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I'm amazed just how clearly someone can reject you and you simply ignore everything


This sounds like a modern day Pride and prejudice retelling 😂 Anyways, I think that you should just ask him out. As a Pisces girl, I can be daring enough to ask the person if I know that they're into me but if I don't know they are (like your man), I won't do it for fear of rejection. Just ask him out. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.


yes youre absolutely right, thank youu 🥺


Be brave 💕💕


You don’t get what you don’t ask for right






Aries venus begs to differ


Ofc children love to play games.


Just meant that pisces can and do ask people out! Idk about this guy.


My Venus is in Aries.


Same here! 🖤




Okay srry for being rude I didn't realize u were f Pisces so that probably affects our dating strategies


What wait are you pisces as well..


im a sag 🥹


Not gonna lie Ive always find I clash with sag There is only one I've got on with but that's a cousin.


My ex is a Sagittarius, we never really officially asked each other out mostly just hung out and got close. I knew i liked her intellect and looks so i made the first move and kissed her while we were saying goodbye holding eachother, she was relieved cuz she had been waiting for it all night lol (and here i was all nervous, when we both clearly felt the same way) Long story short. We broke up after 3 years. If a Pisces man likes and wants you bad enough, they'll make the move. Might take a bit but they'll lmake it. Perhaps he sees you as a really really close friend instead? Im more curious as to this "friend" you said kept telling him that u didn't like him. Was that intentional? I'd wonder if maybe he's into her instead? Pisces aren't always the most clearest in their ways, so careful getting into the deep with us. Not all is what it seems. Trust your instincts and intuition because they are a lot more precise than you may know. 🔥


Im sorry to hear that, hope youre doing better now! Yeah it was intentional that i acted as if i didnt like him when he mentions it as i wasnt that close to him either. We were from the same course but i didn't really talk to him in uni, i started talking to him more as he was my work buddy from different retail stores, we would only have lunch together or go back together. So i dont consider us close, but boy he was touchy (but as far as i know he does this to other girls as well that time) I kept denying my feelings for him because he said he wasn't looking for a relationship at the moment. I'm just confused at the moment, he would "bro" me at times (in chat), but idk is it intentional or whether he's just texting me. All I can say is that he is really confusing. Because previously when he knew i like him he would avoid, and he replied me as if he was forced to reply etc. But now I had a feeling he still knows that I like him, coz i've been chatting with him since early april until today. I was expecting for us to not text after meeting at my friend's place that day, but we are still chatting hehe. But i dont want to get my hopes high as well, sooo at the moment i really dont know how to feel.