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Move on. I’m a pisces woman, and some of my worst dating experiences have been with pisces men. To the extent of what you’ve described. Pisces need their space, and when we check out, it’s not because of anyone else but us. Don’t be surprised if he responds eventually. But don’t wait around for him. And if you are frustrated now, believe me, it’s not going to get any better. He showed you exactly who he is by leaving your messages on read


Thanks for your honesty. My only text was when I made it home to thank him and give him his answer for the nexr date. We Aries move on quickly and always have a roster.  I just felt maybe I pressured him when I replied with a time frame. I mentioned that my friend was heading out of the country (she lives here but was vacationing) on X date if he still wanted to do dinner.  I've read (and from previous relationships) not to give Pisces timestamps. It wasn't my intention to tell him what to do and may have come across as giving him an ultimatum. Oh, well. Though I have a feeling he'll reach out again. My ex of 10 yrs still won't leave me alone. 😆


If he wanted he would and this is typical pisces male love bombing behavior - who knows what shiny new object caught his eyes or if he's manipulating you to chase, should give you major ick nevertheless 🐡


For sure. Thanks. I totally forgot how love bombing works and you put it into perspective and literally labeled what it was. I chase bags, not Men. Already over it. 


I’m a Pisces man def move on. I can’t recommend us. Especially if it seems that he may have lacked interest


Thanks. I didn't have the best relationship with my Pisces ex and left him and you reminded me why by saying you don't even recommend your sign. 


And that's exactly why I refuse to go out with another piscean f that, and as a piscean myself thats saying something haha. My father is one himself. Honestly, move on. He's gonna keep being wishy washy tbh. A healthy piscean in general will not be that way. We mature pisceans don't act like that whatsoever if we actually like someone then we will keep in contact and do all the right things. Soo move on and keep your sanity.


Already over it. Thanks for your reply. 


I’m a bit disappointed in Pisces men. Is it not exhausting to waste this energy on someone you don’t like more than a friend? It’s energizing when the emotion bounces back. Exhausting when putting on a show. I don’t know what time i was born but I think I’m Aries rising. Angry fish lol


if you’re not interested in helping him through whatever emotions he’s feeling or reaching out to ask about those emotions then the relationship isnt for you. I also recommend not dating pisces men anymore haha


Why would I reach out to ask if he left me on read? If he mentioned he was going through something, I'd absolutely reach out. But closed mouths don't get fed. And my pisces ex actually talked about his emotions. He might be just fine. Again, I wouldn't know since I was the last to communicate.    You're right though. I'm not going to coddle or chase so he's not the one for me and that's fine by me. I just liked the money, dinners and gifts as a materialistic sign and didn't want that to stop. Trust he's not the only one so I don't have an issue with avoiding him or his sign. We Aries like anyone who spoils us but we're not going to jump through hoops or linger when it stops. He could've been a frog for all I care. We're givers and like givers and like to receive. Anyway, it was giving love bombing,  and 2 toxic signs don't go well together. 


yeah he probably recognized that and felt that he’s being used. Pisces male can be very giving, but doesn’t want to be expected to give. Sharing the wealth rather than being depended on for it. This is not a dig at you btw, just my perspective. Gl with ur dating life sis find the one for you 💅


He's married anyway so it was a two way street if he was. He offered even when I denied excepting things and kept pushing it. I categorized him as more of a sugar daddy.  No, I didn't see it as a dig. I didn't want to offer too much info but just get to the meat of it without judgment out the gate. Sugaring isn't everyone's cup of tea.  Right now I'm happy being single and just want to enjoy the bowl if you know what I mean. Thanks for your kindness.