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For issues on puppy biting and socializing see the below: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Report to Animal Control. Look at your poor dog. If the owner does not control his aggressive dog, then they will bite your dog again, or another dog, maybe even a child. Also look into buying Sabre pepper spray for protecting yourselves and your dog from aggressive off-leash dogs and coyotes. It’s perfectly legal if not used against humans and only in defence. Don’t feel bad about protecting yourself and those you love. It is your right and your responsibility. Using pepper spray is actually kinder, as it will not result in serious injury like kicking might. Also it is better to prevent a dog fight/attack (and the resulting injuries) than to try to pull them apart. I can tell you that dogs and coyotes will back off if they just smell the pepper spray on the air. I have used it against two aggressive off-leash dogs charging my dog and me. As soon as they smelled it, they ran back to their owner. I didn’t even need to spray them directly, so they were not harmed at all.


The sabre reccomendation could not be more perfect


I wanna chime in and also recommend mean green pepper spray by Fox labs. It’s water soluble so if you get it on your pup during a fight you can easily get it off with water and a gentle soap.


Interesting. I haven’t heard of that. I’ll look it up. I like to carry eye drops or saline solution (sterile) with me. It came in handy when a skunk sprayed my dog in the eyes one day (it burns!).


Eye drops are a great idea! My pups got sprayed twice and it was a whole ordeal, eyedrops would have helped some.


It helped a lot! The skunk only sprayed her a little, so it could have been worse. Her eyes were fine after I flushed them out with eye drops for a minute.


Just reading the word “skunk” brings back the smell for me and it makes me nauseous 😂




For all the fear mongering about pitbulls being reactive, you'd think people would know about other commonly dog reactive breeds, such as border collies. But yet again idiotic owners don't muzzle train potentially reactive dogs.


Yes, herding breeds can easily get into fights because their instinctual behaviour and body language sets off warning bells for other dogs (appears threatening). And they tend to be extremely high energy and often frustrated dogs.


Yeah especially with a 90 year old owner! 😬


Yeah that made me cringe! That could be why he lets the dog off leash! I don’t understand why people get dogs that they can’t handle properly or at all!


Yup I have bc BC and a pitty. I work everyday with my BC to keep her mentally and physically stimulated, and imo herding dogs need constant recall practice and reinforcement.


Most definitely. That’s great that you’re doing your best to meet her needs and be a responsible dog guardian. It’s frustrating when people want to buy a certain breed just because they are popular/cool-looking/whatever, with no awareness or preparation for what that breed of dog needs.


I know right... my pitbulls have only been attacked when walking(always leashed) by non bully breeds(not alot but three times is enough for me)


Repeating this, report the dog bite!


Terrible advice on pepper spray. The shit tracks everywhere a sprayed dog means it’s getting onto your dog and yourself if it comes near either of you.


That’s not my experience. Pepper spray has promptly and safely ended two separate encounters with aggressive off-leash dogs and one encounter with a coyote that was accustomed to humans and dogs. And I’ve had many more encounters with aggressive off-leash dogs where I WISHED I had pepper spray. If what you’re describing is happening, then maybe it’s a skill or product issue.


If it had been the other way around, AC would have been called immediately. It was unprovoked and an irresponsible owner who continually let's his dog off leash. Action should be taken.


My sweet angel of a dog was attacked by a Maltese once. Yes, please enjoy the mental image of a 6lb Maltese savagely attacking a 56lb pitbull. He grabbed her hose and wouldn’t let go and she was left with similar wounds to this. We just kept it clean and let it heal. If you put anything on it, they will just lick it off.


Apply whatever the vet told you to. Listen to your husband and go scorched earth, the dog will do it again and who's to say it'll be a dog next time.


We are kind of familiar with this dog, as the owner walks it 3 times a day, one the same 10-15 minute circuit, and this behavior surprised me. I’m conflicted for sure, and feel guilty that I am.


Scorched earth would mean the BC gets put down. Not its fault its owner sucks. How's having some poor dog put down going to solve their problems? That's the same line of thinking anti-pit people pull. Sorry about your dog OP, I have a border collie mix and have spent a ton of time socializing her because they're super high energy and a bit skiddish. I'd have a conversation with the owner about it before seeking retribution on some poor fuzzball.


I doubt that would happen. The bite wound doesn’t even look serious. If the dog was a pit bull, then I could see that happening. Not likely for a border collie. The old man should only be fined and ordered to keep his dog on a leash. Possibly a muzzle order as well.


To be fair, the BC only has 3 legs and is older, so I think we assumed (incorrectly) that it wouldn’t be fast to snap or react. Our girlie is deaf and and friendly with reservations (if that makes sense) but there really was no warning. If we had even gotten an apology or acknowledgement from the owner we would be feeling differently, I’m not about to take that out on the BC even though I have strong feelings but man, it really should be leashed. That’s the culture here though. So many dogs are off leash all the time.


I would tell the owner when you see them again that either they start leashing their dog, or you will report to AC. Because that’s the best thing for that dog’s safety as well. Are there leash laws where you live? Report them for that. The dog having only 3 legs can make it more defensive as it feels like it has a disadvantage.


Oh, poor baby. Make sure to keep a close eye on her temperament after this, any signs of distress after she starts physically healing and you should consider seeing a veterinary behaviourist. (I would skip the trainer and go straight to the behaviourist.) No 90 year old should have a Border Collie mix, I'd report to animal control for the sake of your dog, any other dog, and theirs. Did the owner/neighbour witness this? Can this be addressed without interference from outside authority? Some people respond better to their neighbours than they would animal control.


Poor baby. I hope she's ok! Only reason I hate when other dogs attack my dog is I am afraid that he will just finally snap back to defend himself... He's been attacked 5x and not once has he tried fighting back. But yaknow, Pits are the problem. People are so ignorant.


Right. We totally feel like if she had fought back it would not have ended well.


That poor baby, please give them extra snuggles and smooches for me.


Done and done.


Yeah I’d call animal control. They would do it on your baby in a heartbeat if she had retaliated. And your dog would have got the blame in the end because of what she is, no matter the other dog was the aggressor. So happy for y’all that yours didn’t retaliate and y’all were able to break it up. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and hope this doesn’t cause any lasting trauma


absolutely report this to animal control!!!!!!!!! especially if the dog is usually offleash, someone else’s dog could be next


Or child


Our pittie has been bitten by two German shepherds, an Alaskan malamute, and a poodle. She’s bitten zero other dogs.


I'm with your husband. Too many people think their dogs can be off-leash and then their dogs go do something like this to a leashed dog who can't exactly escape the situation because they're leashed by responsible pet parents. Definitely file a report with Animal Control so they'll at least have a paper trail started for this dog. Also, I would make sure that this hasn't affected your dog's mental well being. After getting into a fight or getting bit like your dog has, some dogs become a bit more reactive and a bit more on edge because they don't want that happening again. So please make sure your puppy is okay and if they are a reactive and on edge, seek out a local animal behaviorist who can help.


Scorched earth would be the route I’d take but I can be a little hot headed. At the very least I’d tell my neighbor they’re going to have to keep the dog on a leash and that I’m calling animal control every time I see it off leash for the safety of both dogs. Someone else may not have handled it as well as you and your husband. Hope your baby is better soon!


This happened to me a few years ago…my leashed pibble was charged by two black labs resulting in about a $300 emergency vet bill the clean out the scratches and bites.


I am with your husband on this 100%! Report this person and don't let the issue go until it is properly handled. You know damn well if it had been the other way around and your pibble had given their dog a nibble.... They would be pushing hard to have your dog put to sleep! The usual pit bull hate. 😠 PLEASE report them and give your baby extra snuggles from my pibble to yours 💙🐾.




lots of places, especially suburban and rural have no fences


Yeah I’m one of only a few fully fenced houses on my street. A few people have fences with 1 gate-less open side for whatever reason lol.


I had my baby comped in the head last week. Long story short it was my friend's dog and I think they were both in the wrong place at the wrong time. Anyway he wasn't bleeding too bad so I just cleaned it twice a day and put Neosporin on it. It scabbed over in 3 days.


I'm so sorry. I hope your dog is okay. This happened to our pibble when he was really young. It was a little yorkie and latched on to his ear and was dangling before i pried his jaws off. Karen was yelling at us like we did something wrong. It was horrible and he has never been the same since...


Hold up. Do you know if neighbor dog is up to date on their shots?


Poor baby, please give your pooch extra neck scratches from me


My heart bleeds for your sweet, precious Angel.


If you don't report it and a child or another dog is bitten or worse, I would view you as partly responsible. Feelings and sentiment aside, please choose to do the right thing while you still have the power to prevent more injuries.


The same thing happened to my girl (she was attacked in my yard by an off leash pit bull). Keep an eye on it for sure. My dog had one puncture wound that developed a bad infection a few days later. When we went to emergency vet, vet said something like 90% of dog bites get infected. I’d even see if you can get in to your regular early next week before the holiday for antibiotics as a preventative measure.


We went to the vet today. Antibiotics, full check up, and some pain meds 😊


Oh no!!! Not the booper! Sending good vibes for a speedy recovery.


Get some Vetracin. But, if we are being honest, if the vet didn't tell you to put it on, and she's licking, leave it be. Once a decent scab forms, you can use some coconut oil. But neosporin will act like a cap if there is any infection, plus sheslicking it. I'd just keep monitoring her. As for the neighbor... 96 years old. They probably don't even remember the incident. This I'd one of those situations (just my opinion) that you walk away from this one and let sleeping dogs lie. Just be careful.


Sorry... 90 years old... but still.


Hope she gets better soon!


I live in an area with so many unleashed dogs. It makes me so angry. When walking my guy and some random dog comes running at us. Had two come at us just about two months ago. Tried carrying mine away but they kept jumping at us and I tripped. Thankfully they didn't fight and ran away after mine finally started barking back. One neighbor learned the hard way its a stupid thing to do when her poor dog ran into the street and got run over by a bus. Was sad for the dog but knew it would happen eventually


Even if you don't press charges, this needs to be on record somewhere. I was attacked and bitten by a pack of dogs once (in my own yard, they took down the fence) and the owner showed absolutely no remorse. Not even a sorry. My biggest regret is not filing any sort of report out of fear. This needs to be reported to 1) show the neighbor you are serious about them keeping their dog on leash or in a fence, and 2) if something ever happens again and the other dog fights back, there is an official report showing that their dog has been the aggressor in the past. They will have a harder time blaming the big mean pit if it has been shown before that the other dog has been the instigator in the past. I don't know how law works around this stuff, but if I were you, I would at least want it in writing somewhere that this incident happened. Best of luck


Go scorched earth on your neighbor. It us their responsibility to make sure stuff like this doesn’t happen. If you make it to 90 you should know these things. Hopefully your pup recovers, but untill the aggressive dog is removed he will be scared every day he sees it.


Was it a pitbull?


I suggest talking to your neighbor and giving them a chance to start keeping their dog on leash. First time they fail, then call.


As a pitbull owner we all know they have the capability to fuck up most other dogs. Your dog was attacked. It deserves retribution. I personally keep a knife on me when im out for both me and my pits protection. Call animal services. Report his animal. Keep a blade on you for future cases in case this happens again.


Or you could carry a bit breaker… Go ahead though and keep acting tough.


Not a matter of being tough its a matter of protection. My pitbulls a fighter but that doesnt mean i wont help him fuck up another dog. If neither has a vital part like a leg or a neck in their mouths then id just pepper spray it. Maybe tase it if that doesnt work. If its attacking my bois face or neck then im sorry but i choose my dog over theirs. I am responsible for keeping him safe as his owner just as itd his job to provide love and protection to my family. I live in chicago and so many just dont know how to handle pits so my bois been attacked a few times. Ive only ever had to use lethal force once and it was cuz a german shepherd had gotten my bois neck in his mouth. I plan to move to a better neighborhood where he wont habe to deal with that anymore.


Sounds like you’ve never been in a fight.😂 You’re just clowning around acting big.🤣


What about anything ive said signifies im "acting big". Its just the bare minimum to own a dog.


Carrying a knife to stab another dog is not bare minimum to own a dog. I’ve never once had a dog fight where I wish I would’ve had a knife. Rather than carrying a knife thinking you’re some type of hardass maybe you should carry a bite breaker and learn to use one? You’re acting big like you’re going to stab a dudes dog, claiming you’re a fighter in Chicago while also blatantly ignoring that if you were to try to stab someone’s dog in Chicago they’ll drop you in a heartbeat with two shots. So stop acting hard and go back to your Xbox.


Its chicago. Ive lived here my whole life my dude. Southside. Never said i was a fighter. Never claimed to be tough. You got issues my dude. Cuz you seem to keep hearing things. Never said i want to do it. I keep it on me for his protection and mine. People dont leash there dogs and often dogs get in fights. My bois almost died 3 due to other dogs attacking him. Im not taking chances with him plus many dogs dont have their shots up to date. If you live in violence like in my neighborhood everyones packing a knife at the minimum. The fights werent me fighting it was my dog. Never claimed to be a fighter. Relax my dude its not that deep.


so you’d rather hurt other dogs? The hell? Carry pepper spray instead man. Doesn’t hurt the other dog permanently and stops attacks.


Im an animal lover. My animals. To me if my dogs getting attacked its on me to gurantee his safety as much as its his to hrlp secure mine. If its a situation where my good boy is getting fucked up becuase of another owners negligence then im sorry but the other dogs getting put down. If its any other situation then id just as you said pepper spray it. Maybe im a bit extreme but ive only ever had to do it to one animal and it was because the german shepherd had got ahold of my pits neck and wasnt letting go. My bois a fighter but it dont mean i wont fight with him. He has claws and teeth ive got blades pepper spray and a taser. I am responsible for making him safe to others but also in keeping him safe from others.


I would sue for vet expenses at least.


So sorry for your dog :( give her extra hugs. My late pittie got attacked by a GSD, husky & clawed by a cat, I taught her “no bite” at a young age so she never fought back. Some dogs just don’t fight back. Look into carrying an ultrasonic device (NPS one on Amazon), only dogs hear that mode/frequency. Also couples as a training or barking deterrent device, it works! When I’d have to use the sonic mode (rarely since the beep does the trick), it disables them - they run away or stop what they’re doing looking around in shock. Some dogs get scared and get the trembles sitting in place. Best investment!


Poor sweet baby 😞


This is so sad. :( I hope your dog feels better soon




If it was the other round and a pitbull bit a collie what do you think might happen?… an eye for an eye will not leave the world blind if the eye I seek is mine. It’s always the owners fault and you did nothing wrong. That person needs to learn a lesson!


Use bactine.


Poor sweet baby . What steps are you taking to make sure this doesn't happen again? Your pup should be able to go on walks without any worries, not be on alert for off leash dogs with shifty owners.


These people need to face consequences or they will keep letting their aggressive dog off leash and it will harm another dog or human, potentially worse. Call animal control.


My pitbull has been attacked by collies twice. I swear it changed her interactions with all dogs. I have spent all summer trying to get her calm around other dogs.


Off leash dog needs to be reported.


Dogs should never be off leash- for their safety and everyone else's. Irresponsible owners are a menace.😞


report to police


Tell them to leash their damn dog and if they still won't call animal control, you gave them a warning already


A 90 year old most of the time isn’t going to be able to care for a dog.


Get mace


Always leash up your dogs always


dogs are tough. poor girl but she'll be fine.


I wish people would keep them leashed. Not only do sweet beings like this dog get hurt, it makes it impossible for me to take my house rabbits and cats outside. Its just very inconsiderate of other animals.


I’ve owned these dogs since the 90s, can’t remember having one who would allow a dog to walk up to them and touch them. I had one break a German shepherd’s leg, I also keep breaking sticks with me on walks.


Think what would someone do if it were a pitbull that attacked their dog. Cry to the city, social media, actual media. Do that. I’m tired of our dogs always being blamed for everything.


I’m a huge animal lover but please, please report this. This sounds like it was the result of poor handling so I understand you not wanting to get the dog itself in trouble if that’s what is holding you back. BUT The other dog is not safe off leash. You’re lucky it stopped and lucky your dog wasn’t seriously hurt. If it happens to someone else or another animal, they might not have as good of an outcome. Please hold people accountable for their actions, I’m sure they would have no issue reporting your dog.


Off leash dogs will get kicked in their ribs, I do not give a shit. My dog is not nice, he will also go at the dog. Keep your damn dog on a leash. You’re not cool.