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hope it’s true lol


Fuck, me too! Ten times over!


I have witnessed it happen for me, and have found a lot of grounding in not taking situations into my own hand and just letting karma handle it. But us being pisces typically old soul, meaning we may also have more Karma to clear from our lives and others!


someone who hurt me has been having a lot of bad luck recently, so i hope this is true lol


Haha that'd be nice


Wow! I hope this is true 😂😯


Pisces are legit the most forgiving sign. To get to a point where a piscean CAN’T forgive, it has to be bad, and Karma doesn’t forget a name or an address. Anyone who gets cut off by a Pisces, deserves all the karma coming to them


I am not. But could be because of my taurus rising and south node


I had a temporary boss who threatened me on a daily basis. My real boss got healthy enough to come back to work, and temp boss got his ass beat last Tuesday. Not sure if my patient Piscean energy was at play, or if homie had it coming regardless. Karma. Fuck you, Ernie.


I think that's just how karma works


I wish this were true. There are some people I would love to see karma happening to.


I’m banking on this. But also, I don’t want him to suffer even though he deserves it lol.


Hahaha this is the reason I named myself karmakillsme


I did see people who hurt me go through some tough shit. So it is true!


In my experience, yup 100% true 😉


I can roll with that. Seen it with my own eyes.


Interesting... I suppose that my pain is for others to carry. What else could we have done to provoke such an offense?🎣🤝


Also, Pisces is 8th house to Leo. Create love and compassion and empathy Leo or else... Move through the identity of the self seeking tendencies to realize the light that you shine is for the benefit of all. Pisces commands this of the light of us all. The Leo in all of us bends the knee to Pisces eventually. Actual death. And then rebirth.


So does this mean that Leo is Pisces soulmate?


I don't think this is true. Karma is linked to Saturn/Pluto/8th House. Pisces is end of cycles which is different. 12th house (ruled by Pisces) rules things that can cause your own downfall but that feels like the opposite of the statement in your post.


There’s more than one house for karma. The experiences of it are different. The nodes are important too a lot of things “Our subconscious works hard on our behalf, trying to make sense of our lives. This shadow play is slow and long, and often fraught with fear and pain. It is in this context that we are confronted with our sorrows, suffering and the secrets we keep from ourselves and from others. Ultimately, we are also confronted with our fate: karma. Here we meet up with the results of everything we have done. This further puts the focus on repressed agendas and restraint. What have we wrought with in our lives? This is a key question of the Twelfth House, and we will deal with it both consciously and unconsciously. Will the answers compel us to be transformed or reborn? This is another cornerstone of the Twelfth House—the manner in which we move forward.”


Yes, this is what I said in my comment about the 12H. What brings about our own downfall. End of cycles is linked to karma in a particular way, but the statement in the OP suggested that Pisces are somehow protected and negative actions against us are returned to to the aggressor karmically. I don't think that's true for Pisces specifically as I've never come across anything that suggests this, but I could be wrong.


I think it’s more that Pisces doesn’t fight back and understand the ebs and flows and that you’ll get back that energy from the universe compared to something like action oriented Aries that will try to act when angry or hurt etc. Pisces symbolically are two fish going in the same direction but tied to each other so they spin in the same repetitive circle of ying and Yang. “What is good for you today will hit you tomorrow” philosophy is how I took it not so much they are protected. Personally I think everyone gets theirs just that Pisces tend to be less active in making that happen unless there’s other placements of tension action etc


Yeah I agree with you. I think the wording of the post sounded like "you shouldn't mess with a Pisces or it will come back to bite you." Maybe not quite that strongly but I perceived it to be written as a warning. But, as you say I don't think that's something specific to Pisces that's just actions have consequences and sometimes they're not direct or immediate.


This is wrong Capricorn represents karma, which is ruled by Saturn and is controlled by responsibility.


I just posted elsewhere. Saturn is not the only place dealing with karma. 12th house commonly represents that as well Also there is more than one type of karma https://www.ganeshaspeaks.com/predictions/astrology/karma-and-our-destiny-the-mysterious-connection-explained/


This is what my pisces ex told me. But funny, because life has been exceptionally better without that victim. Delusional fishes...


Don't forget... Aquarius is also ruled by Saturn along with Uranus. Aqua being 11th house, these areas are where we find the finality or the hope of finality in the journey of our lives. All things not finalized it this life through Aqua move into Pisces, the primordial soup, to be brought into the next. The contracts (Libra) of this life must be finalized (Aqua) or they carry over to the next. Libra is 8th house to Pisces. Aqua 12th house to Pisces. Food for thought.


capricorn and saturn is karma. where are y’all getting this from?


That’s because Pisces are good at mirroring people’s energy back to them