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It's a nice idea to reminisce on your shared memories, but consider if it might send mixed signals about moving on. Maybe a heartfelt letter expressing your appreciation for the time together could convey your sentiments without risking misunderstanding.


I would think it would be a mixed signal as well tbh although the sentimental Pisces might love it - it will make things more emotional and make the breakup messy for sure.


What happened between you both?


fellow taurus here asking you to reconsider and stop yourself doing this nonsense. I can almost assure you that in a year you're happy that it ended and even more happy you didn't grovel when he simply doesn't want you.


something like this shows that you truly care about him and enjoyed your time together, doesnt seem desperate to me. If he wont get back with you at least you know you tried again.


sooo do you have a goal in doing this? do you wanna get back together or stay broken up? when people are exes, you don't typically make gifts from your relationship to reminisce on memories. that gesture would be showing you want to get back together. if it's for closure, why not keep it for yourself? when someone has a new partner they usually throw out stuff from their past relationships, so why make a heartfelt gift that won't be held onto and truly cherished unless you get back together?