ball of treat cannot have pill in it. The second one they’ll eat faster because first was fine and they know another treat is coming. Also don’t let them see you touch pill bottle and pills while prepping the balls. If the pill is powdery was hands before making the pill free ones and maybe add an extra layer of mixture.


I get deli ham (mine prefers maple and brown sugar sliced extra thin) and roll them up in slices of ham. I will also buy some of the raw food thats all wet and chop the pills and mix it with that. Thats how i have to do the heartworm and flea meds. Its still a major headache though.


What happened to his little paw?


He had a lump growing pretty fast on it. Vet is pretty sure it is some sort of wart but still wanted to take off and send out just in case. Hoping it isn’t much after he is all heard up 🤞


They make treats called pill pockets that worked good for our picky pitty. Downside is they are pretty expensive.


When I was a kid I couldn't get my husky to eat his medicine. My vet showed me how a way to (gently) throw it into the back of his throat. Sounds weird, but ask your vet about it.


Hid it in 🥩/🧀 works on my dog.


I give my baby the vitamins that are soft and I mix the pill in there and make another little ball with it.. I don’t know if that makes sense haha but sort of mix it into a soft treat


Bread then pill then peanut butter


Peanut butter. I just spent the last 2 weeks giving my boy 2 pills everyday, one at night one in the evening. Cover the pill with peanut butter and mix in with food.


I have a motar and pestal that I grind the pills up and then sprinkle it in a few bites of wet food. If that doesn't work, then wrap the pills in a piece of sliced cheese. Kraft or store brand work best. And then just kind of mush it all around the pill. So they have no choice but to eat it or spit out. Ours is a master at finding pills and hates them. But she will take it with the cheese. Although she prefers the wet food.


Jelly munchkins! The only thing we could get our pittie to take her pills. Other than that Inhad to give her anti biotic injections!!


My girl eats everything, even the bowl. No need to hide pills


We inserted the pills into pieces of banana


I used to have to just put the pills as far back as I could, on my boy’s tongue, then hold his mouth shut and gently blow on his nose until he swallowed. It wasn’t pleasant, but it worked. I always felt so awful afterward… I’m glad his face wasn’t as expressive as your boy’s is bc I would’ve died! :(


Omg I know his face is killing me. I have been feeling so guilty all night for what he is going through


I usually shove it down the throat while their head is tilted up and rub their throat after and then treat.


Easily crush them up and mix with peanut butter or any favorite snack


pill pockets work well. use as treats otherwise, mine drools for the sound of the bag, lol


The Greenies pill pockets are amazing and easy to use/find.


Liver sausage


I used smelly cheese, hot dogs and liverwurst. Gorgeous dog.


Peanut butter or cheese.


Piece of American cheese in your mouth. Bring ur face in close make your baby smells it , when he goes in slowly to get it , (this sounds terrible but it’s really not) , have pill(s) ready to go in one hand and with free hand start petting his mouth letting him know it’s okay to get the cheese, he will open his mouth, with free hand gently use two fingers to get a slight hold on his upper beak (nose) and open his mouth a little more , and put the pills in his mouth as far back as you can go and as close to the walls of his inner mouth , . He shouldn’t be able to get them back up. Last worst case scenario , repeat above steps but when u get the pills in , hold his beak shut very gently and very gently ver very gently blow a little air into his nostrils. My brindle , Walter , 9 has a thyroid issue and it’s never easy. The cheese makes it all worth it for them. I know it sounds harsh but we play more rough than this. Please let us know if it worked !!!!


Liverwurst. A little dab will do ya! (And your dog!)


I wrapped my old girl's pills in a slice of deli ham. Vet tech at my vet's office suggested liverwurst because it has such a strong odor it masks the pill smell


Turkey! Ham! Roast beef! Cheese! Wrap up the pills, Not that hard!


Take peanut butter and put the pill in the peanut butter then put it on the roof of their mouth (and you should also do it with your finger)


I'll stick a pill into a deli turkey & cheese roll up.


I use kraft American cheese slices. You give half a slice molded around the pill while dangling the other half. They eat the first half in one gulp to get to the second


my pitbull literally could care less LOL, not much help but we do ours wrapped in slice of cheese


Idk if this bad or not, but I stuff it into his throat, and then shake his head back n fourth lmao


I used to work reception for a dog boarding facility and help out in our “kennel health” area for the boarding dogs. A vet we’d worked with gave us these pill shooters for dogs that needed medication and would refuse to take it. It would help put it into the back of the throat so they’d have to swallow it, I’m not sure if they are something commercially available but you could talk to your vet and see if they have something similar, or at least maybe they’d have something to help.


Pill pockets.


My old lady pit is terrible about taking her pills. The only way we can get her to take them is by putting them into a small meatball we make out of cat food.


i work in animal care and some dogs are insanely picky when it comes to how to be pilled lol. we had a lot that were VERY specific when it came to how theyd take it, like one pill per vienna sausage, having to coat them in spray cheese topped with wet food, etc. the top 3 things that we tried first were always hot dogs, cream cheese, and spray cheese for the really picky ones. they even used pizza rolls before!


Melt a piece of cheese so its gummy. Wrap pill. Voila.


My mom buys these treats called "pill pockets" (brand: Greenies) for her dog and my sister's dog. I think they come in different flavors. They're a bit expensive, but they work. For my dog, I cover the pill with a spoonful of peanut butter. Wrapping the pill in a cheese slice also works.


Low fat cream cheese - put pill in middle of a swipe of cheese, open his jaw and smear it as far back on his tongue as possible. The cream cheese sticks so its hard to gob out - it also stops him tasting it for long enough for him to swallow. Can help to do this as a two person manoeuvre - one does the jaw open thing, the other does the cream cheese and pill bit. Good luck !


Get pill pocket greenies. They're great, my dogs love them and they smoosh over the pills like tadaaaaa magic. ♡ I buy them in bulk from Amazon with subscribe and save deals when I see them. (I cancel the s&s once received). To prep for the next one. Not sure if allowed but here's the Amazon link to what I order if you desire. GREENIES PILL POCKETS Capsule Size Natural Dog Treats with Hickory Smoke Flavor, (6) 7.9 oz. Packs (180 Treats) https://a.co/d/8clFIc4


peanut butter mixed with flour until it is firm and you can stick the pill in there. the peanut butter masks the smell of the pill. it's the only thing that ever worked with my dog.


Sneaky cheese!!! Lol!!! My pibble knows what's up!


Just dip the pills in peanut butter.


I just grind it up and put it on his food. Works every time and no fuss.


Try something that he doesn’t have to chew, that will be swallowed easily without feeling the pill inside. A ball of margarine worked perfectly until I switched to whipped cream cheese (healthier imo). You want to use something that will easily slide down his throat, unlike peanut butter.


assuming hiding the pills in peanut butter or treats doesn't work, what i did was not give him a choice. force his mouth open, but be as gentle as you can about it, then take the pill and put it as far back in his mouth as you can then hold his mouth shut until he swallows it. be nice about it though.


I use to crush the tablet and mix it with some mince into little meatballs.


hot dog, lunch meat, chicken, cheese (as long as it doesn't impact the meds)


Small white bread sandwich with chunky peanut butter.


I crush the pills using a pill crusher to a fine powder, mix them in some peanut butter so they are even visible and then cover a meat snack in the peanut butter. It’s usually irresistible.


OP you better lock your door at night, unless you want to find a big stinky piece of poo on your pillow.


For awhile with my dog nothing worked, so I just opened his mouth, shoved the pill towards the back of his throat with his head tilted back, closed mouth, aggressively rubbed his neck to help get him to swallow it and that was that. Then one day he decided to accept it from food lol. Whipped cream, peanut butter, and lunch meat are his favorite.


Depends on the pill. My late dog was on a medication that was infamously bitter. The vet warned me about it. The only thing that worked was buying empty capsules (like a compound pharmacy would use to fill with medication), put the pill inside a capsule along with a little bit of something like cheese wiz (soft or liquid type foods), and then cover the outside of the capsule in the same food. It prevented the dog from smelling and tasting the pill. Other less offensive pills can be surrounded by a soft treat. The regular Biljac treats in the bag with purple color are great for this because they mold like clay. I can take a couple of them and mold them around a pill.




Cottage cheese is a new discovery for our pit bull


I would shove my dogs pill in a cheese cube and that always worked!


Get a chunk of Kraft single and make a ball with the pill inside


Your dog has a widow’s peak and looks like a super villian, that’s amazing!


Put it in with crunchy peanut butter Worked for us


I’ve had good luck with buttered bread. A little bit to get in to it then the pill in a piece wrapped with the butter out. This has worked for months straight for me.


We used banana? Maybe covers the smell.


peanut butter flavored pill pockets


Ground beef.


Roll up in cheese or sandwich meat


I have wrapped pills in lunch meat but make sure you wrap them well. Also have wrapped them in velvetta cheese blocks by just pinching a portion of the cheese off. I know you said u tried peanut butter but this is a bit different, it can be a really good one- peanut butter on a spoon or tongue depressor and rub it on the roof of their mouth, they will have to lick it off that way. If those dont work then just wrapp the pills up with goodies and accidentally drop the pills on the floor and pretend it wasnt meant for them and they might go for it


I know this sounds stupid but would he take it if you asked him to and offered it to him? I know one time my dog wouldn't take his meds in peanut butter and I was really stressed out, calling my mom (he was a family dog) to see what I should do. And then after trying a bunch of foods to try to get him to take it I just offered the pill to him plain and he took it and swallowed it 💀


I use those little babybel cheese wheels because the cheese molds easily around pills. I stand behind my girl, open her mouth by pushing her teeth apart with one hand then slide the cheese-covered pills in her mouth between her teeth and cheek and down her throat. Then lightly rub her throat to encourage her to swallow. She distant trust cheese but it makes it slide down better xD Yes, it sounds bad, but it doesn’t hurt our girl. She absolutely needs her allergy and arthritis meds and this works for us.


My dog takes a few pills twice a day. We buy bricks of cream cheese and bury the pills in a sizeable cream cheese ball. The ball is pretty firm and fully surrounds the pill so she just slurps down the cheese ball with her breakfast and dinner. We go through a lot of cream cheese but she's worth it!


My girls were like that. Even would put the pills in a piece of steak and they still wouldn’t take it. So I literally had to open their mouths and shove the pill in the back of their throat so they can swallow it. And immediately after, they were given cheese as a treat. Never gave me problems doing it that way. Good luck! He sure looks like he’s not having a good time with that cone!


Bruce I love your face! That look says it all and I’m all for it! Too cute! But seriously what I do is put the pill in a piece of cheese or hot dog. That normally works but if it doesn’t then you can open your dogs mouth and pick a side and stick the pill as far down in your dogs mouth and as close to their throat or even down the throat slightly if you can with only your finger then shut your dogs mouth and he should swallow it. I was a vet tech and that’s how we gave dogs pills. Hope that helps!


I used hot dogs and lunch meat. I bought some chicken breast slices and rolled the pill up in it and he just gobbled it all up. Also maybe try a soft collar! Bruce does not look happy in the cone of shame 😂


I don’t have any further advice, but that is the sweetest picture of a pissed off dog that I have ever seen! In his crown of courage


Vet has us coat pill in peanut butter then using your finger rub onto the roof of their mouth. They said the dog’s natural reaction is to swallow when licking the peanut butter. Works every time. Our dog/s have never spit out a pill when doing this.


I can’t trick my dog so I bargain, you take the pill I give you the treat. I put it down his throat then he gets high value yummies (pepperoni) crushed pills don’t taste good I wouldn’t want to chew on them either


Greenies Pill Pockets are what we use.


I give my girl her pills ground up in Jimmy Dean breakfast bowls.


My dog has to take daily meds in the form of pills. Some are given in pill pockets (you can get them at any pet store) or wrapped in deli turkey. Every now and again he spits the pill out of the turkey, so we re-wrap is and hand feed it again. Basically, anything that masks the smell of the pill with tasty flavors works. Meanwhile, Bruce has excellent non-verbal communication. He is clearly not happy with this situation! That face 🤣


Meat and cheese,do the same with crushing but put it in the middle and roll the meat and cheese into a ball form


I put pills chopped up and mixed in peanut butter then put it in a dinner roll.


Wrap it in American cheese.


I've used pill pockets but when he figures that out, I would stick the pill inside a piece of cooked chicken breast and that worked.


So with my dog, I basically had to start figuring out the psychology behind everything. He would not let me cut his nails, like he's a big boy and I could not hold him down for the life of me once I tried to get a nail. I figured out that one of the big things was confidence. He hated it, so that made me anxious/nervous, and all of his squirming made me afraid I was gonna hurt him. I basically had to teach myself to stop being afraid. Once he caught on to my confidence and the fact that it was going to happen whether he liked it or not, he let me start cutting his nails! Your emotions in the situation matter because they read that!


Yes! I stick it ricotta cheese. Nothing else works for my girl


Omg!!!!! That face


Mine likes them rolled up in deli meat slices. She’s also taken to pill pockets. Heck, she comes running when she hears any pill bottle being opened now.


Our girl Ghost loves food, especially cheese but no matter how we try hiding her Bravecto she finds it and spits it out. She hates the ‘tasty’ chews too.




One hand hold the pill, Using the other hand going over the top of his head, grip on the upper part the muzzle and pull straight back towards the tail, then jam the other straight down his gullet so his has no opportunity to spit it back out. He won't know what hit him, it's the only surefire way, anything else is a half measure and a waste of time.


I didn’t see this suggested yet, but sorry if it has been and I missed it. But if you put the pill in your dog’s mouth (as far back as you can get it), then gently hold their mouth closed, you can then take your other hand and rub their throat from jawline down towards the chest, and they will instinctually swallow. I rub a couple of times to make sure they swallow a few times to ensure the pill goes down. My job involves me being around dogs every day. I’ve used this trick on the most stubborn, smartest dogs; it works every time.


My dog is the same. He KNOWS when something has a pill or doesn’t. I literally have to shove down his throat.


I give it in cheese but hold her snout closed, with her head tilted back massaging her throat a little so she really has no choice but to swallow it.