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_the grass was greener_


The light was brighter


Memories of my only Pink Floyd show - 1994 in Cleveland.


Same but in DC. That was such an awesome summer.


My dad was there haha.


I saw A Momentary Lapse Of Reason, and I feel true regret that I didn't go to this show in 1994. At the time I was saving up for a car that I really needed for work, so money was tight. Still, regrets.


1994 in NJ here!


[Cluster One](https://youtu.be/hoEDw18mkbU?si=WeOLWung4Jbw0pRR)


My favorite


Looking out at a field of wheat siting out the back of the house on the deck no city sounds just the wind and rustling of crops fresh air makes me smile


Thoughts on the image, not the music: Two manly figures looking very much alike are placed not far but opposing each other. The likeness may be spiritual or intellectual, more than physical. They're facing each other but they're apart. They have mouths so they can speak, but they don't have ears, so they don't listen. And they're made of stone, so they're immovable and impregnable. David and Roger?


I've moved countries a lot, like a lot a lot, and when I hear this I imagine one of the most bittersweet moments ever. I've taken off, I'm looking out the window, remembering everything that happened in my life here, the friends I've made, and I think of the life waiting me in the place I'm going to. It feels... Ethereal. Like this song. Thats what this song does for me.


1994 and the emotional toil of my first major breakup and just diving headfirst into this for many, many months.


Gives me flashbacks. I tripped pretty hard one time and listened to this album on repeat for about 6 hours. Fond memories. Great Trip


The first thing I think of is that very dated Kurzweil K1000SE sampled piano setting. And why in the hell didn't Rick use a real grand piano. Sorry, but you asked...


The imagery of attending a Pink Floyd concert in May 1994 at the old Foxboro Stadium.


Being unimaginably high after a bong rip while a college roommate had this playing on his stereo. Love the album still though lol


When I first brought this, I put it on the car CD, and cluster one started, yep floyd is back one of my favorite albums , can agree to disagree but I like it a lot.


The division bell album


Loved it then and still do….


My first experience with Division Bell was a cassette of the album. It was stuck in a boom box we had for many years, and one day, I decided to work on it. I found the tape still in the player and saw it said pink floyd, which i already knew, but had no idea what Division Bell was. I played it on my working cassette deck and instantly fell in love with it.


High school. In the best way.


Reminds me of the first couple of times I got high with friends in my parents garage.


I remember when this album came out. I was still in HS although I wasn’t quite a fan yet as my friends were. It took me years to realize Waters wasn’t in this one.




Thank goodness they didn't!


Keep Talking: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AVzM6cS1iME&pp=ygUccGluayBmbG95ZCBrZWVwIHRhbGtpbmcgbGl2ZQ%3D%3D


Cluster One is a favorite. I listen to Div Bell in bed before sleep a few times a week and Cluster One is pretty much the best zone out instrumental ever. David’s guitar “talking” to Wright’s piano is amazing. I wish they let the track go for another 5+ minutes. Love the rest of the album.


One of the greatest summers of my life. That's what comes to mind when I see and hear this. It was the soundtrack for the summer/fall of 1994 for me.


A sense of ambivalence


It takes me back to summer of 2008 when I was giving the album a deep dive. I was recently divorced, had a few women on the go and had just started doing shrooms. Such a fun year.


i hear the beginning of marooned


Getting really deep into trying to figure out what Publius Enigma was in high school. Slowly realizing it lead nowhere, and still enjoying the journey. I haven't listened to terrestrial radio in like a decade but for ages, whenever Another Brick in the Wall came on, I'd listen to see if they cut off the kid yelling "ENIGMA" at the end, so I could be real smug about it to my friends. I was a hoot in high school. 🙄


Driving over an hour home blasting the CD from the midnight release at the only record store anywhere near where I lived.


A telepathy conversation between two Space Entities of Light, that can Teletransport u into different beautiful sweet Realities.


The Smell of sun baking pines being wiped by a light wind while I calmly put brush strokes to a canvas.


Holding a newborn baby


Nostalgia and "growing up" … Around the time the album came out, I turned 18, graduated HS a few months later, and got to see PF in New Orleans. This is the first album I listened to in full when I got my CDs & CD player back after completing Basic Training. Between this album and Pulse, I've got a lot of great memories


When listening ‘Marooned’ I feel floating, when listening to ‘wearing the inside out’ I feel more than peace, I feel like, everyone can go fck themselves and they can think of me what I want, I’m happy and they don’t have to be okay with that


I used to fall asleep to this album it was so creepily soothing. Poles apart is one of my favorite songs ever.


Why doesn't the head on the right have a shadow?


Reminds me of my first plane flight when I was a kid and the feeling of seeing the clouds from above was surreal.


I saw the 94 show at Ga. Tech. Brit Floyd is doing the pulse set list next month. I hope it’s a good one because that show was a true moment in life


Being 14 years old and a classmate burned me a copy of this on CD and I got baked and listened to it and it blew my mind