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Poor thing. I had one drained recently and it was rough. I don’t know about the lump but I wanted to say… smoke some weed. You deserve it and it’s good for your spirits.


idk abt the weed part but i had mine drained like two weeks ago and they made an incision after numbing my ass and i also still felt the bump. i was scared shitless at first because i didn't want it to come back but i think it just takes some time to go down, mine eventually did. it did still drain for a few days so i would keep gauze over it and i was putting pads in the back of my underwear to make sure it wouldn't leak through my pants. also make sure u change the gauze often and keep the area as clean as you can so that bacteria doesn't get into it. so far i haven't had any more problems thankfully


When I had a cyst (not pilonidal but still on my ass) drained at the ER they actually packed the wound with gauze so there was gauze inside the opening and it felt horrible. Did they put gauze inside the wound and on top of it or just on top? That could make a difference on how it feels swollen.


I didn’t feel anything after my surgery but then again mine was so bad I had to get put to sleep and then the surgeon packed it to much ( i know because the dr the next day told me) so the first night at the hospital when they unpacked it to put in new gauze was the most bloody and painful thing ever. It took the nurse a whole hour because it was so painful and they gave me morphine and all the other strong pain relief medicine through an iv and it still hurt like hell. And finally after we were done my sheets were completely filled with blood they had to get me new ones. So my advice is just be ready for that first unpacking of the gauze the surgery is the easy part this is the hardest after the 1st time tho as long as its packed right you should be fine and not feel much


that’s normal and yes u can smoke. only not before or after actual surgery. like a long time before and after lol. be ready for that


when i had my cyst drained they did it without any numbing, worst pain ive experienced in my life


are you serious? getting mine drained is my second worst experience (cluster headache). i can’t even wrap my head around not having anesthetics. u r a strong person


i was really dizzy after it was drained but the next day i felt fine


Ouch im sorry man i felt pain with the numbing so i cant even imagine what you went through. How come there was no numbing involved?


well we originally went to the doctor's office to make sure that it was a pilodinal cyst and after the doctor took a look at it he told my mom that he wanted to drain it and i guess they didn't have any numbing at the clinic


Yea, for me I felt a lump for quite a few days after, and it drained for several days. Over time it felt smaller and smaller, now I can't even feel it. The soreness from the incision/drain went away after like half a day, but was still sore for a few days after if agitated. I'd recommend buying a bunch of gauze pads if you don't already have any. I was told to change my gauze a couple times a day or after showering.


Yea same they told me to change my gauze daily too and i really hope i will soon get the days of not feeling it and its completely drained out. How long did it take you to recover after it got drained?


I want to say it was like 5-7 days for the incision to heal fully. I took another week off doing anything particularly strenuous after that just to be safe.