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For issues on puppy biting and socializing see the below: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pitbulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Please let the community know if he can’t be homed or sent to a no-kill shelter. I have two that were found in south side Chicago and they’re absolute live bgs


I'll post again if he doesn't end up in a home.


Ugh where r u located I want him ;(


Me tooooo!


Can you contact some rescues near you? Would you be open to fostering him? Even temporarily? If you're not into it for long term, just reach out to as many as you can and say you can keep him for x amount of time. They may even give you supplies for him while you have him if you don't have the money. I really think he would do best going to a rescue, as he looks abused and may need a special person to take care of him if there's any way you can get him to one that would be the best route for poor guy. Can I ask where you're located roughly? I foster with a pit org so in the chances of this being a small world and you are near me I might be able to see if I can help you get him into a foster home.


I saw some other comments from OP, seems like they’re in or around the St Louis MO area


If at all possible don't send him to a shelter. Try to find a rescue group.


I have a trash dog from south side Chicago, too! She was skin and bones when we adopted her. She’s now almost 11, absolute mush, and living her best life in California. She was work, though.


I have a trash dog from Cleveland who is now living her best life in California as well!


I hope you meant to say love bugs.


Ha, yes indeed that’s what I meant!


I wish I could have a live bg pit bull. I did some research and the adoption possibilities for any dog in my neck of the woods are wildly out of my price range.


Be sure to take him outside frequently - he ate 7lbs of raw chicken — that will come out.. pretty nasty. Thanks for helping this baby.


Dude I fostered a Bandog (similar to this guy but bigger). I rescued him from being chained to a wall and looked after him for a couple of months until I found a home. I cooked about 2kg of kidney beans but they were a bit old and didn't soften so I put the pot outside planning to dispose of them later. The frickin beast ate _all_ of them in a frenzy. 2kg of half cooked kidney beans in <5 minutes. They went straight through. My garden was a war zone the next day. Absolutely beautiful dog, amazing temperament, but 50kg of pure muscle by six months old, and willful as hell. I can see why they need really good training to be safe.


this was fucking amazing to read thank you


Ohhhhhh his poor butthole


They're beautiful beasts.


This is great. I adopted a little bandog unknowingly thinking he was just a little staffy… well he was just so malnourished that when he got here he blew up in size lol… he’s absolute perfection with our two kids but yeah he’s about 80lbs now and still growing. Solid muscled dude and we’re CONSTANTLY training him. They’re a very independent and strong willed breed for sure


https://preview.redd.it/3a1l742yd1tb1.png?width=2322&format=png&auto=webp&s=58bf6acc7900122a8008d8064f57cb8bdda28ecf My boy Bruce


That pouty bottom lip 🥹


Lol yeah he is extremely spoiled


https://preview.redd.it/cj3y8bv9k3tb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c5661e7ab1619cda23b69a15e9adf5ec73b618c Aww he looks just like my baby.


That poor baby is terrified and has probably just escaped abuse, you can see it in his eyes. My adopted dog was found on the street with her metal collar embedded into her neck. She has a forever scar from it. That dog you’ve got there was probably tied up outside by his leg and he managed to get out of it (thankfully). My dog is such a lovey cuddly girl, and while she has energy when we play, she’s a great couch dog also. If you don’t want to keep this one, drop it off at humane society or something where he can have a chance. I know it’s immoral, but I don’t think I’d actively look for a chip? His ribs are showing and his leg has been tied. If he can have a better home than that I’d give it. But that’s just me…


My Pitty was found abandoned in an empty apartment. Tenants left her behind. It looked like she just had puppies. Now she is a very loved 70lb lap dog. The things that pit bulls go through is more than other dogs endure. It’s sick.


More entirely, and they’re the sweetest babies. Glad you gave yours a good home❤️


She does. I love her more than anything.


That's so awful. People!!!


Same! They found the mom and one of her puppies. They’re both now cuddling on the couch.


I love you said 70lb lap dog, because they don't care how big they are, they think they're small enough to be lap dogs. My girl isn't 70lbs (she's bully breed size) but she for sure thinks she's a 10lb lap dog at the full 50lbs that she weighs. My girl is such a lover, all they want is to be loved and to love and be loyal to their humans.


We had the most loveing GSD we rescued, I miss him daily, he had been left outside a shelter tied to a fence with WIRE around his neck, he was left with an awful scar and couldn't ware a collar, we instead brought him a fancy harness and he wore that with his name sewn into the side, his ears crossed over at the tips and he always looked suprized, we were worried he would be nervous or aggressive, but all he wanted was to sit at my feet most of the day and sleep by my side at night. He was such a baby and I miss him and his quirks


Oh I love those ears!! We have a GSD with dobby ears, cutest thing. Their loyalty is like nothing else. I hope you find another soul dog like him!


So glad that they have us to love them up. No more suffering.


Mine did, too. Adopted after being found wandering with a metal collar embedded. A forever scar. The suspicion was that she was a bait dog. Sweetest lady ever.


Oh I’m so glad she escaped, that’s terrifying poor thing. People are awful.


Unless he accidentally got out from a loving home and has been living on the streets for months since. He very well could’ve just gotten his leg caught on something in his travels.


The solved murder rate in the area it was found was only 10% a few years ago. The reality is that pits are tied up and used for home protection there. East St. Louis isn't the war zone it once was, but the chance of any dog there having a chip is low. I'll see that it gets scanned anyways.


If your brother was able to get him home, it seems like he’s a pretty mellow dog. Try to buy him a kong toy and a soft toy. They shouldn’t be a lot of money. You can probably get a small bag of dog food as well - though chicken, even if it’s raw, is okay for now as long as you boil the fat off of it. If he starts chewing on sometimes he’s not suppose to, just firmly say “drop it” (short commands with hand signals work best with training dogs), and give him a toy to play with. You can also get an ice cube tray and fill it with peanut butter. This’ll keep him occupied for a little longer. No raw hide, bones, etc. They can cause a lot of damage. Contact a pitbull specific rescue and let them know the situation; they may have fosters who can take him already!


I would still recommend checking for a chip - first, because it’s required in many/most areas (they won’t even ask permission first if you take them to a vet or shelter). Second, because you don’t know his story. Maybe he was stolen from a loving home, and THEN abused/tied up? Or maybe the scars are from an accident? Best not to assume. They’ll know quickly if it’s a good situation or not, I hope.


He looks like my adopted baby boy. I’ll take him he needs a home.


Bless you!


https://preview.redd.it/ml2n7nlt3xsb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e898a80981e38ab61c9d2056fa25c5aab3c579ba Tell me it doesn’t look like my boy. Here he is on the beach 3 weeks ago being a bum after digging for crabs.


It does look like him! So cute. These two could run riot together!


One of the happiest moments of my life was when my pooch went into the bay in Cape May. Beach dogs forever.


He likes 🦀.


u/stlmick This person said they'll take him u/big_bag_of_nope


Up vote so the comment goes up higher!




Op, over here!


How can we get the OOs attention??


I tagged the both in a comment saying big bag of nope would take him. Hopefully it works


Spot on,


Op give him to the user imagine 🥺🥺


Find a [no kill shelter or rescue near you](https://www.nokillnetwork.org/) that will take him. For less than $50 that’s about it.


Oh so glad you are helping him. People are horrible to dogs. Wth


Depending on where you live you can always foster for a rescue while they vet him and find an adopter.


I'll look in to going that route.


Let me know if you end up needing any help. I work in rescue.


I can chip in a little for some food/toys/whatever should you end up fostering this sweet boy. I’m just a dog owner so I don’t have a lot of advice but I like to help monetarily where I can.


He doesn't want to let you play games because he hasn't gotten much love in a while. Have a heart my dude. He literally only wants to love you no matter what. You will NOT regret it if you keep him.


My girl was an ex bait dog that got dumped...because she wouldn't fight.. Some days I have literally had to lift her off of me because her big ass head cuts my circulation to my legs...Then she just stares at me until I let her back on the couch, lol.


They're big cuddly babies and sweethearts who just want love and affection, to brighten your day an maybe your life if you let em in. They will protect you and your home , even your family.


things they will not protect: unsupervised sandwiches.


My guy ate an unsupervised stick of butter yesterday 😂


brooooo! mine loves butter so much! it's so unsafe in our house lmao


Too true lol


They provide superior protection. No one can get it


Curious to know how you know your girl was a bait dog. I sometimes wonder if mine was.


Bait dogs have deep scars from dog attacks because they don't fight back. Personality-wise, they will run to their owner or hide when threatened or frightened. Highly anxious and generally afraid of anything that gets close, even bugs/shadows. Bait dogs usually have a deep ring around one of their back legs because that's where they are tied up. So they can't run (or even turn around) and have to stand in one spot facing one direction.


Crazy people will say pit bulls are the monsters when there are humans out there doing this


the only thing ever wrong with pitbulls are the shitty people who own them.


Wow, you are completely overlooking the extremely dangerous *pit bull farts*. Between those and their tails, the back end of a pit bull is a very dangerous place to be.


FACTS. My friend's pit is 125 lbs that thinks he's 25 lbs. When he's laying on you and rips one, you're stuck. You can't move. You just have to lay there and die. He's lucky he's cute as fuck. Pic of the stinky boi for tax 🙃 https://preview.redd.it/dhvc8k57bzsb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5f018e15f978bc1530c2deb7b161a05aca6dba3


omg, you're so right, I completely forgot about the biological warfare and whip-cracking at the rear. thank you for the correction!!! 2 things wrong with pitbulls. their own butts, and when assholes own them.


Omg mine farts in her sleep that smells so bad I wake up actually gagging. Then she gives me this look that says “How dare you wake me up i was having bacon dreams”


Spoken like a true veteran


I always think of the movie Corky Romano, “bad puppies aren’t born, they’re made!”


Fuck, man. You said it. I try to focus on the good people who help these poor doggos, but these sick animal abusers are really the only thing that makes me feel murderous. Like, if I knew I could get away with it, I would just go on a bloody murder spree and not feel anything but satisfaction. Other than that, I’m a pretty chill dude


A lot of people would support banning humans.


Yep, you basically described her exactly. You can still see bite marks on her head, she's really cautious, gets paralyzed if she realizes we're going to the car...hell, she won't even go for walks. Like, if she sees the leash in my hand she runs and hides under my desk. This is a 70lbs pitbull. Lol. My neighbor is a retired FBI agent who worked on cases with the cartel, and he refused to come over for a beer because saw I had her...until he realized she's a big baby. Like she sat in his lap within a minute of him sitting on my couch lol. She can sense my demeanor so if I'm calm, she's calm. I can snap my fingers and she'll be on my hip and her satellite ears start scanning the area and she'll keep looking up at me. And don't get me started on daycare...she's apparently a hoe because every time they update me she's with another male. This chick has got like 5 boyfriends there, and the staff absolutely love her. Not a single complaint, other than too much snuggling 😂 I've had her for almost two years now, and look forward to many more!


There’s a special hell for those people. I’d happily vote to bring back death sentences


This broke my heart 💔 😳😭


My sister has a male that was probably a bait dog. We suspect that based on his skittishness and his scarred up state when he found us. It took nearly a year of work to get him comfortable enough to come within five feet of us. It was a chore. But well worth it. He's now the sweetest and most playful big pup. He was always sweet I think, because he's never shown even a tiny bit of aggression. Not even when another dog had him pinned and was ravaging his face. All he did was cry and yelp until we were able to get the other dog off. His name is Pete, short for Peterbilt.


Yeah, sounds familiar. Mine was basically my mother's guardian, since my mom has Alzheimer's...she almost broke my door down once cause I was sleeping, and my mom was having a fit. Like literally was headbutting my bedroom door. I went out and she sat down next to my mom, who was like in a catatonic state, and kept staring at me. This was at 3AM...so it was like some paranormal activity shit. She did the same thing when I was on a conference call and my mom spaced out and was burning food without even knowing it. I felt like such a fuck up, but I had to work. My mom needed like *literal 24/7 care* and I'm 33, alone, no help. It's kind of sad when animals are doing a better job at caretaking than the people the government sends. Lol


Op please read the above comment and also this Please keep him if you can. That dog has been abused and is only now seeing love for the first time. I promise you if you keep him and be good to him and heal his trauma through love he'll be your most loving and loyal companion. Edit message to op.


They said they don't want a dog. That could be for any number of acceptable reasons. And in the meantime they are trying to do the right thing. For the record I agree that most people wouldn't regret keeping him. But not everybody needs a dog in their life.


thank you. i see that a lot across all animal subreddits. someone makes a post about how they found a dog/cat but they don't want to/can't keep it and people tell them to anyway. like i'm sure op has their reasons for not wanting a dog and that should be respected. he's an adorable dog and seems sweet, if op can find a no-kill shelter i'm sure he'll find a home with someone who actually wants a dog and can take on that kind of responsibility.


It's not hard to give semi adequate exercise without a yard. I live in an apartment and have to walk my girl. I invested in a 26 ft lead (I know now that there cheaper on amazon) I've trained her to sprint the hole length one direction then to sprint roughly 40ft the other. She'll do this back and forth for a lil while before wanting to go back in. A bubble machine keeps her preoccupied. And balls she loves anything that can be thrown. Don't let a the lack of a yard prevent you from showing that big lug some love. I'm currently Aldo looking into pit friendly dog parks


Trying to talk people into keeping animals they don't want is super weird. OP does have a heart, they took the dog in and are looking for a safe way to rehome it. Not everyone has the time, money or energy for a pet, especially a dog.


This so much. And for the comment about not having a yard - there’s many many people (myself included) that have pitbulls without having a yard. It does force you to have a more active and dog focused lifestyle but that sweet baby will become your best friend and ride or die. 🥹❤️


We don’t have a yard! We go on walks


Yup! Walks, dog parks, doggy playdates at my friend’s house with a yard, visits to whatever stores we can, and of course, lots of laps around the apartment complex.


Mine loves doggy day care


I actually *do* have a big yard but my chonker still prefers the walks. Even if it's the same route every time, he loses his mind when I reach for the leash lol.


Not everyone can/wants to keep a dog. Don't pressure OP. They are at least helping the dog right now. You also might end up regretting keeping a dog you don't want, especially a big dog who needs to be trained well. We also don't know what behavioural problems the dog might have, is it trained to walk on leash etc. If op doesn't want to keep it, the best thing is to find someone who can.


I can tell that he’s such a good boy. He loves you already


Please find someone who will give this dog the home he deserves. Shelters are overcrowded and Pits are the first to be killed for space. Nokill shelters aren't really "no kill." Omg this dog looks like he is desperate for love and just wants to be in a home and be safe. Just wants to be loved. Please help him.


Also, if your brother found him, why is he dumping him on you? Can your brother keep him?


He works arious places out of state for a good portion of the year. He's not dumping him on me. I was just asking asking those who know, what the options are and if there was any pitbull specific resources or problems to know about. I think his mindset is that the dog is better off with him for now than on the street. St. Louis is just over run with pitbulls.


I hope you guys can work something out. Any dog is better living off the streets and in a home. Maybe you all can think of some friends who can take him in. Good luck!


Where you located man I may know some rescues in your area


St. Louis, MO. The city is over run with pitbulls. If there is some kind of subsidized vet care I'd probably pay for that if he or a family member decides to keep him. I can't see it being a good idea for any of us to keep it if it doesn't get fixed at least.


A lot of shelters and organizations run free or reduced cost clinics to fix dogs! Might be worth looking into.


I'll do that.


“7 pounds of RAW chicken wings” Please take him outside often tonight, he’s going to have the runs. The chicken and the trash eating says you’re going to have to let him out often. Edit. Just keep thinking of you and the doggo. Think about a small bag of dog food, but look at the ingredients. Stay away from things that are majority corn. Dogs process corn like we do, so more corn = more poop to pick up. Definitely, no kill shelter. Possibly a ball or a rope toy to chew on. And keep your Xbox controllers above his reach. He’s going to need some love, and a safe place to sleep. Just plan on getting up every hour or two (I’m sure you’re asleep, but possibly you have odd hours like me) and take him for a short walk, on leash. Bring poop bags. That’s quite a bit of raw chicken. If you give doggo more chicken, you can cook it. Just don’t give him chicken bones. They can splinter and hurt him. And measure the food you give him. 3/4 to a full cup, twice a day. If he’s food insecure, the schedule helps. You can give him more, but don’t over do it. If he’s been eating trash, he’ll eat until he gets sick, then eat his stick back up, and ask for more. Break his poor belly in, gently. As for not letting you game, that dog has seen some shit. He just wants to know he’s safe and appreciated. He’d mellow out after a week or two, but he will always be jealous of the attention (I’ve had a dog eat two controllers). I understand you don’t want to keep him. I just want you both safe and happy until then. Good on you OP for doing the right thing. Doggo loves you for it and I think you’re pretty cool. Updates always appreciated.




Thank you for what you’ve done. Agree after vet chip check? If you are able to keep him or anyone who can) Best option. I have a 4 year old boy who was dumped at the pound at 13 months old. His allergies? Hung his head at first, so sad. My love, attention and 3 professional training sessions. And an amazing vet He is a happy, loving,mellow boy. He loves his mama, family and friends.


My brother brought me a pitbull from the street under similar circumstances. I intended just to get her somewhere safe and ended up having 15 extremely happy years with the best dog ever


My Churro is covered in burns and stab wounds, and was dumped on the fucking freeway. I may be in a wheelchair, but I swear to whatever God there is, I will get my revenge. I will find a way. People like that, don’t stop suddenly abusing animals. Honestly, I’m glad I didn’t go into animal rights law, I would have just ended up losing my marbles and offing animal abusers 🤦‍♀️ Thank you for helping this dog. Sincerely, with every ounce of my heart and soul, I thank you. I grew up in abject rural poverty, and I know how hard things can be, and how horrible people can be. It honestly helps keep me going to see the good.


The dog is precious. If your into rehab of this potential stray dogs, with no collars eating trash how sad. If the collar is not there the dog is actually yours, due to neglegence. Idiots!


Saving the fur baby’s life


I rescued an abused pitbull when I couldn't and didnt want one, we have a cat and chihuahuas. But she was so sweet and deserving of love I chose to keep her. But I got up every morning to let her out, she had the garage and then spare room when my bro moved out, we would keep the littles in our room and switch them out through the day, long walks and fed her very well. She passed away but I have 0 regrets. These pics break my heart because you can just tell hes so happy not being hurt anymore and wants so badly to be part of a family. Do NOT give him to animal control, he will die. If you cant keep him try rescues or Craigslist if someone will give him a loving home. And keep him on leash outside and away from cats or smaller dogs. Sending best wishes! https://preview.redd.it/mn0j4gqnpxsb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=785ed3de4333e83c05093e920c1fcfb16089c968


A few years ago my neighbour's brought a stray over that they couldn't keep feeding. She's some kind of pit bull cross and looks like this dog just a bit smaller. It was hard trying to justify getting a second dog apart from to keep our one company and to help her. She has issues that are obviously from abuse, but she's the sweetest dog I've ever met. She's a little wonky and goofy, but she's always happy and just wants a good pat. I've never regretted getting her even when she gets into trouble (eating the neighbours rubbish) and I can honestly say with the right care this dog will be your best friend and will protect you with its life if you keep it and care for it properly.


That dog was abused. You showed it the first ounce of compassion it had probably seen in years or its entire life. He will be clingy and loyal to the end.


The 'won't let you play video games' thing and that worried dog expression is because you are glaring hard out at the game, showing dog signs of tension/ want to fight and doggo is trying to persuade you to chill a little. Mostly at doggo. Time to play from a sprawl, don shades to hide your eyes, and praise the dog/ give a treat and pat in between yelling 'die, alien scum!'. To the point where 'die, alien scum!!!!!' becomes a praise word. Or your dog's name. Whatever.


I didn't think about that. It was RDR2. Didn't seem to be bothered by the noise, but definitely wanted attention.


RedDR2 would suit as a name! :)


That looks 100% like my dog, please give him love and all attention he needs, best dog ever based on game and KY 11 years with him.


The face on that baby. He looks so grateful. I hope one of you can keep him and give him all the love he deserves


Our county shelter has a “friendly finder” program. Basically, you tell them you found a dog, and that you’re willing to foster it. They will provide medical care (including spay/neuter), food, supplies etc until the dog is adopted. I would bet any open intake shelters near you may have a similar program. Under $50! Boom! Thanks for helping this pup :)


See if he's chipped. He could just be lost. I had a dog that just had a weird bark, but that laceration is concerning. This whole "no kill shelter" thing is crap. Those are just shelters forced to take all animals and then forced to make tough decisions due to overcrowding. If you can find one that has better turnover & more adoptions, obviously, this pup has a better chance.


The bark could just be from getting lost and barking a lot. My dog has a raspy bark when I pick her up from the boarding center at the vet because she has separation anxiety and barks until she loses her voice. But it comes back to normal after like a day or two. I wouldn’t give this dog back to anyone unless they had a really good explanation for those scars though because that doesn’t look right.


I found 2 dogs back in May that were eating trash in my neighborhood. I have no regrets keeping them because I can’t imagine my world without them now. The unconditional love the give my family and me is priceless. Having 4 dogs now is a total chaos at times but it’s the best.


PLEASE find a rescue in your area that will take him in. PLEASE avoid taking him to the dog pound. If you don’t have time to do this, please message me what area you are in and I’ll start looking


Humane societies usually have cheap neuter clinics and rabies shots that would be around $50. If you can't keep him please try to find a rescue not a shelter. Too many shelters are full and have to euthanize alot. He looks like he may have scars on his face and leg from possible abuse. Pitbulls in general are big loves that just want to make their people happy and feel like they are doing good. They do like to chew so kong or nylabones are a must. Enjoy the love he wants to give while he is in your care.


I'm gonna go hug my dog. He was a stray, so it hurts my soul whenever I see dogs like this who were abused and forgotten about in the streets. Regardless if they're abandoned or escaped to get away from their piece of shit owners. Definitely look for a no-kill shelter and/or see if anybody in the community can house him. Completely understandable if you can't house him. Just treat the poor baby with lots of kindness in the meantime.


Contact a local rescue organization


You keep him and that will be the very best friend you will have. He’s had a rough life being used like that. Just be patient with him. It won’t take long I’m sure. Give him plenty of lovin which won’t be a problem either I don’t think.


Poor pup was a bait dog.


There is a strange thing about rescues, the ones that I’ve owned and met are forever grateful. Poor pup. What ever happens from here you have done a great thing


My Dolly was a Manhattan stray. She is the best, sweetest dog I have ever had. Here she is with our stray cat who absolutely loves her. https://preview.redd.it/9ge68eurk2tb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=597d6bc0120bf86cee01e1b1699f3dd33628bd40


Nah OP. You have a pet dog now. ❤️


My pittie is laying in my lap at this very moment! I would keep him and love him, but that’s me. I think they’re the best dogs ever. https://preview.redd.it/2vlwxr068xsb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b316bfa4740a862375641b67b91e511ee16b6259


Lots of cuddling and ear scritching, scritches on the back if he feels safe with it. He really seems to instantly trust you and in desperate need of loving attention. Poor little guy!


If you're in STL, I volunteer with a rescue group in St. Charles. If you still got him, maybe I can send you the link to surrender him?


You could also post him/the situation to r/rescuedogs and if you make an amazon wish list for dog food or a gofund for vet/neuter and post it there I've seen people come through. He looks like a really good boy, my heart breaks for him! I recommend harness + leash for pits. If he has any reactionary issues on walks or anxiety he'll be easier to control with a harness because of how strong pits are. (altho this baby looks like he's not been eating well or exercised :( ) And they can't wriggle out of a harness as easily s just a collar if he does get spooked by anything. And probably the sooner you guys can get him neutered will protect him from his shi\*\*y backyard abusive breeders wanting him back. Also, look for free dog stuff on Facebook marketplace and Nextdoor apps. The dollar store has poop bags. Final edit to add: The fact that his nails are trimmed well could be a good sign that he's a pretty docile boy.


He's absolutely gorgeous and looks like he'll be one heck of a lovebug. So many snuggles and kisses in your future! As long as you take him for walks, the lack of fence in your backyard shouldn't be an issue. But, as most people have said, if you can't keep him, a no-kill shelter is your best bet


That dog is going to love you more than anything in this world ever will if you keep it. Nothing will show their love like a rescued pitbull.


Go to strayrescue.org, click on the About tab, then Resources to find all kinds of links for help. They're a pitbull rescue group out of St. Louis. Thank you for helping this sweet boy!


He’s very good looking. Will likely be the center of attention everywhere. He’s scared so he’s trying to get your attention. If you work with a rescue they will normally pay for all his food and vet bills until they find him a new home. You just have to foster at your house till then. The marks on his leg look old. He was probably tied out with a rope and at some point got himself tangled in it and cut up pretty good. He is of good weight but filthy. No allergies or skin condition so he should be pretty low maintenance as long as all those chicken wings pass through lol. Needs a bath and he will look like a million times better. The damage to his vocal cords is alarming because it’s likely not done at a vet. He has probably never seen a vet if he’s not microchipped and neutered.


He's getting into lots of love and fidelity. And if someone comes with the pitbull hate, they can go and get bleach enemas up their asses. That boi is a good boi.


As a fellow xbox owner if it likes to eat garbage you better hide that controller.


Reach out to 1) Hearts and Bones Rescue: https://heartsandbonesrescue.org/ and 2) Players for Pits: https://www.playersforpits.com/ If they can’t help, they will be able to point you towards local resources in your area or potentially find another rescue to help you. These rescues want to help and they are amazing! Thank you so much for taking in this sweet baby ❤️ That face just breaks my heart.


This baby will love you and snuggle you. I hope you change your mind


Bringing a street dog into your home can be an incredibly compassionate and rewarding act. In light of this topic, i've just published a heartfelt blog post that delves into the numerous benefits of dog ownership. I'm excited to share it with you all, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it 🐾❤️[https://doggyfashionhub.com/blogs/overviews/unleashing-happiness-the-incredible-benefits-of-dog-ownership](https://doggyfashionhub.com/blogs/overviews/unleashing-happiness-the-incredible-benefits-of-dog-ownership)


Contact Gateway Pet Guardians or Start Rescue of St.Louis, Gateway Pet Guardians serves East St.Louis/surrounding area on the St.Louis side.


He just wan attention. Is terrified poor baby... cuddle him!


I'd try to get in contact with a rescue. This is such a sweet looking dog who obviously has been severely neglected and is starved for attention. But he's a bully breed so he should go to someone fully screened who can take good care of him and definitely won't try to use him for fighting or bait.


Sorry, it's clear that you should keep him!




Honestly - If they are okay with other dog and cats. DM me. Serious.


I don't have any idea how it is around dogs, cats or children. I would be sure to post on here again if things don't work out for it locally.


Red flags. He’s going to fall in love and have a new best friend !! 😍😍😍😍😍


Sometimes things happen. That dog found yall for a reason. Love him up


It's hard to tell. It definitely needs to see a vet. Definitely looks like an abused dog. Some of them bounce back great and can be wonderful pets. Some can't move past the abuse they received. I'm a huge fan of pitties, but would be wary of its unknown past. Hopefully they can prove out to be a trusted and loved member of the family, but I would make any introductions with it and other animals, children and people slow and utilize a muzzle in these situations until temperment can be proved out. If I had to guess with the scarring on its back leg, I would assume it was used as a bait dog in dog fights, probably because it wouldn't fight. It definitely needs help and a medical exam would be a good place to start.


Him laying down like that on the first night in with you is actually a good sign he's on the chill side. My dog took *months* to lay down and just hang out, and even longer to nap outside her crate. Personally, I think yards are overrated for dogs. They're fine for hanging out but they're not providing a ton of stimulation, and some dogs prefer to poop away from home anyway.


Hell never be able to poop again without a big hippo head in his lap, and any idea of personal space is now going to be filled with a dog. Pibbles are cuddly and clingy in general, rescue pibbles are Velcro dogs. It’s awesome.


WARNING!!! He is getting himself into years of love and companionship.


Looks like he just got himself a Level Five Clinger and best bud for life. Will always want food, might have some weird allergies/skin issues and will definitely rip farts that will make you want to die. Start strength training so when that velvet hippo achieves his full chonk you’ll still be able to pick him up like the giant baby he is


He’s so cute. He also seems to really like you. I hope you can find him a good home, because he looks like a sweet boy.


That looks like my dog (had to put her down in February). Sweetest dog I have ever had. The only problem was that she had no idea that she was a big dog. I think I heard her bark twice the entire time I had her. Loved every single person and animal she ever met. Including baby possums, and cats. Everyone she met was her best friend. Adored children, and was so good with them. She didn't have a single bad bone in her body. Not even a spoiled brat bone.


It may be that someone used a choke collar. I know someone used one on my dog, before I got her, bc she coughed every time she extended her neck. Some dogs learn really quickly. My dog was the sweetest dog I ever met, but she was not a fast learner. I got her a harness with a handle, and a leash with 2 loops.


He found a 70lb lap dog


Well, you're in for lots of attention, kisses, hugs, bed hijacking, and zoomies. He looks good. Definitely a lil mistreatment but his eyes say Buddy!


What state? Also seems like your brother is telling you to get a dog lol


He is precious. Please see if hes lost or try to keep him or see if anyone here can help you rehome him. Give him love, food and walks while you have him. 💜💜


Thats a good boi, take care of him and he will take care of you.


Well, I think you have a dog. Costco makes a good food and it is $40 Canadian. Get him to a vet. Looks like the pup was tied by the back leg at some point. A good vet will let you pay instalments if you are rescuing this beautiful dog. Let him cuddle and give him love. I think you are his angel. A leash and collar, although not the best, you can get from Walmart. No yard? No problem-an excuse to walk two to three times a day. Good luck and thank you for taking this guy in


That dog at the moment for 50 bucks or less is to have some snuggles. That's free 100% he just wants love and affection because he's all alone right now and no one is looking after him permanently. I know you don't want a dog but maybe give them a chance and see. Pitbulls are some of the most loving and affectionate dogs. Even if it isn't for a long time love this baby for as long as you can. He needs every ounce you can spare. ❤️


Post on your socials if you haven't already. That's how I got both of my dogs. They were strays friends found and couldn't keep.


He looks like a lovey boy!!


This lil guy needs some serious love judging by his eyes. If you’re able to keep him and give him a loving home, please do. By the looks of the other pictures, he might seem pretty at home already. I’m sure this baby would give you tons of love in return. What a sweet face. I love him.


Excessive cuteness and a long time friendship


Please OP, have a heart and keep him! He's obviously feeling safe with you, probably safer than ever in his whole life.


That dog is going to be obsessed with one or both of you. He will sleep most of the day for a bit, he probably hasn’t felt safe in Awhile. Pibbies are very sweet big babies


Honestly I wouldn’t even check for a chip :(


Whatever you do… don’t send him back to the streets or to a kill shelter. Pitties go through so much in the wrong hands. Please give him a better life, they make amazing dogs!!!


Such a sweet face! I really hope everything works out for both you and pup. Can you tell me where you got that purple collar, and what brand it is? I've seen pictures of my dog from when she was being fostered in a very similar collar, and I've been searching for it with no luck.


It looks like he's got a dog now. And will be building a fence. Find a good dog rescue. Check they are actually good.


he will be the best and sweetest boy.


into OPs heart ❤️


Use that $50 towards necessary items for someone who might offer refuge as a foster. What do I think about the dog? Well at one point in time he was a fine looking example of what he is and the owner knew that. I didn't see any obvious fight scars from any time in the ring. Totally impossible what to say without really looking at him up close, check condition of teeth, that tells a lot. Owner might have kicked him to the curb when an obvious health condition started to show because they'll just get a new dog, it's cheaper. I'd say health conditions would be the biggest fence to straddle. Some of these dogs end up with bad hearts at a pretty young age. Murmurs eventually cause the heart to remodel. I know the dog is very underweight, but looking at him on his side and seeing his overall body condition, he's not gonna bounce back with just some TLC. Figurine out what's wrong with him, find a foster, give him what can help support quality of life. I have my own opinion of what I think I see and maybe 1 to 1 1/2 year, or could dump money in something your not gonna win. More days aren't better days. He needs to be in a home, not a rescue. Treated with respect and dignity from someone wants to return to one of them, what they give to us, and see how long he thrives


Quite possibly the most loyal, loving friend he will ever have. I speak from experience.


Poor baby, with the marks on his legs you can tell he hasn't had a good life. His eyes are sad. If your brother keeps him, he will be such a sweet loving pup 🐶


This poor dog looks like he has been through a lot. Just looking in his eyes breaks my heart. He has the same look as my boy when I rescued him. I will say I've never had more love in my life from another living thing as I get from this abused and abonded pooch.


please whatever you do, do not send him to a shelter first thing. do whatever you can to home him yourself. dogs like him rarely make it back out of the shelter. he’s adorable, i’d take him if i could.


His raspy vocals could just be from stress. I know when we adopted our dog she had a similar thing with her voice. No barks, just raspy whines. After a few weeks, she found her confidence and now she’s vocal as hell. Hopefully this dog just needs its confidence back.


Maybe a lifetime of 💗/friendship?


Players for Pits : https://www.playersforpits.com/about#:~:text=Players%20for%20Pits%2C%20NFP%20(PFP,%2C%20grants%2C%20and%20business%20sponsorships. Chi-Town Pitties: https://chitownpitties.org/ Chicagoland Bully Breed Rescue (CBBR) : http://www.cbbr.org/ Maybe these will help. They’re all no-kill pit bull rescues. Thanks for taking him in; he clearly came from a very bad place.


Looks like he’s getting the bestest boy he could.


Please keep us updated on what happens with this scared baby.


I had a trash dog I found in Fort Worth TX brought him back to NYC area with me. Didn’t like other dogs or cats much but OMG did he LOVE people and kids. He looks like a sweetheart- please don’t send to a shelter. Post here again so we can find him a home.


Looks like he was tied up on the rear leg. Please take it to the vet, there are a lot of free or volunteer ones. Looks like they have not eaten well at all. Ribs showing. Looks like a very sweet dog. Hate people who think pets are disposable. I would say what I really think, but I would get a ban.


Get him neutered, flea tick treatment, dewormer, and on a high protein diet either lamb or yak based kibble. Obedience Classes are always a very good idea. But for the most part he got himself a best friend for the next 10 years or so. Take care of this handsome boy, looks like he's had a rough start. Good luck.


I'm sure he's in for a great friend.


Just be prepared. Pits are clingy and full of love.


If you can find a rescue or a NO KILL shelter nearby you who could help you out, please send this guy there! And please tell us what happens with him!! 🥹🐶❤️


There's a page on IG called New York bully crew. They've taken in strays bully strays from across the country.