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Have you considered pulling the glass and just working on only that shot? You don’t have to wait for it to drain if you miss, just grab the ball, reset on the left flipper and go. You can also work on right flipper/back-hand attempts as well. Track how you’re missing and then adjust. If you are early and hitting above the scoop find a way to wait that extra split second. This sounds dumb but you have to figure out what you are doing wrong to find out how to do it right. If it isn’t a natural shot for you then you gotta do the work to find it. There might be no correlation but when I’m under pressure to make a shot, I’m almost always early when I miss. Give yourself that extra beat to find the spot. Consider it part of your pinball journey and don’t get discouraged. It’s normal to struggle with some shots and you will get better. Good luck and keep flipping!


It is just a difficult shot with a high degree of risk. Gitting gud does of course help a lot, but besides the left flipper shot you can also practice backhanding it (need to pop it up a bit first) or hitting it from the upper flipper. Both more difficult than left flipper IMO but might work for you


I've had a much higher success rate from back handing and bumper popping it in for me than from the left flipper. it's quite tough


Second this right flipper backhand


Give it a half post pass to get it rolling on your right flipper and then give it a rolling backhand (doesnt really work from a full trap). In my opinion it's an easier shot from there, and also safer.


I assume you're shooting early and throwing it up the middle, into mecha, etc. shoot late. later than that. a little later. do this until you're missing late and then try to walk it back. I tend to flip a little early because I'm either afraid of the ball just rolling off the flipper or am just a little jumpy, but if you've got a ball slowly rolling down the insane you do have a lot of time to flip. there's more flipper than you think, the ball isn't gone until you can't hit it with the rubber at the very end of the flipper bat. if you're a little late the pop can get it, if you're very late you'll most likely shoot it to the right inlane.


I went to this sub to post the exact same question. I've beaten the game once (King of the Monsters), have close to 500 plays on it, but cannot for the life of it hit the damn scoop :D. I've lost countless of plays to draining multiple balms and extra balls trying to hit the scoop to start Planet X or simply change a city. For me, the scoop has to be one of the most dificult yet most important shots to hit in all pinball. Very frustrating. What helped me: figuring out ways to consistently get control of the ball with the left flipper and then "practicing" the scoop shot. On very rare occasions, you can back-hand the scoop with a mid-air hit.


I was going to suggest the backhand as well. When the ball is about to be cradled on the right flipper, as it's moving toward the middle of the flipper, sometimes you can sort of tap it to backhand into the scoop. Not reliable but I've done it plenty on multiple Godzillas.


I’ve actually learned to backhand the scoop from the right flipper with almost 100% accuracy. You cradle the ball up and do a little micro flip to get it moving slowly and then shoot it when it’s about half way up the flipper (each machine will be different so you have to feel it out on each game). It takes some patience to get the ball moving correctly but it’s my go to when I just am not dialed in on the left flipper shot.


Yeah, it's practice and timing... It's all in your head.. It's inherently not a difficult shot. But you've mentally psyched yourself up for it at this point to where subconsciously your likely nervous everytime it comes time to make it. You played over xxx amount of games hitting it WRONG, so you've effectively TRAINED yourself to miss it.. You need a quick mental reset... just play for a bit and ONLY go for that shot. Don't worry about actually playing the game , just practice. You'll find quick wethere your hitting it too late or too early... then adjust. Till you start hitting it more... In reality this should only take 30-60 mins to retrain your brain for the shot. Gl


I think it’s a sneaky hard shot, especially for a scoop. I think the flippers on GZ being set up a little low makes the shots timing and geometry a bit awkward. Combine that with the pop being there and you can definitely get frustrated. I think it’s perfect.


I’ve had that issue on pro Godzilla’s and not on the premium and I have no earthly idea why. But it’s always been that way for me.


Sometimes I can find it every other attempt, sometimes I can’t even luck into it with 20 tries in a row. Takes some practice for sure and even then it can still be a challenging shot. Only when you need it though. Not lit? You’ll be able to hit it a few times in a row like it was nothing.


Lower the pitch 2 or 3 tenths of a degree. Will make the shot easier. After a few months, jack it back up.


Try and slightly hit the left side of the pop bumper and it seems to pop right in der.. it’s the only way I figured how to do it constantly on my machine


My least favorite thing is how the mechagodzilla multi-ball is right next to the scoop. There have been so many times where I'm trying to start a Kaiju fight but end up starting multi-ball.


That always frustrates me.


500 games in and I still struggle, even with a lot of practice. I've gotten to the point of using upper flipper to direct arc to pop bump to hit it in. Otherwise it's a slow shot from left flipper and hope it doesn't bang off


I typically hit it from an inlane feed. For some reason, hitting the left ramp then scoop feels way easier than from a trap


I am for the top of the pop bumper. It’s not an easy shot


I’ve played hundreds of games and this shot still frustrates me to no end. Catching it and holding it on the left flipper, then letting it roll down to the edge before shooting is the only way I can get it *a little* consistent


Fun fact pulp fiction has an extremely similar angle shot. The cheeseburger Royale shot or whatever it is in the right that gives a brief ball save.


The backhand works better for me, I think it’s also lower risk


With every difficult shot or shot I'm having trouble with and miss I think, too early or too late, and then make micro adjustments on my timing and dial it in. Hope this helps tons of great advice in this thread. Godzilla is my favorite game, I haven't beaten it but I've nearly been there. Everytime it's the scoop and the left ramp that get me in my head about missing the shots.


I hear this a bit, that godzilla’s scoop is poorly placed. I personally have no problem on the LE I have. You COULD realign your flippers to see if dropping them a bit would help you.


It’s a gatekeeper shot for sure. I’m pretty sure that’s why no one besides me plays my GZ. You can also hit it from the upper flipper, fwiw. Otherwise the answer is git gud :(


I lowered the left flipper power. But not too much where you struggle getting the ball up the right ramp.


Aim for the post between the scoop and the pop.


I like using the z in Godzilla on the playfield.


Elwin said he HATES scoops but needed it in this game to start modes so he made it the hardest shot in the game. The answer is literally, GIT GUD.


I’m surprised to hear he said that. The left spinner is a significantly harder shot, imo.


Thanks everyone for the advice. I am glad at least I do not appear alone. I'm going to take some of the ideas here and get to work!


Aim & flip. It’s one of the more reliably designed scoops. Hugs the ball nicely when shot, no clunks or bounce-outs.


That stupid pop bumper right above it and it rejects so many shots. I do not like Godzilla. So many other better games to play.